Questions about child support

The wording of this post sounds selfish. It reads as though you don’t want to give the father more time with his child, mainly because you want to keep getting child support. I think 50/50 without child support is actually the best scenario any time it’s possible. Equal time with both parents, equal cost for both parents (or as close as possible), and less involvement for the court/government.

The courts now push for child support to go through the AGs office, or another state office, to ensure they get their %.

Fathers should be allowed to have 50/50. Standard shouldn’t actually be the ‘standard’.

Dads who seek 50/50 to avoid child support are pathetic individuals.

I go through the ors for child support. I have yet to go through the court system, but when I told my ex I had reopened my case against him he threw a fit. I basically told him either pay it or terminate his rights because my now husband wants to adopt. He very rarely saw them before I started collecting and sees them about as much now, and that’s his choice. I’ve given him a few options to see them more but he has yet to make it happen. In the court system, custody and child support are almost entirely separate. The child has to have a permanent residence with either the mom or the dad, and has to be there at least six months out of the year, maybe more for tax purposes. If your child is living predominantly with you then he should be paying child support. Payments are based on income, so trying to get it lowered most likely won’t happen unless you forego ors and the court system and have him pay it directly to you. But if you do that there’s no guarantee you’ll get the money and he’ll probably try to weasel out of it

Not In my state. The need for support does not go away just because you have more kids. But you should talk to an attorney.

In Massachusetts it typically does not. 25% of gross pay typically and half off health insurance , however they will take into consideration any other children and income of the mother

It changed nothing for us. He still had to support the other 2 children. It goes off Income in Missouri. Doesn’t matter how many kids you have with however many people, if he had custody, he would still be shelling that out every month to feed, clothe, and pay for childcare etc

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it really depends on your state but yes in some states the more children he has the child support can get lower for the 1st mothers

He will still have to support his other children, but they might lower his payments as now he has to support three and not two.

In Washington they take income of all
18 & older in house and make sure it’s equal and the kids live stay as close to what they are accustom too.!

It would effect it a little, but if the amount doesn’t change by a certain percentage, they won’t change the order.

You can petition the courts and ask for an adjustment in payments. There’s new case law out now that is adjusting the formulas for chsp and it’s calculations. Those calculations in many cases now include not just overall income but the differences in the income between the cp and ncp and then a percentage based on that. Hope this helps.

No because the cost f raising the other two doesn’t change just because another is born. They don’t magically become less of his child. He is just now financially responsible for 3 :woman_shrugging:t3:

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No it does not effect it at all.

Nope unless y’all split up then what he pays her will effect what he will pay you

First family first unfortunately

Hopefully he will pay more if he can afford another!

Will not effect it in WV

They will lower his payments a bit. But a baby will cost 5999900000036475.09 times MORE than the little child support he pays.

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Here in San Antonio it goes by his paycheck

To be honest I m sick of people marrying, having children,divorcing having more children & then complain about step kids getting said less money.Why do people do this to children.They always get the brunt of adults choices.Sorry but not sorry.

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In WI it doesn’t matter. My husband pays child support to his ex-wife for two kids that we have 50/50 with her. He still had to pay her child support because he made more money then her. We had a child together, and it did not change his child support. His child support didn’t even go down when his oldest graduated high school. Same amount as when he was paying for two kids even tho only one is still living at home, other is in college.

Yes. Custody should be 50/50.
The courts will work out the child support on both incomes. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how much the person has the child.

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Laws differ depending on where you’re at. Usually child support is based off of income, however, you can discuss visitation and custody agreement in your parenting plan.

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As a custodial parent you need the money! Its for food, clothing & shelter for your child! Things add up as they get older!

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Are you nursing? That can definitely limit his time.

We have an under the age of 3 law. I used it in court. My baby could only go for a few hours. And he had to pay child support. Child support and custody are two different things. I would Never do 50/50. Ever.


Child support has nothing to do with custody. He would have to file with the juvenile courts for more visitations. I couldnt see a judge giving him more than 50/50 if he even gets that much while the child is that small. I would suggest looking up and family court lawyer near you. Most do free consultations so you can get an idea of what will happen plus you will need one anyways.


50/50 is always best for the child unless the other parent is a danger. They’re no more yours than his. As far as support, I’m against child support completely for a lot of different reasons. Your best bet is to get an attorney and mediate with dad to see what’s best for baby right now.

I went to court my daughter fathers was talkin about custody but didnt want to pay for the paperwork. It was based in his income he spends no time with my child cause he has other kids after her. The way he was screamin in court about payin I was afraid to let my daughter go with him. Clld his self tellin the judge he spends time which was never true cause he refused to attend any dr appts.

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It’s also based on income. they take both your salaries and come up with a number to make up for the difference. The amount of nights probably won’t make a huge difference. Just make sure he knows that and see if he still wants the child. Because you really don’t want them going over there if the dad is only doing it to save money!!

It is extremely hard to co parent with a new baby. Is baby breastfed? Up until my baby was 11 months he didn’t have him over night.

I applied for child support last year. The father knew about his son, since a week after his birth. Child support is going to make him pay 109 dollars a month. After a year, I still haven’t got a card, and they still have it that they don’t know who the father is. Just cause he has been refusing to do any paperwork. 🤷

Should be no more than 50/50 and if he’s asking for that he’s entitled to it.


Custody with newborn is mainly with mom with visitation

Custody that young is probably more mom, but a plan should be in place to gradually increase that until it is 50/50.


If “you don’t care for the money” why’d you put him on child support…

Also, it’s his child too. He’s entitled to see his son/daughter.


Custody with newborn will be probably given to mom 'because she can breastfeed" but if your formula feeding then TRUTH BE TOLD there’s no reason he shouldn’t have 50/50 and with 50/50 there shouldn’t be any support from either side. But I dought he will get 50percent of the time and they will make him pay something.


Can I just be the one to ask… why are we having babies with dudes, but don’t want them to help raise the kids? What ever happened to getting married and raising families?


The plan should be for 50/50 and in that case no child support is awarded to anyone… If he has the kid every weekend or every other weekend child support will not change until its 50/50… Also… If he wants to see his baby more… Let him… Your child having a father is more important than u getting money… Trust me…


I pay childsupport and don’t get to see my kids cuz he thinks im not paying enough

The father should be able to see his kid as much as you do :woman_shrugging:t4: I think most states If it’s 50/50 then no child support is paid . Every situation is different

Make an agreement with him. Ask what he wants to pay, tell him what you want, as far as time and agree. It’s better to agree then to have the judge to decide. I wanted full custody, he only wanted to pay $400. And we agreed. Easy peasy.


Depends on whAt state you’re in. Time doesn’t matter. He could see the kid everyday or never and he’ll still have to pay. My state(Georgia) is a Child Support state. They’ll hangem out to dry!

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Custody and child support won’t be in the same courtroom. Two different cases. Child support does not entitle him to custody. The only thing that gives him custody is a court ruling from a custody hearing.


My son is 12 & my ex is still fighting for extra days with our son so child support goes down even though my son can’t stand his dad & hates having to go with him.

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I can attest…50/50 parenting time has zero to do with child support. Its purely income based. The system is a joke and enables laziness. Theres literally nothing a woman can do a man cant…

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Fiancé has 50/50 of his kids and still pays almost 600 a month.

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Custody court and child support court are two different things child support doesn’t take into consideration of the custody agreement it goes by his income


Newborns don’t need equal time. They need to be able to nurse on demand, have time skin to skin with mom, etc. Bonding with dad is great, but not at the expense of breastfeeding.


It’s different in every state. And normally the amount of the noncustodial parent is set based off what they make not how much time they see the child. But that’s just some states not all of them.

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Consult with a lawyer for free. They’ll give you great advice as far as to what your situation is and closest to what may go into your favor.

Im in texas… The money was up to me. I didnt want child support but he will pay me directly for what i need… Medical food diapers etc. Hes documented for the standard every other weekend but we’re civil so we make up the actual schedule as we go. Like right now he gets more time while im in school. But theu did document how much my son is entitled to if i decide to take advantage of the child support… My son is only 2 months old. The equal time thing is fiction. All you can do is come uo with a schedule that suits the both of you if youre trying to be cordial… And get as close as you can

It doesnt work like that…

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Best go through the court if you think he makes it only for the money. Yes custody should be 50/50 with the right man but you need to think is he capable to look after a newborn? Sometimes it can be difficult even for a mother.


In my state child support and visitation is two different options. Just because you wanna see the kid just so u don’t have to pay child support is dumb… you ask for 50/50 bc you wanna it not bc u dont wanna pay


Going through this right now

OP should specify which state they are in as laws and guideline will vary. In my state, CO, both parents incomes, and number of overnights in a calendar year that non custodial parent has with the child factors in the child support order. Custody is a separate matter from child support. If there is a change in custody than you can request a modification to the original child support order

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But access and child support are two different … he’s only asking for joint custody so he doesn’t have to pay child support… He pays 280/month .just started to take him back to court for other reasons. My lawyer looked at his income and is demanding 400/month . So after I submit my materials let’s see what happens


Our daughter turns 5 today

I’d for sure go to court. I’ve just recently dealt with this and am still going through it. Go to court! But read up online about your rights as a single mom in your state. Otherwise they will try and screw you.


Depending on the state, unless YOU file for child support the state wont go after the dad for money unless yall were married.

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Ass hats inc. child support is a joke.

They won’t lower it. They won’t buy his bullshit either.
Trust me, they are used to all of this.


I’m owed £10,000 they have now written it off as he won’t give them any of his details about work etc so they can’t claim it

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the court system it’s not going to matter how much he wants to pay. Its going by his income. This is why I go through the court because the father wants to nickel and done shit they think thats ok! It’s not! It take two to make a child right ? You just need to take him to court and let them settle this. Period

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In Ms 1 kid is 14 percent 2 i 20 ect of their income its not based on visitation if you do child support through the state (DHS) They dont even handle custody. My husband pays child support but we have no custoday agreement so she picks and chooses when he gets to see his kids most of the time she dobt let him see them … Now they we never married so that does make a difference when your married they will do divorce child support and custody all at once still does not change anything and unless dad can fight for more custody all he wants child support is the same my sister and her ex do 50 50 he still pays child support now that they get along and the kids are a little older they just agree on he pays for stuff when he has them or they will half the bill for things but they did not go through dhs so they can do that. If you go through dhs they make sure he pays does not matter what you two agree on

It doesnt work like that in Michigan. Custody and support are separate


Is the a chance he actually just wants to be with his baby? I mean taking care of infants is demanding and expensive…a lot of work on his part to save some money.

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They’re two separate things. And he needs to spend time with his newborn too. They’re not just yours.


You need to contact the courts and a lawyer. In Michigan when your ass doesn’t pay child support you go to jail. Make sure your writing down everything. When he shows up, when he doesn’t, when he is late. But don’t be a jerk. Give him the benefit of the doubt. If he actually wants to take care of the kid and be their cool if not hes gonna hang himself.

Single mom. Dad sees them two Sundays a month and two Thursdays a month(those days are for about 2-3 hours) :woman_shrugging:t3:. He pays 1,434 in child support. He thinks the court is screwing him :roll_eyes:. Me well I don’t see it that way with child support and working full time I/we struggle some months. He chose this not me, so he gets what he gets. If the dad wants to see the babe more let him! I wish my kids dad would see mine more :weary:.


Time spent with your child does not dictate the amount of child support paid. It is based upon what he makes at work.

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Child support shouldn’t even exist. That causes more problems than helps many times


Family attorney asap. Get your money, think of your baby’s future. Big expenses, hospital Bills. Do what’s fair to him, it can always be changed. You are a good mama for being so concerned and caring.

In South Dakota custody and child support are separated. But I would think it would have to be 50/50 to really affect the total amount anywhere else?

If he is a decent guy, not on drugs, not DV etc. Then I see no reason he shouldn’t spend equal time with his new born. It will benefit their bond and give Mom a break.

My husband tried that thinking I wouldn’t go for the support; when I did, he never even asked to see his son…not in 28 years! It was just a ploy.

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Not sure how your state works. But in PA you have to file for each child. It would be separate cases

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Well, if you expect insurance it’s only right to have the other parent do so if you can’t afford ins. For your child. Unfortunately, it happens when bringing children into this world. I’m sure they’ll question you regarding your 2nd childs father.


You need that money for your child. It’s not about you, it’s about your kid. And him paying it is HIS problem, not going after him is coddling him. His actions created those kids and he should pay to help support them. If you don’t need it NOW, you might later! Save it till your kid needs it, cause they will at some point need it for something!


They will base it off of your income to debt ratio as well as his in the state of ga.


Go back to court. It’s usually 25 percent of income for first child. Then 10 percent for second. It varies. Just take it to court and for Gods sakes. Don’t go back with the loser

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They will go for the amount he owes and you shouldn’t feel bad at all. He abandoned his kids. Quit feeling sorry for his deadbeat ass and stay away from him before you get a 3rd kid you will be raising alone.

No they wont give you what you get for the 1st one. You always get more for the 1st child and less for the second and so forth. They base it off his income he is bringing in and take all of his Bill’s and go off that. If he is already paying the maximum then they may not make him pay anything at all for the second but if he is paying the minimum amount then they will bump it up to the highest amount that they are legally allowed to take. Unless he misses his court date and then he screws himself because then they will take everything that his check stubs show except $20

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That’s his problem, not yours.


There is a formal to it that is different in each state but chances are unless he has a good job no it won’t be the same the second child will get less

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They will go by his income and yours. They have a chart .


They will take what they take, and I dont want them taking every penny from me for his children’s health care costs!

It’s a computer algorithm. They plug in all the numbers and it tells what your child support for 2 kids should be. It’s not just double what one kid was. And don’t feel bad for him. Feel bad for the fatherless kids he abandoned and give them every cent he pays, they deserve at least that much.


They should adjust it based on his income for two children. You need the money to help raise your kids. He left them and you didn’t make them on your own. Do not feel like you owe him anything!


Lol you.didnt learn your lesson the first time?? :joy::joy: you went back and had a baby with a man who already left you alone with one baby and youre surprises when he leaves them again.


They have an algorithm that will determine how much he has to pay. They will expect him to pay his part especially if you need state aid for the the insurance, food or childcare.

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Should have just stayed with him :woman_facepalming:


Florida can take up to 60% of the other parent’s pay

I live in nh and I did the same they added my second child to child suport order in nh i get 35 percent of his income …they have state guidelines so they will never take all his money they have a state guideline calculator for each state online so if u know his income u put that in and it does it for u ! Don’t feel bad about going back you got two beautiful children no matter what the circumstances so :heart:


Well you.just use every penny of yours then.

They will re-evaluate the child support. It’s based on the number of children and how much income the parent has. They are only able to take up to a certain percentage of total income so it’s not necessarily going to be the same amount for both children. Chances are it will go up, but not double.

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If the state is doing it I’m not sure how much your say will matter.


No it’s a percentage of what he makes

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In my state they have a chart they go by with his income and ur income. If someone pays for child care or insurance that can be deducted. I’d just let the court do it their way and u guys can agree or not and go from there… if the state is enforcing it then it doesn’t matter what u want.