Questions about zoloft and pregnancy?

Nasty nasty drug
Sent me bat shit crazy

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I was told it was safe to take paxil while pregnant. My daughter was born 16 weeks early with a deformation of her digestive tract. She went though withdrawl, had cysts on her brain and behavior issues. Given a chance to do it again I would choose to not do what they called safe

I was prescribed Phenergan the doctors will monitor U def talk to them and tell them your concerns

I took sertraline (zoloft generic) throughout both pregnancies, a happy momma is a healthy momma! no side effects

Wellbutrin XL is the best!

My son didn’t show any side affects from my using while pregnant and breastfeeding

Before u take zoloft. I’d suggest u read into zoloft. And all the countries that have banned it. And about the violent outbursts proven to happen when u take it and the people hurt because of people on zoloft having bad reactions. I know it sounds ridiculous but I’d just suggest looking into it

I took it with both pregnancies and neither of my girls had any issues. You have to put your mask on first. If a plane is crashing and the oxygen masks fall, you cannot save anyone first. You have to put your mask on first inorder to put anyone elses on.

I took it during my entire pregnancy! And my boy is fine.

I took it before, during, and after pregnancy. Didn’t hurt my baby at all!

Ask your doctor about fish oil and magnesium. Fish oil helps me with anxiety and depression. Keep it in the freezer and you won’t burp it up. I did not feel comfortable taking perscription medication for my anxiety and depression while pregnant, but I wasn’t taking Zoloft at the time. I know when I was breastfeeding I was on Zoloft and didn’t notice anything different about my baby.

I used Zoloft and went into labor 6 weeks early and 2 weeks prior had to go in for emergency monitoring because my son wasn’t moving around at all, after 24 hour monitoring they figured out my meds where putting him into a very docile state for awhile after taking my pills each day.

I should add he is ok. But he did have bradies while he was in the nicu. But after I got him out of that nightmare he has been perfect since.

Do not take this drug my 12 year old daughter was on it for 2 days and become suicidal.

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I took mirtazapine throughout my whole pregnancy and baby was fine I wasn’t aloud to stop my medication as im on it a long time

I took Zoloft after I had my daughter. The only issue I had was it messed with my insomnia. I’m sorry, but all these women can say what they want but the ONLY person who can give you the information you are wanting is going to be a DOCTOR. Not some Mom who spends too much time on Google. If you don’t feel right about it: don’t take it. Express your concerns with your OB. Maybe talk to them about alternatives to Zoloft, like OTC medicines. But hey, like I said, you’ll only find your answers from a DOCTOR.

I was on strong anti-depressants & anxiety medication my entire pregnancy and my child has been absolutely fine. (Zoloft was part of my cocktail of medications)
Your mental health is important. Don’t stress, you’re not alone :heart:

I took it and still am. Nothing bad happened to me and my son

It can but you have to do what is safest for you and your mental health.


I took lexapro throughout my entire pregnancy with my first child. I’m not one of those who thinks pills are the solution to everything but I needed this and my pregnancy was amazing and not stressful or anxious and my son is 9 and healthy and thriving and so smart. As long as your doctor is ok with a low dose of something. Stopping that type of medicine abruptly causes more psychological damage and if you’re not ok, your little baby feels all of your emotions.


It’s always best to talk to a medical professional, definitely a pediatrician about these concerns. Every mom and baby is different.

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I took lexapro and had trouble with my moods for a long time after stopping the medication . I also took Zoloft and experienced suicide thoughts . I found for myself it was better to be unmedicated


Im not on medication but see pts who were on it during pregnancy and see the babies for 2 to 3 days after birth. Depends on the dose and other factors i would say. These meds take weeks to work so if you wait til after the baby is born , it can be a rough beginning.

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I took zoloft with all my babies and had no issues

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I took a very high dose of Zoloft and I had the easiest baby ever and I did not breastfeed


I took it while pregnant and now while nursing. I don’t notice any issues with my baby who is 1 month old.

My daughter takes it. She started while pregnant. It helped her tremendously. And her son is 3 weeks old. Hes an awesome baby. Crying isnt a issue at all.

Talk to your doctor and if they okay it go for it. We want to do everything to protect our babies, but there is no baby without mom. There is a difference between taking a prescribed medication for a debilitating or dangerous medical issue vs. Doing heroin while pregnant. Do what the doctor and you think is best. Hope everything goes well.

I was prescribed Zoloft during my last pregnancy. I personally don’t like taking meds during pregnancy, cause I don’t know how it will affect my baby. The ob and therapist recommended I take it, but I don’t feel comfortable. I won’t even get shots during pregnancy, cause I rather have a happy healthy baby. Then a baby that could have problems from something I was exposed to. Everyone is different though. It might not effect your baby, however I personally didn’t want to take that risk.

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I suffer from the exact same shit and tbh, my last pregnancy i didnt take any meds period. It was actually the first time in my life i was actually happy w/o meds…as soon as i was done breastfeeding, i went back on my meds. Good luck momma.

Zoloft was not good for me. They call it the suicide drug for a a reason. Please research these drugs before you decide

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Zoloft was horrible for me

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I look zoloft and my daughter had zero signs of withdrawal!

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I took zoloft during both of my pregnancies and neither of my children suffered any noticeable side effects.

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I was on a high dose of Prozac (dosage was increased during the latter half of my 2nd trimester to compensate for the increased corporal volume) before, during, and after pregnancy; Baby is almost 9 months and we have not experienced any issues.

I take Zoloft & am very pleased with it.

Best anxiety med is marijuana. And it isn’t gonna harm anyone but the grocery bill :rofl:


I stopped taking my depression/anxiety pills because I was afraid of all the side effects for my kid … its rough really rough switched my routine and eating habits flipped them a complete 180 has helped alot but it’s still there … but i knew my depression would be 100x worse if any of those side effects did affect my baby and I know some of them are minimal but that’s just me other people experience things and have a different train of thought so I spoke to my dr about it and we watch it really closely so does my SO I keep to myself and stay home to keep my anxiety away a little more

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Not Zoloft, but Effexor. I don’t know that she necessarily cried more than normal, but she did have the shakes (they told me it was withdrawal). Years later when I went off the med cold turkey, I discovered it was an actual fucking nightmare to withdraw from. Wish I never took it during pregnancy.

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I didn’t take Zoloft but was on several medications before I found out I was pregnant. She was a surprise and I made sure I talked with my psychiatrist. I got off the really dangerous ones and she did extra research to assure me that what I was on had a minimal risk to the baby. I had several other doctors confirm this. Is a risk-reward analysis. They kept telling me she would be worse off if I took nothing. Today she’s is a beautiful, happy and healthy 7 month old. Those medications saved me and me daughters life.

I took high doses of zoloft start to finish and while breastfeeding. Doctors also had me on Lorazepam throughout.

Little man’s is all good.

I took Zoloft during both of my pregnancies (couldn’t have survived without it!) and both my babies were perfectly perfect! You have to do what’s best for you momma!

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Zoloft was amazing during and after my high risk pregnancy!!

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I took Zoloft my whole pregnancy. My baby did not have a respiratory effort at birth and was intimated for 2 days. Ssri’s meds can cause respiratory depression in newborns.

I was on zoloft while pregnant with my son. When he was born he was jittery. I questioned the nurses and the ped. and they passed it off as withdrawal from caffeine bc when asked if i drank pop during my pregnancy I responded with “yes maybe like 5 cans in a week.” However, 4 out of those were caffeine free so :woman_shrugging: I did my research and I believe it was the zoloft. I would still recommend it though. That is legit the only thing that was “wrong” with my son. He didnt excessively cry at all when he was born. He was the best baby :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and I knew I needed something for my mental health because without it I’m sure it would’ve caused him nothing but stress while in my belly :heart:

No she didn’t cry more than normal.

My son was a little jittery from Zoloft. I actually had to meet with a paediatrician while i was pregnant to go through the possibilities but there was no major problems listed.

Have you tried emdr?

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Please do research specifically on this medication or any other medication you consider before taking. I listened to and trusted my doctor but didn’t didn’t do my own research with my second pregnancy and allowed her to put me on an antidepressant and because of that my daughter died at 5 months 4 days due to severe birth defects caused by it. Sure enough when I did research on it every birth defect she had was on the list of defects it causes. I wish I had done my own research instead of trusting that doctor. I’m not at all trying to say don’t help yourself just saying I wish I would have protected my baby more and if I could do it over I wouldn’t have taken it. I know there probably are safe medications to help you just please research them. Good luck!

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Most people that suffer from depression…are low in vit D and magnesium…have your doctors check this…


I took citalopram and baby was fine! Best to have a mentally healthy momma!

When benefits outweigh the risk its sometimes best to take the meds. I took zoloft with my first n she was fine

I stopped taking mine, but zoloft is one of the main recommended SSRIs during pregnancy

I took Zoloft during 2 pregnancies. No side affects for either.

Reaearch this. I believe there are meds that are ok to take and have less risk. Not sure if zoloft is one.

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Yes! I took the lowest dose of celexa 20mg. I asked multiple OBs and interviewed a couple pediatricians while pregnant and all said it was totally fine. About 12hrs post birth he had the high pitch cry and shakes. They thought maybe low blood sugar but test came back fine so they diagnosed it as withdrawals. That hit me hard. I was going to start tapering off of it myself a few weeks before birth but so many doctors said it was fine.
He was fine within 24hrs and now is a very healthy happy and super smart almost 2yr old.

I took Zoloft entire pregnancy. My son was and is amazing. There were no withdrawals, he was a chill baby. He’s 12 now, still awesome.

I took it with my last two and they’re two of the happiest babies I’ve ever seen

I took it. No side effects. Doctor told me it was perfectly safe and also can help prevent postpartum depression.

I was put meds during 1 of my pregnancies, obvs I had similar concerns.
But my doc said to me, side effects and concerns for baby are outweighed by your mental health. At this point and time, you have to come first! Baby will be fine! How ever without treatment, will mum be fine?

I took 20mg of Lexapro for the first trimester and then managed to get down to 10mg for the second/third trimesters. Lexapro and Zoloft are very similar, Zoloft is actually preferred out of the two. My son was perfectly fine, no jitters, breathing problems, excessive crying, etc.

I know its hard but nothing is safe

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I was scared to take antidepressants during pregnancy too. I regret not taking it now that I’m on it. I feel soo much better, it’s a world of a difference. I used to have a breakdown or panic attack every day and it’s been months since my last one. I am breastfeeding btw. Only you can decide :heart:

I was put on it around 6 weeks pregnant. My son is almost 8, has severe adhd, a sensory processing disorder, and social communication disorder. I blame my self every day… that I could not “keep it together.” Yes I know there are studies that have pros and cons. And NO I’m not saying anything negative about my son. I just see how he struggles in general and it breaks my heart. He is in a few therapies and is on a few medications. If I were to go back with what I know now, I would have been in therapy everyday if I had to be to prevent being on Zoloft. Whatever you feel is right or wrong, make your decision and stick with it :heart: some have great experiences and no issues with their babies, and some have horrible experiences and things have happened to their babies.

Zoloft is the most widely studied drug for anxiety and depression in pregnancy and the MOST safe option

I took Zoloft and it helped so much and my baby was completely fine. The best thing is talk to your doctor about baby and your concerns

I took Effexor and my baby was fine but it wasn’t safe for breastfeeding …switched to Zoloft after but it didn’t work for me

I took it almost my entire second pregnancy and both baby and I did just fine. No problems that I know of. I stopped it a month or so before baby was born.

I took it. Had a rough pregnancy on my end but baby was just fine, born at 39+5 at 6#13oz and perfect. She nursed from day 2 or 3…had a little latch trouble, but that can happen to anyone.
We breast fed until I had a health emergency at 8 months pp and had to be admitted to the hospital and put on blood thinners.
She’s 3 now and just fine.
If the zoloft helps you, then take it. I have anxiety, depression and ptsd and it was so much better for my baby for me not to be crying or angry or anxious etc

Is marijuana legal where you live? It helps with depression and is all natural

I had no withdrawls and baby had no problems. Only proble. I had was it doesnt do well for A.R.

I took Fluxotine for anxiety/depression throughout my entire pregnancy and baby had absolutely NO withdrawals. In fact, she is the happiest most laid back baby girl ever, definitely gets that from her daddy :rofl:

I always heard that those types of medications can cause birth defects🤷‍♀️

I had just started zoloft for severe anxiety and when I became pregnant my doctor said I could keep taking it, that zoloft is one of the safest while pregnant. I stopped anyways and felt terrible so we started a lower dose. I had wanted to make a Similar post & ask actually!

I was on zoloft before I got pregnant and my doctor took me off of it when I got pregnant. I know that doesnt really help you, but if I were you I’d do some research and talk to your doctor about your concerns. Maybe theres a different medicine that wont affect the baby as much. Good luck and hang in there! You’re doing all you can for you and your baby and I know from experience it takes a lot to ask for help sometimes :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

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I took Zoloft and my baby was completely healthy!

My daughter are fine and I took Zoloft while pregnant

Two pregnancies on Zoloft. One bubba was so settled I would have had 6 babies. The other was far more clingy. I didn’t observe withdrawal type symptoms with either.

I would say no to zoloft, that shit will make you sleep walk and do crazy stuff. Honestly, if your considering pills, have you thought of CBDs or finding a strain that is suited for you and getting a medical card? Pills are not always the answer.


I took it with my daughter and son through the whole pregnancy they were born healthy and are now 3 and 1 and are very smart no side affects but with this pregnancy it made me sick so they switched me to prozac

Look into CBD oil. Its not the part from the marijuana that gets you high. It might help you but do research first

When you see this, message me.

Speak to your Dr. He is the only one who should make this decision. Stay away from CBD oil unless your physician approves it. Stay away from any drug without physician approval

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So I took Zoloft throughout my entire pregnancy. It’s considered one of the safer antidepressant to take while pregnant. Once I hit 8 months I weened off of it and delivered a healthy baby boy. If you’re concerned talk to your doctor. Tell them how you feel and what you think. They’ll explain everything

Anyone take effexor I’ve taken that almost my whole pregnancy the 75 mg n got off my klonopin like a month ago…any advice?

I took fluxotine for anxiety and stopped taking it for the first 3 months of my pregnancy. However I went back on them again as my mental health wasn’t great. My son was born absolutely healthy, no withdrawal signs and he was and still is the happiest, most easy going baby.
My doctor and prenatal psych said the risk is so low of any complications from the medication and a mentally healthy mumma was by far so much more important for the baby and myself that it was better to be on them than not. I chose to stop taking them in the beginning of the pregnancy as my own decision to give baby the best start for growth and development :blush: I would’ve gone longer without the medication if I couldve, but I’m so glad I went back in them when I did.

I was on 150mg Zoloft during my last pregnancy. Babe did fine. I didn’t notice ANY signs of withdrawal.

I had no problem with it! And baby girl was just fine and perfectly healthy- no problems :relaxed: of course always do your research, but if your doctor tells you it’s safe- it’s more than likely safe. :relaxed:

There a couple meds that cause birth defects depakot is one i took wellbutrin.

History of depression and anxiety took zoloft once and didnt like the zombie state, after my baby was born 3 montha ago the anxiety shot through the roof, here I am, taking it day by day, still unmedicated and keeping myself calm.
Remember your body goes through tremendous hormonal changes during and after pregnancy, but it does get better I promise

There are some anti depressants that don’t cross over to the baby you need to make your dr aware that your pregnant an find out which one is safe to take

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Different medications work differently on every1!! U just have to keep trying them entil u find one that works best for you! And one thats safe while pregnant.


I took Zoloft while pregnant and had a baby that barely cried.

Please talk to your dr and do not take advice from people on facebook about antidepressants…

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I took Zoloft and I would say my little was fine. I also took Busporian I think is the name to help from no Xanax or propanol

After the first trimester my doctor and psychiatrist both agreed it was safe. If your cycling from depression, mania and panic attacks, that is stressful for the baby.

I toolk zoloft 4 months pregnant with my third and continued it and toolk it through my whole 4th pregnancy, no withdrawals or any problems. Your mental health is extremely important and as hard as the decision is to make, your baby needs you to take care of yourself also :heart:

I was on this and got weaned a few months before baby came. Theres a chance of baby having withdrawals and can end up in the NICU for a few days. I decided to wean off and had no issues at birth. I think it also depends on the dosage too

If you’re second guessing taking it I would suggest going to talk to your doctor again if it is something you feel you need to be on right now. I would not be taking any sort of medical advice when especially when it comes to pregnancy and pills from people on Facebook.

My son suffered the shakes. He “shivered” a lot for about two days but so far no other issues from it. He’s 8 months now