Questions regarding paternity and survivors benefits

She said she lied . He lied . Let’s forget about adoption or who the dad is for a second you could be arrested for fraud . I would just leave things the way they are before you get your self in bigger trouble this should have all come out before .


Have you lost your mind seriously?


2 wrongs don’t make a right :man_shrugging::man_shrugging: like you cheated on me so I’m gonna fuck your homie? Doesn’t make any sense to me…must have been already thought about to be that quickly executed


I really don’t understand how people put themselves into these messes.

The biological father should have been notified of the paternity results, put on the birth certificate etc. you should have told him he was the biological father, that information shouldn’t have been kept from him regardless of your husband/ex husband/whatever claiming to want to raise her.

Y’all did a huge disservice to this child. Furthermore, she shouldn’t be getting survivor benefits because her father is alive, so that’s more or less fraud there.

Just a hot mess y’all should be ashamed of yourself and your behavior.

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Knowingly committing fraud, pathetic. And everyone of you saying leave it alone etc y’all are just as stupid.

The child doesn’t deserve those benefits, never did. They should have to pay every penny back and face charges .

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I wouldn’t know nothing about it. But it’s nice on both ends that she had a father her whole life until he passed and then her bio father came in and took over . That’s nice. Some things work out for the best for some people

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My sisters daughters father was murdered before she was born and she took her stepfathers last name. No legal adoption but she retained her SSI survivor benefit until she turned 18

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I’m confused how were you lied :lying_face: too you knew he wasn’t her father you got the results the same time your husband


You are not going to receive benefits from the deceased for that child she was not legally adopted by deceased both parents are still alive you may have to pay back some with reduced benefits social sec . Gov

How is the kid in all of this? She done found out her dad isn’t her dad only after he died and now be passed off to her bio dad. It was like this secret only came out because the other dude died.

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Better stop those benefits asap, yall got some shady stuff going on. I would not want to get caught in this fraud.