It’s Facebook, nothing more. People take it too seriously. You can’t change what people do so stop worrying about it. The situation will not be life shattering so just accept it and move on.
So many of my relatives have unfriended me or never added me as a friend and to be honest it is a real non issue.
If she’s that good of a friend then ask her.
She prob just doesn’t want family friends in her social media seeing all her maybe not so appropriate pics ; doesn’t look like it’s personal …
You obviously care for these people & I would probably wonder why if it were me, but please don’t be so hard on yourself & over think it. As others have said, it’s probably nothing personal. All the Best!
Her account could’ve been hacked as many are and she may not realise.
Sounds like the child is seeking privacy and doesn’t want her mom to find out what she’s posting
I block them as well so they don’t have the option to come and go as they please snooping through my business when they want, then I move on. Most people are fake anyways
Sometime people need privacy even on social media and they may not want moms or dads aunties and whoever scrolling by their newsfeed and seeing something they may disagree with . Don’t take it too personal people have different lives on social media . Sadly it’s normal now and days .
I shrug my shoulders, figure it’s their loss, and go on with life.
Are you sure she didn’t just delete her social media?
front up to your friend since your in the same town and not on the other side of the world. if there is something not right you’ll feel it. could also have been hacked.
Has her account been hacked , call her.??
Are you sure she hasn’t just deleted her FB account before getting so worked up?
Old saying what you think about me is none of my business. Don’t let it worry you its her decision
Ask her! I can’t imagine they’d block after all these years for no reason. Could they have come off fb ? Some do switch their accounts off for a break for a while
Perhaps it was by accident?
E.g. she unfriended the wrong person, or something similar?
Just more on. It says more about them than you. Their true colors aren’t always so pretty.
It could be FB who bloc her account for something she post? Did other persons you know still friend with her?
You should just ask her. You’re probably overthinking it…
Why don’t you just….ask her? Talk like adults?
If you aren’t good enough friends to just ask why…then really not very much friends
I honestly have like 40 friends on fb! If we don’t talk or see each other often, there’s no point in just watching each other! It’s weird as hell
Some of us like to keep our social friend lists small and intimate because we are not wanting to deal with the posts of friends of friends of friends of whom we are not interested in. You can thank Facebook for this. I would not take it personal at all.
I would just move on and not worry about it-more stress needed for something that might not have anything to do with you
You’re life must be pretty easy if this is your biggest problem
Getting unfriended on social media is pretty serious
Do what anyone would do. Go over and talk to them or even call the mother to see what the issue is…
I have been off and on fb since fb started…I have at times deleted or deactivated accounts, had a massive social media detox and then hopped back on under a new account and re added people. I think people would of definitely thought the same of me. I honestly wouldn’t mean to make anyone feel like that, I just do it from time to time. Although these days I just deactivate when I need to. It sounds like she’s just deactivated.
Oh dear wonder why I would have to find out why and sort it out
Facebook isn’t real life and not worth getting upset over.
Maybe the accounts were deleted - sometimes ppl need a break from social media.
It’s social media, it means absolutely zero. Invite them all around for dinner and see what happens.
Omg did a child unfriend you seriously it could just be a glitch in the system toi
I wouldn’t stress about it…lol
I’d get over it because it’s only social media
Move on with your life and enjoy it
Could be goofy face page
It does what it wants.
If they are such good friends I would pick up the phone and find out. xx
Maybe you weren’t deleted/blocked and the person just deleted their own FB page
try talking to your friend and asking them what happened.
If you’re still friends with the mom, ask her if she knows why. Maybe she was hacked or deleted her account.
Don’t worry about it. I’m not a people person. A good firm shite will clear your head.
She’s deleted you both because she’s putting things on social media that you’ll probably grass her up to her mother for or doesn’t want people knowing, she’s probably got her family blocked too, don’t take it to heart cos 90% of younger people on Facebook have done it at some point
Move on, people suck.
I wouldn’t worry about it. Young people (especially if you’re friends with their parents) may block you so you can’t see what they and their friends are up to because there is always a risk it might get back to their parents. Don’t take from this that what they’re getting up to is something really bad, like drugs or porn etc - it could be that they are just wanting things to be kept private. Honestly, when it’s one of the children, it’s really no biggie. If it was your longtime friend who had blocked you, that would be a worry. But it’s not, it’s her daughter - and her daughter is quite a separate person to her mother. Just chill.
Maybe theres a reason she unfriended you that youll have to respect.
I cant say cuz all my High School friends Hate me I got use as a Trash Can🤷♀️ but on Fb I have my Sisters ( some of them were mean to me)
As far as “how do you handle it?” I would say that the only real way to “handle” it is to ask if it means that much to you. You’re adults, so instead of making the situation any more immature then it already is, just ask. However, I’m going to assume (and this is only an assumption) that you either have political or religious views that bother the other person. I’m assuming this because over the last 4 years, I did a lot of deleting/blocking of people. Not to say we can’t disagree on certain things, but some people’s posts showed a side of them I didn’t know existed and didn’t want in my life.
If you’re that close it shouldn’t be a problem to call her up and ask what happend.
I wouldn’t acknowledge it in real life. Nothing has changed
Are you sure she didn’t delete her account?
Are you sure they’ve just not come off Facebook? Also fb did similar to my friends list,cos we have no communication? X
Get over it, people have removed me off Facebook and I really couldn’t give a shit.
Keep the door open but continue your life. Make new friends but keep the old one is silver and the others gold…
You must have a pathetic life if that’s all you have to worry about…
Text her and find out what’s going on!
Sometimes fb takes you off x
Are you sure they didn’t deactivate their account?
Have you spoke to your friend and got an explanation
Wanting a private fb and wanting someone out of your life are 2 different things
It’s probably something nothing at all to do with you personally… you don’t know what people are going through, no matter how close you may be. She might just have done a big cull and left her socials as people she talks to daily, or a select few that bring her joy. She could just be trying to protect her own peace and happiness. She’s on her own journey, she’s doing what she thinks is best for herself personally… and massive props to her for that!
You’re taking this platform of social acceptance on Social Media way too seriously. I’ve blocked my siblings from Friending me, and vis-à-vis. Sometimes you just don’t need that person living in your back pocket. And, surprise, surprise, you can always ask them as humans why they did that. Try it, it works. And if you can’t it wasn’t meant to be. Buena suerte, amigo!
She probably just deleted her account so isn’t showing up when you search her.
She could’ve deleted and didn’t care to announce to everyone about it OR she’s got some stuff going on she doesn’t want others to know that could bring it back to her family. Probably nothing on you personally. She could be trying to hide.
Are you sure the person didn’t delete their account?
Social media and life are completely separate. I have people who I did not allow on my social media when I was younger, because of the kind of content I posted. Or sometimes I don’t like the content they post. My best friend’s mom is a huge Trump supporter and constantly posts misinformation. I tried to correct her a couple times, but she doesn’t care. I just removed her from social media to remove that aspect.
You do not need to be on someone’s social media account for them to care about you.
Her problem, not yours. If she isn’t mature enough to actually discuss what her issue is then I would waste another minute giving it a thought. If you see her at a future event just say hello, be cordial and leave it at that.
It may not even be you. She could just be going thru some things. You’ve been friends for 30 years, so ask the mom
It’s just the daughter. I bet she blocked u both bc something is going on she doesn’t want her parents to know ab. That’s why she blocked u both. If she would have unfriended y’all u could still search her name and pull up her profile. Or freinds of friends will pop up also. Shes hiding something. Don’t breath too much into it she’s young . As long as u and the mom r good no worries. U should let the parent know bc something is up. Or ur kid might have said something ab her page to u or her mom not meaning to cause trouble but it did. So she blocked y’all.
Laugh and move on. It’s the trash taking itself out.
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It’s not you, it’s her. Is she struggling w depression, in an abusive relationship? Did she simply deactivate her account and take a much needed break from social media? Just ask, I’m confident in feeling it’s not you.
My nieces who I adore and they adore me . Blocked me not because they didn’t love me , but because I was a trump supporter and still am . Our political views weren’t the same and they didn’t want it to start a conflict . But we still see each other and the love hasn’t changed at all .
If she’s a good friend then you should be able to up and ask her.
But other then that there isn’t anything you can do. People don’t have to tell you why they leave they just can obviously that really sucks. But other then asking her nothing you can do
If she doesn’t show up for either of you, she may have deactivated her account. That happens as well.
Maybe she suspended her own account for awhile. It looks the same.
Many people now days can’t handle a difference in politics, covid, or really anything. She could have deleted Facebook. God knows I’ve done that more than once.
I would never really know if someone deleted me and if I realized it one day while thinking abt someone. It would bother me one little bit. I would not take it personal at all… it is there choice and for whatever reason I’m cool with it!
Before feelings are too hurt be sure that this is what really happened. A few months ago my MIL put a comment about how it’s shamefull and petty and rude that some family members block others. My SIL and her started talking crap about how rude and hateful lit is and that this person was just being hateful and a b****. Well that family member was me! My acct had been hacked and frozen so at the time it didn’t exist. Instead of calling me and asking they did all this unnecessary drama. So go straight to the source and ask.
Lol easily by not caring
Its facebook. None of this is real.
Get over it!!! Respect the decision. It’s just social media. You don’t have to be on a person’s social media account to be friendly with them.
Honestly, people need to understand its social media. Not everyone has to be on your page. Maybe she posts certain things and doesn’t want yall to see. Maybe you comment on things that you shouldn’t. Who knows. Don’t take it personal. Some people don’t share EVERYTHING.
Have a 3rd party search for them on social media. If they don’t come up, it’s possible that they simply deactivated their account. As a previous comment said, maybe it’s just become to much for them. It’s Facebook. It’s not real life. If it means that much to you, actually reach out to them. Pick up the phone. Call. Text.
Wow… Cant belive your getting upset cause somebody removed you from face book… Now you cant be nosey what shame…
It’s fb. Get over it. If you feel that bad don’t talk to them in real life.
I’ve deactivated my FB account on many occasions.
What do you post? I have unfriended many people bc I realized our belief systems are no longer in alignment and they posted things I’d rather not see/read
Sometimes people just need to take a break from social media for their own mental health, maybe try looking into if she deleted her account instead of assuming she deleted/blocked you. She may have gotten rid of Facebook all together.
I don’t do anything. I won’t beg to be social media friends with anyone.
If it’s bothering you THAT much why not simply ask her? Like on the phone like the old days? I miss the 90’s
Probably she posts stuff she doesn’t want you seeing and discussing with her parents. Personally id not worry about it . Treat her as you always have and dont mention fb to her at all
Different view on politics? Vax/no Vax? Deactivate the account? Or perhaps she posts stuff she doesn’t want you both to see and report to the parents.
I’m in my 30s and I’ve had to restrict certain people from seeing my posts due to them contacting my mother and causing problems. Maybe they don’t want to risk it. Maybe something happened. You can always just reach out and ask.
Maybe the daughter deleted or deactivated her account for awhile? Just text your friend like you haven’t noticed and say something like “was just thinking of you and wanted to catch up, hope all is well” and see if she responds.
She probably doesn’t like or doesn’t wanna her mom being told what she’s posting period. She’s the daughter not your friend.
i would talk to your friend of over 30 years and find out what’s going on. And there’s ways to limit people from seeing stuff without deleting or blocking them
I’ve unfriended friends due to soo many political posts. And/or posts I see as hateful. I don’t need that negativity in my feed. Is it possible that she deleted social media altogether?
Ummm…how do I deal with it… . Its social media who cares. This is a huge problem we face now. People take social media WAY to seriously.
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