Seems such a petty problem...but how do you handle being unfriended on social media?

Maybe they just don’t want you to see the stuff they post


Ya y’all probably post stuff she’s not into. Like I know I’ve lost a lot of friends in the last 5 years because of trump and his bullshit making racists and bigots pop up out of the woodwork. Y’all probably don’t vibe as well as you thought.

If you and your daughter were blocked, something happened. You just don’t know what it is, or she deactivated her account. I don’t even notice when someone unfriended me, I really don’t care what others do.


Are you sure she just didn’t deactivate her page …


Be an adult and continue living your life.


You probably posted stuff she didn’t want to see.

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Maybe she respects you and doesn’t want you to see the stuff she is posting, I would take it as a positive and behave the same way you always have at parties and get togethers. I say alot of curse word on my Facebook page so I am sure lots of elders choose to not subscribe to my page lol


Don’t give a sh*t!!!


It’s possible you have been accidently blocked. People’s accounts get hacked all the time. I have somehow blocked my own kids and didn’t even know it til they brought it to my attention. I would check into it further especially if nothing has happened for them to block you.


Is she on good terms with her parent? She may not want information getting back to them through you two


I’ll bet she’s posting stuff she doesn’t want u to mention to her parents. Or deleted her account


Are you sure you’ve been blocked and that she hasn’t just deactivated her account? Cuz people do that


I just simply move on. For whatever reason in her mind she’s deleted you for her own reason and it’s something you will probably never understand. Don’t fret about it talk to your friend about it and ask her what she thinks. Maybe she now for whatever reason wants to post things she doesn’t want you knowing about for fear you may tell her Mom. We never know what lurks in their minds. Just let it be.

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Prolly over vaxx or anti vaxx posts

If it was both of you then she more than likely deactivated her account. Message your friend and ask her what’s up :woman_shrugging:

I’m guessing shes hiding something from her folks and doesn’t want y’all to know.


Who really cares? Its social media. I have had “friends” block me or unfriend me. Im sure they put much more thought into it than I did.


She might have deactivated her account, she might consider you family and have her own reasons (there are many potential reasons) for wanting to restrict family from her social media, it might be a mistake and/or technical difficulty, it might be an issue between your friend and her daughter you haven’t been apprised of (not necessarily a slight - they might just not have gotten around to telling you yet).
I get this way about social media too sometimes, for some reason it just has a particular sting to it. Since the technology is fairly new I don’t think anxiety in the Information age has been adequately studied or documented yet. You’re actually in a quite optimal position with this one because the relationship spans ample space outside of social media. You don’t have to worry about this, it will work itself out in due course.


She might not want you to see things that she’s posting.

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Maybe she has things happening on her page that she’s not wanting family to see? My own mother blocked me years ago because of a bathing suit picture i posted

For get togethers say nothing about it. I. Time maybe whatever was bothering her will pass


Go on with your life, act like nothing has happened and watch to see what happens. If everything is the same, then bring to their attention, see what is said. – could be an innocent mistake— give them the benefit of the doubt.


Daughter not you? Phone call friends and leave daughter be?

My 2nd daughter unfriended me over a guy!

Are you sure she blocked and deleted you? I’ve accidentally thought I had been blocked and deleted but it turns out they took down there account. Maybe they didn’t want to be on social media anymore. Also this is not a big deal I mean a friendship or relationship should not be valued by a like or an unfriend on Facebook. You also shouldn’t teach your children that social media validation is more important than what goes on in reality. I mean your just making assumptions that you guys are on bad terms but you could totally be misreading the situation.


I don’t know how old this girl is but I remember doing this to certain family members and my parents close friends when I was a teen because of the stuff I was posting and didn’t want them to see it. Maybe it’s something to that degree?


It’s probably not really about you. Sometimes, social media is the only place some people feel “free” and “unpoliced”. The alternative would be to ask what’s up.


If you have her on messenger go look there and see if it says you’re friends. If it does, then her account is probably deactivated

It could just be that she’s trying to post and do things on her account that she doesn’t want her other family or her mom to know about and she knows that you guys are very close with her mother and her family and might not want certain things asked about or talked about until they’re ready.


Same thing happened to my son

my bf and I aren’t even fb friends :woman_shrugging::joy:

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Sounds like she’s posting things on facebook she doesn’t want mom to find out about


Now a days many people are over facebook and social media. Don’t take it personally yet. Wait until you are face to face and see what happens. Facebook has caused a lot of people so much pain needlessly.

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Maybe they got rid of theirs

Let it go. You may have been posting some things they don’t like and instead of them unfollowing you they I friended you. I do it to people and they do it to me…… let it go. Worry about get togethers when they happen.

Facebook isn’t life. No one is required to be on here, no one is required to be connected to you or anyone else on here, even if you know them in real life. Facebook connections are not a requirement to real life friendships/relationships. :woman_shrugging:

Did your friends daughter recently start a relationship with someone, who is possibly controlling her & or media…

Don’t take it personally, Facebook streets are tough on some folks when they stumble on your personal stuff, you can hurt someone unintentionally.

Let it go. There is a reason and you’ll find it out one day. Just be yourself at future get together. This doesn’t affect your friendship with the mother and you but her daughter has to be able to make her own friends. Maybe there’s something going on she doesn’t want anyone to know

are you she didn’t delete her social media completely

They probably deleted their profile.

Maybe she deleted it???
But why be so hurt about being deleted on social media? I get that it can send negative vibes when someone is no longer on our social media but is that the base of your relationship?
Maybe call and instead of accusing them of blocking you, because if she didn’t it could cause more unnecessary drama, maybe start off with…
“hey, I went to reach out to you and realized you’re no longer on fb! I hope everything is okay. I understand it can be a crazy place and sometimes people just need to take a break from it”.


She could have either deleted social media or blocked you so you can’t see what she’s doing and tell her mom about it


It was her daughter? Frankly, the younger generation uses social media as an escape. Don’t take it personally. I’ve blocked family and friends because there posts were disruptive to what I felt my social media experience should be. It had nothing to do with them and everything to do with me. Perhaps this is the case? Doesnt mean I don’t love those people or that I don’t want them in my life, I just needed a space when I was going through a moment that was safe and perhaps not shared with everyone…

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I don’t even realize when people unfriend/block me or if they delete their profiles. Nor do I really care. I just don’t understand how social media has anything to do with your friendship for that person.

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Very hurtful but don’t change your beliefs bc of the pain. She knew what she was doing.

Maybe she’s posting inappropriate things that she doesn’t want certain people in her life to see? Doesn’t take away the hurt though. She might be having a hard time right now and maybe she deactivated her FB for a while, it would look like you’re blocked when you search and nothing pops up.

I’m not all this for electronics she may not even realize anything! Or just completely took herself off of social stuff!

Did she delete you or did she delete her social media.

It’s social media. People aren’t required to participate in it but who knows with all these people demanding you follow them and do and say and believe exactly as they do - maybe we’ll all be on mandatory social media someday too!

It’s your friends daughter…. I wouldn’t worry about it. Maybe she’s going through some shit & wants privacy.
Or she could have possibly deleted her Facebook.


…you sound silly and immature. It’s your friends daughter… sounds like she didn’t even choose to be friends with you; her mother did. Get tf over it and grow up. Ma’am, stop trying to measure the validity of your real life relationships based on social media. In her own way, she’s let you know…so drop it. If she still speaks, greets and is cordial in your (real life) social settings, let that be enough…and maybe get off of Facebook :unamused:


I’ve unfollowed or deleted people for many reasons. Some of those being too religious for my taste to see scripture posted everyday, people selling or pushing items for me to buy, just flat out offensive stuff posted. If it offends or hurts you just be brave to ask that person.


Maybe she is just managing her social media differently. I did this and it took a year of cleaning it up etc.


I think its up to the individual to decide who they want to have a ‘window into their lives’ via Facebook. I don’t see it as a personal thing on occasions I notice soneone has disappeared from my friends list (and I rarely notice straight away). My partner of 3 years’ son unfriended me over a year ago. Then his wife did the same recently (could be anywhere between 3 and 12 months ago tbh). I really don’t mind. They are young, it’s their prerogative. My thing might not necessarily be theirs and their life is theirs and not open for everyone’s viewing. There’s been no falling out and we see each other the same as before. There is probably no reason why that you need to worry about, just their personal preference.


Maybe she doesn’t agree with what you are posting and is tired of seeing it. Obviously I don’t have all the information here, but I have had to delete old friends for this reason. If they reach out, I explain why. I don’t hate them I just don’t need what they post in my feed

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Well, it was her daughter that blocked you, not her. Young people do things like that because they don’t want their friends knowing they’re friends with an old person. My granddaughter blocked me years ago and she lives with me. What’s funny a lot of her friends are friends with me . Young people do stupid stuff foe whatever reason?

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I Was notified a while back that I have been unfriended 4 times. I have no idea who 3 may be. I haven’t misses any of them. The other one was a guess. She’s a shirttail relation & she asked a question about kids. I gave a suggestion. Don’t think she liked my answer. I still hear a little through her husband when he posts. Lol

Just ask! If nothing negative happened and you are that genuinely confused why- just ask! It may be a privacy thing. Yall may be that close that she doesnt want her business to circle back to her family

Just message her like a normal person and stop making assumptions based off of social media. You’re getting offended by your friends daughter who doesn’t want you and your daughter to possibly see what she’s up to. It really doesn’t matter especially if you can just text your friend and ask if anything is wrong.

This happens to everyone at one point or another. If you sit quietly and review your years of friendship, you will see all the things that told you who they really were. Don’t berate yourself cause they told you many times who they really were. In our goodness we miss it. We put our sincerity and love and sometimes imbue another person with our truth. They weren’t good people. You honored them with your presence. Let them go and be who they are. Favor yourself. You did the right thing. They don’t know how.

Simply talk to her. Maybe she didn’t delete/block you guys. Maybe she deactivated her Facebook. When someone deactivates their Facebook they no longer show up on your friends list nor can you search for them.

Someone I know, if she thinks someone has offended her, will block all that person’s family & friends. Although they don’t even know of the situation. Very puzzling behaviour.

If nothing has happened, she likely is just blocked you two for privacy reasons. I had a whole other secret Facebook to post my craziest stuff so my family didn’t find out. She probably is just wanting the same privacy from someone she calls “auntie”. Maybe talk to her mom (your bestie) just to make sure everything is okay. But only do that if you really think it’s needed.

ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. I of course would at first feel a bit hurt or bewildered BUT I would feel GRATEFUL for the TRUTH. Now you know the truth about their feelings for you. YOU have a CHOICE; Accept what THEY’VE chosen to do ( which is, of course, an ACTION THAT SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS) and move FORWARD, choosing not to give THEIR action any power over you. Move forward, seek friendships that are in alignment that are RECIPROCAL and mirror your definition of a true friendship. Make your "closure " of this friendship their action of blocking you. End of story.

Just stay courteous and nice when you see them and let the unfriend thing go. Dont take it so personal maybe they have their own reasons and nothing to do with you

What are you posting? I was fine with a conservative friend until she started posting racist, clearly faked videos on her page. I first politely pointed out to her that I and other friends had been at some of the events she was posting fake videos about, when she refused to believe the truth, I unfriended her. I also blocked a friend who constantly posted offensive antireligious jokes.

Ignore it and move on. Their loss and if that is all they thought of your friendship be glad you aren’t wasting more time on them.

Alot of things could happen but as you say leave the door open moved on yes it hurts especially when you grew close as threw the years but if you really want to know you should allow time to go by if you should run into them some where ask them to go too lunch then ask them what happen and why but do not go out of your way the other way is to sent some thing with a note asking why if you get no response from them continue your like it nothing you did wrong so do not question yourself things always work out on the own give your self time and distance

I thought the same happened with a family member but they actually deleted their page however it looked like he had blocked me. I would send a quick message to your friend and check up

I just simply go about my day. I don’t allow part time people to have space in my head, my heart or my life. If they felt the need to unfriendly after 30 yrs of friendship then I consider those part time people with a conditional friendship and they gotta go.

Maybe in different sides…like political n the vaccine. Might be taking a break or let’s be friends without Facebook.

It’s your friend’s daughter, not your friend. She probably doesn’t want you to see certain things she posts but that’s not really the point. Act like everything is normal with your friend and her family… bc it is.

Don’t take it personal ! She probably does that to all adults who might snitch on her for whatever. I’ve done that to specific aunts before hehehehhee but ya I’m sure when you see her in Edson you’ll get a big ole hug !!

Usually it comes down to politics. I tend to keep my posts free of political stuff but honestly, I don’t really care if people disagree with me. Not much you can do about it other than move on. Just wait to see if she contacts you I guess.

Talk to her. Ask if something is wrong. At the end of the day you won’t know unless you ask, and whatever the answer may be just be prepared to perhaps not be friends with them anymore or for it to be something petty or stupid.

It’s easy . You go to get together-like nothing happened . It’s social media not real life . IMO
I have I friended people on my social media a lot . Mostly because they post things that are upsetting to me . When I see them at family or friendly gathering I acknowledge them and talk to them if the situation or conversation warrants it . I don’t need the drama in my life that their social media causes . Let it go .

Before you take it personal, think of reasons that may not include you; like maybe she deleted her fb account. Or her computer crashed. She mightve set up a new account and didnt contact all her friends yet. If it is personal, are there any areas that youve betrayed her trust to her mother or other? I know it can be hurtful and has happened to me. Even after asking the reason, they still wont tell me why they blocked me. Just this year I had a very long time friend blindside me with a block and I didnt even realize we had different views on something. It hurts to think about it but Ive learned long ago that when I take them “back” I always find out the reason why I never shouldve.

Experiencing very similar events now. Yes, it hurts. Yes, it seems petty but its not. Social media hurts alot of people. In your face, in person hurts more. Best advice, move on.

Move on. If you’re still friends with the mom, that’s all that matters. If the daughter avoids you at get together’s ignore it, it’s her issue not yours.

They must be peace’s of the puzzles that your not saying, no one especially a friendship that is over 30 yrs just end like that without no explanation.

I wouldn’t say anything. She obviously is going through something and doesn’t know how to manage it. Give her time and space and move on.

It may not even be personal, they might not want you to see their content or you might post content that they don’t want to associate with.
I would usually respect it, but then not even acknowledge it at next gatherings. Carry on as normal.

To be honest, I think ur asking the wrong crowd here. I recommend that you ask the “friend” that blocked you, why she blocked you? No one else can answer that.

People delete others for many reasons. I have deleted someone because they rant about politics to the point their posts are annoying, others because they constantly post everything that happens in their lives taking up my page. I usually will tell them that I have or will be doing it so there is no hard feelings. I would just ask when you see this person. Say that you miss their posts and ask why you don’t see them any longer. Then accept the answer and move on.

Move on if they can unfriend or block you after 30 years then she really wasn’t your friend was she

She may have removed her profile than deleting or blocking you.
My sister recently blocked me I can’t say I care all that much.
Try not let it bug you

my grandson & his wife often ‘disappear’ on social media- @ 1st it was odd & confusing- later learned, wasn’t about ME- they had other reasons for deleting their accounts- let it go- FB isn’t ‘real’, & this isn’t either ~

Ignore it, in future reunions, treat them as cordially as you would any other aquintances, apparently, they were never really your friends.

A good friend of mine did the same thing to my daughter. I think my daughter just had too many controversial posts and she just didn’t want to be seeing them. It doesn’t change the friendship that I have with them and it shouldn’t with you.

social media has become way to important to you

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Maybe the daughter of your friend who deleted you and your daughter has been posting some things that she doesn’t want her mom to know about. So she thinks that if you or your daughter sees your post that you’ll tell her mom. I really think that’s what it is.

It sounds more like the person who did the blocking, has something to hide and they don’t want anyone telling their mom.

Congratulations! You are now an official member of the Internet Generation. No communication, no confrontation, no dialogue. I’ll ghost you (unfriend) and you are done. I don’t like your political views so you are done. Don’t take it personally, it’s a whole generation of everybody gets a trophy, nobody’s loser. So no one deals with it. Consider yourself luck. At least you know what you are dealing with.

If you are close and often attend family functions…. Then a phone call would be in order right? Asking if all is okay? You don’t know what happened and YOU are dishonoring your friends intentions by not reaching out first. If she won’t return a call or speak to you… then you know for sure she has removed herself… her right… You could let her know you are there if she ever decides to reach out again if you desire.

She probably doesn’t want her mom finding out what she’s doing through you. I wouldn’t take it personal.

Talk to them face to face if you’re so close?

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Maybe she didn’t want you to see what she posts so you couldn’t tell her mom. It’s nothing I’m sure.

It’s possible that there’s conflict between their online and offline ‘lives’ - but there could also be so many other variants to that too.

Think about (don’t over-think it though), accept it for what it is, then put it away with an “oh well, it is what it is” and leave it at that.

It’s your friends daughter not your actual friend. If you’re living in the same town and are worried about it just ask her why, I would