Seems such a petty problem...but how do you handle being unfriended on social media?

Is the social media fb? If so, do they have a lot of fb friends? Fb only all allows a certain amount so maybe they deleted both of you because they had to make room for others and since you get together irl they are deleting those people. Don’t overthink it.

Sounds like they disagree with your view points or find whatever you post annoying. That has been the problem for me when I delete friendships.

Try being off Facebook/ social media for a month . It is hard but liberating. You get a sense of the real world and what is important when not dealing everyday with social media.

Honestly you shouldn’t worry bout it i have unfriend alot of people cause what they post it’s their Facebook so what just move on with your life not end of the world just because they unfriend you don’t cry over spilled milk

Sometimes it isn’t personal. I routinely unfollow or unfriend those that I never hear from. You unclutter your house every now and then, don’t you?

Sometimes your unfriended bc they want to share things on Facebook like meme or jokes with language or content that they may feel you and daughter may find inappropriate…Don’t take it personally just let it go lol it’s social media not a personal attack. I am not on two out of three Dil fb bc they want to share things and feel comfortable…Me not being a high school girl could careless…lol…Visited them my son and grandkids regularly no problems with Dil’s…Its their page they can do as they plz just as I do with mine…:grin:

She might be up to something she dosent want you to know about.

Call your friend, she may not even know that her daughter unfriendly you. Also remember Facebook is NOT the real world.

My friends daughter. Not my friend, but her daughter. Treat her in person exactly like you would any other time.

Maybe they just didnt want to have your other friends involved.

Well idk what your nieces intentions are. But some people block, unfriend for many reasons. I unfriended a lot of people who would get offended by my posts etc… I have also unfriended because I don’t want a person having front row seats to my “life”.

If it really bothers you, just ask…

“If you can’t ask, don’t assume”

Best of luck :raised_hands:t3:

Sometimes I unfriend people when they post too much and especially political things, it’s not that I don’t like them but I don’t want that on my page, I want happy things :woman_shrugging:t3:

You decided to be controlled by others behaviors. It’s you, not them.

Don’t let something like social media make you think this way. That’s unhealthy. Maybe PHYSICALLY talk to them to see what’s up.

Don’t invest. Social media is just one area of friendship. If the person is otherwise friendly to you IRL? Let it go.

I say who cares it’s just social media but if they have a problem they need to address it with you in person. But maybe she deactivated her fb.

Call your friend and talk to him/her. Get off of social media.

It will always come out someone will tell you what they heard

Forgot about it it’s her loss

It might be what they’re posting on social media. Anything about politics?

Maybe they are taking a break from Facebook. Or, simplifying what they see.

Had this happen to me because of political differences. No debate allowed.

Move on with my life.

Communication in person goes a long way!!

She probably is posting things she doesn’t want the family privy too and it’s nothing personal.

I feel for you. Maybe you posted something she didn’t like. People are petty. I personally don’t care if anyone unfriends me. There are plenty of other people happy to listen to my boring waffle x

from personal experience, they probably just want to post funny/inappropriate things without offending you because you’re basically their elder and they don’t wanna be disrespectful.

Don’t waste your time with petty things like being unfriended on Fb

Don’t even stress it, especially over your friends child.

You worry about the wrong things :flushed:

Grow the f*** up and move on with your life! Simple!

I deal with it. If it happens then so be it.

  1. something definitely happened and most likely it was between your daughter and this friend
  2. why do you really care? It’s social media and just like in real life, people come and go.

Check to ensure that one side isn’t supporting MAGAT-RUMP. This has destroyed a lot of family bonds and friendships.

Social media is fake

Who gives a fuck you’re all so sensitive

Maybe deleted Facebook

They could have closed their FB account

Maybe the women’s daughter did it . Call her and have Lunch date

Find yourself alot better friends. Xx

Do you send out game requests…

Don’t worry about it

Blow it off. I have no family on my friends list because they deleted me . Don’t matter. Its frekn face book.get a grip

Send an email or phone and ask directly why they unfriended you

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When one door closes another one opens.

Maybe they deactivated their account.

Are you kidding??? Your Facebook relationship is a measuring factor of your friendship? You are petty. Maybe there are things she’s posting that she doesn’t want others that you’re connected to seeing or hearing. She may have blocked her own mother!