Shold I let my daughter see her mawmaw before she passes?

Make plans to go and see her, but bring your daughter for only a few minutes… just to say you’ve done it. bring someone else who can take her home when she feels uncomfortable. This is important for her. And for grandma

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I would take her if u can. If it gets too difficult and ur mom gets worse then maybe stop. But in all honesty if they are that close it might be good for both of them to see each other as much as they can before god for bid ur passes. I’m in my grands life daily and if I was in ur situation I would love nothing more then to see and spend as much time as I can with my babes. Also maybe talk to ur mom and see how she feels about it. I’m so sorry ur kind of between a rock and a hard place.


I set up FaceTime calls where a nurse would give my mom an iPad for an hour so we could talk and see her during the worst of the Covid pandemic. Try to schedule a virtual meeting that way. This way it’s still some sort of contact even though it isn’t physical touch but it’s better than nothing.

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WOW this is such a hard decision. I would take her occasionally only just so she does see her Mawma once in awhile but not too much or it may just be as hard and upsetting to your daughter for you as well as her to handle.

Take my child.let her spend time with mamaw.

My dad got sick and passed fast
Found out in February of 2018 and he passed April 2018
My oldest was only 2 so I took him to see his papa who he was really close to but once my dad couldn’t get up and walk I didn’t take him back (as requested by my dad, he didn’t want him seeing him like that) my daddy passed 2 weeks later

My daughter was in her nanas hospital room right up until they gave her sleepy meds and turned off the oxygen. She was 6 at the time. We explained best we could what was happening. She was sad but handled it like a real trooper. I think of my mom every day.

Do it thru video chat on a cell phone

I speak from first hand and wish/ would give anything to go back. My daughter was 9… she was soooo close with my grandma… I didn’t take her to see her in her final weeks cause I didn’t know if it would be good or bad… I battled it myself, had 1 or 2 ppl say it was best not to… my grandma has been gone just over 8 years… she misses her so much, and has reminded me. She wishes she had the chance to say goodbye… no matter what… go with ur gut… and it usually is best to let them say goodbye… I personally say… take her​:two_hearts::two_hearts:. Best of luck it’s hard. No matter what.

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Take the kid to see her. Or video chat with her

l get pald 0ver $ 130 per h0ur w0rklng fr0m h0me. l never th0ught l’d be able t0 d0 lt but my buddy makes 0ver $ 10581 a m0nth d0lng thls and she c0nvlnced me t0 try. The p0sslblllty wlth thls ls endless.

For Details >>>>

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Ugh that’s so tough. I think I would at least bring her once, it may be her last chance and I think I’m the long run you won’t regret that.

On your behalf I feel the right thing to do is to let the granddaughter see her grandmother if there was something to happen and she never got to see her the last time sometimes we might not ever but give ourselves for doing something like this I know God would probably want it this way as well. :latin_cross::pray::place_of_worship::heart:

Absolutely take her.

Definitely take her. May be helpful to attempt to set boundaries before getting there, “mawmaw can’t hop up and play, so we need to sit with her this time” for example. Maybe try bringing a board game or something to help her focus and sit without being too pent up?


jes take her and do lots of explaining why she cant gett up at the moment and also about dead. etc. she will have to accept this also one day.

Should definitely let both of them see each other

I would take her to visit &I would take photos of them can sit MawMaw up with the help of the bed.

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Yes, if not you will regret it the rest of your life and your daughters, my oldest son when he was about 4 was super close with his dads mom( grandma) and when she passed his dad refused to let him go to the funeral and it has screwed with him so bad mentally that he never got that closure we had to do alot of counseling and therapy over the years and its still really hard on him, he’s 17 now and still hasn’t forgave his dad for not letting him say good bye and have that little bit of time with her that he needed, it may be hard but don’t deny your daughter the right to say good bye before it’s to late

I only have this anecdotal evidence: My little sister did not want to see someone leave when they did, so hid. 50 years later she still regrets it.

You take her, don’t keep her away

Keep taking her to visit !!!’

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Yes take her to see her Gma,memories are the best…

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Also let her go to the funeral my little brother died when I was 5 and my parents decided not to take me. To this day I don’t really feel like I’ve got closure

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Keep taking her to visit. She will need the closure

I would let her see her!

My son was 4 when my mom died. She was in hospice for months. She couldn’t do anything for herself. I propped her up to sit up. I don’t regret my son being with her at all. He was there til the end. The key is to talk to her. Explain everything even if you think she can’t understand. Take pictures. Record Mamaw’s voice. If she can read record her reading or praying or just talking. Preserve as much as you can.

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Take her to see her.

It’s not Ok to take away that opportunity to say good bye

My grandma went down very fast. It was scary for me seeing her like that. I opted having them talk on the phone to her and tell her we love her. She passed that night. It was what she needed. I’m grateful for my choice to not let them see her like that.