Should 8 and 9 year olds bike to school on their own?

Mind your business :roll_eyes:

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Depends where you are in some places it’s illegal for kids under 12 to travel to school without supervision

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I say no but it’s there kids not my business

Every child’s maturity is different… If my child had a sibling and they were mature enough AND HAD PHONES I would allow them to bike to school TOGETHER depending on how far they would have to go… But being that I only have one child it’s a definite no :expressionless: Unless she ends up with a best friend who I trust and family I trust and we all grow to be really close that’s never happening…

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Personally no i wouldn’t but fact of the matter it’s not your kids. I completely get being worried for them and watching out for them
I’d most likely do the same. I do feel like to a point whether a parent lets there kid do something like that at their age probably depends on the area you live in as well as how far the school is.

I feel it depends very much on the child and if the mother is confident her children can manage to ride their bikes to school safely - which she has done by declining your offer, then its none of your business. By the way- has any watched “Old Enough” on Netflix. What Japenese kids being sent on errands are capable of at 3 and 4 years old is mind blowing. Of course the children are being supervised by incognito personell on their errands but still - I think perhaps we baby our children way to much.


No way I would let mine what if they get kidnapped or ran over


It is a personal issue we deal with for our families. I did when young get to school on my own but did it different for my son waited until he was 10. My grandkids well I’m responsible for them and I must admit I do the school run to and from school the youngest being 8 and the 2X oldest still at high school aged 16. Times have changed it’s got worse from when we were young at school.


Each to their own but I’d be concerned if my neighbour was following my kids to school…


Some of my kids yes. Some no. I have 7. When my kids expressed wanting to walk to school it wasn’t an instant no. It was discussed and assessed and my kids feelings rated highly in the decision.

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Kids are loosing there independence now days it’s so sad can’t wrap them in cotton wool forever itl do them no good later on in life.

My 8 year old twins walk to school, and then walk home with my 5 year old since he only goes half days. The school is 1.5 blocks straight down from my home, and I can see them the entire walk. I live in a very small, rural town….with a very low crime rate. I think it really depends on the children and their ability to manage that responsibility. It also very much depends on the situation. My kids literally begged to start walking to school. :joy:
My brothers and I always walked to and home from school as kids….it was almost half a mile away from my house. We loved walking!


If She is comfortable with them doing that then good on her, my boys are 9 & 11 but I don’t let them go far xxx

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Depends on the neighbourhood but she seems OK with it. I got myself to school on foot, bike or Rollerblades from that age. We were always in a group


Depends on how well of a community she lives in…is it safe from drugs/dealers gang related happening
Or is it a small tightest community


I walked to and from school since elementary all the way to high. We loved a mile from all 3 schools and were told not to talk to strangers. It depends on if it’s a safe area and if the child is mature enough to be trusted. If we lived in our old neighborhood then our oldest would be allowed. But we lived less than a mile and I’d be able to see her walk to and from.

I cycled to school along a dusty road in the 1950’s…to a one teacher school…the only threat to me were the magpies swooping…good old days.


Your choice mine rode there bikes but that was a long time ago I don’t think I would today but not that young though

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My daughter is 12 in November and I still walk her to and from school.


I was that age when I walked to school…I however in this day and age…I walk my kids to school…not because they can’t do it by themselves…but because I don’t trust the world we live in


How far away is the school? How good is the neighborhood? How’s the weather?

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Depends on maturity of kids. Depends on how far, lots of factors that you obviously aren’t involved in. And I would suggest being careful, someone may think you are stalking them and call you in…

I’m sure her kids are street smart. I was walking to school and home at 9 and that was 3.8km a day 15 years ago. When my kids get to that age they will be aswell. Just worry about your own kids and stop putting responsibilities that aren’t yours, on your shoulders.


Mind your own business.


Nope. I see kids riding their scooters and bikes to school and these kids are about 7/8. also please remember that her kids are her kids and not yours.


My sister and I walked when we were that age. Younger even.


I feel like you should pop put your own kids if you want to watch people’s children so hard…get a hobby and drink water…mind your business…


Mind your own business and your own kids.


Kids can’t even grow up doing the stuff grandparents done without the generation of moms nitpicking someone else kids. They aren’t your responsibility how do you know she hasn’t sat them down a grilled them on the road safety you don’t, your just going off what you assume and the fact your putting your insecurities on to someone else child when you have your own to deal with and make sure they get to school safe says it all just leave them alone and concentrate on your own kids.


Raise your own kids leave this other family alone. It’s more then one child they are together riding bikes to school. Let them be


why do the admins keep posting these stupid sanctimommy questions?


one name just one for major credible example …Jaycee Dugard if I spelled name wrong doesn’t matter … it will come up… if it happened then it can happen especially now… and that anxiety is actually your common sense which is not common in a lot of people

so NO
and read her book if you haven’t heck watch Paula Zahn on #ID sometimes watch a few shows another is disappeared
all true

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Too many unmentioned factors in this question. Is it a safe area? Do the parents know people along the route to school that could be watching for them? How far away is the school? Do the kids call mom to let them know they made it safe? Do the kids know what to do in an unpleasant situation? Do they have any self defense training? It’s great to help keep an eye on all kids you see, but there’s a fine line that it sounds like you may be close to crossing if you haven’t already.


Each to their own I walked or biked to & from school from younger but in saying that my girl is 11 & I walk her to school every day,we live in the same street as her school .

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Mind your own business


"Mind your business " so many of you are so wrong for this. No matter the child’s age that is still so young, she/he could get stolen or far worst hit by a car
It happened here where I live the child was walking home and was struck by a car, who left the child for dead its not like the old days anymore


I was walking to school starting about 2nd grade. Although I would commonly hook up with and walk with neighborhood kids also walking to school.


I wouldn’t but that’s just me


Yes. It’s good 2teach dem responsibility n independence. What about those children who have 2walk miles bcos they can’t afford a motor ride or cycle. It’s good as a parent we can pick up and drop of. There was a tym I should walk 2fetch my children. Den my hubby got a car 4me bcos my children changed school n then with activities n tuition, den tym at university I had 2fetch if their were protests n exams tym

Can’t let it bother you. Its not your kids. :woman_shrugging:

We have 5 and 6 year olds ride to school :woman_shrugging: they’re good!


I personally wouldn’t let mine walk at that age yet but who are we to tell other people what to do with their kids? Everyone’s rules are different, just BC we don’t agree with someone else’s rules doesn’t mean they’re wrong.
Best thing you can do is just keep a look out like you’ve been doing. That’s awesome you do that!!

It would depend on the town. I live in a small farming town and I drive my kids. The youngest r 11 now. But if they didn’t have to cross a very busy main road I would let them walk. If I still lived in the town over. There would be no way I would let them walk. So it just depends on the surroundings for me.

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I would not let mine in this day and age no matter where I lived. However, if the mother was disabled or for what ever reason couldn’t take them and there was no other way for them to get back and forth then it’s a different story. I don’t think you know enough to make the call.

Nope. My eldest is 11 years old and then I have a 8 year old and never ever have I let them walk to school, shops etc. So many kids are taken from strangers no matter how much you teach your children about stranger danger. A little girl my daughter’s age (8) was grabbed from outside my kids school only 2 months ago at home time. Thank god her sibling stopped the man taking off with her.

My son starts high school next year and I’ll be ‘considering’ it then.

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I wouldn’t, my son is in 2nd grade and when they bring the kids out of school the teacher won’t even let them leave unless a parent is there to pick them up.

Kids aren’t allowed to come and go from school alone, at my grandchildrens school unless they are in year 6

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And I feel like this is none of your business


Not your kids not your business

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Your doing the right thing by jus making sure they are safe

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I was walking to school at age five…almost to week miles. :smirk:

Of course it’s good to teach your kids independence but at that age I think it’s inappropriate and very lazy. My children will not be walking alone to school until they start high school. It pisses me of that there’s so many shitty parents that couldn’t give a damn. What if the child got rang over by a car, they have no phone and I’m sure Childrens services will be very concerned

Your fear/anxiety shouldn’t dictate what’s best for their family.


OP kinda sounds like the creep she’s so scared of.


It would depend on where you live. I used to live in a small town in a rural area where I grew up. Everybody pretty much knew everybody. My kids walked to school. I had to work early in the morning so there wasn’t much choice. They did all right. When I had a day off and the weather was bad I would drive them to school, but they usually walked.

Hellz no. I don’t even like my 18 daughter walking to the bus stop alone. Ppl are trash and they do trash shit.

I used to walk to school n back around that age if with my older brother or friends who lived on same street. Depends on the maturity of child, I currently wouldn’t let my daughter as she’s so lapse daisy n has no sense of stranger danger

No they shouldn’t be riding to school alone, but there isn’t anything you can do other then keep an eye out for them. You’ve offered to take them to school and she declined. Some people won’t get it until something happens :confused:


No I wouldn’t I have trust issues with the way the world is. I still feel 9 and 10 are a lil to Young to go alone. I guess it would depend on the maturity the child.

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Depends on where you live and how far away the school is. Small rural town they should be fine. Wouldn’t say the same for a large city.

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6 years olds catch the train to school in Japan.


Our school district if you live x amount of miles from the school you’re allowed to walk or bike. Certain districts ride the Metro Bus starting at age 6

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You are health and safety gone wild :woman_facepalming:t2: let kids live and learn. My 10 year old did a bike course which taught him how to safely ride in roads and signal etc so as long as a child is confident enough and been taught how to be safe then why not? Why hold them back


I would not. My teens are still not allowed to walk just because I’m super paranoid. Some parents are different and we gotta respect that. If u see the kids just keep an eye out for them n say a little prayer for their safety.


Daaaamn I’m gonna get some mum shame for this :upside_down_face:
I live in a small central Otago town in New Zealand. My sons school is a 2 minute bike ride away from our house. This town has next to no crime. He crosses one pedestrian crossing… and the rest is through greenways (lined by houses). My son who is almost 7… is incredibly street smart. Will usually see a couple of his friends on the way biking as well.
It’s his new found independence. He loves it. He bikes to and from school every single day :metal:t2:

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I personally wouldnt. My son is 9 but even if it was closer to us (his sister road her bike to and from the school and it took her an hour just to get there, 10 minute drive) I still wouldnt only because of how fast people drive on our road. But with his school, cant leave without an adult until they are a certain age. Even at our bus stop (1/2 mile away), cant be there without an adult until a certain age.


I would,anyone could get kidnapped, so are we gonna baby our kids.

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If they not YOU’RE KIDS it’s not your business SMH


I personally wouldn’t let my daughter. It’s NOT my business what others do with their children


You need to mind your own business.

Yes at 8 and 9 mine were mature enough to ride to school, the only reason they didn’t us because we don’t have a safe place to ride bikes.


8 and 9 is not too young. I’d make sure they knew how to do so safely as I’d be worried about drivers more than anything else.

Also, if they’re riding together, it’s pretty rare for anyone to snatch up TWO kids

I wouldn’t, but that’s with my kids , I mind my business with no problem tho so that’s that parent issue not yours


We did it really depends on so many things and is the parents decision no one else’s

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Not your kids not your buisness.


It would depend on the neighborhood, how far the school was, and what kind of roads they would be riding one. When my kids went to Howe and we lived on Doty, we were a few blocks from the school. (Like 3 or 4 I think) If not for the neighborhood being complete garbage, I would have let them there. They wanted and begged me to let them the whole year. If their school was the same distance in the neighborhood we are about to move to, then absolutely I would let them.

Good god focus on your own kids. What if ppl saw you doing something questionable w your kids and they wanted to intervene?? Get a life


I wouldn’t let my kids ride to school. I wish there were more neighbors like you caring for other ppls kids. It takes a village to raise and look after kids. I like how you respectfully asked her and respected what she said. Still keeping an eye out.

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Absolutely not, but there’s really anything you can do about it.

8 and 9 isn’t too young. If they’re capable of having that independent moment maturely, don’t hold a kid back from doing something they’d feel good about themselves for.


Thats right every child is different my daughter is 8 now and she’ll take her bike soon we live 3 mins from school. Let her know the safety rules helmet see yah later

It depends on the child and neighborhood. However, I think you need a serious dose of mind ya business because if a neighbor that isn’t even my friend sticks her nose in my business there’s gonna be an issue.


The town i nanny in is a biking town. All the 9 year olds bike to school and it’s not all that close by.

Nope! I live 15-20 minutes from crazy town

Nope. You be Karen too much.

I would never! Maturity has nothing to do with it. There are evil people in this world and kids go missing way too fast :sob:


Why did you post this?
If enough people agreed with you were you going to call DFS on them?!
I hope not!
Attempting to ruin a family because of their parenting style is super malicious in my opinion…


It’s nice of you to watch over them so they are safe :sparkling_heart:


I would not allow my child to…. But he’s extremely adhd and has no sense of stranger danger…. Soooo…. It really depends on the kids

From my perspective no but that also depends on how far away said school is for example I have to cross 3 roads 1 can be busy 2nd is a main road and 3rd is by school but if I lived closer I’d be more inclined to allow it

No, but it is great that you care and you willingly keep an eye on them. Just don’t make it your responsibility when their parent had declined your generous offer. Maybe with you keeping an eye out, if anything suspicious were taking place, I’m sure they see you’re there supervising and won’t do anything to the kids, I would say that is great of you already.

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Get your nose back on your side of the fence Karen


Too young! Especially with these pervs out nowadays, I feel not one soul is safe

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That’s great that you are watching them to make sure they are ok.

This is a bit much. Kids should be allowed to ride their bikes to school without someone making it a big deal. Sounds like they are using the buddy system. I think you should mind your own business.


Nope! In my opinion some people are still to trusting. I’m 47 and I can remember walking alone 3 miles to school. That was until walking home one day alone, a couple passed by and offered me a ride. Scared the life out of me, so I ran. They followed me all the way until I cut down a back alley/road to my house.

No! The day we live in your children are stolen in seconds.

Mind your business it’s not your choice how they raise their kids


I started riding my bike to school when I was 9 and we couldn’t see the school from my house either.

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My kids were 8&10 when they had to walk 1.5 blocks to school because I had to work … school started at 9:40 and I got them GPS watch/phones … gotta do what you gotta do, especially as a single parent


In our small town both our middle school are in the middle of two a neighborhoods so you’ll see kids from any age walking home. Mostly they’ll all be in a group of friends or siblings, but thankfully we’ve never had crazy incidents here dealing w/ the children! I think you just need to mind your own & let her mama how she wants because you don’t know how she prepared this children to walk everyday

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