would you let your 8 an d9 year old bike to school on their own every day? my neighbor constantly lets their kids bike to school and i feel like they are too young…i drive my kids daily and find myself watching them ride their bike to make sure they are beind safe and no one is stealing them…it gives me so much anxiety that she lets them do this…we cannot see the school from our houses and neither of them have phones…i have offered to drive them and she declined saying they have way to school…i just feel like they are way too young for this…
Absolutely not, no. That is way too young and there are so many creeps…
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should 8 and 9 year olds bike to school on their own?
How far is the school…blocks or miles?
No way I have a 8 year old and make sure he gets to school and in the doors I’m 36 and u can’t bring ur kids up in a world that we grew up in far to dangerous
Depends how far. My 10 year old rides to school on his own occasionally when his friends are sick or not riding. He knows the way and there are usually trusted adults along the way or other kids riding/walking.
Not your kids, it’s up to that mom to decide what she deems old enough.
Do you live in a populated area
No personally. All it takes is 2 seconds alone and they can disappear. I hate to think like that but it’s reality. My son will not ever get to school without an adult with him until he’s old enough to fight off an adult.
I get that this isn’t good, and they should not be letting the kids do this, but it’s also their kids, and you can’t change what they do and don’t allow their kids to do, even if it is extremely unsafe
I use to when I was a kid from 7 on yeah I’d let mine.
I was walking at that age to and from school and it was a bit away from my house.
It depends on the environment where our community is in.
At that age my boys stayed home alone. As did I when I was that age. My bus stop was far from my house and had to walk always to get home. They also took their bikes out at that age and road around the apartments with out me watching them. Personally I encourage independence
that’s not to young and they probably really enjoy it
While I personally wouldn’t allow it, that is their family choice and one has to respect it and leave it alone. All you can do is pray nothing happens and move on. Don’t watch them. Don’t mention it again. You offered, she declined.
Its none of your business really
Not this day and age nope, ppl are so scary you never know who your neighbors are
I would have to base my decision on where I am living at the time. Where I live now? No. But in a more rural area where everyone knows everyone and looks out for each other, yes.
My son has walked since 8/9. He liked.meeting his friends
Depends on the neighbourhood.
You should mind your own business.
I walked or rode my bike to school when I was about that age, maybe 10.
Honestly though, it’s not really any of your business. Do you know what’s going on in your neighbor’s life that lead them to that decision? Or are you just being nosy af?
These days and time. I would never let my kids do this. This world is sad crazy we live in now… its not like it was when I was a kid
From year 2 and 3 I was walking home alone with my brother
Lol you lost me when you said “my neighbor” girl mind your business and go to bed
Personally I would not. Having said that, I am thankful I have always had the advantage of taking and picking up my kids. I have kids of different ages and I still watch my 25 yo drive away.
Who’s also 2 years younger then me might I add. That was alot younger then 8.
There isnt a chance in heck i would allow my 8 even 9 yr old to bike to school on their own. Blocks or miles . Doesnt matter. It literally takes seconds to be abducted, involved in a hit and run. This happens daily , in broad daylight all the time. Grown women get abducted all the time, cant fight off the person, or have no control over being thrown in the back of a vehicle. A child doesnt stand a chance. Unfortunately its not your children to make the decision for, but youve got that maternial instinct to follow behind and make suure they are okayy. I pray nothing ever does happen to yer kids, but if it were to happen, its a conswquence to a very irresponsible choice on the parents.
It’s not your business but I agree too young
I wouldn’t let mine
But it’s not your kids
Sounds like you should mind your business. If I knew someone was following my kids I would lose my composure. You addressed it with the parents. They gave you an answer. Move along.
I would prefer to drive them to school in my opinion they seem too young to drive to school at that age. I would be at peace knowing they are transported by vehicle but eventually its a good way for them to start being independent. They may find that riding their bikes to school is a way of them being independent so that’s probably why most kids enjoy it. Would be a good idea for mom to get them phones.
Me personally no.! I would rather be an over protective mum then a sorry one…
No way. I don’t even want mine waiting at the bus stop without being watched
Not your circus, not your monkeys.
The world we live in I say no . No one should ever be left alone.
I sold meth for my mom from ages 8 to 12. Riding to school was the safest thing l did at age 8.
Well if you want to let them you can get them something like Bluetooth trackers. Honestly I think it’s to young and probably won’t let my children do the same until 12, but you can’t stop someone else from parenting their kids.
I live in the city so no. But where I grew up? Yes. I did it and was fine.
I’ve known a lot who do, it’s there choice. If it’s a walking school sure. The crossing guards know their kids. It’s ok.
Not ever! My son was 12 when he first started riding and I knew his route…take precautions…too young!!!
Sounds like a great mom!! My 9 yr old is very mature for her age and she rides her bike to school and to her friends houses around the neighborhood. I used to be the mom who wouldn’t let my kids go anywhere. Then when I realized I was keeping them from being kids and that when I was that age and in that grade I was hardly ever home. I was usually out with friends. So if she trusts herself that she taught her kids right and she trusts her kids then I wouldn’t stand in the way.
Don’t listen to these saying mind your business.!!! People like you we need more off to help keep eye on these kids especially today the way things are…
Heck No not today in this Evil world
Personally No. But I would also say its not ur business
Depends how far away the school is and the roads near by I’d say.
But to be honest my kids school is 5 minutes from me and I was walking all of mines till recently I started letting my 10 year old go up and back himself with his friends. Yet I was biking or getting a bus to my school alone or with a friend from about 8 and my school was 30 minutes away because I was trusted and times were different I guess.
So, you live in a bad area?
Goes to show how much of a PC and twisted world we live in. My 6 year old walks to and from school home. No wonder half the kids have no independence anymore. Cause there parents don’t give them any
Why not??? s long as they have road safety knowledge and are competent. I was at 5.
To me I guess it would depend on how far it was. A street, and they walk together I think they would be okay.
No maam. Too many weirdos in this world nowadays… I wish I could trust people, and society but unfortunately you can’t.
Okay just read this properly… it’s none of your business how anyone chooses to parent their children tbh. My almost 9yr old has been scootering or walking to school since he was 5, and is fine
I wouldn’t let them at that age. Or any age these days
Yes. They’re together. They have a buddy system. Are they crossing a freeway or something?
None of your business how others choose to raise their children.
Nah. I’ve watched far too many true crime shows to be comfortable with that
My 9y old does school is 200m away and he has a gps watch so I can track him and also we can call and text each other
Keep doing what you’re doing and watch from a distance, obviously these kids have been fine thus far and safer because of people like you!
I would never ever let my kids walk or ride to school. I live in South Africa. You have to lock your car doors and close your windows to get them to school safe. I literally walk the kids right to the school gates because of human trafficking happening here. It is extremely dangerous out there. Even to let our children play in our back yard let alone on the road or in parks is a huge issues. We constantly have to keep an eye on them and mine are 6 and 10
How you feel about it is irrelevant since the parents have made the choice. The parents know why they’re choosing what they feel is best for their children.
I’m the same, I won’t let my kids walk to and from school. They are 7 and 10. The school is exactly 2 blocks away but we can’t see the school from our house, we are on a side street. We drive and pick them up. Yet their grandpa feels we can let them do this now, I said no. I don’t understand moms that are stay at home moms, have a vehicle, don’t do work from home and still can’t find the time to drop off their kids and pick them up from school.
I had an aquaintance who is a stay at home mom, has no job, has a vehicle, and she makes her elementary school aged daughter walk to and from school cause she is too lazy to drive her back and forth. Well her kid came home screaming that a man in a car was following her trying to lure her in his car but she luckily was close enough to her house to run home. Ring cameras caught it all on tape and the man and car are being looked for. So I don’t think you’re wrong at all.
Stop worrying what someone else oks for their own kids. You’re not raising them
Yes. But I live in a very small town and near the school. A lot of grade schoolers ride their bikes and I plan on letting my son start next year in the 2nd grade possibly the 3rd.
That being said.
It would NEVER have been considered where we used to live. The traffic and crime was much too high.
I think it depends on the kid. I let 2 of my primary age kids ride to school bikes or scooters but I wouldn’t let my current 5 and 8 year old without a adult
I mean… age has nothing to do with it. Because a 14yr old could get taken. As long as the kids know not to talk to strangers, also just go straight to school and back. I don’t see an issue
That’s what’s wrong with kids these days…you could trust an 8 and 9 year old to walk or bike to school when they’re taught right from wrong…my 8 and 6 year walk home from school everyday…my 8 year old drove the farm truck and followed my husband down the dirt roads to pick him up after he was done plowing, he can place a jack under a vehicle, take a tire off and find a flat, then put the tire back on once dad gets it patched, he can pull vehicles on and off of our lift, we own a mechanic shop…he races go carts, he’s about to start riding junior bulls and we are about to move him up from go carts to a small compact dirt race car….are all of those dangerous? Sure. But if they’re taught how to be careful and cautious, any kid can do these things. Funny thing about kids…they’re all born with a teachable brain. My kid will be able to keep his wife and children off the side of the road one day while the rest of these pansy “men” in the world will have to call AAA or onstar, wait hours and put their family in even more danger by being stuck on the side of the road…but this is why real men will be so hard to find by the time my boys are grown.
To each their own! It’s honestly none of your business!
I mean I walked to school at that age by myself, honestly at a younger age, but I also grew up in a small town. I think it depends on alot of things, and really when it comes down to it’s none of your business
If they have a phone for emergencies, yes.
No. They shouldn’t. I don’t let my 8 and almost 10 year old walk or bike to school either.
I think it depends on the kid and how mature they are. Plus they are riding together… Not all of us have the same parenting and thats ok…
Nope, not too young. As long as there are no crazy busy streets to cross… and they are together… and, not too far… it’s good for them.
It’s not for anyone else to judge her parenting. Their parents are obviously OK with it, and have risk assessed the ride in. It’s not for us to decide! It depends on so many factors.
It really depends on where you live.
Honestly none of your business coming to fb asking this as these are not your kids
Not something I’d ever do
But also not your kids so not your problem. Don’t stress about something that’s not your problem
It’s normal in my neighborhood. You will see so many kids riding bikes and walking to school.
Definitely too young. Our school dont allow children to arrive or leave alone till they are 10/11 in year 6
I totally understand you bring worried! I wouldn’t say anything because it’s not your choice…but… keeping an eye on them is good
We live in such a different world. It’s very sad. At this age we were walking to the bus stop right up the street. Not a care in the world. No parents. Just our book bags, lunch boxes and our friends. I’m so glad I’m old enough to have had the childhood I did and no kids to have to experience this weird world we live in today… No offense. #GenX😕
I know how u feel. I wish I felt comfortable with this but I don’t think it’s safe to do so. They could just be in the wrong place at the wrong time when something happens and they are too young to know what to do. I would base this off the law that prevents us from leaving any kids home alone until they are 14 else we can be fined or worse if they come to harm while alone. I would feel very comfortable leaving my very cautious responsible son at home and he is almost 12,but not walking to school.
Think it depends on the maturity of the children, where you live etc.
I’d happily let my children walk to school together but our school won’t allow it until they’re in year 6.
I would for sure if they were competent bike riders.
It depends on the neighborhood and the maturity and ability of the kids.
MYODB. They aren’t your kids. It sounds like they’re pretty close to the school. Learning a little Independence at a young age is good for a kid’s confidence. If you cause that family problems by calling CPS I hope karma repays you tenfold.
I rather they bike together in a group then walk,even one should have a phone too for times out there too.
Not todays world download that sex offenders app and see how many are by your house to their school and then decide
i walk behind mine 2 i carry youngest bag
If they know about stranger danger. It will be ok plus they are together.
I don’t think they are too young depending maturity. I was walking to school with my younger siblings when I was in the 5th grade. Then a mile to middle school. And definitely not the safest area.
Not a hope in hell and we live on the same street as my 9 year olds school.
Kids are safer now than ever before. It’s not “the world these days” but how information is distributed that makes it seem worse.
If you was My neighbours I’d tell ya to mind ya own its nothing to do with you how she let’s HER kids go to school some kids are more street wise then others.
No not anymore. Too dangerous
it’s these types of moms that be so regretful for not taking that extra step.
It all depends on where tou live! Where I am, children that age and younger ride their bikes to school with no issues.
In all honesty. Anyone at any age can get kidnapped. M
Unfortunately it really isn’t your place to decide. Do for your children what you feel appropriate. You can’t control your neighbor they are her children.
I see little 5 year Olds walking to school on their own, ill be giving my kids even to high school, or walking with them
I mean you haven’t said how far the school is…
Plus maturity level and how do you know they don’t have phones etc ?
Lots to consider .
Each to their own. Plenty of kids ride their bike to school.
I’m my hood, the kids get points for walking and riding to school and it’s really encouraged and most kids do from grade 2 and up that are close to the school.
My son did, but my girls have disabilities so that’s a whole different situation.
Like I said - each to their own .
Keep talking about it and she won’t be too polite for much longer.