Nope!! We use to walk 2 miles to school years and years ago. Can’t trust a single soul out there anymore. We live on a dead end and the school is literally at the other end of the street where there’s a crossing guard. My kids are 8 and 10. I don’t let them walk alone.
She’s an old school mom…let her be…her kids are obviously mature enough to ride their bike to school…of you see them doing it every day. She’s giving them their independence…i know it’s a scary world but parents just gotta let the kids grow independently as well. Sounds like the situation is fine
If it helps we have a school 4 mins from my house I never see kids walking to it why same reason crazies.
Maybe just ask her if she minds If you gently fallow to watch where she can’t is all she might like that you are helpful in that way instead
It’s a NO from me. I’ve watched too many crime shows and read too many news articles. I don’t trust people period. BUT I also mind my own motherhood.
Idk mine is 5yrs old and right now, NEVER. Idk how ill feel at 8yrs old. We live .04 MI from the school in a safe city but I’m also only.5 miles from The Bronx. It’s a short bridge ride away and I trust Noone. I’d probably follow in my car too.
For me too young if the school was a block or two maybe 3 yes no main highways roads or anything they could but facts i would give them a ride. With the world we live in today you cant trust anybody!
Hell no I wouldn’t. My partner rode her bike to school w her sister when they were 5&8 & I disagree w that!!! These days I would NEVER let my child do that.
I don’t see an issue with it, I was walking to school by myself at 5/6. I think as long as they know safety rules and they can manage to get to and from school everyday just fine there’s no problem. I also think you should mind your own business, kids need a sense of Independency
For all of u saying yes ofc I did it well imma start by saying I did too 2nd this ain’t the world we once lived heck no I would not let my children bike to school .
My child or not, I will always watch for a child who is alone. I’m sorry, but kids walking home just a few weeks ago were approached by someone trying to take them.
Dang I let my child ride his bike one time and he got in trouble the principal called to ask if we allowed this and that it is not allowed. I’m all for children riding bikes to school and it’s 2 of them together so that’s even better. If it was just 1 at that age I would probably say no.
I would never let my own child bike to school. There’s a lot of things I will let my children do that others won’t and vice versa. Unfortunately regardless of your personal feelings you really can’t interfere in other people’s parenting. I mean when I was their age in the 90s I biked and walked everywhere alone. Sometimes I brought two quarters case I had to call my mom from a payphone. I mean yes bad things happen. Is there are so many pedophiles and opportunistic lunatics and I just wanted to feel comfortable as a mother. But you can’t start imposing your parental will on other people. It was kind of you to offer and I guess you just have to leave it at that.
With the world today I wouldn’t do it
To each their own, you can’t control how other people parent and what other parents allow their children to do, regardless of her reason of allowing them it has nothing to do with you, if it makes your anxiety better to follow then then do you. My personal opinion if they were my kids I wouldn’t. But everyone parents different.
The way the world is today no way. My kids are 9 and 10 and can only play in our yard, front or back. Between weirdos, and traffic I’d never let mine walk or bike at that age. I’m not even talking about if her children are more mature, I’m looking at all the other risk factors.
Just my Opinion…NOOOO Wayyyyyyyyyyy
I don’t even let my 8yr old ride his bike out front of our house unless we’re on the porch watching. So this would be a big no for me.
You can drive your kids if you want that’s your right. It’s not your right to think everybody else should do the same thing though. If your kids are mature enough to ride their bike to school with the other neighborhood kids then don’t let them. At that age mine were riding their bike and walking to school with their friends.
No cause that’s how they end up kidnapped and dead
Nope, and congrats on being an awesome human and making sure they get there safe. This is no longer a safe world we live in where we can do those things anymore at that age.
Mine walked alone starting at 3rd grade, so about 8ish, I didn’t let him ride his bike until 5th grade, about 10, because I was afraid that he’d forget to lock it up. We lived .3 miles from his school and we lived in apartments so there were a lot of kids walking to the school. They had to cross over a busy high way, the police were out there stopping traffic for the kids. I’ve never seen a problem with making sure the kids have a sense of independence. And if you go your whole life worried that someone is going to take your kids…they’ll never live. They’ll never learn. My children know to stay away from strangers, they know if something is happening to yell fire instead of rape. My son had a phone when he started walking to and from school on his own and would usually call me when he left the house and school. I’m not sorry if it offends any one either. I was given freedom and I’ll do the same for my kids. People are quick to say that the world wasn’t like this when we were kids, but it was. We just didn’t have social media to know where all these crazies were…
I’d rather be the mean uncool mom and take my kids to school, than risk seeing them go out the door and then never seeing them again.
This is not the same world we all grew up in, even 10 yrs ago isn’t the same world.
So it’ll be a no from me. My kids are 10 and 13 and beg me to ride bikes around town, I hate to be the bad person, but my town is absolutely terrible and with all this shit going on DAILY on the sheriff’s page… no thanks.
I definitely give them there independence in different ways, but biking to school alone… heck no.
It takes two seconds for a weirdo to snatch a kid up and never be seen again. Personally I would never, but you can’t do much since it’s not your children. I don’t care how mature my children were or the age.
Maybe 50 years ago it was ok but not in today’s world. Keep driving them to school, Mom.
No,I wouldn’t. But if it’s close. Maybe u should follow them and see what happens! I worrie about sex trafficking
Not in this day and age! It’s sweet of you to watch out for them tho.
I’d let my kids bike the one mile to school if there was a sidewalk all the way there. It depends on the neighborhood.
Used to now and than
But we’re talking in the fifties 2-3 miles 2 lane highway and you knew almost everyone between home and school now day no
It’s too many sick people out there
No, but I would just keep an eye on them and be a good neighbor.
In Australia they are not allowed to ride or walk to school by themselves unless they are 12 and over so in my opinion no not at all 
I feel like there isn’t enough information to say yes or no…how far away is the school? Is it at the end of your street? Across the road, or 20 minutes away?
I would say it depends on the maturity of the kids. If a responsible parent educated their children about safety and the rules, I say why not. I let my kids walk to school on their own. My kids always went in pairs. I wouldn’t send just one, unless they were with a neighbor kids. I dunno. Call me a bad parent if you will, but not all parents have the ability to take their kids to school and be helicopter parents.
Personally, I’m not comfortable with letting mine. I don’t even let him go to the park alone. I let him bike around the block but the park or trips to school is too much for this mama. But to each their own and I cannot control what others do or say.
My brothers when they were younger would walk to school. They would walk down to the trailer park to meet up with their friends and they walked as a group. (We personally didn’t have a bus stop because we lived to close to the Early and Later Elementary and the middle school and high school was behind the football field. My boyfriend’s kids have 2 little kids who are 7 and 8 at the bus stop by themselves (note we live in a trailer park with people who can drive through here any time. Its been known that there was a guy that was a predator driving in here). I personally stand at the bus stop with my boyfriend’s kids because they have this little habit of fighting and getting on each other’s nerves (they are 10 and 11). I make sure all the kids who are at that bus stop gets on the bus before I walk back home. I know it’s not the same but if the kids are smart and they know what to do, then it’s on the parents. Yes you can keep watching them from a distance if that’s what makes you feel better
I would call the cops on you for following my child. This is not your child and you are out of line here. Not your decision
Personally, no. This isn’t the same world that we grew up in or that our parents grew up in, but what other parents do with their children is none of my business.
A person can be kidnapped from anywhere at any age. Instead of saying absolutely no biking, how about teaching them how to bike safely? My kids were always taught to never travel alone and to stay in highly visible areas. I think a lot depends on the distance and maturity of the child. I think mine were middle school aged before they walked or biked alone, but I’ve known younger kids who did.
I’m a school bus driver, I happen to live on my route and around the corner a little ways from the elementary school. Out of sight for sure.
Lots of kids do this! I see them all the time when I’m driving my route!
Children have varying levels of maturity. My oldest child would have been fine at 9 yrs old to do that. My 2nd child, not so much.
I really think this is not your business. Just because you disagree doesn’t mean you should say anything or get involved. Her kids might be more mature than you realize and I am gonna have to say that the mother of these kids is gonna know their capabilities a hell of a lot better than you.
Good that you’re looking out for safety and what not. But don’t meddle.
Maybe you could offer them a ride
Stay in your lane!! Schools have bike racks that are always full of bikes. Not all kids are stupid you know. I’d be having you charged for following my kids.
When I was 5 I walked alone to school
There’s not really enough information here.
*How far away is the school?
*What are the roads like from the house to the school?
*What is the community like?
*How mature are the kids?
I think it’s commendable that you’re concerned for the well-being of others, but you have to understand that she isn’t you and her kids aren’t yours.
Depending on the above things I listed… here’s a few things to keep in mind:
- The mom is following “the buddy system” they ride together…not alone.
- Presumably they also ride their bikes home and it doesn’t seem like the school has raised any issues with the set up.
Yes, based on our neighborhood when my kids were that age, I would. There aren’t kidnappers and predators around every corner and anyway most kids who are abducted are taken by someone they know. Also, mind your business. Just because you’re afraid doesn’t mean your neighbor is doing anything wrong.
We live in different times too many shootings, killings, etc That would be a no for me My child will be escorted daily to school
Personally I would not. Today’s world is so different than the past. It’s kind of you to watch out for them tho.
I’m not sure,
Honestly I live outside of town so my kids would need to bus or be taken to school as riding there bike is a far distance.
But if In town and the school isn’t far away and there mature enough I’d say it would be fine
When I was 8 years old I used to walk home from school. My parents or grandpa would take me to school in the morning before work though. It was about a 2 mile walk home and I was fine. Yes that was in the 90’s but even today every kid is different.
No f-ing way!
When I was growing my school was a 3 min bike ride from my house. I wasn’t allowed.
These days? Absolutely not!
I did but we where 4 blocks from school.
People are such helicopters. I am glad that my mom told me what danger of the world were and rather than making me scared of the world or hiding me in a bubble she made suew i knew what to do in bad situation.
Mind your business. No child is being abused or neglected so not your child not your decision to make… as long as these kids are biking miles and miles to get to school they are just fine. Sounds like you live pretty close to the school to me.
None of your business. It’s your neighbours kids not yours.
It’s a hard decision to make. But it’s her’s to make.
My kids 10 and 12 walk home from school. I typically drive them in the mornings because I’m home, but I’m working when they get out. They FaceTime my sister in the way home just in case.
Not ur place. If she doesn’t have issue with it why should u?!
Literally mind your own business. Lol
If you don’t live in a high crime town, the school is only a few blocks away (less than 5), and they have shown her to be mature and responsible enough to go straight to school then she has no reason not to let them.
I lived 2.5 blocks from my elementary school. My kids walked home from school together at 8 and 11. The neighbor watched them after school but she got dropped by the bus at our corner the same time they reached home. (She was a high school junior) Even after she started driving they met her at the house.
Yes the world is scary but there aren’t boogeymen lurking in every bush.
I walked home in 3rd grade alone because my older brother had football practice after school. Let those kids be responsible.
Not your kids…not your problem. I’d be so pissed if I knew that my neighbor was talking about my parenting/ posting about me/my kids on social media… don’t cause problems where there are none
None of your business
I don’t see why not? I swear people baby kids to much these days
Uh depends in 1999 I was 8 and I walked with my older brother by a yr so he was 9 and my younger brother by two years was 6 we would walk to school because we were mature looked both ways and never ran on the road. Now a days I dunno if Id trust that wayyyyy to many sick fucks around dude
My kids walked home from school by themselves at 8 and 9. They usually had a group of friends who walked with them.
HELL NO!!! Watch the news your kids are not safe at school anymore!
It’s really none of your business
Mind your business! What a weirdo. I’m sure it’s less than a mile to the school. It’s good for them to be riding their bikes.
Why are you asking a mom group? If you think there is a REAL threat to them… why not ask your police station? I bet they say to mind your business
My boys are smart and educated on staying together, how to react and never going near anyone who stops in a vehicle or trys to talk to them. Same with safety… they know to cross at the lights and never to scurry across the road. If you think you know best as a mom… why are you questioning that mother. I bet she doesn’t agree with keeping kids on a short leash and not gaining independence. They can still be abducted as adults… ya know. Educate your kids.
Maybe you could offer to take them to school. Not all parents have jobs where the hours allow them to take/pick up their kids to/from school.
In this day and age absolutely not
Everyone keeps saying, not in today’s world. … you realize pedophiles and psychos still existed back then right? It was just not talked about constantly on the internet/social media because we didn’t have outlets like that. I don’t think driving them is wrong and I don’t think letting them bike is wrong either. I walked to school with neighbor kids in elementary school, we couldn’t see the school from our house it was approximately 6 streets down. According to this world data chart there were more murders for ages under 5-age 14 in 1990s than there were in 2019, by hundreds.
Everyone says mind your business, until there is a missing child headline. Then they will be asking why did the mom allow it…wouldn’t be my kid.
Agree with you, when my youngest was 9, one of his friends was allowed to cycle home. I thought he was a tad young, and this theory was proven when he nearly got knocked off his bike ( twice that I witnessed) on the school road , and then saw him nearly topple into the road at a junction. Not emotionally mature enough at 9 so do we let them learn from their mistakes …or would that mean we are allowing them to come to grave danger? A scary chance to take, in my opinion, that’s just not worth the risks
You’re so adorable and the anxiety is real. If it makes you comfortable to have eyes on them, then do that. Try not to worry so much, you’re doing great
We used to do it when I went to school now I wouldn’t way things is today
You’re not their mother
It would definitely bother me, but it’s your business. Try your best to just stay in your lane. If you want to follow them to make sure they are safe, do it. But do it from the kindness of your heart. Don’t tell parents anything.
Depends how grown up they are
Just watch them from a distance… That’s what I do…
I wouldn’t let mine but I also wouldn’t judge anyone else for allowing THEIR children to do it. It’s kind of odd how obsessed you seem about it. Hate neighbors like you. You seem life the type to call police for kids playing outside during the day
i dont even let my almost 10 yr old and my 11yr old walk by them self and the walk is 10 -20 minutes away depending on which we go we cant see the school if we lived like next door to the school and i can see them maybe otherwise nope driving to our school 5 minutes walking depending direction 10-20 minutes like said.
it depends on how far the ride is. maybe you can’t see the school from your house but the ride can’t be too bad if they make it every day. plus it teaches them time management and gives them exercise that i guarantee most kids aren’t getting enough of now a days. it’s great of you to watch them when you can, but she’s not doing anything illegal by letting them bike to school. they’re her kids, let her make that decision.
Mind your d* business!!! YOU do not get to decide what’s best for another person’s child/ren… if you want to watch someone else’s child, then that’s your choice- thanks, I guess maybe you should take an anxiolytic and/or seek therapy instead for this issue.
In elementary school mine rode their bikes . It was approximately 3/4 mile. Several corners and could not see the school
from the house
. Then you had to live 2 miles as the crow flies to get the bus. Thank heavens where we live now no matter how close you are from the school
the kids can catch the bus
and we live 1/4 mile maybe a touch less from the school and in the winter can see the school from our driveway.
To each their own, mind your business and worry about YOUR kids. Their mother doesn’t feel like HER kids are too young. You following her kids, without her permission, is weird af. Stop following her kids.
Just keep following them to make sure they are safe.
Keep the little ones in your prayers.
I mean it all depends for me how responsible is the kid what’s the crime rate? How far am I really from the school? Do the prefer to bike it?
I can see the school from my house for my girls they are 7 and 9 I walk them every day
If it was 20/30 years ago it would prob not be an issue but now no way too many bad things could happen
I wouldn’t, but they’re not my kids.
It’s called parenting preferences. If the school isn’t far I wouldn’t see the problem plus their riding together. There’s safety in pairs. I’ve seen a group of kids the same age walk to school together. Every parent has a preference on how their kids get to school that’s why their called “call riders” “bus riders” and “walkers” mind your business or if you just want to follow and watch them that’s fine as well but stop asking them for rides when the mother has already stated that they do not need it. You’re just going to cause problems especially since it’s not illegal for them to ride their bikes to school.
Worry bout your own kids. My kids walked to school at that age. Unfortunately we cant keep our kids safe 24/7. Thats how life is.
I’m having this issue with our 7yr old (will be 8 in August) our school is about 4 blocks away, can’t see it. But it’s been a Fight with her for 2 weeks now.The school did a bike to school day and now she wants too everyday - I let her that day and followed in the car. Ugh. I think way too young. but I will say A LOT of kids around here walk to school,scooter, etc. I see it every morning and afternoon. I say leave them be. Unless you think they are being abused in some way or form, I’m sure the mother knows her kiddos.
Educate, Educate, Educate… don’t scare. As adults they are at risk still. I live in a town of just over 75000 and never have a read about a child being abducted. Please don’t stalk someone else’s kids … especially after the mother told you they were fine. You don’t seem to trust her … so why would she trust that you aren’t a predator yourself. I mean … driving slow behind kids on a bike everyday that aren’t yours… isn’t that what abductors do? She is their mom… not you. If she butted in on your kids because she didn’t like a way of you… would you like it? Just because it’s not okay with you… doesn’t mean she is doing anything wrong.
No I drive my kids to and from school everyday!!! ANYTHING can happen any second you never know. Don’t matter how good the neighborhood is or the crime rate (seen someone mention it in another comment on here) freaks are everywhere!
What’s the big deal? It’s more than one child, they are fine. We did it as kids. My kids did it. Parents need to let their kids be kids & stop sheltering them so much.
Well, that’s your opinion, I think it’s great that you keep an eye on them, but you can’t but in. Anything can happen, kids are stolen right out of their yard or while waiting on the bus. These kids may enjoy making memories riding their bikes to school, they should get to do that if they are able. I don’t think that shouldn’t be taken away from them…
I live in a very small town of 900 people. My 8 and 10 year old bike to school which is 6 blocks away from our house. They have been taught the rules, and I trust them. They are 8 and 10 not 5 and 6 at what age do you give them a bit of Freedom? Are you going to make a post about a 15 year old biking to school and how unsafe that is? I say mind your own business and let the kids be. I’m so sick of the “super parents” these days who are the “id never” type, constantly judging what others are doing.
I wouldn’t be comfortable with it. My cousin was abducted last year from Orlando and she was 15 at the time. This world is scarey these days
I live in a very small town of 900 people. My 8 and 10 year old bike to school which is 6 blocks away from our house. They have been taught the rules, and I trust them. They are 8 and 10 not 5 and 6 at what age do you give them a bit of Freedom? Are you going to make a post about a 15 year old biking to school and how unsafe that is? I say mind your own business and let the kids be. I’m so sick of the “super parents” these days who are the “id never” type, constantly judging what others are doing.
back in the 80’s and 90’s we were that young and couldn’t see our school and we walked or biked to school. My house was to close to Elementary school to get a bus. When we went to middle school and high school we lived 3 blocks to close to the school that were over 5 miles from the house and we still had to bike, walk or drive (when we were old enough). But you didn’t hear much about kids being taken (I know it was going on as I have heard stuff as I became an adult). But my brother currently lets his 6-10 year olds walk about 1/4 miles from the road to his house and yes I tend to worry as they are girls and tiny with no defense to them. But it’s life when you have full time jobs. Some parents have to let the kids get to school on their own as the parents have to get ready to go to work.
The way things are these days, not a chance.