Should 8 and 9 year olds bike to school on their own?

It is her choice to allow it or not.

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Depends on the neighborhood and the kids.


Depends on the child and how close or far you live from the school. I personally would not be comfortable with my 8 or 9 year old doing that, but if you trust your child well and your child is very mature for their age and you don’t live that far from the school I say go ahead and let them.


Not in today’s world


Why do people continue to act like things are worse off and crazier now than in the past? It is literally no worse, actually it’s better. The only difference is, with the internet, everyone can see for themselves.

Going to school alone today is no less safe than doing it in the 80’s.


Its good for kids to learn independence plus there’s 2of them. My daughter hated when I’d let her walk a mile to the mall but she had take her brother safety in numbers. Believe me those kids are building self esteem by doing this on their own


School allowed us to start biking to school in 4th grade. As a sign that we were older, almost everyone who could did so. Younger than that would depend on many factors imho - maturity, distance, neighborhoods, etc.

I see nothing wrong as long as they aren’t alone. I use to walk a few blocks to elementary school with my siblings. Never had any issues.

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It just take one time for something to go wrong. I never,never took any chances with my kids safety.

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Worry about your own kids.


Depends on the neighborhood and the route they need to take to get to school. When I was 8/9 we rode our bikes to/from school, all over town, etc.


Get with your neighbors and maybe more kids would like to do it but everyone’s thinking the same thing. Maybe your town is smaller and your neighborhood is full of kids and parents. I know mine is and you can leave a toy out and not one person is going to take it. Or get air trackers and see it into those shoes girl, or phones.

Mind your own business; you voiced your concern now let it go. What’s right for your kids is all you need to worry about.

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only i i’m following in my car to insure their safety. and make sure they have a bike lock that can’t be broken so their bikes cant be stolen

Not your kids not your place. You need to kind yourself. How do you think kids went to school prior to all this parental involvement. She is teaching them how to be independent and fend for themselves. She has the same concerns guaranteed but she also gets that they can’t grow an learn while being coddled. So leave her an her kids alone.


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I let my 8 year old bike to school. It has actually helped both of us. I’ve been a super helicopter Mom in the past and still am to a certain degree.

It allows my Son to learn independence and for Me to let the kids grow up. Plus most of the kids in the neighborhood ride or bike to school.


I was staying home alone with my sister and we would have dinner on the table when my parents got home. I was 7 and my sister was 8. It all depends on the capability of the kid. Also mind your business, if you want to follow them that’s your choice


I feel it is too much of a risk. Call me paranoid but I’ve watched too many documentaries and as stupid as it sound a creeps reason sometimes is that the person kid or not was alone no one was around and they could. A lady let her daughter deliver her news paper route one time alone never had she ver before and that one day was the day she was abducted. It can happen no matter what there is always a risk. Air tag cell phone take the best precautions you can if have to allow them to.

Distance? Neighbourhood and if you know ur neighbours would all be a factor. Also the maturity of the child. My kids school is too far and we are right on a busy street, and I have crackhead neighbours so it’s a no for me.

Times are different too many crazies running around now. I wouldn’t allow my child at that age with or without another child too much bad things happening now kids coming up missing or killed .I say no 10 maybe but not 7or 8.

Every child is so very different. These kids may very well be ready for this responsibility. Also these kids may have tracking devices on them to help there parents know they are safe. They could have a watch that even gives their parents their current heart rate! And they most likely so have cell phones too! However at the end of the day These kids are not your kids and it’s none of your business. Maybe their parents have to have them ride to school alone, so they can be at work on time. You don’t know other peoples situations.

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If not at 8 or 9 then when? Also there is two of them making it safer. You could talk to the school or just go get some equipment like a stop sign and be a volunteer crossing guard somewhere between your place and the school making everything safer for everyone.


Depends on the location, the distance, and the maturity level of the children. In any case, not your decision.


They are together - buddy system, right? Not your kids though and if their mother feels the benefits outweighs the risks, then it’s not your place. I’d be more concerned that some person is slowly driving by my kids watching them bike to school. That sounds creepy to me.


No one kid is mature enough for a predator…if you think there aren’t any around, you live in denial…they can snatch any child and being mature will not have a thing to do with it…watching out for others kids is a kind thing to do…its a shame it’s not appreciated…

You’re doing a good job keeping yours safe. That’s the best you can do

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As long as they stay together - they are safe. How far is the school from your house?? If it is 5 miles or more then I would be concerned but it doesn’t sound like it is.


Lots of variables. But I would be okay with our location and distance. Depending on the maturity of the child, also not alone only with other kids.

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Everyone telling her to mind her business :woman_facepalming:. In todays world you HAVE to look out for everyone around you. Don’t matter what you’re doing or what they’re doing. Even in public places, if you happen to see children walking alone, even if they are just steps away from their parents WATCH OUT FOR THEM! Make sure they make it safely back to their parents or to their destination! Far too many children are going missing, are being sex trafficked. It don’t matter if you live in a big city or in a small town where everyone knows who you are, strangers that pass through your town or city can still stop and take your child and be gone within minutes!

So yes, I do agree that the kids are too young. If you really do trust them, teach them self defense, teach them to protect themselves against strangers!

Those who are being negative on the subject, I ask you with all thats transpired in Crestview of late, are you insane?? I was born and raised here, back as a child growing up…a predator known to this family as a friend snatched their kid and done awful things to her and buried her in a shallow grave at wayside Park better known today as shoal river Bridge going south…remember John Leduc?? Crestview was a very small town back then in the early 70s…my own sister was asleep in our bed in 1973, a predator came and tried to take her out of her own home…he was dressed like my mother was that afternoon…he had tried to sell magazines to my parents that day…while casing the house and my sister…dont think its safe…you better keep your eyes on your kids…thank you to this post …you are a good mother watching out…

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In my neighborhood there are kinders that walk to & from school alone. It’s up to the parent. I totally get why you’re nervous. You can’t worry about everyone’s else’s decisions. Trust me it’ll eat you up.

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Kids in my area are encouraged by the schools to start finding their own way to school by 8-9 for independence. As long as you’re teaching your kids to be safe on roads etc then I don’t see a problem. But then it may be different to the kids growing up where you are :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: don’t worry about what other parents are doing as long as yours are safe that’s what’s important xx

You do what you feel is right for you.
We did as kids

Mind your children… she will mind hers

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Way to young in my opinion


Depending on where you live, and if they stay in groups I wouldn’t have a problem by 10 years old.

Autonomy is a crucial part of childhood. But since you opened the door to advise about how to raise children for others, I have a bit for you. You’re doing your kids more harm than good by helicopter parenting. Instead of criticizing, maybe have your kids ride with them, and you could follow all of them simultaneously. You have taken the position as if you’re right and she’s wrong, and that’s not fair. This post was nothing more than an attempt to blastopore a lady who just happens to disagree with you and refuses to take your advice on how to raise her kids. If these suggestions aren’t helpful, then possibly start minding your own business. It’s as simple as that. It’s not complicated. You don’t need to publicly blast somebody because you think they’re doing wrong based on your own experience or opinions.


I get it! But there are so MANY factors to consider! How far is the school? What kind of neighborhood are they biking in? Are the kids trustworthy, know biking rules, and ride their bikes well and ride in atleast pairs? Since they are not your kids, you can only offer giving them a ride. And think, you are the only one who knows, are you a “smother”? I let my kids do it, but only together! If you are not comfortable with it, don’t let your kids do it.

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Each to there own totally depends

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Not your child not your business!!!


In this day and age I would not but each family makes their own rules!

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I always took my child or walked my child to school and back, but, to each his own; I even encountered a child who wasn’t sure how to get home😩

Hell no! With all the child trafficking going on… where they snatch the kids straight out of the parents hands… never!

Sure! They can be added to the better than 800,000 children going missing every year here in the good Ole USA. And that count has probably risen since the border invasion cranked up immediately with a pen stroke or two by obiden, criminals flooding the border…$$$$$$ in child trafficking and a never ending supply of undocumented children to choose from. But child traffickers aren’t choosey. They will and do take children off the street all the time… pedojoe and his handlers are up to their demonic necks in it all.

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Stay in your lane and mind your business. My kids biked / walked to school at kindergarten to high school. I had Jobs to go to and didn’t have the luxury of driving or school bus. So we taught our children to be self serving and productive humans in the community. And guess what they are amazing :clap: :wink: kids are wonderful if you let them be and teach them how !!


I agree with driving lots of perverts in Florida.

and YOU need to mind your OWN business !!!

These days not a great idea…

There have always been bad people…just seems like more of them these days. We didn’t have cellphones growing up just neighborhood Moms like you. Keep watching those babies!


When my children were 9 & 10 they walked home from school which was 7 blocks away and came home to an empty house everyday until 9 pm when I got home from work. I believe alot depends on the maturity of the children. My children knew what to do incase of an emergency, they knew about stranger danger and all that stuff. You can only shelter your children for so long, eventually they have to learn responsibility and learn how to deal with issues around them.


I see it all the time and it’s like o hell no or some little kid walking alone I’m like God no!!

Depends on how mature they are

First, Brava for following, asking, inquiring, worrying, etc. You are my favorite Momma today! I wish there were more mommas out there that had that sense of ‘Village’ when taking on the role of a parent. Our neighborhood watches the kids around our area. Everyone is a parent to every child. But even saying that, no, and our child is a ‘Walker’ and cannot bus. He’s 10 and I still don’t trust this world. But you keep that vigilance! Thank you!

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She ain’t got an anxiety problem. Thats ur problem.

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I would say this is a very individualized situation, so many factors to include before making a decision. So generally speaking, I stay out of other parents business, it’s up to them, not me as to what they allow their kids to do. There are decisions made by parents every day that I may not agree with, but they’re not my kids. We were hounded quite a lot when our kids were growing up because of how we parented, I finally started telling people to stay out of our business. It’s one thing to be concerned, but totally different getting involved. If there was an obvious safety issue, that’s different.


Hell No :scream: Not With the Way Things are Today :scream: Get off your Lazy Butt and Take The Kids To School :heart:

It’s actually illegal in Australia for any child under 12 to be without supervision.

And it’s every capable adults responsibility to care for any child’s well-being and safety.

I’m not on either side of the fence, and definitely place no judgment. Just stating Australian law.


Yes I think it’s fine, and no I wouldn’t allow it lol

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The mother probably doesn’t want to be obligated to anyone. This method is feasible to her and allows her and her children the independence to solely rely on themselves. What happens if your kids aren’t going to school that day or you aren’t well and someone else is taking them? Now she would have to find other plans or send them on their bikes, which you have now convinced her is unsafe, so she’s on pins and needles the whole time.

She worked this out in a way that works best for her and her family.

Would I do it, no. But her way has to be respected. If you truly care, continue to keep an eye out for them, that will be a huge help to them without them even knowing.


I wouldn’t have let my child do that at that age


I walked and rode my bike to school since I was in 4th grade. The school district said I lived to close to ride a bus

8 to 9 year olds need adult supervision to cross a road. This may include up to 10-12 year olds.
My understanding is young children haven’t developed the ability to judge traffic speed and safe distances to cross a road.

My personal opinion is wait until they are older and parents have trained them in all aspects of road safety


It’s OK till they get kidnapped.

If you feel you can trust them, than sure

Young one, nobody tells you what your kids can or shouldn’t do- besides they may be more mature than your kids are. That happens when you are over protective- relax, my friend.:v:t4::sunflower:


What are the Laws of the Kingdom of God?
Any kingdom, just like any nation today, cannot properly function without laws. There must be a standard of conduct for subjects and citizens to follow, or chaos and anarchy would result. Following the laws of a kingdom or nation does not grant a person citizenship - that is not the purpose of law. Law is simply a guide for people to follow to ensure cohesion, agreement, and peace in civil and interpersonal relationships. Without an understood standard, enforced by a sovereign ruler, everyone would act according to his own whim or desire, and nothing good or worthwhile would be produced (Judges 21:25).
The Kingdom of God is no different. God is not the author of confusion (I Corinthians 14:33). His Kingdom will be peaceful and orderly because everyone who will enter into it will have voluntarily submitted himself to the law - the commandments - of God. God will not have anyone in His Kingdom who demonstrates, by the pattern of his life, that he will not obey Him (Matthew 7:21-23; Hebrews 10:26-31). Revelation 12:17 describes the saints as those “who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”
And a Pharisee once asked Jesus, “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” (Matthew 22:36). His response shows that the intent behind God’s law is love - love toward God, and love toward fellow man:
So Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 22:37-40)
These two statements; loving God, and loving neighbor as oneself - encapsulate the first four and the last six commandments respectively. The commandments merely define further how to love God and love man. We love God in general by placing Him first, by not adopting physical aids in worshipping Him, by not bearing His name in vain, and by keeping the seventh-day Sabbath holy. We love man, in general, by honoring our parents, not murdering, not committing adultery, not stealing, not lying, and not coveting.
Now when Jesus Christ came, He revealed the spirit - the intent - of His law. He showed that the sixth commandment extends much further than merely prohibiting the taking of human life, but covers even hating (Matthew 5:21-22). Similarly, the intent behind the seventh commandment is to stop adultery at its source: the heart (Matthew 5:27-28). Following God’s commandments in both their letter and spirit ensures the best quality of life for everyone.
When Jesus was asked what one must do to have eternal life, His response was simple: “If you want to enter into [eternal] life, keep the commandments” (Matthew 19:17). To reinforce this, in His last words to the disciples before His arrest and crucifixion, He had much to say about keeping God’s commandments. He was giving them (and us) instruction that would not be absolved by His death:
“If you love Me, keep My commandments.” (John 14:15)“He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” (verse 21)“If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.” (verses 23-24)
The apostle James calls the Ten Commandments “the royal law” - meaning that it came from a King, and is worthy of His Kingdom:
If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you do well; but if you show partiality, you commit sin, and are convicted by the law as transgressors. For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all. For He who said, “Do not commit adultery,” also said, “Do not murder.” Now if you do not commit adultery, but you do murder, you have become a transgressor of the law. So speak and so do as those who will be judged by the law of liberty. (James 2:8-12, emphasis ours)
While a man cannot earn entrance into God’s Kingdom - that is a gift that God must bestow (Ephesians 2:8) - it is plain from Scripture that willful rebellion against God’s standard of righteousness will keep a man out of the Kingdom:
Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you. … that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5:19-21)
I Corinthians 6:9-10 includes homosexuals (catamites), sodomites, thieves, coveters, and extortionists in the list of those who will be barred from entering the Kingdom of God. Revelation 21:8 mentions that the cowardly, the unbelieving, and the abominable will not live eternally. Revelation 22:15 adds “whoever loves and practices a lie.” These examples show that there is a standard of conduct by which God expects the heirs to His Kingdom to live. After all, eternal life is more than just length of days - living forever would be a terrible curse if there were not also quality of life to match it.
Our Savior tells us what He means by eternal life: “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3). He defines eternal life as “to know God.” “Know” suggests a close intimacy, just as a husband and wife are intimate in marriage (Genesis 4:1). It indicates experiential knowledge, not theoretical. In Amos 5:4, God exclaims, “Seek Me and live!” He is saying, “Turn to Me and My way of life; seek to know Me,” not “Search for Me.” He is saying, “Seek to know Me by living the same way I do.” That is how experiential knowledge of Him becomes an intimate knowing of Him. We know Him, in large part, by living the same law of love that He lives by.

Depends on the child I dont feel like my 13 year old is mature enough to walk or ride her bike to school by herself yet, but other children may be more mature than mine. Either way its not my business as long as her kids are safe.

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I disagree. Children should be accompanied to school at this age. You can preach stranger danger all you want. Predators are everywhere and go to great lengths to entice children.


I wouldn’t my daughter started to walk to school by herself at 13, but to each their own.

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If there’s a group ok completely alone no and depends on the distance


I used to walk to primary school and I was 5 and riding a bike


Depends on the kid, how far of a ride it is, and how many major roads they have to cross.


Your kids, your rules.
Do what is best for your family.
For me it would depend how close the school is, is it a good neighbourhood etc.
Are they friends with the neighbours that bike to school? Maybe they can bike together as a group?

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Children can get kidnapped it happens !Im an old granny at age 70 now !I think children aren’t allowed to even be kids anymore !They’re so protected how about teaching children how to be responsible ,what to do in certain circumstances ,how to live and be tougher.Every home is different you raise yours let her raise hers it’s no one else’s business who does what unless the children are being abused !Let it be !My husband is a Elementry cross guard and many children ride their bikes daily and have fun with it …if you’re to overly protective your children won’t learn how to become responsible adults!Its her business not really yours is it ?:woman_shrugging:


No, they should be able to but, there’s too many evil people out there doing harm to our kids.


Nope. Too young, too many crazy people out there where your kids may not know to handle a situation


My boy did with friends around 9-10, never alone. They were taught about road safety, what do do if someone stops. Education is very important. To many kids are not educated. I brought my kids up to be smart and independent. I don’t regret it, neither do they :blush:


Doesn’t matter how responsible or mature the kids are. People are evil and this world is not the same as it was when y’all were kids. We just watched a man kill 10 people in cold blood at a grocery store. Kids are being sold to sex trafficking. Hell I don’t even like to walk alone down the street anymore. You all need to protect your children better. There is PLENTY other ways to teach them independence and responsibilities.

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It would depend on how far how mature the kids are and the neighborhood. My 10 year old is more mature than my 12 year old and my 18 year old. My 7 year old likes running to school. It’s a half mile down a one way street so I drive next to him with my 5 year old. 12 rides his bike. 10 rides the bus and 18 drives with his girlfriend

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Not in this world anymore. :pensive:


What’s the difference in taking off on my bike at 9 and not coming home until the street lights came on? You have no idea what the parent has done as far as teaching methods with their child. Don’t be so rude and harsh to judge another person. Your children can be taken from you in a isle at Walmart while you turn your back to grab soap….

anywhere in town is considered a walk zone. the school allows the kids to walk by themselves starting in 3rd grade. if they have younger siblings they are allowed to walk with them. as long as there is a 3rd grader in the group. would I do it personally? no. but its not unheard of.

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We walked to school 1.5 miles from first grade on.
I was 5.
My kids rode their bicycles to school without me by 3rd grade.
Parents today have become paralyzed by the 24 hour news cycle.
Crime is no worse today than it ever was.
Teach your children to be independent and responsible, not paranoid and incompetent.
And it goes without saying that it depends on the neighborhood, road conditions, maturity of the child, etc…
What it should not depend on is Moms anxiety.

I think it’s great that you are concerned however you cannot parent her children. Maybe continue to keep an eye out for them. You’ve done all you could by even offering them a ride.

Iwalked to school from 5th grade to high school

It’s nice you’re concerned but mind your business you don’t know what their parents have taught them or safety measures they have taught their kids. Unless you know exactly where these kids live as well they could live fairly close. Either way it’s not your business. When I was young my brothers taught me if anyone ever tried to grab me to yell fire, punch in the throat, palm thrust to their nose and run like mad. I was 7!

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My 8 year walks to and from school. He walks by himself to get there, but they won’t let him walk him by himself coming home and we live on the same street as the school …just up and over the hill(street) lol… So my oldest son(13) picks him up on the way home from his school.

Mind your business!!! Gross.

Not your kids not your business. Your probably look like a stocking creep to the kids. Good job🤦