Should 8 and 9 year olds bike to school on their own?

I rode my bike when I was in elementary school. You did everything you could by offering to help. At this point, you need to mind your business.

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I think you are a very good person for being concerned and offering a ride… she said no so I wouldn’t say anything else to them about it but Maybe you can let your kids ride bikes with them and you can drive behind them and keep an eye on them all… I’m more worried about what someone else would do and not so much about the kids being responsible or independent… I won’t even let my kids ride the bus because I’m scared of other people’s decisions… being responsible and independent at that age is doing chores and choosing to do the right thing when in a wrong situation… being independent and responsible won’t stop a pedo from grabbing them🤦‍♀️


I hate to say this but you know back in the day you could but these days my son is seven if he was eight or nine we literally live three blocks from a school which he doesn’t attend that one but if he did I still wouldn’t allow him to go by himself it takes less than 30 seconds for someone to snatch your child up and that’s it they’re gone. And I just don’t want to take that risk.

Depends on the maturity level of the child. I’ve seen responsible 9 year old kids and irresponsible 13 year old kids. I’m assuming they are responsible parents in every other way. They obviously feel that their children are mature enough to do this. I’d leave it at that.

I started allowing my 9 year old last year and this year she’s walking at 10 by herself yeah. No busy road and she has a Samsung tag on her. 1.5 blocks

I do yes but i also live in a small little community where i feel comfortable with it. Theres kids everywhere and traffic is always looking out for the kids around the neighborhood.

Depends on how far from school it the ride.

Not your kids, stay in your own lane.


No way. I’d feel the same way and it would give me SO much anxiety. I’d be out of my mind to be honest, but you really can’t DO much about other people’s parenting other than offer help . If they refuse your help , than what. I’d totally feel the same way , but I’d have no idea what to do.

It’s good you’re looking out for the Littles , but everyone parents differently! I have always been overly protective and refuse to apologize for it!

Depends on each neighborhood I live on a busy street where people give zero f&%s if the school zone speed light is on and drive like maniacs so I wouldn’t.



My children walked several blocks (long) to get to the bus stop…perfectly safe. They knew what to do and not to do, tho.


In this day and age, no way would I trust my kids to ride their bikes to school on their own!! It’s a scary world!! If they disappear, you would never find them, or find them dead. Just keep yours safe and pray that nothing happens to your neighbors kids. :cry:


They are not your kids. If their mom is comfortable with it. Your opinions don’t really matter.

So not your kids not your business. Also the overwhelming majority of bad things that happen to kids happens by a “trusted adult” ie a neighbor, coach, parent/step-parent. Stranger danger isn’t really a thing. Also there’s this great thing called Megan’s Law that allows you to look up known registered sex offenders in your neighborhood. Also this is the problem with parenting these days, everyone has a dang opinion on how you’re doing it. Mind your business.

Won’t trust them riding a few blocks on their bike, but you’ll give them their own smart phone and let them loose on the internet? Your ability to assess risk seems broken.

When my kids were that age they biked all over Green Bay,not any more would I allow that!

Mind your own business


Everybody laughing and making rude comments :unamused: sorry but my kids are to cute to be walking, riding a bike alone they get snatched to fast, this world is ugly.

They are not your kids. If their mom feels that they are safe, then mind your own business. As long as the kids know their way to school and know not to talk to strangers there shouldn’t be a problem.

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Are they crossing major roads? Do you live in a bad area? There’s a lot of things to consider in this. The fact that they ride together is good though

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Not your kids, not your problem!


Just pray for them, all you can do! I wouldn’t allow it because predators can easily catch on that there is a pattern of them being on their bikes on this street every morning… well you get it. I just hope no one is noticing!

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I think it would depend on the community. If I was in California, absolutely not. If I was in a state like Texas, possibly. It also would depend on the town size. Here in my little town in Texas people leave their garage doors op 24/7, all the neighbors know each other, you can’t make a trip to Walmart without running into someone and getting stuck in a 20min conversation. If I was in Reno where we lived before, I wouldn’t let them til they were at least in their teens.

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When my children were little and today is so different. There’s so many people out there that would hurt a child in a New York minute, and traffic, people seem to think they are the only ones on the road. I really don’t know if it matters what age they are , you have to take care.

Not your kids Not your business

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If there’s crossing guards at major streets and it’s maybe 10 mins away, sure. But honestly it’s not your business.

Glad I brought up my kids in the 60’s and 70’s.


My opinion no. But many parents do

I rode my bike everyday since 2nd grade. My parents worked and I’d fall asleep before the bus came after my parents left, but when I started riding my bike I was always at school early and left before my parents so they knew I actually left for school.

Plus in my opinion it made me more mature and time efficient.

What I allow as a parent is not what others would allow just like what you allow may not be what I would allow parent your own child


3rd grade is plenty old enough to ride their bikes, you are the helicopter mom its ok for YOUR kids but mind your business. 3rd grade is old enough to right their bikes across the neighborhood to their school. Loosen up a bit, get trackers on your kids if you are so worried and let them be kids and grow up some. Don’t ALWAYS hold them back.


As someone who’s parents wouldn’t even let them bike 4 blocks to school, let them bike to school.

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Mined the business that pays you and stop being a “Karen”

Mind your own business. I’m sure the parent of these children has went over safety etc.


:joy: You drive your kids to school because you can’t see it from your house?! Maybe you and your kids should walk and let your neighbours kids cycle.


I wish all kids did this. Form groups and ride together.


I never let my kids. 43 years ago while I was walking to a friends home, I was 12, some man tried to pull me in his car. It’s even worse today with the trafficking


Mind your own business geesh this has gotta be a joke. Each parent parents differently. Its nice u keep your eye on them really that’s awesome but it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks cuz it’s not their kids. Each kids maturity can be different while at the same ages. I know teenagers who should be walked to the door and kids that age who take off on their bikes and know what and where they’re going. It’s really not your question to ask cuz it’s not your children. Just leave it alone maybe find a hobby?


I wouldn’t but they’re not my kids. :woman_shrugging:
Around here, you go into a store for 5 seconds & that bike is gone. I started walking to school by myself when I was 10 because middle school didn’t provide busses for people who lived in town and neither of my parents drove but I had a cheap track phone.

Based on the child’s maturity level and the distance to the School I see no problem with it. I let my child, she let her children, and yes, it was randomly that we would secretly follow them some days.

Mind your own business!!!


Depends on distance, assuming it’s 2 of them together.

Let it go. They’re not your kids and it’s not your place to try and dictate how she allows HER kids to get to school. You offered to drive them and the mom declined. That was very nice of you but it should of been the end of it. Allowing children to ride bikes to school is not a crime… She knows what her children are responsible enough for. Not everyone is a helicopter parent :woman_shrugging:t2:


I had to walk to school, wish I could of rode my bike.

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These are different times it’s understandable that you feel that way its sweet of you but gotta mind ya business…I walked to kindergarten alone and it was all the way across town I wouldn’t go home either but like I said different times.

I personally wouldn’t let my kids. But unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do about it because they’re not your kids. I understand your anxiety though.

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My daughter wouldn’t be walking or taking her bike to school at all with how it is nowadays :woman_shrugging:t2: But I won’t have this problem cause I’m going to be homeschooling her

Worry about your children, not the neighbors. Why can’t people mind their business :woman_facepalming:t3:


Yeah, heck I took my bike to school in kindergarten. Just teach them proper bike responsibilities and go from there. Also I never lived really far from school.

There’s a lot of unknown factors here like how big is the city/town how far is it actually 3 blocks? 12? Half a mile? Not to mention they aren’t your kids :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Depends on the neighborhood. Depends on how careful they are. Judge accordingly.

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There is no reason for her not to. Her children are capable.

My older 2 were around the same age when they rode to school. It teaches independence as long as the child is mature enough to handle the responsibility. They are turning 15 and 16 this year, so they survived lol. It was about a 20min ride to school, with 1 major road being crossed without a light or crossing guard.
If you’re really concerned, I’d casually bring it up to the parents. But their age alone shouldn’t be enough to raise concern.

Not this day in age I wouldn’t let mine


How far is the school? I let my kids walk to the store and a few years ago, walk to baseball practice. Yes, they cross a busy 4 lane street/intersection going, but I know their maturity levels (I always pair one of the more mature with a less mature) and who pays attention to what.

First of all, I don’t think it’s any of your business what your neighbor does. Just because your kids are driven to school every day, does not mean the entire neighborhood’s children are driven to school every day. There is a lot to consider here, other than your need to mind your business, as it all depends on the neighborhood, if the kids are walking or biking in a group, whether or not the family has a car or can afford to drive them to school and the fact that maybe their parents want them to get exercise… which is a good thing. Not everyone bubble wraps their children and again, if they are safe together in a group and not one child alone, I don’t see anything wrong with it. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Sad world we live in. Mind your business :joy: really how could any of that matter. Depends on the maturity of the child. No the fuck it doesn’t. They are kids for Christ sake. The fact that you watch over them bless your heart but the rest of you idiots that’s why trafficking is so bad. Because parents like ya let your kids roam the streets do whatever the fuck they want. Oh but when it’s your kid on the news best believe they will mind their business then. These comments are fucking sad just the fact that how you were raised can’t compare to now. Cause back then you had people watching out for other kids regardless their child or not. A parent didn’t have to worry because they knew better. Now you can’t even let your kid be outside without people acting stupid. Oh but ain’t your business huh. Sad fucking world

Not your problem. Worry about your own kids.


Why don’t children ride the school bus to school? The state allocates money based on how many students ride the bus.

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As a street light kid, we’re fine as long as you teach about danger and getting away.


We get it your kids live under a rock but not all kids are treated as they aren’t responsible enough to ride bikes to school :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:


I understand your concern and she probably does to, but they are not your children. She knows her kids and you don’t. Stop stalking them riding to school and mind your business.


If she trusts HER KIDS enough to ride their bikes to school then I’d mind my business.


Mind. Your. Business.


Not your kids. If anything happens it’ll be on neighbor’s head and heart

At first I was feeling for you. Cause I’m unsure when I’ll let my older kids take their bikes or scooters to school. They’re 9 and almost 9. But then I kept reading… This post is about your feelings on what another parent is doing and its not that big of a deal. Many kids in my area ride bikes, scooters, hoverboards to school lol same even younger than my kids do. Its crazy but none of my business. Also not sure what you thought you were going with this post. Trying to validate your feelings? Cause you don’t need us to do that.


Nope no way this world is very crazy now unsafe


None of your business. They are probably so proud of themselves for getting to do it as well.

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My kid lives 3 minutes from school and I wouldn’t let them go alone or on a bike… I mind my business about other people though… we live in a world where you can’t be too safe

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I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 16112 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. M0re Info.

I’ve seen kids as young as 5 walking to school alone in my neighborhood. I have a 5 year old son and I would never allow it. But not everyone can drive their kids to school. Personally I’ll probably let my son walk to school if he wants to at age 11/12.

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At that age the school allows it.

They are riding together & it’s good for them! Mind your own business.
I’m sure this person has good intentions but she needs to relax! These kids will grow up stronger & less needy!


Not too young. Every kid is different and it’s not your call to make. It’s nice to keep your eye out (it takes a village), but respect her decision and don’t judge.

Kids learn how to deal with freedom by being given freedom. We have districts here that kids have to walk to school even younger than that


I wouldn’t let mine but wouldn’t judge someone who let theirs. I think it’s based more on maturity. I’d let my 13 yr old walk alone before I’d allow my 15 yr old…

You may be projecting your own fears. Respect her right to determine whats best for her children. It teaches them a great deal of responsibility and awareness and she probably prepared them for that. If they are being safe riding, then mine yours.

There is a age limit to ride bikes to school!

Oh he’ll no my 17 year old grandson, was hit on his bike, in Lincoln Park mich 3 years ago, driver was at fault busy street n pitch black out when he leaves for school, my 14 year old grandson wants to ride his bike to school, n I told my daughter that intersection is dangerous close to express way, don’t feel any kid would be safe riding their bikes to school there,


Not your circus not your monkey MIND YOUR BUSINESS AND KEEP IT MOVING

My boy who is now 28 always walked to school with about 15 of his friends when he was 9 and no I coukdnt see the school either, I wouldn’t have allowed him to walk on his own but I do agree with alot of comments on here but also we’ll done for showing ur concern xx


Not your kids! Not your business! My oldest was walking in Kindergarten and in first grade walked alone! Trust me if we lived closer both my boys 13yo and almost 6yo would be walking either together or ALONE!! The world is not more crazy than when we were kids we just hear about it quickly and constantly. Stats show it’s safer!


Yikes. How would we have ever survived childhood :roll_eyes: I’ve seen smaller kids walk themselves to school. Who gives af

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This is also why I’m glad I do not live in a neighborhood as of now. To many people thinking they parent perfect!! Moving again soon and praying the neighbors either keep to themselves or mind their business and have enough respect to know we parent different and that’s OKAY!

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How about you let their parents make the decision on whether they can bike to school or not. I know it’s hard to believe, but kids don’t need multiple parents that know nothing about them. Kids that are helicopter parented don’t develop the critical decision making and problem solving skills that they need as an adult to function without their mother. Leave her kids alone and stop being weird. I’d honestly call the cops on you for stalking them :joy:


I understand your concern. If it makes you feel better, just keep watching out for them. This day and age you just don’t know.


I let mine they knew to stop at every cross walk and stay together. They check in when they got to school so i knew they made it safe. How are children going to learn if you never allow them to. :thinking:

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It absolutely depends on multiple factors. How big’s the town, busy area, how mature the kids are, etc… If they do it everyday and they’ve been doing it just fine then idk what the deal is. You disagree with another parent’s decision. That’s gonna happen. :woman_shrugging:


Personally, no. I also watch a lot of true crime. lol


First of all: not your kids, even though your nice to watch them get to school. Second of all: I work in a small town where most kids walk/ride their bikes to school. I think only in the winter time do some actually ride a bus. There’s a bus option for younger kids. But as they get older and can walk/ride they usually do. I wish I grew up being able to walk/ride to school.


well - you offered - and she declined the invitation - so now you must breathe that extra weight off

when something does happen - not saying it will - you must remember YOU DID your best to help and nothing will be your fault

understand that people do lack certain things, like common sense, bc this is the real world / bad people DO live in every single corner / and unfortunately thats when they will learn from their mistakes


well - you offered - and she declined the invitation - so now you must breathe that extra weight off

when something does happen - not saying it will - you must remember YOU DID your best to help and nothing will be your fault

understand that people do lack certain things, like common sense, bc this is the real world / bad people DO live in every single corner / and unfortunately thats when they will learn from their mistakes

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I feel the same way watching young kids walk or ride bike to school alone.
I personally drive my child and I’m right across the school.

It only takes a second
For a child to be snatched in broad daylight and I would never want to live that nightmare.
Yes I am that helicopter mom


Their parents clearly don’t watch enough crime docs. I would not let mine bike to school without following closely behind. Sex trafficking is real people are sick and children are easy targets.

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No, I would not, I wouldn’t even let my 12-13 year olds either. Its crazy in the world today.


No, not too young I myself walked to school several blocks away my entire youth. I think kindergarten I didn’t, pretty sure 1rst grade on I was walking. I will say in my area there aren’t enough sidewalks to make the journey safely so they ride the bus. A little anxiety is healthy , but don’t let it ruin the child’s ability to build independence

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Not this day and time

I think she lets her kids ride because she knows there are others who have her back. Nothing says you can’t ride with them. :wink:


US stats. I wouldn’t want my child being one of these stats. I did the best that I could as a single mom to protect her. Prior to 10 years old I drove her each day. Not everyone has a vehicle. But I saw parents walking their children and some not. Although we lived two buildings a way at 10 years old and had to leave for work as a single mom, her teacher waited for her. What can you do. I gave her a cell phone that the teacher knew about although it was against school policy. I called her when I arrived at work and she called me when she arrived at home. This provided a a smaller window, had anything happened to her. It was my greatest fear.


Attempted abductions most often occur on the street while children are playing, walking, or riding bikes. Younger children are more likely to be playing or walking with a parent or an adult whereas school-age children are more likely to be walking alone or with peers.

In 2020, there were 365,348 reports of missing children in the United States.

By the time the study data were collected, 99.8% of 1.3 million caretaker missing children had been returned home alive or located. Only 0.2% percent or 2,500 had not, the vast majority of which were runaways from institutions.

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