Should a 12 year old get beats for Christmas?

Yes. You r the ass. Will they get gifts from their Dads? Is that the issue?

See what happens when you have a bunch of baby daddies.

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I just saw a comparison article on Beats vs Skullcandy and Skullcandy was rated better than Beats and cost less. Personally, until she’s older I would just get the $20-30 ones from Walmart because kids are rough on headphones and earbuds.

What’s Beats???

Depends on the kid. Some kids, sure. Others HELL NO :joy:

I always ask what is 1 thing they really want and as long as it’s not super outrageous, I try my damnest to get it. My girls are good in school and do they’re chores so. The youngest still believes in Santa so she gets “Santa” stuff, but the $$ comes from us because I claim that shit. Lol

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It’s not your money so I’m not sure why you care what he spends it on as long as it’s age appropriate the fact that you have other children is not his fault he wants to buy his child this as a gift and I don’t know why you or anybody should have a problem with what he spends his money on when it comes to his child as long as it’s age appropriate not out of line or inappropriate then yeah I’d say you’re the a**hole in this situation.

Sounds like it’s a you problem. Be thankful he even spends money on the child.

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Yes nothing wrong with that

yes you are the ahole. you can’t blame your child cause the other children won’t have nothing as expensive to open. he is allowed to get his daughter what he wants and you have no say. time to grow up and stop blaming your daughter and her father cause you can’t afford expensive things.

Let him.
And when she loses them [because you know your daughter] all you can do is :woman_shrugging:t2:
At least it isn’t a loss for you.

I don’t think it’s your exs responsibility to worry about weather or not your other kids (unless they’re also his of course) open something as expensive :thinking:

I think they are acceptable. I think as her dad he should be able to gift her what ever. Why should she not be able to have great things because you have other children with someone else?? That’s not her fault.

Whatever you get your other children shouldn’t be a part of what your daughters father chooses to get his child. It’s not a competition. Your other kids aren’t his concern.
His child, his decision.

It’s not his fault if you cannot provide the others with expensive gifts nor should she have to be forced to go without it will make her resent siblings even more.

Ohhh headphones lol I was so confused for a minute lol

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It’s hard I have 2 bio and one foster child unfortunately my bio only have me… And my foster gets presents from his birth family. I treat them equally but my 2 miss out of extras as I can’t afford to try one up what my foster sons family buy him… Kids understand can she keep them at her dad’s? U can’t expect him not to buy what he wants for his child

I feel u are punishing your daughter for having a dad that actually wants to get her a nice gift

It’s not her fault u have other children

I would tell the dad to get them and u are not responsible for what happens to them

She breaks the she breaks them. As for the other children buy what u can afford. But honestly don’t punish the dad or your daughter

He sounds like a good day

the kids shouldn’t be comparing costs tbh.

yes, that’s an acceptable gift.

You can’t dictate what he buys for his daughter just because your other kids won’t get something expensive. Nothing in life is equal. Not everything is fair. As long as your kids get at least some of the things they asked for, I don’t see the problem.


I think it’s totally fine :woman_shrugging:t3:

Firstly what are beats ?

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Let him buy them. This is such a small thing. Pick your battles. This shouldn’t be one.

You can’t tell him what he can/can not buy. She is his child too.

Found this in Real Mama Drama UNFILTERED lol this is so ridiculous to not want one of your kids to get a gift because you have other kids by other men who won’t get equal gifts :rofl::rofl::rofl: that’s what happens when you have multiple baby dads…

He can keep it in his house. To be fair for the other Kids. I won’t agree is she don’t keep up with her chores

That’s her dad! Let him do what he wants!

I agree with other mamas he should get her what he wants but idk if its been said or is an issue but wanted to say please dont gift her less bc he gifts her more. You cant control what their fathers purchase but you can control the equality you show and thats the impression that will matter most to all of them in your situation at home!

That is his kid let him provide for her.

So you are going to deny her a gift from her father because either you are petty or to broke to buy your other children expensive gifts. A gift from her father has nothing to do with you or your other children.

If he’s getting them regardless then it doesn’t really matter if you’re the A.

Unless she is in harms way, what her daddy does and buys for her is really none of your business. Period! Stay in your own lane Petty Betty!!

Well … your other kids are not his responsibility,but yours and theirs dads , he should be able spend in his daughter whatever amount of money he wants

They are fine. I worked my ass off so my 12yr okd daughter got a pair for Christmas and then her older brother found a site that he can customize the skin for her beats… and he can buy her what he wants.

You chose to have other children that are not his therefore he is able to do what he feels is necessary for his child. If you feel your other children are losing out, bring it up to their dad/dads and figure something out for your other kids. He’s doing his part as a father and that’s all he’s obligated to do. I hate to say it but you sound bitter and jealous.

Let him get what he wants for them. I have 5 kids and I understand your concern, but honestly the kids don’t care. My ex has bought what the kids asked for and I’m just grateful he does bc I’m unable to afford those things for them. Every year it’s been something different and it varies. One year they may ask for something expensive and another year all they want is pants. It winds up evening out.

Sounds like jealousy.


He can buy his daughter whatever he wants to! Tf???

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Your other kids aren’t his problem :woman_shrugging: if he wants to buy her something who are you to say no ?

Man this is just like the McDonald’s bs all over again :rofl:

Yes but also they can be something that has to stay at her dads for her to use. But yes bc well he can buy his daughter what he wants to ( with in reason obviously) and nothing you can do to stop him. They’re headphones and his money let him buy them for her an he can deal with it if she breaks or loses them. My kids got AirPods and my youngest is 12 so I losing AirPods is far more likely than beats headphones. They tend to be big an bulky looking depending on what ones you get.

My 9 year old has some. :woman_shrugging:t2: he got for Christmas last year.

It’s not his problem what you get your kids and you have no say about what he buys his kid on his time. If she doesn’t keep her room clean then you’re not enforcing the rules, again not his fault.

They can stay at exs house

If he wants to give them to her, let him. Who cares? Doesnt she open gifts at his house separately?

Let her have them. It’s not the cost but the thought. He’s engaging with his daughter.

Rarely do I see moms on this page agree on anything. But reading the comments on this one, it seems we have found one we can all get on the same side on. YTA mama. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Keep them at his house simple as that.

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Let her dad get them! She’s old enough.

Yes. Dad can do what he wants for his child

You have no say in what her father buys her for Christmas. I mean that’s what happens when it a split household she has 2 Christmas’ and 2 birthdays. I don’t understand why you would feel some type of way about it. He really didn’t even have to tell you.

What your other kids may or may not get is not your daughters or her fathers problem. If you want them to have the same I suggest you make it happen or ask their fathers.

Really. You can’t control what her dad will get her!! Shoot my son has beats at 10!!

What are beats?? Let her keep them at his house then. Don’t allow them in your house - it can be her “special thing” at his house.

Wonder if he has other kids???

So he can’t get her a nice gift cause your other kids can’t? Lmao how petty

You can’t stop your daughters dad from getting her things because your other kids won’t have it. No ma’am that is not how it works.

What’s wrong with that? Am I missing something?

Am I the only one who though she be talking about the food at first?? :sweat_smile::rofl:

Bit tuff giveing him beats for xmas must of been a right brat

Flashback to the McDonald’s Tik tok video😭

We have 3 kids, 2 are my step daughters. Their mum has always bought them expensive things or given them a heap of money and why not? She’s not around a lot so when she is, the girls get spoiled and I love that for them. It’s their thing :woman_shrugging: my son never misses out, yes - we don’t have the amount of money she does too flash around on expensive things but he gets what he needs and 99% of the time what he wants within reason. Don’t take away from one child, just explain the situation to the others. She has a different dad who is not always around, this is his way of splashing out on her

If she’s irresponsible she shouldn’t be given expensive things. That’s just my opinion. Dad is probably doing this to purposely hurt your other children. I was in a similar situation. My children suffered because I had to be equal between all the kids leaving me less to spend to spend on my own kids but then my ex’s son would get extra from him & his mother’s family. Then my kids had to watch, but never touch the stuff he got. He broke what I gave him.

You can handle this a few ways. You can tell her whatever she gets from her father stays at her fathers. If it comes home confiscate it & return it to dad.

You can give her less or nothing to allow you a little more to spend on your other children.

You can talk to him & try to come up with a plan. My parents worked together before he remarried (then she screwed everything up). 1 would buy the main toy & the other would buy accessories. I remember 1 year my father bought a doll & stroller. My mom & sister made clothes, blankets, pillow etc. I was like 4-5. I remember that. It was before the competition started. After he remarried every holiday was a competition that I was caught in the middle of. Yeah as a kid it was fun. I know I got presents neither could really afford because step-monster had to always outdo my mom. As an adult looking back I see it for what it was. That (probably cheap), stroller, doll & my accessories means more because they worked together & thought of me not their need to outdo the other.

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Lol :joy: omg get over it!!! It’s HIS DAUGHTER not just yours gf

Good for him. It’s not for you to decide

Mine got beats at age 9. She still has them she’s 12

Your daughter’s father should be able to give his daughter whatever gift he likes… it’s not his problem that you have other children. And you should not dismiss his wanting to give her a gift HE finds appropriate. So what if your childs room is a mess. That is something you need to work on with her. Teach her how to put things away.

This is sounding like the McDonalds lunch dilemma….

If he’s her dad and not the others that’s not your problem it’s up2 him what he buys his child not you & if she breaks them that’s on her not you

No, all children should get the same amount he can not give more to one and not the others, very wrong

It’s a waste and she will lose them but that’s on him. Make sure he knows you won’t be the Bears Police

It’s his money. He can buy his kid whatever he wants. It’s none of.your business.

Oh gtfoh that’s her father and he can buy her what he wants. His money his choice. You can’t say shit so get over it and stop being pitty greedy and selfish

All kids have messy rooms that’s normal and just life. I’m 35 and my room is a mess :upside_down_face: it’s not something to be punished at Christmas over.

They have great knock offs at five below :woman_shrugging:t3::laughing:

Ok, if the kid is the only kid that is his, he can buy what he wants.
It may be unfair to your other kids but if they are not his biological kids and he is an ex then he has no responsibility towards the value of their gifts.
Also, a messy room could just mean your kid has undiagnosed adhd, we live in a very chaotic world, some of us are ridiculously messy others are so afraid of being type casted as messy we are super organized to avoid it.
Get your kid checked out, so many of us were considered lazy when we were kept prisoner in our own bodies.

…… you don’t have the right to decide what your ex gets her for Christmas. Stay in your lane

So let her have them at his place?

His money his choice

YTA. I assume that your 12 year old has a different father than your younger children. It’s not her fault nor his that you have other children and it’s not his responsibility to limit what he buys his daughter because of what her siblings may think/say. You think it’s a waste, but it’s not your money being spent.

Sounds like jealousy to me. Get over it. He is providing for HIS child. Don’t deny him that. Then you’d be on here bitching because she wants them, you can afford them, and what a lousy ass dad he is.

Then let him have it at his place

You just seem salty he’s wanting to spend that much money on his child you should be happy he’s wanting to do anything because some don’t do :poop: for their children stop being petty a sour BM

Uhhhh you don’t get to decide what he buys his own child and you comparing presents is gross

Are you the woman from the McDonald’s video???

Anddddddd her room always being a mess is your fault. Not dads. And do you decide what your kids get for Christmas based on behaviors? Hate this post

Let her keep the gift at his house, so there is less chance for it to get broken or even lost, while at your place, that way if something happens to them, he doesn’t turn it around on you

Yes. Yes you are the ah.

My dtr had a pair @ that age

Really!!! Omg girl stoooop, if he wants to use HIS MONEY to buy her them beats then let him, your other kids are NOT his priorities…and if he’s generous enough to get them all beats then so be it…don’t make such a big deal about it🙄

Ok yes I’m old and I guess out of touch .what are Beats?? You can stop laughing now lol

Haaiill noo momma knows best. Maybe once that room starts getting picked up before bed each night.

Well it took me way too long to realize Beats are headphones.:woman_facepalming:t3:

May I ask why you are teaching your kids that the value of the gift is based off the cost of the gift in the first place? If her dad wants to buy her beats, your opinion on whether or not she deserves them is irrelevant, because at the end of the day, she’s just as much his daughter as she is yours and the other kids you have shouldn’t change that. Do you even know what your other kids want for Christmas? Most kids want what they want without really considering the price and the only ones that care about the cost of the gift are the ones whose parents have taught them to care about the price of the gift instead of the thoughtfulness and meaning behind it. I have a feeling that the only reason you feel it’s a waste is because they are coming from him. I am not sure what the ages of your other children are but is it really a big deal or are you making it a bigger deal because it’s your ex?

Nope can’t keep her room tidy so why should she get beats she should be getting ZILCH

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Salty is what you are.

Why can’t she open them at his house?

If they get lost or broken it’s no loss for you :woman_shrugging:t2:

Let her dad buy her a freakin gift he wants for his daughter. Geeze.