Mommies what do you think. Is it good to give screentime to 6 mth old? And if it’s fine, for how long?Any good suggestions for good watch!Baby shark is helpful for my pee time
I didn’t let my daughter have screen time until she was 4. She’s 13 now. Still doesn’t have a phone or xbox or games. She has a tablet now but because she didn’t have screen time as a child she can go weeks without using her tablet.
I don’t really agree with screen time that young, but if you are going to do it, put on educational stuff. There’s a baby channel with cable… Idk what it’s called right this second, there’s also videos on YouTube you can look up for babies to learn.
Do whatever works for you. I literally let my almost 6 month old have screen time whenever for however long because she spent the first 5 months of her life screaming her head off. She likes little baby bum and it works for our family to keep her occupied while we get housework done or other things. We can’t hold her 24/7.
At 6 months your little one should be touching and playing with new toys not watching a screen. Maybe music pl as ying on the TV. Or whatever but not like a tablet.
My boys wouldnt sit and watch anything until they were both about 3 or 4. They love screen time now which I monitor but they would rather play outside. Not sure what to suggest for a 6 month old.
My daughter watched the bbc channel has good educational stuff for like less than 15 min
I don’t agree with that young but it happens sometimes. Try not to get stuck using it as the main distraction
If I NEED to do something I let my 4 month old watch TV -baby channel- for like 5-10 min (prob this amount daily) because I know it’ll distract him. Otherwise no screen time because he really should be socializing and playing … not watching a screen. I turn off the TV when he’s awake in the living room.
If this lady wants to give her child screen time that Is all her choice! Just because a child has been given screen time at 3 months or 6 months does not make them any less a parent but doing what works for her and baby so maybe she can get what she needs done around the house. So her question is for MOMS THAT HAVE ALLOWED SCREEN TIME! She doesn’t need your opinion on if you agree or not.
Give screen time whenever you want! My baby is 3 months old and LOVES the educational baby shows. That’s how I get the house cleaned, dinner cooked, and everything else done. She is perfectly fine. Along with that, she plays with her toys and has TONS of tummy time. She is perfectly healthy, mentally and physically.
I use to put on sesame street or the wiggles on our tv. Educational videos that have songs were my daughters favorite. I let her watch a little each day when I needed a break to eat lunch or do some cleaning. A little won’t hurt.
I put the baby channel on. It’s great for eye development. I never restricted tv, or video game time, and my kids never abused it. They have phones and all have tv’s in their rooms. They would rather go outside and play, my daughter loves to draw. I know not many kids are like this and can become couch potatoes, but at her age i wouldn’t worry about it.
My kids do and idgaf what anyone says my kids will watch as much tv as they want I did as a kid and I’m perfectly fine
Never gave my kids screen time they are 1,4,5 my kids are always playing and running around or in my two oldest case writing and learning to read
I don’t think screen time for a child under 1 is good for their eyes. They’re constantly adjusting to light and darkness, learning to focus, etc. With that being said I don’t allow any of my 4 kids to watch anything but 1 movie before bed at night. Put her in a play pen with age appropriate toys and she will learn to play with toys or fall asleep. Crying is not going to hurt her. Make sure she’s got a clean diaper and full first.
I put on little baby bum the learning songs and we sing and dance my son is 5 months old he loves it
When mine were small I had a shit ton of baby Einstein videos I’d cycle through for background noise and such.
Those saying they turn the tv off all the damn time, how do you stand the silence? I always have to have music or something on the tv/tablet playing.
Just because it’s on doesn’t mean the kid is glued to it. Most of the time they could care less. Put nova on or documentaries if one is worried about the education value.
My family is an unlimited screen time household. The kids basically never watch it except for my 4 year old watching a movie while the 2 year old naps and sometimes a show first thing in the morning. I have it for background noise mainly. Do whatever you want for your baby. Mayne not a tablet cause those are expensive but a baby music show or something on the tv works.
Cocomellon if you do YouTube app on your tv
My kids love “little baby bum”, it keeps them happy while I’m giving one a bath before I get the other one (like tonight). They had to have separate baths… put it on for my 11 month old and put her in the bouncer, otherwise she would’ve just been screaming the whole time while I bathed her sister, then I grabbed her and my 2 year old was just sitting and watching it so nice, until I put her to bed. They have tons of videos on YouTube!
Whatever you want to do! Your the mom!
My son is 5 months old almost 6 months. Have let him watch the music video for Hakuna Matata and he loves it. When I need to do errands, I let him go through that playlist watching different Disney musicals. Once in awhile we do Charlie’s Colorform city. And the little baby bum or cocomellon. As well as our cultural music. He’s okay. Sometimes it’s up to 30 minutes spread out through the day.
I’m a ftm, when I was preggo I was that idiot that ignorantly said, “I’m going to parent this way”. Half those things went out the window, including screen time
It’s fine. I’ve let my babies watch age appropriate tv/YouTube channels and they’re fine. In fact my youngest watched the most(with older brothers) and he is my best speaker. He can hold a convo and knows more words than I imagine a two year old should know lol. As long as the tv/tablet doesn’t become a babysitter there’s no harm.
Omg 6 months old!!!
I’m surprised that yours has screen time that young. Mine never paid attention to tv or anything when he was that young lol. Baby first tv though is what mine watched when he actually started to pay attention to tv. Very educational.
I let my son watch baby cartoons and nursery rhymes idc what others think my son started at 3 months old he is 5months almost 6 months
I never did any screen time til they were 2 and a half or 3. They were never interested and I dont watch TV much either.
Baby Einstein was super helpful for showering etc. she’d sit in her swing and I think the colors and music were soothing. But it was only for a few minutes at a tjme
Nope. Better off giving them an open ended toy. My daughter had zero interest in TV until she was nearly 3. I also stayed away from electronic toys too.
Baby signing time … your baby will learn sign language
My only suggestion is what my sons doctor said. Spurts of 45 are fine with a couple hours between.
I’d also like to add they said it’s ruining my sons eyes.
My kids are 2 & 1 and our tv is hardly ever on (mainly bc i never watch tv). Occasionally while I make breakfast I’ll put on “planet earth” or something from the discovery channel.
When my kids were that little, I’d let them do tummy time in the floor and put some toys around them while I did house work or went to the bathroom. They need to be building their motor skills when they’re that little tho, so having them grab at stuff and interact with things is way better than having them look at a screen.
I try to stay away from screen time but my oldest son is super into the solar system and outer space so we do watch documentaries and educational REAL life tv shows about that, other than that, my kids have a million books they read, they play w their toys, or they’re outside.
Why are there so many judgemental moms on here holy crap!?! What works for you may not work for others. What you think is right isnt always right. We are all moms here, we should all know no one is perfect 100 percent of the time. Some days I feel like my toddler has to much screen time other times it doesnt bother me. I think judgement from other parents on the issue is a bigger deal.
I my toddler can watch cartoons while… I can take a shower or get ready for the day… While I am cleaning the house… Before nap time … And even sometimes a family movie time.
Or sometimes we lay around watching cartoons for a couple of hours. It really depends on the day we are having. My son watched football with his dad at three months he loved the colors and noises. To each their own💁
My babies love watching blippi on YouTube
The wiggles is colourful, musical and educational
Dave and Ava are great nursery rhymes on YouTube
My eyes are rolling over the comments from this page today. So judgemental !
my 7 month old LOVES Dave and Ava and Cocomelon!
Chip and potato is an adorable cartoon on Netflix!
CocoMelon on YouTube is the only way I can drive somewhere without my 8 month old screaming the entire time. When you have to drive 30+ min to the doctor or to the closest Walmart, you find out what works the best and fast. iPad in a holder in front of him being steamed by my phone. That is the only time he gets screen time unless I need to cut his nails. I’ve gotten it down to 4 songs for both his hands and feet.
6 months old? Maybe a little I guess but not a lot. Like just a bit so you can get something done.
My kids live tv 3yrs and 10 months they have both watched it from a young age they like all the shows that are colourful and have music
As many others have said…DAVE AND AVA! Lol it’s great and educational, plus the kids love it, I don’t see anything wrong with it.
At 6 months I don’t remember her having much screen time. But she’s 2 now and has her own tablet she enjoys it and has actually learned a lot using it.
Word party on Netflix
My 11 month old loves to watch Wheel Of Fortune.
Moderation is good! Enjoy your pee time!! Screw the judgy trolls
I have PBS kids on alllllllll day long. He’s hardly paying attention to it but when he does at least it’s educational. I’ve been doing this since he was about that age and he’s almost two and knows the sounds to almost all of the letters. I don’t think it’s anyone’s place to mom shame
Yo if I have to watch one more beat bug episode I’m gonna flip - the-f-out. Between my 2 year old and 6 month old that’s all I ever hear. If I never heard another’s beetles song in my life I would be absolutely 100% more than satisfied.
Mickey Mouse club house is my savior. Cleaning or having a little break, tv is the best. Idc what any one thinks. I can’t sit watch the kids and cook and clean and shit at the same time
Moderation is good! But if it helps your sanity, go for it!! My 5 month old just wants to listen to Mickey. So if I have cleaning or work that needs to be done, Mickey it is.
Interact with your kid during pee time. I do
When my kids were baby’s. I played baby Einstein. They turned out fine. Lol
My kid loves rap music idk
The only shows I ever have on that my daughter (1 yr old) pays attention to is Little Baby Bum, which is cartoon versions of nursery rhymes and kid songs. Sometimes Cleo & Cuqiun. Both on Netflix. I put them on really only when I wanna sit for a bit and not have to be right down there with her on the floor which is CONSTANT throughout my day… and when I need her to sit still so I can do her hair I’ll also add that I didn’t start doing any of that until maybe a couple months ago.
My daughter is obsessed with Word Party we even ordered the stuffed animals for her first birthday this month she also likes to watch Doc Mcstuffins and RuffRuff Tweet and Dave on Hulu sometimes she likes to watch Super Monsters too there all cute shows she doesn’t constantly sit and watch it she plays with her toys and when a song comes on or she decides to climb in my bed she will watch for a little bit it’s just fine to let them have screen time
Gotta love the rude judgmental mothers who think they are so perfect not everybody has the option for help somtimes its needed doesn’t mean her baby needs it all the time who said she is on it all day either be helpful or be quiet
My son was watching my tablet at 1 month old because I went on a 2,000 mile drive with him. He loves it. Most of the time he will play with his toys while the TV is on and he LOVES little baby bum on Netflix and he also walks around saying “do do do” for baby shark… it’s definitely not all he does, but he is learning from it. To each their own I never once claimed to be a “perfect” mom and sometimes we gotta have a moment to ourselves too!
We did tv, as using a smart phone or tablet can actually cause your child to be more near sighted resulting in glasses and issues with seeing in the future. My daughter was mesmerized by blue planet we only let her watch that show and that show only up until this month where we watch word party on netflix! Even then i only turn it on when she is inconsolable and I really need to do something around the house quick.
When my daughter was that age… She was mostly in the bouncer or on her play mat playing and when I had to pee I either boxed her in with the couches or took her with me… I binged my shows on Netflix and when she did watch something it was mostly nemo and moana
My bub has been watching since she was born lol, that’s what happens when you are the youngest of five, they all watch TV and IPads etc but they also play and go outside. They are free to watch or play
My 2 and a half year old loves tv. He would watch it in the bouncer and swing when he was little. He only gets to watch educational ones and spongebob is not played in the house. I hate that show At first he ONLY liked an old VHS Barney tale of mine. Then we graduated to wiggles then Mickey Mouse playhouse. He was OBSESSED with Trolls, then Moana. But now he only really liked Nick shows. He would only watch wbubble guppies and Team Umizoomi And Blaz at first But he will watch most shows on Nick now. He likes all the hote Transylvania’s and Cars movies.
But he doesn’t sit around in front of the tv. He plays with his toys and watches it or completely ignores it in the background.
Haters I swear I mean my daughter is 4 months me personally wouldn’t give more that 10 min of her staring at the tv but when I need to restroom I put her to watch and she just falls asleep but giving them a little screen time isn’t bad it gives them a opportunity to see shapes and listen to music rhymes apart from playing with them
I think it will be ok. My 6 mo just loves noise and to be around toys. It can keep him busy for quite a long time till he gets hunger and is ready for a nap. It helps a ton cuz I have 3 other kids. Him and my 2 yo are 14 mo apart and he’s a big mamas boy to do it helps get time in with him.
My kids loved baby Einstein
I have given my son screen time since he first came home.
It’s a good distraction if you need to get stuff done.
Y’all act like the baby’s gonna die or something. As long as you don’t sit them in front of the tv all day every day it is fine to let them watch something for a little bit while you get things done like chores or cooking or whatever it may be. I recommend Little Baby Bum on Netflix my son loved it about that age
Little baby bum is great my 14m old can idebtify colors shapes animals and other things because of it dont get me wrong there is no substitue for human interaction but as first time parents we had no clue what we should be trying to teach
I used screen time for when i need do get things done. Peeing showering house work.
If he wasn’t in a high chair watching me. Usually music hi five(the originals only) was great for those busy moments. My son loved them
Definitely helps when you need to get some chores done!
I really the channel " hey bear" on YouTube for baby shows that have contrasting colors and music. Also when the baby begins wanting to touch things and is more engaging we have tablet games just for babies downloaded that have color, movement and vibrations for touch sensation.
It keeps my kids occupied so i can get things done…
Not really. Lookin at a lifetime addiction.
Yeh. That was me… my baby watched Baby Shark from the 1st month lol… now he is 1 yr old and still gives me 2 mins to run to the WC alone …
Please don’t be one of them like my kid can’t watch tv. My girl’s grew up watching all the shows and they’re both straight A, Excell classes. Plus it gives you a break!
My kids liked baby Einstein but, it wasn’t a daily thing. I don’t watch much TV. But, I do have music on alot when we are home which isn’t often. They ( even with this generation) prefer to go outside to the park or swim ect. Which I raised them that way. Sometimes at 7am I am already being asked if we can go out to play. If he or she is sitting up , they can be pushed in a baby swing. I get what you mean with showering or cooking/laundry but , i always put them in a bouncer , swing or baby carrier while I did certain things and didn’t do much tv. I have 4 ages 9,6,3 and 1. And my youngest loves baby shark. I will play nursery rhymes on YouTube for my younger 2 but, as I said it’s not daily and we go out everyday we can weather permitting. None of them have tablets or phones, we have a Xbox kinetic and I did allow them to play the dance and sports games we have and even that isn’t even once a week. They just are outdoor kids ! We stay hiking and such. My son got an Epic leap frog when he was 4 for Xmas from his Mimi which was suppose to be more educational and it’s been barely used nor could I tell you where it’s at right now. Probably dead at the bottom of a toy bin lol
But, some babies are more fussy and if it helps calms since they LOVE baby shark. Then so be it. My 1 year old loves baby shark, she saw the toy at Wal Mart and pointed and yelled at me. So I got it for her and she pushes and plays it ALl DAY LONG. Lol wish I knew what is so great about that song ! Do what you feel is right and depending on your day too. We all have off days. It’s normal, we are human. Lol I know Baby Einstein’s are great though.
Dave and ava on youtube!
My son is 3 and watches educational shows all the time only time tv is shut off is when it’s bedtime… my son’s favorite shows are Paw patrol, super why, super wings, blue clues, etc. we don’t put a time limit on him but he also goes outside and play too
7 month old get screen time. Roughly 4 hours a day (babysitter takes care of other kids) it is usually just in the morning to keep her quiet or when she gets real cranky and nothing else will calm her down
In my personal opinion machines electronics like this are not going anywhere they are used more and more in schools and workplaces and kids that use them may be better off for having this earlier experience with them as a learning tool
Little baby bum is a good one for that age.
My kid loves the old Disney movies, 101 Dalmatians stops him in his tracks every time and he can watch it over and over. Also ratatouille, both great
My son started watching “Dave and Ava” on YouTube around that age and still loves it. It’s nursery rhymes, counting, colors.
Little Baby Bum, on Netflix and YouTube. It’s nothing but nursery rhymes
If you have netflix, my daughter absolutely loved Word Party!
My son is 6 months, he gets a little bit of screen time during the day (an hour or 2 max) we watch sign language videos then we practice all day and add on what we learn everyday
My son is almost 11 months and he watches pinkfong videos on YouTube for 10 minutes a day (he is obsessed with baby shark too) but usually that’s it. Not really interested in screen time.
I personally wouldn’t.
Please listen to the doctors and experts. There is significant research that shows too much screen time rewires the brain, and can contribute to a multitude of problems. Obviously screens are here (just like sugary, fatty foods), but it’s our job to navigate how much exposure we let them have to it.
It’s a personal choice I didn’t let my daughter have any screen time til shes was atleast a year
No unless you want a zombie for a child
Don’t start the baby shark craze- you’ll wish later you hadn’t. My 21 month old is OBSESSED. We did really colorful cartoons at that age when we needed to leave him be for a bit to take care of household things. Super Simple Songs are also good
It’s definitely okay my daughter is obsessed with Charlie’s Colorform City on Netflix! But at that age she loved Little Baby Bum (also on Netflix)
We have watched Disney Junior since my son was 6 months. It plays in the background while we do other things. He’s 1 now and his pediatrician is ecstatic with his progression. If it makes it easier for you to get things done, then do it.
Screens are part of every day life. It’s okay. At that age, mine had little to no interest in it. But I see nothing wrong with tv, especially if they have a wide range of other activities to do.
My daughter watches and looks at whatever i do on my phone. Only time she gets screen time by herself is at other places or if we are in the car for a long time
Mine watched Baby Einstein videos as infants, I don’t see an issue.
Idk, my has always had screen time. I don’t see an issue with it. My son is now 4 and is fine.