Should a 9-year-old shave?

Should I buy my 9 year old razors? It seems young to me. But she recently told me she is starting to get hair down there and has been using my razor to shave.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should a 9-year-old shave?

Shaving down there is painful, perhaps laser treatment would be best? There would be no hair as a result of laser treatment


Yes unless you want her to keep using your razor. I would buy them and show her how to shave, but only the top. No shaving down inbetween until necessary.


Laser !!! Plz send her for laser . I do laser treatments and it’s the best decision ever . Will start my girls straight onto it when they have hair down there or anywhere else


Get her whatever she needs for her own hygiene. Nobody needs to share razors.


She’s 9. Why does she think she needs to shave? It’s normal having hair there. I don’t necessarily think it’s necessary, but to each their own


I would recommend these razors. It seems young but it’s her body, she’s either going to do it with or without you. Atleast you can teach her how to do it properly


At 9… seriously? Wtf is this world coming to


I don’t see an issue if she is taught how to be careful and feels ready. Hair growth can be uncomfortable. I started shaving about that age. She’ll most likely keep shaving regradless. I suggest supporting her.


I personally wanted to shave at this age as well, but wasn’t shown how to until about 12-13. (no mother figure around) so with that being said- I would let her ! My hygeine got way out of control. Also, It’s itchy & uncomfortable or atleast that was my reasoning at that age. :+1:


My daughter has a very hairy heritage, we started with Nair, then moved to electric/battery shaver probably when she was about 7, kids in school are cruel…
She’ll be 10 in August and does well with a regular razor now.
For specifically her ‘sensitive areas’ we trim vs a full shave…
Regrowth is worse than thick and itchy

I’d say it’s because she’s not used to the hair, and hates it. I think its too young, but I can understand why.


I think a conversation about hair down there or anywhere for that matter is completely normal before we start buying a child razors🙄 if we were talking about legs then okay because other people/kids see them. But why is she so worried about having pubic hair?

I would deff buy her her own GOOD quality razors. Ones with the moiseriz8ng strips. And teach her her she should properly shave down there. Me personally i started shaving my legs in the 3rd grade. I hated having hairy legs and my step mom got me razors and my step sister taught me how to shave. I dont remember when i started shaving down there. But i have coarse hair down there and it really bothers me and is itchy with in 4-5 days


Lmao really that question does she even know how to clean and cook


I really can’t fathom why a 9 year old would want to shave! My daughter is 9 turning 10 next month. I really find it crazy that’s even a thought.


Why is everyone supporting this? A 9 year old Child should not be shaving that area… can she grow up first? :woman_facepalming:t3:


Jesus naw.
What in the world


Yes my son started shaving his body at 11 i bought him all his own stuff

I would definitely buy her good quality razors and then have you show her how to do it.

Having vaginal hair lowers your risk of infection. Now I would allow her to shave her legs and show her how to on a balloon so she knows how gently to push down but explain to her that she doesn’t need to shave anything other than legs and underarms until later in life.


I wish my mother did when I was 10 :frowning:

I hit puberty at 8 and started shaving around 10. It felt early to a lot of people but kids are hitting puberty earlier and earlier anymore. What works for you and your kids is different than what works for other people. Do what you guys think is best!

Why are people sexualizing the reason of her shaving that area? I’m sure she has reasons. She trusted her mom enough to confront her so I don’t see a reason to say no.


Maybe an electric razor would be safer. If she is feeling self conscious talk to her but if you’re going to allow it the electric razors are safer.

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My 9 year old has super hairy legs so I bought her a Schick Intuition. She can lather & shave in 1 step.

If she is already shaving then you should get her own razors . Teach your kids never to use anyone else’s razor. Girls are hitting puberty way younger now. She probably needs to shave her under arms so she doesn’t get made fun of. Because girls hit puberty so young by the time they’re 12 many of them are already sexually active. While it is unfortunate, it happens more than you think.


Why on earth would a 9 year old want to shave ‘down there’


I mean… if she’s using your anyways, you might as well buy her some of her own, or hide yours.


Electric shaver first so she doesn’t ct herself🙏

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Yeah, she may not be “old enough” to want it clean cut down there but she’s old enough to be like “I don’t like that, it’s itchy and uncomfortable”. Sit her down, tell her she doesn’t HAVE to, she may just be self conscious because other girls her age shave it, she might just not like the feeling. Let her know how and that it’s her decision but she needs to know the proper care and take care if she’s going to. Safety first.


If she is using your razors, buy her her own. You need to teach good hygiene and sharing razors can be a safety risk.


why is it weird for you? that’s around the age i started getting hair. if she’s uncomfortable with it let her lol. i don’t see a problem with it at all. my mom taught me how to use one.

be grateful that she came to you about it. i don’t think there was any reason to post this question not gonna lie. but i also don’t see a reason for people posting some of the comments that they are. y’all realize not everyone starts growing hair at the exact same age….right?? lmao. that’s like saying “omg a 10 year old starting her period?? what is this world coming to :cry::cry::cry:” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: it’s not weird for someone to go through certain things at different ages.


kids are maturing EARLY …
their going to be aging Faster too…
20 year olds looking 30

If she’s ready to shave let her. I think you should have a talk with her and let her know that she doesn’t have to shave if she doesn’t want to. It’s her body and she can do what she wants with it. Let her know that it is okay to have hair down there. Explain what puberty is and that all humans go through puberty once their body matures and that each person matures at different times and that hair comes with her body changing and maturing and that is okay and normal. It might be a good idea to talk to her about sex and what periods are if you haven’t done so already. I know it seems young but if her body is changing I think it’s time to have that talk with her. If she does shave down there I would recommend teaching her to shave in the direction that the hair grows in in order to avoid ingrown hairs. Also teach her that it’s not sanitary to use other people’s personal hygiene items. My mom never had those talks with me because she assumed the education system would take care of it. I wish my mom was more open about it when I grew up. It’s one thing I plan to work on with my daughter when she hits puberty. Good luck mama, you’ve got this!

9 seems early for puberty to me but it’s very well possible it’s hit her early on and she’s shaving because she isn’t used to it,doesn’t understand why it’s happening or simply because her friends haven’t hit that stage and she feels embarrassed :disappointed: maybe she asked a friend if she had it too and she said no and she’s being made fun of. Have a deeper conversation with her to find out why she feels she needs to shave. An by all means figure out what she means by shaving down there bc our definition and hers could be completely different because again she’s 9.
Honestly if she has access to tv and internet who knows what’s shes seen or hasn’t seen this day in age and the way things are in society she may have just seen somewhere that a woman didn’t have it or maybe she’s seen you do it and thinks she’s supposed to. So I’ll go back to please have a much deeper conversation with her about it and let her know she can be open honest about things with you that it’s all normal there’s nothing to be ashamed of in asking questions, there’s no such thing as a stupid question.


Get her bikini trimmers easier and less likely to cut herself. Speak with her about it as well she most likely has her reasons why she wants to shave


Uuuum…noooo…take the razors outta the shower…shes 9 dude…hell nah…maybe 12…ok…


Yes. She’s already using a razor so may as well get her own. Also explain why she needs her own and not to use someone else’s razor. Also give her tips on how to shave and not get cuts or in grown hair

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Personally I can’t be “bald” down they’re cause I’m prone to ingrown hairs and I think it looks funny… I use a number 3 setting on the electric shaver and it comes out light and soft and easy to clean up period messes, which we alllll know can be terrible having to clean all that blood out of all the hair down there, especially if she not comfortable using tampons! assuming she’s started or will start soon My stepdad refused to buy me and my sister tampons for years and forced us to wear pads and it was the worstttttt and losing all that hair definitely helped since we were allowed to shave!! And it helps air to circulate better down there so it’s not stinky or anything as she progresses thru puberty and doesn’t need to use as many “special soaps”


I was in grade 3 when i started getting hair everywhere. I hated it.
Got to grade 6 & my mum finally let me start shaving (she never let me so i literally had to beg her) I ended up shaving my whole body for years because I hated having hair everywhere.
I feel like if I was aloud to shave earlier I wouldn’t of hated the hair so much & wouldn’t of shaved my whole body it made me so self conscious. My daughter is 9 & already has body hair, As soon as she starts asking to shave I will allow her too. Or I’ll start with hair removal creams.


I allow my 11 year old to shave but only like once a week

Although I do believe that’s quite young, it may be a case of hair is poking out of her undies/bathing suit and she’s embarrassed or maybe someone else has been teased for it? Maybe teach her how to shave around the area as to avoid hair poking out of a bathing suit :thinking: that was the reason I started shaving. A girl at school had hair sticking out of her bathing suit and EVERYONE was talking and laughing about it, I was adamant that wouldn’t be me and started shaving.


WTF? 9 and she wants to shave what kind of parenting are you doing? It’s obvious this child lost her innocence for damn sure. Seriously like what innocently child with a moral and proper up bringing come up with I want a smooth P? Who is and what is she exposed to? Seriously like WTF?

My 9 year old has dark leg hairs, or she did… she asked me for a long time to let her shave them and I told her " her body her choice " but I explained that its worse once you start and feel the need to keep doing it. She only shaved them the once and it was slow to come back really and its lighter for some reason so she’s left it alone x


I was in cheerleading when I was 10 and was self conscious about any hair so I started to shave.

She’s going to do it with or without you, so atleast get her her own razor and teach her how to shave properly.


There is NO reason a 9 YEAR OLD needs a shaved kitty
You need to talk to her and explain it is natural and NORMAL for girls to have pubic hair

Why not if it makes her feel more comfortable, it’s about her not anyone else’s opinion on how they think it “should be”, she’ll find a way regardless if she dislikes it that much. I can say from experience when I was a kid. As far as sex bc I’m sure that will come to mind as a parent in general and just wanting to protect them. Kids will find a way to do anything if they want to bad enough=or are curious enough and those things should definitely be covered in a safe space/non-judge-mental conversation so you know as a parent that you’ve covered it. The world isn’t as it use to be weather us as parents like it or not, that’s just some honesty though, take it or leave it

As long as she’s safe, let her do what is comfortable to her and her body

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You’re the parent but it is her body.


I can’t believe that a mom is asking this! It’s crazy! What are you going to do when she cuts herself and:or gets an infection? Take her to the Gynocologist? I assume that at 9 she still sees a pediatrician. Why? Because she’s a child. So, there’s your answer. Children don’t shave. Anything.


I think it’s up to your child what choices she wants to make when it comes to her grooming habits (as long as she is clean and not doing anything that can hurt her)

Clearly she wants to shave and is doing it without your permission so it’s going to be best to get her the right supplies and teach her how


It’s hygiene, why not?


Cold sugar wax. It will also make the hair come back not so thick. I waxed my daughter at 5 she had literal furry legs. I did it once a year for three years and now she shaves. If she’s already using your razors get her her own or when you go to use yours they won’t work. Hugs I have four teen girls. Razors are a hot commodity.

If she is asking and doing it already, sure. Just make sure she knows what she’s doing.

I started at 9, I was being bullied for having leg hair and armpit hair… it’s a personal choice, my mum only gave me the razor once a week to begin with to help monitor it.


I think you know your child best. If you feel like she’s at the point where she wants to shave to feel more comfortable in her own body, I would let her especially if she’s already been using yours.

My daughter is the same age, and she’s going through puberty for the last few months.

well id say ok…just mske sure she has shaveing cream. some kids devolup faster than others


Yes. Having public hair truly is uncomfortable for some people. I can’t stand it myself. It’s itchy, gets stuck in underwear and pulls. And personally, it makes me feel unclean.

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She’s nine and has hair down there? I feel like they’re getting younger and younger :face_with_monocle: if she’s shaving down there already then I guess there’s not a whole lot you can do besides educate her on what she’s doing and maybe suggest she wait some time as she is still quite young to need to be shaving I feel personally but if she has quite dark hair and there is quite a fair bit of it then I don’t see an issue but otherwise maybe advice her on waiting just another couple years before she starts. Honestly the best thing you can definitely do is make sure she is educated. In the end she will do what she chooses but at least she’ll have the knowledge on what she’s doing and hopefully avoid too many accidents etc.

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9 year olds do not need their privates shaved. That’s wild. That shouldn’t be a concern for her or you smh


Hairs not just going to stop growing because someone thinks someone’s too young to shave. If she has it, and wants to shave shes gonna do it with or without you. Teach her proper body hygiene and get her own razor and cream. It will maintain her confidence and health.


It’s up to your child as to when they are comfortable
Kids hit puberty very young these days

The starting off with Nair hair removal cream
For her arms and public area

I would say a bikini trimmer is probably safer they have guards. It’s not about sexualizing, it’s about comfort.


Leg and arm hair yes but privates no I’m sorry 9 is too young to be shaving that area

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9 yr olds shouldnt be shaving down there. No reason to… ull end up a gma in the next few yrs, keep playin around :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


I would suggest taking her for waxing. The earlier it’s started the better for her… over time the hair grows out slower and less…
I shaved for many years and I wish I started waxing earlier.
Shaving causes itching and ingrown hair. If she is anything like me, I used to shave as soon as the hair was coming back because it irritated me…

For hygiene reasons, absolutely!!!

I don’t get why everyone is saying that it’s hygienic to shave…. It’s in fact the complete opposite. The hair is there to serve as a purpose, it acts as a barrier to protect and keep the area clean. Did you all miss biology in school?
I’ll just leave this here….


If she feels she needs to then yes. I was super hairy and started at 9.

It depends on if she wants to/ is getting teased. My daughter started becoming uncomfortable with her hair around 9 and just started shaving at 10

My 8yr old shaves her legs as they get super super hairy

She’s NINE… Not nineteen :woman_facepalming:t2::unamused: she’s a child what the actual eff :flushed:


Its her body and she’s asking to. Why not? She knows her body best but please educate her on why its even there to begin with.:two_hearts:

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I started to let my 10 year old shave her legs and arm pits when she started. Shes the tallest in her class so she keeps her armpits done. Nothing else tho.

She should be able to talk to her mum about this
And no 9 is far to young & I would be hiding any razors in a locked cubard tbh and have the talk with her that she is too young and that you will speak to her again in a few yrs and take her to buy razors shaving foam and all the toiletries she needs ect but for the time being she doesn’t need to do that yet x


I was 9 when I started shaving my legs. Depends on the child :person_shrugging:

Is this really a question??

My 9 yr old complained of her leg hair so I bought nair sensitive but I was going to apply it before her shower so she could rinse n shower at the same time… well the 1st time (she was still 8yrs) I realized she had hair down there as she needed to undress waste down prior to shower n I had a personal meltdown in private afterwords) well needless to say after 2 bottles in less then a month I bought her a Venus Razor sensitive shave cream n showed her how to shave her legs but her “noonie” isn’t shaved still and won’t be until she complains of it to me n I will show her how to do so.

Almost everyone is sexualizing this lol when I was 9 I started shaving my lady bits because the pubic hair would irritate me, I just didn’t like it as soon as it started coming in… but I didn’t do it because I wanted to screw a guy or anything I just did it because it bothered me to be there… and I didn’t end up having a baby until I was 21 sooooo… lol

No I wouldn’t allow it. I’m a hairy beast (European blood) (thanks dad) shaved my legs before puberty and now they’re dark and course and I have to laser to minimise them. My Bub has inherited my hairy beast gene and she will be forbidden from shaving until age appropriate (I’ll probably take her to get waxes though, especially if her leg and arm hair make her as self conscious as myself).

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A 9 year old should absolutely NOT be shaving “down there”.


I personally wasn’t allowed to shave until I was in high school (13yo). But I see no problem saving her legs. Though I see a huge problem shaving her downstairs area. Far too young. Plus it’s unhygienic to shave down there. The hair helps protect the sensitive area from bacteria and such, also helps prevent UTI’s.


I’m assuming we are talking about public hair here, 9 is absolutely way too young to be shaving pubic hair. I could understand leg or armpit hair if they’re being teased and don’t want to deal with that, but 9 is way too young to be shaving pubic hair.

Some of these comments. . . . Christ


Probably better to teach her now is she is already doing it than ignore it and have to take a visit to the hospital later on


Well she shouldn’t be shaving “down there” she’s too young, but if she has noticable leg and armpit hair and is self conscious about it then I’d teach her how and let her shave it.


I would let her shave her legs and underarms, but I would tell her she’s too young to shave anywhere else.


To young for down there, underarms and legs depending on her, my 10 year old only does her underarms.

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If by “down there” you mean her legs, yes buy her razors.

Anything else for a 9 year old is a :flushed: NO


Some of you mums sound like my mum and she was the worst mum couldn’t go to her for anything was always a fight because she wasn’t willing to listen and her way or no way ended up in rebellion
Pretty sure if she let me vent or we were open
I wouldn’t of been a bad child in her eyes


I was 8-9 when I started as was starting to get hair etc xx

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“down there” umm way too young, I’d be asking why she thinks that she needs to shave that area? A 9 year old shouldn’t even know that women shave “down there”.


If she has come to you asking then I don’t see an issue, show her how to do it etc things are happening a lot younger these days. I’d ask her is there a reason why hun she wants to?

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If she’s already doing it, she probably will continue you can either agree to it or she honestly will probably hide it. I would let her and atleast you know about it and she’s being honest & if anything happens you can be there to help! Like if she cuts herself by accident ect

I started young and never stopped honestly and I personally would of hated if someone tried to stop me because it’s what makes me comfortable.


My daughter is 11 and has been trimming “down there “ for about a year. She’s a competitive dancer and she can’t wear underwear with costumes. Hair can’t be coming out of the sides of her bodysuits and costumes. So before you judge know the situation bc it may be extremely appropriate for a pre teen to shave down there. How embarrassing for a young girl to have Pubic hair show on the beach or by the pool. Shame on you moms. If your child is asking and embarrassed it’s time.

I would ask her why she is shaving. When I started growing hair I shaved it off because I couldn’t handle the fact that it was growing and my body was changing. My mum wasn’t very comfortable in discussing these things which made it a hard process. With my own daughter I’m making sure we are open and can talk about what her body is doing.
My advice is talk but be relaxed about it. Find out why she’s shaving and go from there. I wouldn’t encourage her to shave. I’d be leaving it alone at that age.

i do my 10 yr olds under arms andlegs wont let her use my razors

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If she has hair on her vagina how is she too young to shave it​:thinking: I’m confused af, she’s odviously not young enough to have hair on her vagina :roll_eyes: y’all kill me I swear​:joy::joy::joy: it’s her body, why don’t you just allow her to do what’s comfortable to her? I had hair down there at that age (just right on the lips not on the pubic bone area) and I would cut it off with scissors because it would get twisted and pull when I walk and it hurt, I imagine shaving would have been much safer, than using scissors to cut it as I did. But I lived with my dad at the time, so the situation was different. Your mom don’t make this a taboo thing, this is about your daughters body and her comfort nothing else.