Legs and armpits my daughter and I have discussed recently and I agree if it makes her feel better then she can but we waiting for the summer when her legs will be on show to start.
We haven’t discussed down there but if it affects wearing a swimsuit to be fair I’d let her because I would never want her to feel self conscious or not do her normal activities due to it
I was shocked to read this initially and my very first thought was why are we not teaching kids that it’s ok to have pubic hair and that they can make that decision (to remove) later on once their body is closer to finishing puberty. My thoughts being let them go through puberty and then they can look at different decisions between razors, creams, wax, laser etc etc if they want/need to remove.
But as someone else in the comments has pointed out there are religions that require this or at least it’s encourage and/or the norm in some cultures and religions.
So that all being said, depending on your own religion and culture, I’d be looking to what is the norm for you and your family.
Personally for me it’s an aesthetic and I would encourage my own children to wait until they’re older to make decisions about that. If they were to insist then I’d have to consider the safety aspects of razors and perhaps encourage an alternative. I would not allow sharing purely because it’s not sanitary.
Yes. Teach her that it can be dangerous to share those things and buy her some of her own. She’s already doing it and it’s her body
It also depends on what you mean by “down there”. If she’s shaving her legs I think that’s ok. I’m autistic and it’s a bit confusing. If she’s shaving her pubic hair then look into why. It may be a sensory thing. She may hate the feel of it when it moves against the grain of the hair. I have always hated that sensation and found it physically painful.
Umm, she probably shouldn’t be doing that. It’s a very delicate area and she’s just a little girl, she could hurt herself pretty bad. That’s not good. Try and talk her out of doing that for now. It’s just a bad idea
You can’t stop her now so you’ll have to teach her how to do it safely
From a medical stand point, at the age of nine I would say no. It’s part of determining a child’s Tanner stage for development. I personally think a girl should wait until she’s 13 or has started her menstrual cycle. Breast buds and pubic hair development helps determine Tanner stages for females. She’s young enough to be told no by a parent and obey the decision. Explain to her why. I bet she will wait if you do.
Shaving girly parts can be dangerous. It actually gives you a better chance of infection. That was actually from my obgyn. Also, she’s pretty young to be shaving there. I am thinking a visit to her doctor with a discussion about do’s and don’ts for health reasons would be a good idea. Make sure she knows there are no stupid questions!!!
I think it’s her body and how ever she chooses to present it is her choice.
How ever, I would have a conversation with her ensuring it’s is her choice and isn’t being persuaded t someone taking advantage of her.
I want to add- I have been shaving my hair since it first grew. I find it extremely irritating and uncomfortable when ever it does grow even slightly.
I am open with my kids that what they do with any hair on any part of their body is their choice ( including their head!)
What ever makes them comfortable is all I care about
I just let my 14 shave her legs… that’s all
I’ve been doing it for my now 12 y/o since she was about 9, but I don’t use a blade razor the have electric trimmer/shaver specifically for those areas, which is safer to me and can be used while wet. She didn’t feel comfortable with it so I let her have it shaved.
If she’s using yours then why not get her own
If I may, firstly I believe she is too young to shave her private area. I may be wrong but puberty didn’t even start for her yet. Secondly, talk with her about how its natural to have body hair. And find out if it’s really her idea to shave or not. It could be peer pressure. If it is talk with her to help her understand it’s her choice. And if she is not really for it let her know that’s okay too. You can’t start with the small stuff like shaving legs maybe under arms but that should be it. I didn’t shave my legs till I was about 12 and under arms too. Thirdly, teach her to be okay with her body and not live up to someone’s else’s expectations nor society! Good luck
Your kid your choice
Please let her shave when she feels the need. I started to get hair down there and arm pits around 10. My grandma (main person who took care of me) refused to let me shave. By the time my mom or older sister noticed (only got to see them every other weekend) I had BUSHES of hair in both areas and I hated it but was never taught to shave it until they said something. I’d give her the choice but tell her it’s up to her when she wants to. Don’t force it but also don’t make it seem like it’s the wrong or bad thing to do.
My youngest started when she was 6. She also has a sister 6yrs der than her.
Definitely get her own shavers. Staph is nothing to play with.
Using someone else’s razor and her being new and discovering all the changes and options that come with her body.
If she isn’t comfortable with the hair, she should be able to shave it. But I highly suggest explaining hair growth, and the more you shave, the thicker it comes back. I also suggest an electric shaver.
Yes buy them and let her shave whatever makes her uncomfortable. Obviously not her eye brows but If any body hair makes her uncomfortable then let it be it’s her body let her know she is in control and it’s her body her choice . To those saying no would you like being uncomfortable or self conscious? Would you like hair that gets sweaty and stinky?! Shame on any of you trying to control your kid
Come on if y’all saying down there I hope the hell you mean legs I have no problem with a 9 year old shaving there legs or arm pits but a 9 year old has no business shaving there private parts and people say I am relaxed as a mama let mine save legs at nine cause they had hair and people see your legs but no one gone see there private parts I hope not at 9 years old
I’d wonder why and how she learned a person is suppose to shave down there? That’s a red flag for me…
“Should” is the wrong word. The question is whether she’s reached that point. If she needs to shave to wear a swimsuit without hair showing, then it’s time.
Girls are hitting puberty younger than they used to. In the US, the average age is 11; when we were kids it was about 12.5. It’s also lower for Latina and Black girls than for Asian-American and white girls.
In other words, get ready because puberty is around the corner. Your daughter’s pediatrician can predict when pretty accurately.
Why would you come on here and ask that? If you have to ask, you know its wrong. Of course don’t give her a razor. Sit her down and talk to her. Geez
Why would a 9 yr old shave down there? …NINE!!!.
My 9 yo has asked to shave her legs, I told her I’d take her to get her legs waxed when the hairs are a little darker
Get her some personal toiletries and teach her how to shave because if you shave wrong she can end up with painful bumps
Get her some exfoliating product for down there I recommend a salt based one
I get my daughter what she needs because I know she’s growing up and I want her to be comfortable with her body and we have a stronger bond now
At 9 that should be her least concern. My opinion, there should never be a 9yr old shaving “down there”. I would be concerned as to how she even knows to shave down there. Geesh
I mean if she’s using yours then she clearly isn’t comfortable with the hair. I couldn’t stand the hair. Teach her to shave correctly and get her her own razor. She might be too young for the private areas for me to say yea ok go ahead honey but she’s your child so its up to you. Just make sure it’s with her own razor and she really wants to
Why dont you get her hair remover cream specially for down there. its safer and she cant cut herself.
Each to their own, it’s your child lovely, you don’t need validation, if she’s shaving already then just talk to her about safety and using the razor right xx
I am trying to keep my 9 year old a little girl as long as possible. So if she asked me if she could shave I would politely tell her not yet. When it turns to dark hair then it’s time. And as for that down there I think it is very unsanitary to have a great big brush so I would teach her to trim it up or shave some of it whatever she was comfortable with but not until she was older.
My nine yr old shaves her underarms nothing wrong with it
Why would a 9 year old know about shaving her vagina?
My daughter starting shaving a few years ago, especially after she started her period and I didn’t want her going into 5th and 6th with hairy legs. What she shaves is her business in the shower. She’s 13 now tho.
I thought this was a leg post
That little girl is gonna tear up her
Look at this hypersexualised world where a 9 year old wants to shave her private areas!!! This hurts my heart
I started shaving at 10…so shame in it
I did it in grade 4, so 8. I genuinely had super hairy legs which now I know was pcos and I use to get bullied so bad so I went behind my mums back and shaved my legs :((
I have a 10 year old daughter and she shaves her legs so I guess I’m a bad mom if she wanted to shave her private area I would assume she doesn’t want hair there or she has noticed I don’t have any there because she has seen me naked I wouldn’t automatically panic and think weird shit …girls know we shave hair off of places we don’t want it to be so it’s not odd that she get hair somewhere and want to shave it …have a conversation with her you would be surprised how easy you can figure it out that way
So you can either get her her own razor, teach her properly and teach her everything else or she can start going behind your back because she still wants to shave and possibly risk razor burn and/or knocking herself down there which in turn would come back on you for not teaching her the proper way.
Some of these comments are outrageous. Sexualizing children, people should be ashamed!
If she feels she should shave, discuss proper hygiene and show her how to do it properly. Maybe consider waxing first, I started with that at age 10. No Nair, that stuff is super toxic and can cause chemical burns.
I remember thinking around that age that girls shaved all the hair legs under arms and “there” was nothing sexual my mom got me an electric razor at first so I couldn’t cut myself and I thought that was so cool for my first razor … safety and hygiene first but be mindful to tell her that every women is different and you don’t Have to shave anything if you don’t want your beautiful either way
My gym teacher told me at 8 I had to shave bc I was too hairy on my legs. My mom started with Nair the hair remover and once I got the hang of using the little “razor” they give you, she moved me on to a razor. I wouldn’t force her to not shave, that will give her body issues.
I would say 100% not to her private parts. No way!! You are supposed to have hair down there. As adults it isn’t exactly a “comfort” thing. It’s more of a for “pleasure” thing.
And like 95% no to her legs. just too young and she will just tear her legs up.
Let her shave I was bullied at 9 for hairy legs I let my now 9 year old shave as well kids can be cruel and she will end up shaving as a teen anyway just show them the proper way
I started shaving at 10 so she’s not too far off. She’s clearly uncomfortable with it. So between the two of you, figure out what works best.
I buy my daughter the intuition razors they are easy to use.
I tweeze my kids unibrow, and I allow them to shave any age they feel the need. Whatever helps my child feel confident I am allowing
Being that young, she might ne the only girl in her class with hair. It might make her feel alienated. I would sit down and explain how hair is normal foe everyone and then maybe get her a waterproof electric razer
I did the same thing. My grandmother used like 40 cent razors till they were way beyond needing to go to the graveyard soooooo she didn’t care i was stealing hers but when my daughter starts I’m going to get her own good one. Ya can’t stop em so atoeast make sure they have good ones and understand the proper way, why dry shaving is bad, why to never ever touch your eyebrows with it lmao and how hair grows and it’ll be fine
Some girls go through puberty sooner than others so if you’re comfortable with it why not, I would stress that shaving makes hair grow faster, lol,and most razors are pretty safe
OH! and Def why water is just as important as lotion…her 9 y.o. body will forgive her every time but her 20 and 30 y.o. body gonna have some rough patches that lotion can’t fix if she doesn’t stay on it from young lol
Maybe start her with an electric razor at least for her legs but then again if she’s already using your razor maybe just try and provide her with the proper tools and teach her the right way to do it. I also started shaving around that age with my uncles razor. I think I was a little older though maybe about 11
I got my period at 9 and started shaving …everywhere…at 9 aswell. Personal preference and personal hygiene doesn’t need to be sexualized like some of the comments here suggest. Just make sure you talk to her about it and make sure she’s doing it properly if she started doing it on her own
I started in third grade. It made me self conscious. They will just sneak doing it when they want to if it bothers them that much. Gives a good start for them to be open about things.
i had hair from very young if she wants to shave let her. or even wax to save the pain of razor bumps x
My daughter is 9 going on 10 an we had this chat today so we went shopping an this was our comprise razor for legs trimmer for girl bits as it’s “annoying” my husband is Maltese so I can understand my daughter she has also recently got her period.
I let my daughter shave her legs she was feeling embarrassed about it so I went out bought her everything she needed and thought her how to do it. I say let her do it mother daughter bonding moment if you ask me.
LOL This made me giggle. I started my period at the age of 9 and started shaving at 9 also.
If she’s asking then yes.
She’s 9… She doesn’t need to shave there yet… Wtf. Maybe her legs soon and under arms but who is seeing the area?! I’d be concerned
If she’s already doing it than yes get her her own razor and some deodorant.
I started shaving at 9. When I started my period for the first time my mom showed me what to do. It’s what ever your most comfortable with and what shes comfortable with.
Maybe a nair product as a compromise.
My mother never talk to me about these things and I was wearing knee high socks and my leg hair was coming out the top I got teased so bad because of it. Don’t make it come to that I never forgot that if she is ready then maybe take her to bath and body works grab a few things for her own hygiene kit it will be a nice day for both
I would let her shave. More than likely it has to do with swimming and people being able to see hair. Kids can be so freaking mean to each other. I would casually bring it up to her, though, and just ask why she feels it necessary so she is educated about any misinformation she may have heard. I do believe that kids should feel comfortable and if thats what it takes, then it is.
If she is asking get her one. If she is already using yours, get her one and teach her.
If she wants to let her.
I was shaving at 9. There’s no harm in it. I tried using the throw away razors but it never failed they always cut me. To this day I can’t use them I have sensitive skin. So I started using the venus razor. If she’s asking and using your razor I’d let her.
I would get her own razor, shaving cream etc and teach her exactly how to shave so it’s not uncomfortable.
We’ll my daughter started puberty at 8 . We let her shave . Sometimes it happens at a early age . It’s what you and your daughter are comfortable with . Give her some tips and her own razor in my opinion . Been there on my kids using my razor. Lol good luck to you both in this new experience your going through …
These comments act like the mom is 1) able to enforce the no shaving policy and 2) going to be able to know if she’s shaving her pubic regions. She’s already shaving, just buy her her own razors at this point. It’s really not that hard.
Yes and teach her how and what to shave and not shave. No one taught me and I ended up shaving everything including my arms.
Yes… personal hygiene is important
My. Mom. Told. Me. ( Of. Course. Shes. Talking. Legs). not to. Shave. Cause. Then. I’d. need. to
All. The. Time. But. Your. The. Mom. It’s. Your. Decision. And where !. If. Anyone. Teaches. stuff. In. Feminine. Hygiene. It. Should. Be. You !
She shouldn’t be shaving down there. Not at 9. I did start shaving my legs at that age because my hair was really thick and super noticeable. But I didn’t shave my privates until I was older.
Everone needs to experience the Bush hahaha mines 10 and I bought her a trimmer but hasn’t used it yet but if she is already doing it teach her the proper way explain why it’s there explain everything ha
Yes, all kids are different, and teach her to never share her razor!
Not to young momma I was about her age when I started shaving I started puberty early
Ladies. Your. All. Great. Moms. I’m. Sure. Your. Daughters. Are. Lucky to. Have. You. I’m. a. Proud. Mom of. A. Boy!! So… God. Bless
If she’s already shaving down there, then get her own razors and teach her how to do it carefully and safely.
It’s her body and if that’s what she wants to do as a mother be there and guide her. She’s already doing it don’t make it an uncomfortable situation for her. This is the beginning of her being able to be open with you about anything! Don’t ruin that because my mom did. Good luck!
I think it’s fine. I didn’t start puberty until I was around 14 or 15, so I didn’t have hair down there until then, but I started shaving at 9 or 10. So if I had hair down there at 10, I’d have shaved it. But personally, I’d probably have her wax that area instead. It is much more comfortable, and she won’t be cutting herself and risking infection. Ultimately, it is her decision.
Lisa Ross why not??? My daughter is not even 8 yet and shaving. I would love to see you walking around with armpits and legs full of hair. Puberty is hitting our kids younger and younger
Maybe her legs/arm pits. But I wouldn’t Rick her cutting herself. No reason she needs to be shaved down there this young. Maybe nair is a good solution
I would start by buying her a trimmer just because it can be safer than fumbling with a razor but if she’s already doing it and came to you about it then that’s amazing. She trusted you enough with that information and I would absolutely buy razors for her or the trimmer
If she is wanting to, show her the proper way to do it without getting knicks and cuts.
When I started getting my pubic hair—it was painful and uncomfortable. Still to this days it is.
This is a tricky one for me. I always said when our daughter was ready and asked we would take her to get her own razor or trimmer. I was shaving my legs and underarms around that age but not my nether region. Mine is a bit young to be worried about something that no one else is going to see. If she is uncomfortable having it explain that it is natural, why it’s there in the first place and that it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Good luck momma
Idk about down there but I just started letting my 9 year old shave from knee down because kids were picking on her since she’s part Mexican and has alot of hair on her legs
If she says she’s uncomfortable and wants to shave herself then yes. It’s not up to you to tell her what’s comfortable and what’s not on her body. Help and guide her as her mother. She knows what’s comfortable and what isn’t on her, not you, respect that. I was shaving at young age, I know plenty that did as well. Not everyone likes to be hairy and bothered all day. Help your kid out. She came to you about it so she’s asking for help. Do that.
Uh I don’t think a child needs to shave their Pubic hair… asides from cuts there is a risk of ingrown hairs and it’s just not needed yet in my opinion, if u see arm pit hair I’d start there after proper instruction.
I started shaving around 10. & I let my daughter at 10 bc she has armpit hair but she hates shaving and complains about it now. Lol it was all fun at first until she realized how often you gotta do it.
If she’s expressing she want to let her, she was probably embarrassed about it and why she has done it already. Good opportunity to teach her about herself and if she may have any questions about what is, could and will happen to her body. I bought a few books for my daughter about taking care of her body. It was the best thing I did.
It’s her body, I think you should just have a talk with her about puberty and if she wants to shave let her and I agree with the comment above about the Trimmer, it’ll help reduce razor bumps and cuts. She obviously trust you enough, and is comfortable with you knowing. A child that young thinks NOTHING “inappropriate” about that.
I started shaving my legs around that age… my parents found out and, as a punishment, I couldn’t shave until the next school year, when summer was over… sucked. It’s just hair… I told my daughter to wait as long as she possibly can bc it sucks to shave. But if she already did it, let her
Legs and armpits yes if she’s hairy and self conscious but a 9 year old shaving privates just seems so weird to me.Why would she need to?Who is seeing it? I think kids hear and see alot of adult things and its our job to put a limit on what’s acceptable and shaving your vagina at 9 is too far imo.
I think 9 is too young but she is very aware of the hair and she is doing it anyway,and I do not think she will stop , but a razor is a bit dangerous to be used by a kid , buy her like a trimmer or a wax kit , and teach her how to do it correctly
I did with my little girl she’s 12 now. I’m glad that I did just watch and show her how to do it
There is no reason for a nine year old to shave her vagina! Explain to her that pubic hair is natural & it’s ok to have it & not to be ashamed of it. As far as her armpits & legs it’s ok to shave if she wants to. Show her how so she doesn’t cut herself.
At this point she is already doing it going back probably won’t work but for sanity reasons obviously she needs her own equipment no matter what u guys agree on. Maybe teach her how to shave her legs and arm pits so that way when she shaves her nither regions that hope she has enough practice things won’t get accidentally cut. I taught my daughter how to shave her legs. And now she has done it on her own and shaves whatever she wants. I am not going to shave my nither region in front of her to demonstrate thing that’s a bit much for us. But if your family is more open I guess you could. Idk where they line of weird is. I look at it as a teaching moment but my mom never shaved that area so I had to figure it out on my own so I have always expressed I am here if they need anything but I don’t push them they can come ask like your daughter did give guidance where you think it is needed
There is no reason for a nine year old to shave her vagina! Explain to her that pubic hair is natural & it’s ok to have it & not to be ashamed of it. As far as her armpits & legs it’s ok to shave if she wants to. Show her how so she doesn’t cut herself.
Yes. And give them some helpful advice. I got hair down there in first grade and found razors and shaved it on the down low because I didn’t think I’d be supported. So I was about that age when I started shaving it.
That’s a little young to shave “down there” but I was shaving my legs at 9 and armpits by 10/11. I also got my first period at 9 so I got hairy very young. I think the first time I shaved my pubes I was in 8th grade and it was for a field trip I knew we would be going in a pool and didn’t want anything to show out my bathing suit.