Id be asking your 9 year old daughter who taught her “shaving down there” was a normal thing for a 9 year old! Only thing “down there” refers to is pubic region. She could be getting groomed by a pedophile! I’d be concerned, very concerned!
My mom bought me nair when I was younger and my leg hair bothered me. If it’s really a issue for her I would talk to her see what’s going on.
Nair gave me a bad rash… I’d let her sgave once you have a talk. I got hair young … it bothered me… and Nair was baddd so I’d steel my dads unused razors and hide them.
I was 9 when I begged my mom to let me shave my legs and she let me after I told her how uncomfortable the hair was against pants (I still have that problem and have to shave daily, claustrophobia does it to me). I never asked her when I started shaving down there when I was growing hair that wouldn’t stay in my bathing suit… Simply because it was none of her business. It’s not yours either. It’s her body and a 9 year old shouldn’t feel ashamed of her body changing and what makes her feel comfortable.
Absolutely. Y’all are so judgemental. I sure asked when I started to grow hair everywhere. Which literally was about the same time. Don’t make children thin they are freaks for it. Good lord.
I would say yes only because I was 9 when I started shaving along with other things. My mom explained how to shave to me but not how much pressure to put or not put on the razor and I have a 2 inch scar on my ankle cause I pushed too deep. Teach her how to do it correctly. As for down there area I was 17 and my mom told me I had to figure it out for myself. Mom’s please explain and teach your daughters how to properly shave any area they have questions about don’t make them figure it out for themselves.
I would say legs are fine to shave. But not shaving her private area…she’s only 9.
I definitely wanted to shave my legs when I was 9, but a 3rd grader shouldn’t be worried about shaving her “downstairs” area.
definitely wouldn’t be letting her shave her private parts at 9 years old. Now trimming is fine but @ 9 she can make alot of mistakes. Unless she’s itching to the point of having to go the doctor ( that should make you concerned in many ways) it should be left alone PERIOD.