Should a child be forced/encourage to call their step mom, "mama"?

Nah, the child should call step mom whatever THEY’RE comfortable calling her. Nothing like that should ever be forced.


Don’t encourage it but if child chooses to do so take it as they love you and respect you it’s an honor

Forced? Encouraged? Nope not in the least if that child chooses I would have no problem with that … My bio child calls her adoptive mom her name when talking to me as she uses my name when talking to her. My step boys do the same thing. As does my bio son.

Of course not! I would suggest “mama” and whatever her name is. At four years old this can be so confusing for the little girl. Me as a mother; it would have me heated for sure.

Never forced but up to the individual. My kids call my partner by his first name. But consider him their step Dad. And introduce him as such. If the child wants to let them.

I would never force a child to do that I might sugget it to them and tell them how much she would really like being called mom, but that’s as far as I would go.

Yeah that’s the child choice. If you force a child to do that, it probably means you are a self conscious and controlling asshole.

No, they should not be forced to call them specific names! My kids have five grandmas and they themselves picked what they wanted to call them. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

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When I got devorced and my Ex remarried, my kids called her “mama Sheri”. That worked out nicely. Sheri was her first name.

No, not at all. She is not the mom she does not get called mom in any way shape or form expect step mom.

No. A child shouldn’t be forced, to call their stepparents Mom and Dad. It should be a choice especially if the birth parents are very much involved.

I had a step parent i did not like, NO CHILD EVER, should be forced to call anyone a mom or dad. how stupid is this question? VERY.

No stop the abuse! Anyone who does that is not mature enough to be a stepmother

The child needs to know of the difference, and all depending on age.

Um no. The step mom is not their mama.

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Whatever the childs comfortable with :man_shrugging:

There has to be another word for step mom.

These kids these days calling em by the 1st name lol!!! :joy::joy::joy::man_facepalming:t5: “Barbara said i can’t go to the store”

Who is barb? :man_shrugging:t5:

“My mama” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

not a chance in hell

No, only if they want too

She can call em both mama! I call my other siblings parents mother​:man_shrugging:t5::man_shrugging:t5::man_shrugging:t5::man_shrugging:t5::man_shrugging:t5:

No, they should not!

No. It will damage the relationship.

Leave it up to the child.

No, that title is earned

He already has a mother - nothing wrong with using their first name.

I have 2 kids from a previous marriage. I’ve been with my now fiancé for about 4 1/2 years. My ex and I share an 8 and 7 year old so my fiancé has been in their lives since they were 3 and 4. Basically half their life. He never wanted to be called Daddy. I never wanted him to be called Daddy. They have a daddy. Their Dad died suddenly last August and he is still their daddy. They call my fiancé by his first name and refer to him as their step dad.

I called my step mother by her name.

No, you should not force or encourage your step child to call you mom/mama. If they want to, that’s fine. If they don’t, respect that. Them not calling you mom/mama doesn’t mean you’re not an important person in their life, or that they don’t care, it simply means that they prefer to call you something else. And that is okay.

No! Don’t force it, you’re not their Mama (with love) don’t confuse the kid! There no understanding of it at such a young age.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should a child be forced/encourage to call their step mom, "mama"?

No they shouldn’t be forced.

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The shouldn’t be forced per say but I personally want a good relationship with who ever my ex is with if they are serious with they girlfriend wife! Pro bonus money!

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I refer to my step grandma as grandma but here is the thing she earned that title by being a positive leader in my life. You gotta earn that title

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No. Let the child pick the name

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Let her make that decision no forcing ever

No-you only have one mom. Come up with something unique to you

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Never force a child to call someone they don’t want to

Follow the child’s lead and never force anything.

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Never should be forced .

NO…My kids were forced to call that PIG mom and I came unglued…I TOLD HER THEY HAVE “1” MOM AND IT WASN’T HER IT WAS “ME”… THAT was the end of that!!!

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I’m a step mom to 3 and I would never force them to call me mom. They have said mom just out of habit but then calls me by my name. They can call me either but never ever force them.

No. Let the child decide.

The child should be comfortable with whatever they call her.

Let a child be a child. Keep pettiness and ego out of it. They know who their real mommy and daddy are. 4 years old! Come on, life is hard enough without pressure coming at you at the age of four


Red flag!!! Never, ever force that on a child.


Nope. I have two step children and they’re older 7,9 known them since they were littler 3-5 y/o never once have they called me mom. They have a mom and I get that and I would never push either of them to call me anything but my name. Lol :woman_shrugging:t2:


Def not force it, but if the child feels like calling her that then let it go. My “stepson” calls me mom but I’ve also been the only mom in his life since he was 8months old (he’ll be 8 in November) and even that we didn’t force

Simple as No, why would you force a child that obviously doesn’t want to

Honestly let the child decide. I have a bonus son. We tired everything to have him call me Kori. Cause his mom is very active in his life. But he refused he legit got angry and screamed when he was 2 years old that I was mama and she was mommy.
My son doesn’t call my fiance dad or daddy.
He calls him by his first name.
We let the kids to decide. We also let them know that its okay to call my fiance dad or me mom.

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do not make a child call someone mama . that is hurtful to the child

No! Reason wen I was small my step mom and I had issues I was about 7 and it was not till in my late 40 maybe I called her mom. They will as they spend time with her if kids live in home it might be sooner but never pressure a child to do that they have to feel that person loves them unconditionally to trust them and one day it will happen. Most important never let the children hear her call the kids her stepchildren because then it won’t happenn
I have a blended family my husband has 2 I have 2 but no one is step we are all 1 family

I am a step mom, my SS’s bio mom is a pos and I would still never make him call me mom. He calls me mom when he talks to his friends in person or via text, but otherwise he’s always just used my name. I’m about to adopt him and officially become his mother, and I will still leave it up to him in the future whether he wants to call me mom or not. We have two other kids, so I hear “mom” plenty.

Nope, should be their choice

As a single mom I don’t feel it’s right if their dad has a girlfriend or a new wife that Mom should be forced on them I don’t even think it should be encouraged. I think a good respectful relationship be encouraged between step mom and child absolutely but if that woman has any respect for you and the relationship that you have with your child they would not want that either. They should understand that child has one mother and anybody else is a bonus…just my opinion

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Only if the child wants to never force

No. Bio mom is involved and a kid only has one mom. They should call stepmom by her name.

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I have 2 bonus daughters one calls me mom and the other calls me by my name. That’s their choice.

Shes not the mom that’s not right unless her real mom leaves out her child’s life

Whatever the child is comfortable with

Never. Let them decide. I even encouraged mine to call me by my first name and tried to explain the difference. They call us both mommy now, but it is their choice. :white_heart:


My bonus daughter calls me Leslie. It was confusing to her when her dad and I married bc she thought I was trying to replace her mom. I told her that all I wanted was to love her and be in her life. I reassured her I wasn’t trying to replace her but would always treat her as if she was my daughter.


The child should not be forced or persuaded. I would be having a talk with someone. if they decide to that’s different and I wouldn’t say anything about it. My 3 year old calls my husband by his name but every now and then he calls him dad. We don’t say anything. His dad is active in his life and he knows who he is.

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I think if the child wants to, its ok. Never force it though. Let it happen naturally if it does.

Not unless you want them to grow up and resent both dad and stepmom.


Absolutely never make a child call someone mom or dad. Let the child make the decision

Never force that type of situation on a kid. When the bond is formed naturally the child will choose. I don’t think it’s right

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Forced? No. I’ll force an ass whoopin, tf.

Don’t force. If it come naturally thats one thing but dont force the kid. They my never feel comfortable and thats ok

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I think should be by the child’s choice. But also, I think even a different special name for step mom would be appropriate.

I’m a step child and a step mother and NO no one should force anything

It’s they’re choice. They should never be forced to call someone mom when they’re bio mom is active in they’re life. If they say it, they say it. But it should be they’re choice.

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NEVER!! My bonus daughter started calling me mommy on her own at a decent age and even then before we let her know that was ok, her dad and I explained to her and made sure she knew the difference between me and her mom. She also calls her step dad, daddy. No one should ever force a child to call their step parents mommy or daddy. If they want to then discuss with them the difference.

Edit… she either calls me mom or mar mar. And either one is okay with me.


I’m with my kids father but I’ve known my stepdad since I was like 5 or 6 and always called him by his name and still to this day I call him by his name

No my bonus kids call me Amy they are grown now but our bond is unbreakable they know I love them

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A child can never have too many people to love them. But only one bio mother so don’t force the issue. Its only a title to u but ur name should suffice.

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Let the child choose. Once they are comfortable enough they will call them mom or maybe not. Regardless the child shouldn’t be forced. My step daughter refers to me as her step mom but calls me by my name. I would never force a child to do that.


Never forced or constantly encouraging. But if the child feels loved and comfortable enough with step mom and if mom and step mom discussed it first and can agree that it is the child’s decision whether they WANT TO then I don’t see why it should be a problem.

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Never you only have one mother and one father there’s some stepmoms and dads who go above and beyond the duty of being a parent for the stepchildren but that still don’t replace the real mom and dad so I don’t think they are not to do that

No - if the child eventually is comfortable enough it will call the step-mom a loving name. It doesn’t have to be “mama” -


No, not forced. I actually got into it with my sons dad and his girlfriend over this when my son told me he couldn’t use her name, he had to call her mom. Her response? “Well, when he’s her, it me and his dad taking care of him.” BITCH I DO NOT CARE IF JESUS HIMSELF IS TAKING CARE OF MY SON WHILE HES DOWN THERE. He will not be forced to call u mom and get in trouble when he doesnt

No one should force it. But also the child may feel comfortable calling the step mom mommy when bio mom isn’t around.

It should come natural

No child should be forced to call a step parent something they are not comfortable with!:rage:

No she needs to be called by her name only she is not the mother never will be

No child should be forced to use a term of endearment unless it’s earned. We have one mom

As a new bonus mom to a 5 yr old girl, I would never expect nor force my bonus daughter to call me “ mom” or “mama”. I feel the child should be able to choose what they are comfortable with calling you. My bonus daughter and I have a very close relationship but she calls me by my name. And that’s ok with me. She does tell everyone I’m here bonus mommy though and that makes me just as happy. However, if she were to ever and I mean ever refer to me as anything other than my name, her bio mom would lose her mind. We deal with a high conflict bio mom. So there’s that. But forcing a child to do something like that is not ok in my book no matter how you look at it. It takes a village and the more love to go around the better. But you should respect the child’s feelings at the end of the day and the bio parents no matter how good or bad they may be. Just my two sense. :woman_shrugging:t3:


No she’s not her mother.her name will do just fine

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It should be there choice should never be forced to call stepmum mama or mum .

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I never called my step dad “dad” even though my bio dad wasn’t involved. I always called him by his name.

No it’s what the child prefers to call her

No !!! That’s not her mom . Maybe if they were together 30 + yrs when she is like 27 yrs old or something she may refer to her step mom as " mama" or whatever have you . But why so early and things may end why fuck up a childs head !!!

No1 should ever force their kid to call a step parent mum or dad spesh if their real mum is involved.

I left it up to my son, he was 5 when she came into his life and she is also a mom so it kind of just happened and I let him decide what he wanted to call her. He calls her his other mom when talking about both of us. I call her his mom too, because she is

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I left it up to my bonus son what he wants to call me. He was 6, and he chose ‘step mom’ lol. Still calls me that :joy:

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Nope. Not the parent and has nothing to do with this situation.

No. It’s not his mama

My step daughter calls me by name usually. Sometimes mommy slips out and she just giggles.

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No . Let my kid call another women mom. I don’t care if their dad marries her, she is still not their mom

No. Should always be by choice