Should a child be punished for not sitting still during a movie?

I can’t imagine any 4 year old sitting through a whole movie let alone one he didn’t like to watch never really took my kids to the movies until they were much older your husband must realise he was once a child too adults need to put themselves in their place and have a little more understanding


You’re not wrong :heart::heart:


Husband needs to be punished for not getting it. Good lort


Never ever punish a 4 year old for being a 4 year old !!!


Your 4 year old is more mature than your husband.


Where are you’s finding these men ?? I’d be happy he’s not talking to me coz he can Fck off for all I care…


No. Your husband is wrong.

Omg your husband sounds like hitler bugger that tell him pull his head in jesus some people amaze me the child is 4


I took my 13 year old son and my 5 year old daughter… my daughter was not pleased and asked to go home in the middle of the movie…. Fortunately she sat through it but kept asking when is it going to be over…. Your husband is exaggerating it… Poor child is only 4 years old


Not many 4 year old can sit through a movie. Enjoy him while he’s little. He shouldn’t be punished

He’s 4 years old. My daughters 5 and I know better to take her to the movies. To think people actually think a 4 year old is going to sit still for over an hour :joy::joy::joy: delusional!!!

Not wrong! Child is only 4. No way would my 4 year old sit through a movie especially one he wasn’t interested in.

Excuse my French… but what the actual fuck? That is ridiculous.

Tell your hubby to grow up

why would YOU be in the wrong? your husband is a fuckin asshole.

Tell him to f*** off

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Sounds like you have 3 “kids” the oldest being the worst behaved!


The attention span of a 3-5 year old is 8-10 minutes when not interested. An adult: 12-20… How are we to expect a child to sit through a full length movie he shows NO interest in for that long.

Too young to sit thru a movie.

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Have you ever watched a 4 year old sit still for a whole movie at home? Your husband seems a bit immature. Your not in the wrong.


You could’ve asked for a refund if they only sit through a short amount. I’ve done it before for myself and my husband because I wasn’t feeling good and they gave me tickets to use for in the future. I took my 3 year old to her first movie (Lightyear) and she did great, however I haven’t taken my 4 year old yet because he is not ready to sit through a 2 hour long movie. That movie is 105 mins long, too long for a lot of toddlers and young kids. The dad is in the wrong here and he needs to understand that the child is still too young or immature for a two hour movie that requires sitting still and being quiet.

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No and your husband is a dick

Your husband is a gigantic asshole. Your 4 yr old was behaving completely age appropriately

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He’s 4. His teachers don’t expect him to sit still that long, and that movie isn’t geared for 4 year olds.

People get bent out of shape over trivial things.

Few movies appeal enough to 4 year olds that they’ll sit still throughout. Next time, have one of you take the older child while the other parent has 1:1 time with the 4 year old. Alternatively, wait for the movie to be available on steaming. Going to the movies is expensive, but 4 year olds can’t understand that.


Sounds to me like he has mental issue wtf

I dont believe you are wrong and mothers have to stick VIP first their children I would just ignore your husband tell get tired and start tslking

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I don’t know any 4 year olds who will sit through a two hour movie…let alone one that isn’t even that interesting. Tell your husband his expectations are completely unrealistic.


Um my almost 6 year old won’t sit threw a movie he’s young. I would be livid if my husband told me I needed to punish him


No you are correct. Tell him to grow up. Immature…ask him if he was the perfect child??

Your husband is an ass. A 4year old does not have that long an attention span. Next time, get a sitter.

No he is a normal boy. I never took a child to the movies until they started school and could learn to sit still just like in class. So no punishment needed you are doing the right thing.

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Wow, mother of 4 here all grown up my baby is 25 and oldest in 31. I took all my kids to movies all the time never had an issue with any of them misbehaving other then one time my daughter 6 months got super hungry and got real fussy. Other then that they sat and had no problem. I think it all has to do with how they are raised from the get go. Keep in mind native babies were taught not to cry even as babies.

Sounds like he may be mad because he wanted family time instead of one on one with just one kid. :woman_shrugging:t2: just a thought. I wouldn’t expect a 4 year old to sit through a movie they don’t like

Is this something that happens often, as in you have to take time from family actives to cater to demands of the 4 year old ? I ask that because that really will set the scene. If this is out of character and was genuine then your husband is wrong. Honestly though to judge how your husband feels I would have to know more about 4 yo’s daily behavior.

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No you aren’t in the wrong. Not many 4 year olds will sit still for the full length of a movie

Hes 4 goodness me were is your husbands brain … He a little boy Maybe punish the husband , Sit him in the AMEN CORNER …:joy::smile::thinking:

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Your husband needs to be punished for being a moron.


Sounds like he doesn’t need kids

He’s 4,
I wouldn’t expect a movie to keep any 4 year olds attention for very long especially if they don’t like it!

You are not wrong. Young children don’t have the attention span especially if they are not interested in what is going on.

Maybe you should have spoken about it first. You could have came to an agreement about a punishment. Not that I agree he needed it. Just dad’s probably upset that you undermined his decision and disregarded his feelings. " I’m mom your just dad and you can’t punish my son even though he’s your son too". Dad did waste money and may have wanted to have the whole family together instead of doing two separate things. Nobody knows lol my 3 year old is crazy!! But he’s stays still for a Disney or Pixar movie any day. Maybe try a movie night at home for practice, go in on the experience popcorn :popcorn:, candy, nachos lol. Also, maybe talk about what kind of punishment he felt was appropriate and agree on something even if it’s no tv for the rest of the night. Next time dad takes the kids out to a movie and you’re not there I bet he’d stay still or fall asleep (can’t get a punishment for being bored and tired)… again I don’t think he needed to be punished but to adults can have a conversation and come to a solution instead of fighting about it and not backing each other up. When parents don’t work together kids tend to use that. Lol kids are smarter than some parents give them credit for. Good luck :+1:

Omg. I used to take my eldest to the movies and my youngest daughter would always fall asleep halfway through at 4 yrs old! Lol. Jeez he sounds crazy. Prob gna put your son off going again!

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Just thinking a 4 year today isn’t expected to sit thru a 2 hour movie. But years ago and still in some places today 4 year old sit thru hours of Sunday preaching, some are working right along side thier parents.
I have a grandson that knew how to drive a back hoe, bull dozer , and could back a tailor before he started school. But he isn’t great on book learning. Kids learn early in life what they are taught .

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I’m a grown woman and I couldn’t sit still through the movie I would never punish a 4 year old for being a 4 year old. You are not wrong he’s very wrong


Absolutely not!! I’m 39 and can barely sit still through a whole movie. :roll_eyes:

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I have a 4 yr old and won’t even attempt going to a movie yet. Brave of you guys to try.


He’s an asshole get rid of him he has got issues. No way a man is going to punish my kid for not sitting thru a movie.

Possible spoiler:

My 5 year old didn’t like that Hawthorne passed while Buzz was gone and after that he refused to finish the movie. He said it was too sad. Him and I walked around while dad and brothers finished it. We came back near the end when it got more action and he stood and watched.

You can’t punish a 4 year old for behaving like a 4 year old.


He’s only 4, tell his dad he’s the one who is out of order on this, and for him to stop bloody sulking!


No he shouldn’t …far to young to be made to sit still that length of time !!


No he should not, don’t let your husband traumatize your kids like that by punishing them for being a child

I am with your husband movies are not very cheap children should learn how to be discipline even if they’re four years old learn how to sit down and watch a movie he didn’t have to be quiet cause it is a child movie but you need to teach him that this is not his world that he needs to be disciplined and know that there’s a time to play if there’s a time not to play and that was a time not to play you’re an enabler for children who are very rude and unruly

I don’t even sit still for a movie! Your husband is being ridiculous

Ridiculous. Kids move. I’ve brought my 4 year old to 7 or 8 now and some hes sat through lovely. Others hes not interested. Hes 4

Ur husband sounds like a 4 year old …

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He needed to stay with a sitter, or look at a movie that he would like

No, your husband is wrong. A 4 year old isn’t capable of that yet. (I also have a 4 year old.)

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Hell no you aren’t wrong. You should NEVER spend money on young children if you aren’t ok with it being wasted. It’s also incredibly stupid to expect a young child to stay still and quiet during a 2 hour movie, let alone one they don’t like. Your 4 year old doesn’t even understand what wasting money REALLY means, so your husband’s lecture is useless in the first place. All he’ll know is he’s getting yelled at for getting bored.

Your husband really needs to learn more about child development if he wants his stress level to stay down. I’m glad the kids have you, at least there’s 1 reasonable adult around.


Sound like your husband has control issues and your four year old may have adhd

Your husband is a monster. Pack your things and leave him in the night.


That’s ridiculous. Most 4 year olds don’t even have that kind of attention span even if it hadn’t been his first time or would have been something he really liked.


Your husband needs his head checked you were right on how you handled the situation your husband needs to grow up


No. That’s bogus af I even have a hard time sitting through movies. I gotta get up and stretch, go to the bathroom, stuff my face. Wtf lol he’s 4 and their attention span is the size of a pea as is. Sounds like hubby needs to be more in tune with the kids himself :wink:

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No he’s only 4 he’s too young

No you are not wrong.

That’s outrageous most 4 yr olds can’t sit quiet through a whole movie

Sounds like your husband need to chill THE eF out…… who gets punished for not wanting to watch tv?? Or a “movie” that’s just dumb

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well the gay scene probably sucked

Throw the whole man away.

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No he shouldn’t be. Tbh I am in my 30s and rarely sit to watch a whole movie. My youngest is the same and she’s 7. It’s not being naughty and it’s not something to punish anyone over.

He’s gunna cause some trauma to that kid if that’s how he responds to something so minor I can’t even imagine how he is when something “big” happens. I hope u reassured that little boy daddy was having a bad night n didn’t mean to be so mean n he did not get punished.

Well Your Husband is WRONG and has very bad judgment. If all he can see is losing money, he better open his eyes because acting like a fool and setting a poor example for a 4 year old is a whole hell of alot worse than walking out of a picture show.

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Both parents need help. Why take a 4 year old to watch a movie you know he wont like/

That man sounds like a p.o.s. Good job not letting him punish that boy. Absolutely ridiculous.