Should a child be punished for not sitting still during a movie?

Definitely not! I can’t even sit still and I’m an adult :joy:


I took my 2 year old son and 6 year old daughter to see sonic 2. Both sat quietly and watched my son even almost fell asleep in my lap. I dont think he should be punished but you husband isnt wrong. What if you all went to a restaurant and your four year thinks it sucks and hes bored would you thinks hes still right to not sit quietly then? No. Hes 4 he needs to learn. Like i said not punished but definitely talked to about the whole situation and what we can try different next time


You’re in the right . 4 is still a baby

My youngest when she was 4 didn’t sit still either. Your husband needs to chill out smh.

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Good grief he’s only 4 yrs old no wonder he got bored as for your hubby he needs to back off .poor little lad .hid dad needs to act like a daddy not an angry man


He’s only 4! You’re Right.
He is wrong for trying to punish him.

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You should have gotten the money refunded since you two didn’t watch the move. It happened once with our little boy. We got the money refunded.

Punish your husband for not growing up. The kid is FOUR. He’s obviously not going to sit still. He he can’t let a kid be a kid then the least he can do is find other activities for the kid. Maybe leave him at home next time. He’s the one acting childish.

Tell your husband to grow up :roll_eyes:

Should give the father a time out. LOL


Absolutely not. Most 4 year olds have very short attention spans.


If your four year old won’t sit still I wouldn’t be talking him to movies or out until he can learn to do so, our last child is four and can sit even when board. I wouldn’t of took them to the arcade and waste money as this might start a “ hey if I act up I’ll get to do something fun” attitude. I would of sat in the car with them ( Most theatres will refund you).so they would learn for the next time. Four yes there young but they still should no better.

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Every kid is different. Some will sit still and stare a screens for hours and some just suck at sitting still. My son was that way. We took him to a movie when he was probably 3 or 4 and he was super antsy but he was not punished because that is just how he is. He didn’t do it to act out

He’s only 4 let him be a baby

My son is 6 and I still can’t get him to watch a whole movie in one sitting, lol.

Show me a normal 4yr old that can sit still for that long while bored, it’s not going to happen unless they love in fear if being beat so dad needs to chill. You did the right thing by taking him out so others weren’t disturbed.


Wtf. Your husbands weird af. And you could have got the tickets refunded if he’s that salty about the money.

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You are not in the wrong. 4yr old should not be expected to sit still in a movie theater.

No. Tell your husband to grow up or next time leave HIM at home.

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l get paid over $ 185 per hour w­o­r­k­i­n­g from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 18133 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Definitely not. That’s silly. You can’t expect adult abilities on a kid. Especially since they may never develop that ability.

I wouldn’t take my 4 year old to a movie cuz I know she wouldn’t sit still your husband is overreacting girl you did what you felt was right and I would have done the same thing 4 year old don’t sit still lol

He’s FOUR. Your husband sounds like a douche. To be honest the 4 year old is probably more mature…


Um no. You’re not wrong. And your husband sounds like a douche. We wouldn’t ever get upset with our kids over something like that. Good for you for standing up for the child.

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Wth… no, you are definitely not in the wrong. If the movie wasn’t engaging enough for the child, they aren’t going to be able to sit still and you did the best thing by taking him out


Next time, Daddy can take the 10 year old to the movie, and your 4 year old can stay home with you…or vice versa.

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4 yr old is far too young to expect to sit still for 1.5 hours. 15 minutes is impressive at that age!

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would not expect a four-year-old to sit still thru any movie they don’t have the ability and are easily bored

No, that’s a bit much. I don’t blame you. You aren’t in the wrong.

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Um, no. That’s stupid. You’re husband is ridiculous if he thinks it’s normal for a 4 year old to sit still for an hour or more at a time no matter what they’re doing.

Not at all. 4 year olds aren’t meant to sit still for that long; you’d be punishing him for something he can’t control yet. Plus, going to the movies is supposed to be a treat. If it ends with a punishment he’s going to develop some negative associations.

A 4yr old is no able to sit that long! I do kindergarten and 5-6 yr Olds have trouble sitting. You are not wrong. Your husband needs to realize although it would be nice to have your child sit, he is behaving age appropriate


Sounds like that grown man pouting bullshit. Don’t let him get away with that. Let him pout like a turd. Because you are absolutely right. Sounds like the way your husband is acting, he needs a damn time out himself. Let him have his little time out. You do you boo.

No you’re not wrong. My ex was like this with my oldest. Totally ridiculous expectation and you need to stand up for your child.


Your husband sounds like a pos. Our 4 year old didn’t like it nor was entertained because it honestly doesn’t seem like much of a ‘kid’ movie. There was so much emotional parts that a young child wouldn’t Understand. It would have been worse if he stayed in the theatre and bounced around in the seat

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Took my 3 year old to a movie and he messed around and didn’t sit still. Was I annoyed af? Yes! But little kids just aren’t meant for sitting still. I probably would of done the same thing you did honestly. Tell your husband to punish himself for having such high expectations of a 4 year old. Lol

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He sounds like a jerk imo. He’s four. That price of a movie is not nearly worth the core memory that your husband is creating for your child.


Your husband sounds like a dick!

No you are not wrong. Your husband shouldn’t expect your 4 year old son to have the same attention span of your 10 year old child.
It seems like his expectations are not realistic and he has overreacted. For Christs sake, the child is 4.

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You are in the right. At the young age of 4 it is very hard for them to stay still. And yes it was even hard for me to keep my attention on that movie. Your husband needs to calm the hell down.


Your husband is the bigger issue


He is wrong. A 4 year old can’t sit through the movie without getting bored. Your husband needs counseling in the worst way. He will make his kids hate him. Please don’t give in The child doesn’t need punishment

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No you are not wrong tell him he needs to go sit in time out because he’s acting like a child

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Your husband needs to chill tf out divorce that phsyco path !!

lol my five year old (at the time) dropped thee biggest bucket of popcorn when we were at the cinemas. Her dad was furious and made sure she knew it during the movie… completely wrecked her experience, she couldn’t focus on the movie anymore. Absolutely sucked trying to snap him out of it and comfort her.

Enjoy the silence on this one!


No you are not in the wrong
You’re husband is .
I didn’t take my kids to a movie til they were like 6-8 years old my oldest went when he was 6 but he was mature for his age .

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You’re not wrong. He is.

No, your husband is wrong.

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No. It was rough when my kids were little. Three under 3. But they were kids. It took getting used to for them

No, you are not wrong!!


Thats like expecting both your 4 and 10 year old to sit still for a 4 hour opera just not gonna happen


You were NOT wrong! His expectations were over the top and inappropriate for your 4-year-old son!


Ummm, no. Things like adhd cause moment and fidgeting 24/7. All children have the urge to he in motion. Let them be a kid.

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Your 4 year old was doing what 4 year olds’ do when bored.


He’s being ridiculous!!! What does he want to do, ground a 4 yr old :woman_facepalming:. He needs some Xanax or a big kick in the ass!

You’re not in the wrong and honestly its a movie that was meant for kids so sitting still isn’t really ideal thought haha I know when I took my 4 year old to see Sing 2. All the kids were dancing and singing

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Your husband is a douchecanoe really what 4yr old sits through a movie even if its good uf they cant do it at home damn sure aint doin it at a movie

Your husband is wrong… kids are not robots! Your child is 4 not 14.


Your not wrong. Maybe hubby shitty because you left n had fun whilst he had to sit through boring movie😱

No your husband is wrong just bc for the fact is he is 4 you he’s a child he will get tired and want to run around !


What is wrong with him? Jesus? He’s a toddler! His father is a jerk! No compassion no understanding? Just control,control,control! It’s ridiculous!

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Wow! Protect your child :grimacing:.

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No! you aren’t wrong!

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A 4 year olds attention span isn’t mature enough for a whole movie.

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No you’re not wrong I mentioned to my bf taking our kids to see a kids movie in theaters and he immediately said “no they’re two and three and won’t sit still it’ll be pointless because they’re too young” and he had a very valid point I haven’t even consider taking them to a movie yet again maybe in a few years but not right now lol

People should really know their partner’s parenting ideology before marriage :frowning: these questions make me sad


Dad definitely sounds like he is over reacting. Your 4 year old simply isn’t ready for a movie in a theater and that is nothing to be punished. He did his best and sat for as long as he could.


He’s 4 and that’s a long movie for a 4 year old to sit at especially if he’s not interested …

He’s 4, no 4yro I know has the attention span to watch a movie they don’t like, let alone sit still for longer than 5mins. Hubby is an idiot

Nope. You are completely right in doing this. Lesson learned, he is too young for theater movies. They are so expensive and you both ended up leaving. Rent movies and make popcorn for at-home entertainment.

Not only are you not wrong, I want to say I’m so glad you protected your son from unnecessary punishment!

Children are exactly that children
They are not objects that can just switch off and sit still.

Even I struggle in the movies

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He is 4. I don’t know of any 4 year old that is going to sit still and watch a whole movie :sweat_smile: No. He should not be punished. He had a legitimate reason to not want to watch the movie.

Some of these make my heart so sad…

You’re both wrong. You sit the four year old up to fail. If you knew he couldn’t sit still he shouldn’t have been there. And now that you’ve let him know he can act up, not sit still and get to go play video games, your going to the movie days are over.


Sounds like dad has unrealistic expectations for your kiddo. :frowning:

Gross. Control much? Protect those kids, something tells me they’re going to need it. Has he ever not liked a movie?? You’re not wrong.

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Your husband sounds like a bully and he should be punished


He’s a dickhead. I’d tell him to go see a chick flick and see if he sits still. The prick. I’d be like you tried to punish my child so ima punish you for the rest of your days. Maybe I’m overreacting but damn

No a four year old sitting for a movie is unrealistic. My kids did not start sitting for a whole movie until they were around 6 years old. I know all kids are different but your child just may not be ready for that yet. It can be a lot for a child.

I wonder if your husband ever thought if he doesn’t sit still at home for a movie, why in the world would he sit still at a movie theater? He’s 4!!! No 4 year old sits still!! Maybe you could punish your husband for his actions? :woman_shrugging:

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Hes 4? Your husband sounds like a mor on , who expects a 4 yr old to sit still for hours .

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Hes 4!! Thats his fault for thinking a 4 year old would stay entertained or “watch” a whole 2 hour movie. That kid did exactly whats acceptable and expected of him at 4. I can barely watch a movie at 26. No he shouldnt be punished. Good job mamas

Your husband is the one who needs to be punished for expecting a 4 year old to sit quietly through an entire movie in the theater


He can go fuck himself! As an adult I’ve still had movies I can’t sit through especially if they don’t peak my interest. He’s 4, at least you guys went out and he wasn’t bugging anyone but I’m sure then he’d just whine about that too if you had made your child sit there. How would he “punish” him anyways? What’s done is done, if anything you guys know he’s not ready for theaters yet which is perfectly okay at his age

Absolutely not, they do not have the attention span to sit through a movie, it is always a good idea to check out if the theatre has a family room, some do, and bring quiet toys for them.

Your husband is way overreacting, 4 year olds do not sit still for anything lol


Your husband is wrong! Rent the movie next time.


That’s the perfect age for his behavior especially being in an unfamiliar surrounding/environment with unfamiliar faces. I tried my 5 years old multiple times and I will continue until he is comfortable with it if he ever does get comfortable.

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Sounds like u need to train your husband on patience


He is just 4. Of course he is going wiggle. Your husband needs to grow up


No do not punish him who cares that he is not a movie watcher and besides I would rather parents take their children out of the movie room if they are not interested so the rest of the guest can enjoy thank you for standing your ground

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Not in the wrong. Children are people too, with likes and dislikes, and although only four he is entitled to not want to see it

I’am making over $140 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 17k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

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Way overboard. I’ve walked out of movies with my son when he didn’t enjoy it. It happens, and the child is 4!


Your not wrong. My 4 year old won’t sit through a movie even ones he does like. He has to move.

It’s unfair to your child to punish them for being a typical 4 Year Old.


nope. When i took my daughter to her first movie she was 2.5 (she’s 3+ now and i doubt she’d be able to sit still now either). At first i was embarrassed because she wanted to run up and down. But there was only 3 people there and they had antsy kids too. Even tho we were watching Encanto. I just told her to stay in our aisle and let her hop around. eventually she got drawn into the movie.

I know it can be frustrating but you def can’t stress about ‘wasting the money’ you spent there. it’s wasted the second it left your wallet lol

Wow how crazy is that I got a 3 yr old and I ain’t taking her to no theater’s right now because I know she will get bored with it and not sit still and watch the movie your husband needs to lighten up and not be such an a$$ he is still lil and had already expressed he didn’t wanna see it it’s not like he messed it up for him or something you stated you wasn’t interested neither a$$ hat move on your husband to pick a movie you all didn’t agree on

Your husband sounds like a dickhead.