Should a child who misses school attend sports?

They should be resting the whole damn day if they were sick just during the time they were going to be engaging in academics.

I have had students miss school but then go to soccer or football practice. They come back to school and don’t even bother to ask about they missed or even try to make it up.

That was the rule when I was a kid. Too sick for school means too sick for extra curricular activities. It was a great deterrent when I was a kid. :wink:

I agree with you. He should not go to sports.

Agreed and stick to it

That’s exactly how my parents raised me. If you’re sick, you’re sick. If you’re staying home so you’re not getting other people sick or you’re not feeling well, it applies to everything and not just school.

Eh. It depends. Sometimes you feel crappy in the morning then feel better. If they had a fever, cough or legit sick and it was gone then sure. If they’re faking it and you are absolutely positive it was just to get out of school then no.

Your entirely right!

Maybe something is going on that causes them not to want to attend school?

If i wasn’t able to miss, then no!