Should a child who misses school attend sports?

Agree, if sick he\she should stay home all day!

If you miss school cause your sick then you miss out on the sports because your to I’ll to participate.

I agree with you 100%

I agree to sick for school too sick for sports

If mine are/ were ever too ill for school then the rule is to stay in bed
Soon sorts out the real illnesses from the “ haven’t done homework “ type of illnesses
Tbh when mine are genuinely ill they don’t want to do anything anyway

If you dont go to school there is no sports or after school activities (clubs or playing outside) stay inside and rest.

The only exception I give are mental health days. My mom used to give us 2 a semester or 9 weeks and it helped us so much

In my family if you were sick then you are sick. That means no running around and playing basically either in bed or by the toilet to puke. I was raised in a strict household so there was no use in trying to lie cuz you would just end up in trouble but yeah no to anything everything.

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If your to sick for school then your to sick for anything else

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Too sick to go to school then too sick to do anything. My kids rest in bed through the day, they can read or play quietly. In the evening they can hang out and watch TV but they don’t leave the house and no one visits. May seem harsh but if they’re sick they can use the rest, if they’re not then it’s a great deterrent to skipping school.

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I agree and that was our rule also

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Too sick to go to school
Too sick to go play

Also not fair to expose the others at the sport or activity.

To sick to go to school, means stay in bed, no PlayStation, or other play. No going out either. My kids were hardly ever home sick, unless it was real.

I agree as a parent and as a scout leader.

Definitely not if they are too sick for school they are too sick for anything else too

Stay in bed. Probably be all better tommorow.:grin::pray:

Sick is sick. Too sick to work, too sick to play.

No school, no sports. Public health. If you can’t go to school, why would you be healthy enough to go to sports?

My mom always did that with me and my brother. If you can’t go to school you can’t go to extracurriculars.


My son misses school, he doesn’t go anywhere that day. Not out to play, no video games, no internet. That cuts down on the “I don’t feel well” lie when they really just wanna hang out and have a free day. This is just IMO.


Agree with you. To sick for school to sick for fun

I couldnt do any extra curriculars if I missed school and that’s how it will be for mine as well!

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we don’t miss school for sports… school comes first…

Too sick for school. Too sick for extracurricular activities after school!


I’m the same. If the kids miss school because of “illness,” they’re unable to participate in anything else for the same reason. No phones, tablets, or games either. If you’re well enough to play sports after school, you were well enough to go to school in the first place.


Ye if you miss school because your sick then you shouldnt be going anywhere to spread illness … also depending what age they are of course tell them if they want to stay home they have to drink the original alkazelser tablets that’s how our house did it … they are absolutely disgusting so my gma knew if I was sick enough to drink that I was sick enough to stay home from school


No school no sports or other activities

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My mom had the same rule for me. Too sick for school meant too sick for everything else too.

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Was he actually sick or did he need a mental health day? If he really just needed a mental health day, I’d allow sports. If he was truly sick, then I’d keep him home.
I played the sick card and missed a lot of school, but it wasnt because I was sick. It was because of other issues that weren’t being addressed. Not being able to play sports on days I missed, ultimately made things worse.


:woman_shrugging:t2: Mine don’t get sick often, they never miss school and do well with their grades. They take “mental health days” it keeps them from faking sick to stay home and honestly some days they just need a break. They are allowed to go to sports if they do that.
If they feminist are sick then they don’t go because they are sick :woman_shrugging:t2:


We follow the schools rule for everything. If your too sick to go you can’t do anything else.


Yup u miss school u miss w.e activity ur in


I have to disagree. Sports and school are two different things. School refusal can come from a lot of different things. If he’s faking being sick, find out the reason. Example, if he’s being bullied, can’t keep up with school work, etc , he might fake being sick to get out of school. Sports might be his only escape. Don’t punish him for things he can’t control. If he’s really sick and still wants to go do sports, unless it’s communicable, let him go. Kudos to him for trying to push through. Teams depend on everyone being there if at all possible.


Yep. To sick for school to sick for anything else.


That was always the rule in my house growing up. No school, no after school activities. Plus if they really are sick, you don’t want to pass that on to the other kids.


You miss school you don’t leave the house allllll day :+1:t2:


No school. No after school activities.

Agree. Our school even has a rule, if you are not in school by a specific time in the morning, you cannot attend sports that day.


If you’re too sick for school or work, you’re sick for at least 24 hours. No playtime allowed!

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Stay home from school…stay home from activities. That’s the rule.

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Yup. Too sick for school, too sick for fun.

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Sports and extracurricular activities keep the mind and body healthy, so we allow them, even if school is missed. Although, kiddo hasn’t missed school yet unless she was vomiting or had a fever; in those cases we stay home and rest. :heartpulse:


Mom was very firm, if you don’t go to school, get used to laying on the couch lol

I’ve modified her rule once I became a mom. Occasionally, my kid can’t go due to a fever from the day before because of the 24 hrs before they can return rule. She’s not restricted that day.

Im Assuming you’ve ruled out anything going on at school that is worrisome. My rules are no school no activities. When I was in school you couldn’t participate the in school functions the day you missed either.

I agree. My kids don’t do extra curricular anything if they didn’t do school.

I agree if a child is truely sick a bunch of extra movement can make them even sicker if they’re to sick for school they’re to sick to do IMO anything else

Find out if there is a reason for them to skip school. Could be bullying or health issue. Ask if they need help in classes. Offer support.

If you find out it really is just to ditch school for no reason, then yeah maybe not allow after school activities. But thoroughly find out what’s up. Trust them and listen to them if they give you no reason not to. Make sure they have seen a doctor within the year.

Agreed! No school, No sports!

If I am paying for my kid to participate in a sport, he going. My kids aren’t on a traditional school calendar. They go to school year round with plenty of breaks. If your child feel the need to lie, talk to them. We all need a me day, even kids.


If it were up to me they wouldn’t go but many school sports require them to show up to practice, without directly saying it, even when sick.

Nope. If they’re sick they need rest and not to pass on their germs.

Always been a rule, no school no sports or any other extracurricular activities💁

I agree. If you’re not well enough to go sit on your butt at school, how can you be well enough to go physically exert yourself?

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If they stay home they stay in bed except to shower and eat. No going outside no acting crazy and jumping around and no activities

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In our family staying home from school cause you were sick meant you were in bed drinking lots of fluids. My mom wouldn’t even let us watch tv. She would even make us go to the doctor sometimes. If you can’t go to school but still want to do sports the same day means something about school needs to be evaluated. Sports are important but work before play is a very important value to teach your kids

Absolutely agree! No after school activities of any kind…stay home and rest

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If my boys miss school for sickness they better be prepared to lay in the bed all day.


I think he just wants to be able to conflict you stand your ground

No work no play. If you don’t go to school because your sick your too sick for sports too. Get your rest and watch price is right. My mother’s only exception was Wednesday night church was allowed if I felt up to it

Ya u dont go to school your butt is not going out the door.


I agree no school no sports. If they feel good enough to go to sports they should’ve been at school too :wink:

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If you’re too sick to go to school then you can stay in your room until tomorrow and go to school then.


I think it’s case by case. They COULD feel better and if you’re the parent who made the call that they could stay home and they were faking it that’s on you. I don’t however want to encourage a sick kid to go to school just because they love karate. Encouraging kids to pass germs to other kids at school because the parents want to make sure they’re “really” sick is a really bad parenting strategy. It’s up to the parent to use good judgment and make sure kids are not going to school with communicable diseases but if they just needed an extra few hours to refuel the body before they refuel their soul I think that can be decided in that moment.

No school no activities

No school means no after school activities, sports, or play dates to me. If you are too sick for school, then you are too sick for fun afterwards as well.


No school = no anything. No sports, no clubs, no friends. Just rest and somewhat of isolation from siblings if possible to stop the spreading of illness.


No school—no anything else later.


Sport yes. Other activities no. Sport / physical activity releases endorphins which make you happy, plus sport improves your health. Sport makes people feel well and happy. Wellbeing is an important part of staying well - if a child is genuinely ill as in sick / infection, etc it’s likely they won’t want to play a sport or do anything, but sometimes we just feel a bit ‘blurgh’ and need a rest day, don’t we? Maybe if a child is lying about feeling poorly, they’re really suffering with something else - something else is possibly happening that they haven’t told you about …?

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If my child was too ill to attend school, then I would not allow her to attend sports to spread germs there. It doesn’t make sense to allow them to miss school but still attend sports in the evening if they aren’t feeling well.


I don’t think they should attend after school sports if they’re home sick from school. Part of the point of keeping them home from school was to keep them from spreading illness. So it’s a no from me. Unless of course the coach throws a hissy in which case have the flu buddy.


No school. No extra activities.

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No school, no extracurricular activities. That was my rule.

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No school, no sports! In high school that is kept track of. Coaches receive an absentee list. If one of their kids is on it, and they show up for practice or game, big troubles!!

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I agree if you’re too sick to go to school then you are too sick to play outside visit with your friends go to any sports related activities or anywhere else you need to stay home and get better

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I agree. Too sick for school, too sick for karate.

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My Mother said, no school, no other activities. You want karate, go to school.

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If I was too sick to go to school then I was too sick to do literally anything else. No sports. No friends. No going out later.

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if my child stays home sick from school he’s out of everything for the day (sports, activities, etc).

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I say no school no sports.

No school…no sports…

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If they are to sick to go to school then they are too sick to participate in other activities


I was never allowed sports if I missed school. Same rule will apply to my son.

Agree, no school no sports HOWEVER sometimes kids need a break too. Especially on a Friday because it’s the end of the week and gives them a extra day to have off.

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The way TX, LA, and GA set up Mom and Dad will be standing tall in front of a judge after so many unexcused absences. Issa no for me, no work no play.


If missing school frequently because they’re “sick” I feel there may be a bigger issue at school that could need to be addressed. If it’s a day once in a blue moon maybe the child just needed a break? They are just children, and given the nature of the world we are living in today I think school may be more stressful than when we were kids. In our home they get to attend the activities either way.


If you’re sick enough to miss school then you’re sick enough to miss sports as well!

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No school No sport
That’s the rule in our house


are you more concerned about the kids health or punishment?


Know sports if they are sick.

Nope. If I missed 7th period, I wasn’t allowed to attend practice unless it was an orthodontist appointment. If they are too sick for school, they are too sick for extracurricular hence the “extra” as in outside of the foundation.

No school no sports!

I am the exact same way. No school, no sports. My kids hate staying home cuz if they are not throwing up and they don’t have a fever but still say they don’t feel well, then they stay in bed all day. If they are too sick to go to school, they are too sick to do anything else. Including watching TV and what not.

no school, no anything…lay in their room with some books

No school no sports period

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Depends on how sick they were and still are at time of sports. Is there a chance they will make others sick at the sport? Are their bodies recovered enough to cope with the activities?

Correct. That is how I was raised and how I raised my child. It sure gives kids the incentive to go to school.

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:rofl::rofl: my mom was the same way dont start feeling better at 11 oh so you good I got some shit for you to clean :joy::joy::joy:


Sometimes you feel unwell in the morning but then you pick back up in the evening. I say make the most of tour day. If it helps them work through their illness(be it mental or physical) let them do it. Sports are not a privilege they are a necessity to mental and physical growth. Love your child and encourage them to work through their illnesses.

NO NO NO send them to school if sick you will get that call to pick kid up and absolutely no sports

yep no school no sports. School requirs less than half the Energy than sports. Your ass is in a chair 95% the time at school lol