Its his daughter and as long as he’s not poping a damn boner I see no problem with it. My son is 9 and I still have no privacy with him. No matter how many times I tell him to freaking knock! My husband showers with out 2 year old and at first he was uncomfortable but then I pointed out he was being ridiculous and that our son showered with both of us. Dont sexualize something that isn’t sexual🙄 obviously is there is signs of inappropriate things then yes. Hell up until recently my husband walked around in his boxers but we have my oldest who’s 15 living with us and he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable
Hell no.
Whatever if covered.
And I wouldn’t recommend bathing with the child for sanitary purposes.
No No And hell to the No!!!
Noo!! I don’t even bath with my son. I’ve always made it clear that shit isn’t to happen.
Totally inappropriate !!
Uuummm… well. My daughter is about to be 3. She knows she has a vagina and daddy has a penis and testicles and mommy also has boobs. If she wants to run around the house naked all day she does (cause it’s not worth the fight to put clothes on her). We all share a room together (living with family and don’t have a choice) and we both sleep naked. The child climbs in our bed every night. She likes hopping in the shower with daddy. I would rather her be comfortable with her own body and be confident and comfortable around a naked body but still respect herself and know that nobody touches her without permission then feel ashamed like she needs to hide her body. Sorry but I’d rather have a teenager (who as all teenagers get curious and some become sexually active) be able to look at a penis and know if it looks “funny” (aka STD like herpes or warts) and walk away then think they shouldn’t see each other’s parts and have no idea and end up with the STD and being an embarrassed teenager, not say anything or get checked out.
WTF ! Hell To The No on all of it.
If kids are not home , do as you please, when kids are home act like a fucking parent…this sounds highly disturbing…I’d get legal advice ASAP.
Hell no very inappropriate…
In boxers whatever, bathed with her is iffy for sure. But in my house my girls are typically running butt naked I’m pantless, and hubby is always clothed unless it’s bedtime then he only has boxers on as long as his penis isn’t in her face or touching her it’s just a body.
If a mom can birth a child from her vagina in front of her kids it should be fine for a father to shower a child
People need to mind their own. No he shouldn’t be walking around bare assed in front of any child. Bathing with his daughter shouldn’t be disturbing and if you find it disturbing, it’s probably coz you’re a disturbed human yourself.
I bathe with my sons. They are 6 & 7. I bathe with my daughters too. What’s the difference? Why must our kids be raised to sexualize their parents?
Why must this become a sexual thing?
Humans are shit.
How is this even a question… hell NO !
Not ok for either parent to walk around naked in front of their kids. I mean unless they’re babies and the bathing is a big no. That’s disgusting and way too old to be bathing with a child especially the opposite sex. Little girls don’t need to see dicks and shit like that. That’s nasty and inappropriate
Oh ok! Our family are really open about our bodies … but my husband doesn’t do it but i sure as hell do. My kids are at the age where they roll their eyes but if my hisband did it wouldnt bother me at all. Nothing creepy about it unless you make it an issue
Eww hed be smacked up side his head if he was my husband and told to put pants on and hell no absolutely no bathing together.
Yes it’s perfectly fine.
I didn’t marry a pedophile so I know my children are safe with him
We all shower together after beach days even so
Some of you saying it’s ok and people have a bad mentality if we think it’s inappropriate are too comfortable.
You just never know.
Parents needs to have some decency I don’t give a shit if it’s the mom or dad.
Maybe I’m just traumatized from my past and over protective of my kids.
NO, NO, and HELL NO!!
Oh hell naw!!! I can NOT believe this is even a question! Especially the part about bathing!!
Not sure if he walks around in boxers or walks around naked covering his genitals. Its a def NO for him bathing with her.
Hell no there is something wrong with that,never and taken a bath with him Hell no!!!
What do you mean? Like walking around with his hands over his penis or walking around in his boxers? Cuz to me boxers is not a big deal.
Watch Captian Fantastic
Nope! Covering up from bathroom to the bedroom is one thing… dad is getting out of the shower and going to master bedroom to get dressed, then no issues. 5 years old… it is time to stop bathing with the kiddos and get them into their own little routines. I bathed with my son until about 4 because it was just so much easier… but the day he asked why I did not have a penis and he did, was the day bath time together stopped.
No I don’t think it okay …should have at least boxer on not showing his butt around a 5 yr old…and sure not taking bath together…
Really ??? No its not …what the hell is he thinking
No ,No,No. Not allow
Umm… so like should I stop having baths with my soon to be 4 year old because she freaking loves jumping in the bubble bath with me
Most Americans are prudes. Just a fact. They treat nudity as if it is horrible and dirty. Why so many in this country have sexual hangups.
I have no problem with nudity in the household. My husband is uncomfortable being naked around y daughter, but I’m trying to get him over that quickly. Nakedness is not shameful or embarrassing. As long as you can trust that nothing inappropriate is going on, I don’t see a problem with it.
I think its just disgusting. From the age of 4 right through to the age of 17 ,I had my stepfather CONSTANTLY walk around naked in the house. Forced me to get undressed and dressed in front of him all the time. Forced me to get in the shower while he was still in there and the list goes on! It’s wrong in my eyes. That child shouldn’t be subjected to a naked fully grown man Regardless of it being the father or not.
When I was younger my dad didnt bath with us, he refused to have us in the bath with him, its usually the mum that has the kids in the bath with them, dads usually say no to having the kids in the bath when they hit a certain age, the walking around half naked is a little weird in front of the child but as long as hes covered that area with boxers or pants it doesnt really matter
Imagine being a single dad, your daughter is afraid of the bath/shower. Who is going to step in and comfort /help her? It’s no one else’s duty or responsibility but yours. So either the child doesn’t get cleaned properly or the dad is accused of doing something disgusting
My opinion she’s getting to old for him to do that
I think it’s okay, he’s her father. Hey, if you can’t handle your daughter with her own father then y are you even with him. To me, it’s about Trust and/or trust issues It’s like breastfeeding in public? You have your tit out for the world to see, and that’s okay(which is absolutely what should happen) but a father can’t shower his daughter?
Seems a little ridiculous to me.
1: his covering himself when appropriate
2: normalise different body parts not silly words ie (winky)
3: teach respect for body parts from a young age
4: the child is assumed to be cared and loved what’s the issue?
My dad would walk about in his undies when I was young. We never thought anything of it. No worse than swim wear.
I don’t see any harm honestly as long he genitals are covered. And i don’t see a harm in showering with your children. Until they start point at your body parts and keep asking what they are.
The comments on this feed make me want to pray for alot of you. What if the mother wasn’t in the picture and this man had been showering his child since day one? Honestly regardless of the mother being there or not. This should be normalized. Fathers are parents too. And some of you and your thought processes should be down right ashamed of yourselves. SMH.
Imo as long as he’s got underwear of some sort or a towel or robe …it’s no dif than being in a pool w just a swimsuit on…but a bit different imo if he’s just casually walking around constantly naked just holding his hands over himself…but if u are uncomfortable with it it’s your household…u need to have the discussion with him…if u are afraid to do that for some reason…trust your instincts
Should not be bathing with her, helping her is one thing, getting naked and hoping in with her is different. She’s old enough to remember that now and no one wants the Image of their dad naked.
Its not about how other people its how you feel about… If you feel something is off and you feel not Right about it then trust your gut.
Parents please stop normalizing this type of behavior between adults and children. It doesn’t matter that it’s her own father. If a child regularly sees mom and dad naked and even bathes with them naked, it is a lot easier for another adult to target that child and make them a potential victim because the child doesn’t know this is wrong. Please teach your child what healthy boundaries are.
If he’s covered why is it a problem ? It’s his kid . Moms walk around naked or semi in front of their kids too
People sexualizing parents is so fucking gross. Y’all saying that this is wrong are gross. It’s THIS kind of shit that is why my daughter would rather pee her fucking pants than run across the hall shirtless. Because her dad has a mindset that nudity is wrong. Y’all are wild
My dad gained full custody of my sister and I when we were 3 and 6. I grew up with a father bathing and helping bathe us as we got older. My dad NEVER wore anything other than his underwear in our house, unless we had company lol. And he’s the best parent/dad/man anyone could ask for. Its only dirty and wrong if you make it that way.
Are his goods covered? If so then it’s fine. It’d be the same with you. Cover your goods and it’s okay. Its her daddy, not some stranger. Also, did you bathe with her at some point? You’re her mother so I’d say you probably have. Guess what? That’s her dad. If you’re making it sexual then that says something is wrong with your mind. Get a better mindset. Single dads have to raise their kids too, think about that before you turn everything sexual.
NO NO NO NO AND NO. at least cover your bits up
My husband covers up in front of our daughter with a towel around his waist. He showers with our son and I shower with our daughter when they need to be washed up quickly. Other than that whoever is home of available at bath times gives them both baths together. My son is 2 and my daughter is 4. They bathe together. They’re children. They don’t specialize things. Father daughter should be sexualized and neither show mother son (unless there’s sexual abuse going on some where and in that case that adult shouldn’t have access to that child or any children). Yes, my children are curious about the human body but that’s where the parent starts explaining body parts. We don’t use nicknames for genitalia in my house. A penis is a penis and a vagina is a vagina.
No bathing with the kid
See I was raised completely different than a lot of people here
As long as his bits are covered I don’t see a problem. As for bathing with the child it’s a no from me.
5 years old is way to old to be seeing their dad naked… I have 3 boys 1, 3 and 6… and I don’t let the 3 and 6 year old see me changing my clothes or being naked… and I for sure ain’t bathing with them. I don’t see it as being sexual… I am just more conservative I guess. I think it can be confusing for the kid.
No no no children learn by example. Also children talk and say things they might not understand. Good way to start trouble.
No but neither should anyone honestly
Why is this any different than a mother bathing with or changing in front of a five year old boy? It’s not I still change in front of my boys
As long as his bits are covered i see no issue🤷♀️
If he has his boxers on or whatever I don’t see what’s wrong with it … boys can be shirtless women can’t. My husband sleeps in just boxers so our child’s often see him shirtless
Umm no that is highly inappropriate. Maybe if he bathed with her with his swim trunks on that would be ok but other then that NO.
No that is inappropriate. Why would a man want to shower with his 5 year old daughter. Super weird to me.
Walking around in underwear/boxers sure maybe thats how he relaxes not fully naked, the shower part is a big NO! Too comfortable with his child imo
Seriously? The natural human body is so scary for you people that a dad in his home can’t be naked? We teach our kids that the naked body is natural and okay. My three year old knows boys have penis’s and girls have vaginas. She knows daddy’s pee pee looks different than hers, and she ASKS to shower with us both at different times. I see absolutely nothing wrong with it as long as there is nothing inappropriate going on, which there isn’t. If you don’t trust your husband then it’d be different but otherwise I don’t see an issue.
Y’all need jesus
As a mum my daughter who is 3 will always see me naked Wether it be me having a shower or bathing the children how is it any different from a dad ? My exs kids are 12 8 5 3 and 4 months and do you think he cares ??? Only difference is the 3 year old smacks him every chance she gets and that was a great indicator (head height to the pee pee) that he shouldn’t shower with her anymore … embrace your bodies male or female and teach your kids the normality of that
5 is too old. I don’t think anyone wants to see their dad naked and remember it!
I mean to each their own but i wouldnt be okay with it. In his underwear is one thing. My dad slept in his underwear my whole life and it never bothered me but if i were to see him naked i think id be devastated but again to each their own. There are nudists out there. We should embrace our bodies if we can
What if it’s a single father it’s only a sexual thing if you make it so
Guess my question is why would he?
Touchy subject, you’ll get answers going both ways. Only you know your child. You’ll know when it’s time to put a stop to it. By this post you probably already know what’s right for your child it’s just a matter of making it happen.
A decorum of modesty never hurts.
No it’s not okay, people really!!!
Covering genitals like meaning underwear? I don’t see the problem. I’m not comfortable bathing with my kids period but that’s me
My children’s father would never. And neither would their step daddy. Once a child hits a certain age, it’s time to use modesty, teach boundaries, and give them (and yourself) some privacy. Let’s put it this way: How can you possibly teach your daughter modesty while you’re walking around stark naked? Or how would you teach your son not to let his penis hang out, if Daddy walks around naked with his flopping around all willy nilly? That’s how I think about it at least and my children aged (4-6) definitely appreciate their privacy.
We see men and women on tv ads daily in underwear. Some quite skimpy
No no this is child. Abuse
Let cys/cps find out and he will get charges!
Naked? No… underwear yes. Bathing WITH them? No not at 5 that is to old.
No no and more nope!!!
No no, and hell no godammit.
Some mothers breast feed their kids till 5 or older and that is deemed acceptable. Yet a daddy sharing a bath with his kid is wrong… but if it was the mother sharing the bath that would be fine?? What about a daddy bathing his 5yo son is that okay?? Why do people need to feel ashamed. Yes when kids get older they want their privacy but why make little kids feel like they need to be ashamed? Isn’t this how kids get worried about their bodies and feel less positive about themselves when their parents make them feel like they need to hide?
Um towel, boxers or underwear sure… naked no. Walked in on while undressed then explain if they have questions and use appropriate names for body parts
A child should not be comfortable around adult genitals period
My husband walks around naked or without pants quite a lot… it is just natural. If either he or our daughter becomes uncomfortable by it then he will stop, but it is the human body, it is a natural thing and shouldn’t be sexualised. We have always been open and honest about the human body and male and female body parts…
This is honestly such a weird topic in countries like Australia and America and it’s all because of the over-sexualisation of the human body (including children’s bodies). In many other countries, it’s perfectly normal for people to be nude around children. In Germany and many other places in Europe, it’s common for people to sunbathe nude on public beaches and in parks as part of the free body culture movement. It’s also common for children to swim nude all across Europe because nudity is normalised.
In Japan, children are allowed into Onsens with parents of either sex, where other adults are also present.
Populations of indigenous people have lived nude and/or partially nude for centuries and there are many groups all over the world that still live like this today. These are people who see human bodies as far more than just a sexual object.
Parents should be able to chose to do what they believe is best for their children without being shamed. As long as those children are happy, safe and empowered, it’s not anyone else’s business you can’t really shame an entire country or culture, so how is one family somewhere else on earth any different?
If you don’t want your kids to see you naked, wear clothes around your kids. But shaming others is not where it’s at. If nudity is purely sexual to you and you can’t see any other perspective, you probably have some work to do
Whar if a single dad, how is the child going to get bathed as far as walking around in. borxers bjg deal. People need to nrrd to mi dnd their husiheess…
My guy doesn’t want her to see his penis but he’ll have his undies on.
I’m not modest and would rather be comfortable and free enough to be naked in my own house. I also want bodies to be looked at in a positive way. I often wear a robe or panties though.
That being said, after a certain age neither my guy or I will be completely nakey around the kiddos. So, I guess not that much will change
It’s only weird if your the one making it weird.
completly not acceptable wth
this is wild!!! why is it okay for me to come out the shower and my 3 year old comes in there while i’m undressed but if it were dad… ohhh god forbid.
not everyone in this world is perverted
Each to their own!!! There is nothing wrong with it at all. Jesus some people would be offended at a gust of wind…
I’m sorry but a father has the same rights as a mother it’s a natural thing to be naked and it’s natural for fathers to bath their young the same as a mom if a mom is allowed so should the dad we should stop normalizing things that aren’t normal and de normalizing the things that are if that baby is happy and doesn’t cry out why put this on social media
But it’s ok for us mom’s to do it? Lol. Our culture is one of the few that put a sexual spin on everything. And if you are thinking of this in a sexual way you are the problem. Kids don’t view bodies as sexual. However, I do get why some disagree. We do live in a messed up world with loads of horror stories. I just think what is good for the mom is good for the dad and that we shouldn’t sexualize anything to do with our children.
Inappropriate. He’s role modeling how other men should behave in front of her.
It’s only adults who are sexualising it!!!
I honestly don’t see anything wrong with mother’s or fathers or siblings being naked in front of each other!!!
Is the question the same about mothers too??
I dunno… is Mum doing the same? Nothing wrong with nudity in families up to a certain point. A 5 year old isn’t a sexual being. Dads have the same rights as Mums. When are we going to view parenting equally?
Noooo, I don’t think it’s okay for either parent to. Maybe change in a room with the same sex child but not just roam around the house nude. ( my opinion)
IMO I feel its important for my children to see us (parents) naked and then for us to not make a big deal out of it. I dont want her to feel shameful or like it’s not normal. But she also understands that people need their privacy as well. It’s to each their own. It doesnt become a sexual based idea until someone makes it that way.
After reading some of the comments. Where is the respect for yourself and your children.parents you are not respecting your children letting them see you naked. It has nothing to do with a mind in the gutter .it comes down to respect.
Its only a problem in a hypersexualized world. Humans being nude shouldn’t be such an issue.
I wouldn’t bathe with my children neither would I walk around the house naked in front of them so I wouldn’t expect their father too either