Should a 8 year old get a gun as a gift? my husband is huge on guns and wants to get our 8 year old something small to take him to the shooting range but idk how i feel about it…yes it would be safely stores but i still dont know
What did you smoke to think that’s a good idea
Some of these questions
WTF? Is this a serious question
Nope, not ok at all. MAYBE 16 depending on maturity and mental health stability.
This is literally how the stories of school shooters start…
My son has 2 his dad got him. He’s also 8. He got his 1st one on his 5th birthday. I haven’t had any trouble with him trying to mess with them. Keep it locked up away from him and it will be fine. Especially if you already have guns in the house
Do you watch the news?
An 8 year old isn’t even wiping their own butt correctly, absolutely no he shouldn’t have a gun. Wtf is wrong with you?
It’s better if dad teaches him correctly and safely, with respect and a lil fear, because if he learns about them from the streets . Gun safety will not be present.
Wow. 8 is way to young. A child doesn’t know how to react if anything goes wrong. He will play instead of realizing it’s used to kill. Don’t do it !
We bought our daughter her very own BB gun when she was 5 or 6. She’s 11 now and she still absolutely loves going to the gun range to “sight it in” on some soda pop cans. My boyfriend and I both come from huge pro-hunting families. I fully believe children need to learn gun safety early in life. When I was little, my Dad used to bring home the deer he shot during hunting season and showed my brother and I that if you shoot something with a gun, it is not alive anymore and will never be alive ever again.
Why do these people have children seriously WTF is wrong with the parents
Air soft or pellet only allowed while supervised ,and properly stores away
Absolutely he should
I’m hoping this is an actual joke?!
Because there isn’t a problem with guns as it is let’s just take innocent kids and gift them guns
I don’t like to judge but I just think some things should be off limits to kids!!
Let kids be kids, he has no business owning a gun at that age
Yes! It’s better to start them young on gun safety instead of waiting until they’re curious to figure out on their own. Safety is key but it’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s a good bonding time with his dad as well.
It’s basically. Do you want dad or the streets or another young boy to show him .
I’m guessing you live in America??
Depends if use are a hunting family not if it’s for fun or another reason for your husband to have more guns in the house
Yes! So cool. Being taught gun safety from a young age is great
My dad bought me a .22 rifle when I was 8. I believe if the child is mature enough and taught proper gun safety then it will be ok. A child that proper gun safety and handling is less likely to have an accident. Its not like hes keeping it in his room ornwould have access to it at all times. If it is for small game or range target shooting then I would do it if I thought my child was ready.
Ok I’m going to be unpopular here. I think it’s fine. Teaching your child proper gun safety can’t be a bad idea. Especially if it will be properly stored. Taking the curiosity and excitement out of the topic can be beneficial along with a brutally honest education of what a tool, such as a gun can be used and abused for. Teach him how to hunt. Learning how to hunt and provide for oneself is always a good idea. I think you should at least let his dad try it out. If he finds your son isn’t mature enough yet, so be it.
It’s better he know how to handle one then not . I know your momma heart don’t wanna see him grow up or even have that much responsibility but he has to grow up one day and better his dad show him
bb or pellet gun yea no problem. But not a handgun. The pellet gun would be good for gun safety and such and prep for a real gun a little later on. Pellet guns are powerful enough to do enough at the range and have fun with dad until he learns the safety and respect that come with a firearm.
I say go for it, my 6 year old has a rifle himself. Granted it’s in my dads safe and he has no type of free range access to it and he won’t until he is a lot older and knows more about gun safety but he does own a rifle.
This has got to be an American post
This is absolutely bonkers to me… so glad we dont do this is the UK😂 what the hell
Absolutely not. Not ever. Not at all. I cannot even fathom. I’m all for teaching them gun safety but this is just crazy.
There’s still almost believing in Santa Claus in the Easter Bunny I don’t think it’s time for him to be introduced to a gun yet
My daughters have a 22 rifle. My they both shoot it, know how to handle it, and never handle them unsupervised. My 7yo will shoot anything you hand her, 9mm, 12gauge, 7mm08. My 9yo will only shoot her cross bow and 22 rifle. They hunt and Target practice.
Ay, not right in the head to even consider… Lot of “safely” kept firearms have found their way shooting someone. Ownership of something is a different notion to a child. And a gun is the last thing a child should consider theirs
OXFORD SHOOTING. Go look it up. They bought him a gun and he took it to school. Killed people. No minor should “own” a gun. Parents are responsible for what their kids do. Ethan’s parents are sitting in the hot seat right now over it.
My first gun was a 20 gauge shot gun. I loved having shooting time with my dad and brother! My brother was probably around that age and hunted with my dad. I was a little older. I now have my own 12 gauge shot gun. But we keep ours locked in the safe away from our kids. My husband conceal carries his hand gun with a legal lifetime permit.
We’re also from rural Indiana and that’s super common here lol. They have special dates for kids only to hunt lol.
My brother got married at a local shooting range lol.
No, I don’t think it’s appropriate. The brain finishes developing around 25, so I feel like 25 should be the legal age for owning or using a gun. That’s just my opinion though, do what works for your family I guess.
My kids have been taught gun safety since they could walk thanks to my dad. We don’t personally own one, but my dad owns several. He’s an avid hunter. He actually taught my son how to shoot an AR, 247, and others. He can come home if we are visiting take his handgun off his hip and place in on the kitchen table and they walk right past it. They know better, they know what guns can do. It’s all about readiness and willingness. Even if you don’t believe in owning a gun or having them around children, teaching them is key!
And this is why theres so many school shootings the mom can’t even comunicate her displeasure to the husband and somehow the kid is gonna learn from the manm
Y’all act like she’s handing her 8 year old a gun and saying “have at it”
My dad got my brother into guns at a young age. (Hunting. We live in Wyoming)
He’s very knowledgeable with them, safe with them, and almost everything I know about my own guns, is because of him.
Teaching them gun safety at a young age isn’t setting them up to be freaking serial killers. My goodness.
The media has y’all so wrapped that guns are so bad.
Bet your booty we have plenty of them. For protection & For hunting.
I can get to my gun a lot faster then the cops can get to a person breaking into my house.
I see a lot of “these kids shot this place because they were given a gun” baby girl… if they have the intentions on doing that, they will find a way. That is why it’s important to educate them.
Aside from that, mental health issues are the MAIN reasons behind mass shootings but no one wants to talk about that part.
Sorry for the rant.
Short answer, no, I don’t feel 8 is too young. I think my brother started learning at 6 with a BB gun. And he’s never shot a person or shot up a place. shocking. I know.
I dono, if dad already has guns in the house maybe it is wise to teach him gun safety. I think the question there would be is dad actually responsible enough to teach his son that this isn’t a toy, it isn’t something to pull out when you’re mad, it is a serious thing. I’m assuming dad is going to get him in to shooting regardless if the boy has one or not so I’d go over your ground rules for both of them and if either start being stupid with it, ban it from your home entirely.
A 6 year old with a gun. Why are Americans so different from UK people, the way you think, everything is just bizarre!
I had my own gun when I was that young. It was a “chipmunk” and I shot the heck out of some Pepsi cans with it. But I also learned safety, respect, and what happens when you point it at something and pull the trigger. My friends had no fear or respect of guns but I did and made sure they stayed away from them no matter how curious they were.
Depends on the child’s maturity level I was younger than that shooting. Nothing wrong with teaching them as long as they don’t have access to them without your husband. It was absolutely normal not even that long ago back. Maturity an his mental health plays a major factor in this.
8 is not to young. If your husband teaches or even if you have your 8 yr old take a safety class, They will do great. Keep the gun locked up and no shooting it without parental supervision
Definitely American!
Yep. We would lose our children to social services & be arrested in the UK if we did that
Idk what to say… each their own but a gun is a weapon that shouldn’t be in the hands of a child. Yes you should educate them about gun safety but to give them their own gun is… idk. You’re the parent however it’s your responsibility if anything bad happens.
Nope. Start young. Learn to respect them. I was around that age when I got to go hunting for the first time.
If we even posted this post in Ireland our kids be taken off us god America needs too make big changes
Don’t people have enough trouble with guns without giving them to children
Is he serious
Yes. I think it’s very important to teach them gun safety at a young age. However I would have it in the safe unless using it with an adult.
No what kind of question is that look I get it dads a gun guy cool and he’s teaching his son something he likes but an 8 yr old at least not a personal gun even if he will only be using it on the shooting range at least wait till he’s 13 he can show him gun safety first teach him the responsibility that comes with owning a gun then take him out and let him shoot a BB gun gut a actual gun with real bullets I think that’s to young my son didn’t get a gun till he turned 17 and till this day he doesn’t have free access to it till he’s 25 yes I respect guns but I also know that my son is not ready to carry his gun alone.
And this is why I’m glad I live in Australia
I’ve been shooting guns since I was 5(obviously with supervision and it was a bonding experience bc my dad showed me proper gun safety from a young age) I started out with a .22 or .22mag . I got my first gun as a gift for my first Christmas from my granddaddy. I still have it and the value has went way up. It’s not dangerous as long as they are showing the child proper safety and have assistance cleaning and just being around them. I’m 27 and there’s not a gun or bow I can’t shoot. It’s a nice skill to have for hunting and protection when they are older
Yes. My son learned at a young age with my husband and my father.
Absolutely. Start early teaching them how to handle them properly, how to respect them and overall gun safety. Remove the mystery and you have less chance of an accidental shooting because a kid finds a gun and plays with it. No one is asking to let the 8 year old treat it like a toy.
I’m from Louisiana where kids are taught gun safety either early early from family or you have Agriculture (also known as AG) and you’re taught gun safety and hunting laws as well. We shot a shot skeet with a small rifle and a target shooting BB gun, girls against boys on school property for that section. We all received our hunting and fishing license during that class, 7th grade so…12yo?
I’ve known 9 and 10yo who walk out to the hunting stand on their own every morning at 4am during hunting season.
So I’ll end this with: as long as they are mature enough to understand how to handle a firearm in the correct and safe manner. Some kids are more responsible than others. Also they should be mature enough to understand a firearm isn’t to be used unless an adult is with them and it stays in the gun case unless it’s being used with adult guidance and supervision.
Asolutely start them young on gun safety and how to handle. Practice the rules of gun safety and shooting. This is a great age to start a new hobby!
BB gun maybe that young.
If his dad takes him and teaches him there’s nothing wrong with it. People act like the father is giving him a gun to play with. I grew up around guns. All my brothers had guns and hunted early on. My nephew has his 12 & 10 year old bow and gun hunting. People need to understand that gun safety and responsibility is taught. Taking the life of an animal is not taken lightly.
I am from and the fact that someone has to even ask this question horrifies me! WTAF
Your gun laws are insane!
Unless you believe an 8 year old is mature enough to drink, drive, take care of themselves, etc, why TF would you think they’re mature enough to own a damn gun? People talk about starting them out young as if they’re not capable of learning when they’ve reached a more appropriate age. No 8 year old needs to know how to use a gun, let alone own one. This is insane.
We are deciding when to get our boys their first ones on their maturity level, not an age number. If you think they’re old enough to listen and understand that it is serious and to listen to safety instructions then whatever age is ok with proper safety, training and supervision. Responsibility is key.
Yes. Good age to learn how to handle one safely. You even said it would be stored safely. I don’t see an issue
No a child should definitely not have access to fire arms
I have an 8 year old son, if i handed him a gun I’d have cops and social services knocking at my door. You Americans are an odd breed, you go on about all these shootings yet give them to kids like WTF
It depends on each individual. I am a firm believer if you teach people the positive & negative about firearms, how to properly hold & use them. They will be more responsible when/ if they come across one.
My oldest was out in the blind hunting with her dad with her hunter safety at 7 yrs old! She was on the cover of a magazine, sponsored by duck call company, apparel company, gun company, ect. At 10 she started hunting big game. For her 16th birthday my dad gifted her, her own shot gun.
My next child is 9 now. She knows how to hold, carry & shot hand gun, riffle & a bow but she doesn’t want to hunt. She will be getting her hunter safety this year.
My next child is 8. She isn’t at the maturity level to be handling a gun without close supervision. She does know how to hold & fire a .22. She Doesn’t have the strength to pull a bow. She will be getting her hunter safety next year.
My youngest is 5, he is all over the place. He only shots a bow at the target.
I’d be ok with it as my sons were born into champion skeet shooters hunting etc
Australian here. This is absolutely crazy to me that this is even a question. American gun laws should really be changed because this is scary an 8 year old learning gun control. Like what.
My son has had one for years. I’ve taught all my sons about guns and how to shoot starring at 2. Teach them!!! Teach them young!
Isn’t it illegal to go to a shooting range or even use it until hunter safety at 12? Pretty sure that a law… but no. 8 is wayyyy too young to even understand the capacity of what kinda responsibilities that holds… I personally think it’s too young.
Honestly doesn’t matter what we think, this is something that’s between you and your husband.
As long as he’s taught about ALL the safety rules and is with his father, why not. Get him started on hunting also
I don’t see an issue with it as long as it’s locked up and not accessible with the other’s.
America’s fascination with guns is disgusting.
No… A child shouldn’t ever be near a gun…
The only gun I ever saw as a child was my dad’s rifle… twice… He had gone duck shooting once when I was around 5-6 years old… and he was cleaning it!
And once when I was 16 years old and we were moving house…
None of us kids knew where he kept it… My brother had searched my Dad’s room as a teenager looking for it but never found it… It wasn’t until the day we moved that I found out where he had kept it all those years, lol… We would never have found it…
He got rid of it in 1996 when I was 17… after the gun laws changed… He had it since he was a young before he got married, he had a licence but he had only used it once in over 25 years… He didn’t need it!
Teaching a child gun safety is never a safe idea… How can anyone think that it’s good for a child to learn gun safety? That’s really messed up…
I am sorry. I don’t care if its part of American society any person to teach and give a child a firearm is the worst kind of idiot. I thought this post was a joke until I read some the comment. What the hell
If safely locked away with parental controlled access ONLY then I’d say it’s okay. Learning gun safety and proper usage is great at any age as long as done properly and taken seriously.
How is this even a question…an 8 year old…a gun…NO!
My 8 year old has multiple firearms that stay locked in a safe and she can only use them with her dad. If you trust your husband and his firearm safety, I say go for it. If you don’t, then no
I believe there are several factors to this. First off… I don’t judge. Whatever you do with your kid is on you. With that being said.
-is this child a more mature 8?
-do you believe they would comprehend/understand that ≠ toys?
- And be able to understand the fact that
could =
if used improperly?
- Do you have a safe place to lock them up when not in use?
- Do -you- believe your child can be taught proper gun safety and retain the information?
Ultimately, it’s between you and dad. But if I were in your shoes those are a few questions I’d ask myself.
We have one for my 10.year old. If you use common sense and safety I don’t see the issue
A gun as a gift for a child is wrong IMO. If your husband enjoys shooting ranges and hunting then he can bring your son with him and show him how to use them correctly. Your husband should set very clear rules also, such as never attempting to even touch a gun without him around and ensuring that his guns are locked in gun cases and the key is somewhere where your son cant find it. I believe the law is 18 for a rifle and 21 and older for other guns so i would look up that information and show your husband that even if the gun is in your husbands name there is a reason why there is a legal age to own, it can be compared to the same reasons of drinking and smoking. With as much gun violence in schools it just is never safe for a child to have access to a gun (assuming the gift would mean his own gun case and lock). Because no matter how much we say it would never be our own child to take a gun to school or let a friend borrow one and something terrible happen, thats exactly the same thing those parents on the news say about their child who did something horrible. Better safe than sorry.
No! Heck no! The other day my step son was telling me some kids that’s 9 had a gun & his dad let’s him have one.
He said that his dad lets him hold his gun & that he has a brand new IPhone. I told him some parents are different but you aren’t allowed to have one until your old enough to get a gun license.
It’s your life & y’all’s business. But it’s a hell no for me
No no no no no! This is the craziest question.
Nooo not appropriate, along with bombs… knifes… etc
For those saying it’s important to learn gun safety … maybe in America but let’s not forget these are the next generation how about you raise them so that guns are a thing of the past?
All I can say is thank his I stay in Scotland where there are no guns aloud no wonder America has mass shooting giving kids guns at that age!!!
So, despite what gun h8ers may think, 8 isnt two young… As long as they dont have direct access without mom or dad directly supervising its all good. I grew up around em my entire life. My fam taught me bout the safety and responsibility of handling a piece. They started me off with BB guns and airsoft. Later on I started with the real stuff. I never put myself or anybody in danger. Didnt commit any crimes lol mind you, these people were thugs LOL The whole point of this novel is if you teach em right, there wont be any issue. I’m not even a gun owner hahaha I’m jus slayin.
I’m in uk and we don’t av guns here ( well not legally ) I’d say a massive NO but that’s just my opinion x
Mine had their own guns at young ages. They were taught gun safety, cleaning, carrying, hunting rules, etc. We never played with toy guns so there was no confusion. My kids can hunt, fish and 2 of the 6 can plant & grow things. Mine WILL be taught to use guns to both feed and defend themselves. Each family is different and has to make those choices but I see so many people who hate guns just simply to hate guns that I wanted to share our view as well
your country needs to just ban guns completely. the more people that have them, the worse of you all are. he’ll be shooting up a school in no time👀
Bro In aus it’s frowned upon to give ya kid a bloody toy gun hahah
Yes, nothing is wrong with teaching your child how to properly use a gun. My son is 15 and has 2 of his own. They are locked safely away in a safe he does not have a code to and can only use it with us present.
I started shooting at 4. Had my own 22 single shot rifle at 6
Maybe guns should be baby shower gifts. Why not?
Not sure what state you are in, but our state allows kids to complete hunters safety at age 8 and go on to hunt with supervision of small game animals.
The best way to avoid firearms accidents is to teach them how to respect and use them appropriately.
Americans are out of touch. Nobody should have a gun
Wtf is wrong with you people
Sounds interesting
I’m all good with this as long as proper gun safety is taught. Of course the child would not have access to the gun unless with parents. But sure, teach them young how to properly own a gun. Next is hunting😁