Should an 8 year old have their own gun?

In the UK if an 8 year old kid had a gun & people knew about it, the parents would be locked up straight away and the child would probably be took of those parents for life!
But America is different, and you have different laws, i would only say that i would be scared that one time, he didn’t use it properly! I can only imagine what kinds of accidents can happen with a gun in an 8 year olds hand!


Unnecessary. Unless your family actually hunts and gathers to survive why does he need a gun?


My 8year old has a gun… it is locked up in my room with mine tho. I think it’s important if the family is into guns, then the children NEED to know about them, and NEED to be taught safety. If a child is taught about gun safety and how to properly use them, there is less likely to be any accidents.


Maybe when his 13 not just yet to young n yes we should have guns keep them locked up those

wow that is VIOLENTLY American


l Get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18611 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Good parents can each thier kids properly. Why not?

Well technically he can’t own a gun until he is 18. So him just going somewhere and shooting safety is fine.

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Ciara Mooney Lauren Shaw WTF did I just read! :woman_facepalming:t2:

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Let’s say your kids on a play date and the other 8 year old owned a gun, What’s your thoughts now???


My kids both have had guns. I don’t remember exact ages but my daughter is 7 now and my son is 11. Their uncle actually keeps their guns put up for them at his house and they never shoot alone. It just depends on the maturity of the kid and the willingness of the parent/adult to constantly supervise and teach.


I’m in Australia and am horrified at gun violence. I personally wouldn’t.


My now 6 year old, got a gun for her 5th birthday. A little cricket! She loves it. She knows about gun safety and it’s always locked in the safe, which she will never have access too. These comments are ridiculous! You people act like the 8 year old will be walking around with it all willy-nilly.


Heres the thing yes guns can be scary and can cause harm but so can forks, knives, hammers, saws, cars, a lamp, glass etc… its better to teach him gun safety and to lock it up so he knows how to be responsible with one.

For me id prefer my children learn its a tool not a toy so if they ever came a-crossed one they would know not too touch it… and to report it.

They also make safety courses so maybe compromise and he can buy a gun but has to do the safety course with him.


Absolutely not… how many mass shootings have the likes of USA had this year alone and half been kids (minors)

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Yeah… No. I mean, I wouldn’t let my 8 year old have a weapon at all. But do you boo. Also, if my 8 year old has a friend who had a gun, no way in hell would they go over to their house.


My girls have guns
BB guns
And bow/ arrows

Started the off with a 22 caliber rifle at age 6/7, before that age they always attended the range with us .

I take them to rage every 2 weeks

I feel as long as there is a good education background behind it, constant practice , rules
I think he would be OK

It doesn’t start off with just putting a gun in their hands it starts off with rules and regulations , how to’s and knowbe4’s
Gun safety and technique
Cleaning , care and maintenance

And most importantly the understanding that once you put a bullet in something or someone you can’t undo it. 
There’s no take backs or going back. We made our girls understand that you turn into a different person once that happens . we made them understand that being able to shoot and being educated and skilled and it makes you a different type of person…
I made them understand that they will be judged and they will be praised they will be question but they will be educated

It’s about arming them with all the tools they need to mentally and physically handle what it takes to have the skill and emotional capacity to handle being able to be a firearm owner.
It’s not just fun…


WHAT??? You got to be kidding. First of all it’s illegal and why would you do that? He’s not even old enough for a BB gun.

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My father in law plans on buying my almost 4 year old one. At least he’s a bit older

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The best thing you can do with a gun is know know to properly handle it and how to use it safely, if you’re this concerned about your son learning to protect himself and family then maybe you should go and learn too
With the proper knowledge a gun can be safer in a child’s hands than in an uneducated adults. Clearly your husband is into guns…i think it’s better for the kid to know what they are, how they work, and how to safely handle them… rather than know nothing and come across one someday because THAT is how people get accidentally shot
And he probably wants to get him his own so he can have something that he’s comfortable starting with, seems like dad has a good set plan and knows what he’s doing


Compromise and get him and airsoft gun.
Use it as an opportunity to teach him gun safety.

Guns never go off on their own. The trigger had to be pulled.

They can be scary but it sounds like dad just wants to bond with his son.


Well it’s actually very common in many areas. And I really don’t see an issue with it as long as he takes a course in proper gun safety.


As long as it’s locked up and he learns gun safety I don’t see an issue with it.

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No. Eight year olds lack the ability to understand the dangers and permanence of what guns can do. Eight year olds really can’t understand anything that permanent or anything long-term. Your son should be at least 12.

Shooting can be fun; it provides an adrenaline rush. But feeling that rush without understanding the dangers on both a cognitive and emotional level is dangerous. Hunting is a better way to introduce kids to guns (after they’ve taken the Hunters’ Safety Course) because it emphasizes caution and responsibility, as long as booze consumption isn’t involved.

As for safe storage, most parents think their guns are stored safely and most kids report knowing exactly how to access the guns.


Yes. It would actually be a good thing so he will learn gun safety.


Teaching someone proper gun care at a young age is a good option especially if there are already guns in the home. I personally started sport shooting at the age of six and while it’s no longer a hobby of mine I’m extremely thankful for the eduction. It sounds like a good way for father and son to bond which is far superior than having an absentee parent.


I hope this is a joke!!!


No that is not too young… the younger they are when they learn about them the better… I got my first bb gun at 7 or 8 and knew from that point the importance of gun safety… my daughter is turning 7 this month and will be getting her 1st bb gun as well.


Nurf gun is my suggestion.

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Yes. My 8 yr old has his own. Start early. Teach safety.


l Get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18611 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Better to have him properly trained in gun safety than to let curious hands find one that they don’t know how to properly handle. Absolutely nothing wrong with a father wanting to share his hobby with his child. Nothing wrong with children being properly trained. We usually start out with .22 rifles… I think my son was five when he got his :woman_shrugging:t3:


As soon as I believe my son is mature enough too learn about gun safety, he will be taught and shown


Everyone saying ew no are the same people who cry when something bad happens and they don’t have anything to protect themselves cause they were never taught properly. Learning to handle a gun correctly is important! Better than him just finding it and knowing its dangerous and not to play with it. All these young kids are getting hurt cause they find their parents gun and don’t know how dangerous it is. Kids shoot themselves cause they don’t know any better. Teaching them at a young age to respect weapons is important.


Yes and no. Kids are out hunting at an early age and I don’t see a problem with that.

I think if your child is in a good place mentally and emotionally, and is taught that guns aren’t toys and can kill people then there is nothing wrong with it.

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Maybe a .22, for rabbits and small game, or a bb gun or pellet gun. but nothing bigger than that would be necessary until older and the child has done hunter’s safety. We waited with our daughter until she showed interest in hunting with my husband. Then she used my husband’s .243. We bought her her own when she turned 13, and was consistently wanting to go deer hunting with her dad.

100% yes. Start young. My 7 year old daughter can shoot consistent 3" groups at 50 yards

Start with a .177 air rifle and when they can prove themselves responsible with that graduate to a .22

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Kaurissa Taylor comments…

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Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. What needs to happen is dad needs to teach him the way to use the gun. It needs to stay locked up unless someone is right there with him.


Better to learn gun safety young. As long as it’s locked up when not at a shooting range it should be fine. It should not be accessible to your child or any others at any time without strict adult supervision.


I think it’s fine as long as he doesn’t have free access to it and it’s locked up when stored

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All I can think of is “you’ll shoot your eye out kid!” No judgement to anyone who does this with their kids, just not my thing. I’d say if he does get one teach proper safety for sure.

I have guns for my kids. Youngest is 7. The earlier to teach kids about fun safety, the more respect they will have towards firearms. There was actually studies to prove this!


Absolutely. Gun safety and knowing how to safely use one is incredibly good to know. As long as he’s taught to respect guns and their rules, I’d say let it happen. As soon as he shows any reckless endangerment of himself or others than take it away.

Yes as long as it’s only out when dad is taking him shooting. Never out or played with otherwise. Teach him gun safety at a young age is good

I got my first gun at 6 went on my first hunting trip by 7 . We were drilled over and over how to handle and take care of our gun. Our gun was also locked in a safe away from us because kids will be kids.

All y’all that are abhorred by a child learning responsible firearm use probably give your kids devices with 24/7 unlimited internet access. Id rather my child have a gun lol


Well hell no wait till his way older

Yes, a .22 is a good starting rifle. I handed mine down to my son is 6 and he’s being taught to use it safely. Anyone who owns guns knows this is the most important thing to teach. He absolutely loves to go down and plink bottles. As long as they know it isn’t a toy and they’re taught correctly it shouldn’t be an issue.


My 6,5,&4 year olds have two a piece. They are always locked up and only comes out when we are working with them on hun safety. My husband and I are big hunters so we both believe it’s best to teach while they are young. But we started gun safety as soon as they started playing with fake guns. They know not to point no gun at a living thing.


Kids are hunting squirrels with their dads at 5 years old. He will be fine.

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Your son is watching his dad. He is going to be curious. Teach him the right way now. Have strict rules


Just do it. If he doesn’t learn from you who will he learn from

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We’re already looking for a little Cricket or small .22 for our daughter who’s a year so when she’s ready, she has it. Husband and I are big hunters and want her to learn gun safety super early on. It will be locked up with everything else when one of us isn’t teaching her.

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Imagine thinking you’re the best country in the world but you have to teach children to use firearms for protection because apparently everyone wants to break into your house and kill your family. Enjoy that.


I mean as long as its put away and hes only able to access it while with a person whom u feel is safe and knowledgeable then I do not see any harm in it. My son wanted a ar so we got him 1 for his 12th bday. He was taught about it and knows it’s not a toy and hes only allowed to have it if we’re with him etc.

Ours were 5 when they started shooting air rifles at targets, the oldest are 15 and 9 and shoot bow and hunting rifles. 4 year old is begging to start target shooting the red Ryder air rifle.

Safety is vital if you trust your husband and/or yourself to tech them PROPERLY then nothing to worry about.


I’m assuming there’s already a gun or guns in the house so what does one more matter IF it’s stored properly? Is this something the child wants? If so, then yes, it’s a fine gift. When kids are taught at a young age that they’re not toys it leads to responsible ownership. It’s a lifetime of lessons.


Your husband has no common sense. Is he trying to create the next Ethan crumbley?


The younger you can teach a child to shoot and about gun safety, the better!


Hell no!!! Teach him about guns & their safety but his own gun??? No way!!!


Why would anyone want to use a gun…Giving one to a child is insanity


Only if that 8 year old never touches it unless an adult is right there.

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My grandpa bought me a little pump gun when I was 4 lmao my uncle Jesse showed me how to shoot squirrels with it and it was alot of fun


I started shooting under the supervision of my Dad when I was about 7 yrs old. I had my own 20 gauge shotgun. I was shooting competitively by the time I was about 10 - 11 yrs old. I was very good and very safe. I was taught everything about Firearm Safety and that started much younger than the age of 7yrs. That included keeping my family’s firearms secured. ALL kids should be taught Firearm Safety on some level even if it’s only DON’T TOUCH IT if they see one and GO GET AN ADULT. My siblings and I didn’t grow up afraid of them, mystified by them, thinking they were taboo or not knowing how to properly handle them. Forks don’t cause you to gain weight. The person holding the fork bears that responsibility.


The younger you start them the better educated they will be.


A million times NO​:bangbang::no_good_woman:t2::no_entry_sign:

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My fiancé did this for both the boys. Their 8 and 9. They were taught gun safety and he is also putting them into a hunters safety course. Both guns are kept away and it isn’t just kept out for them just to use whenever they want. Make sure he understands that it’s only used with dad and it doesn’t get brought out every day.


He needs safety courses and be responsible. Personally I think 8 is young but really depends on the kid.

Also check laws in your area

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My oldest was 5 when she got a .22 for Christmas. It stays down at the in laws and she shots it when she’s ready. I had a bb gun too when i was a kid. My dad was a cop, i took a safety course in middle school and went to the range often with my parents. Everyone in my family hunts. They need to be taught safety!


It’s between you, your husband, and your son. If your husband and son enjoy shooting as a hobby and they are both sensible about gun safety, then I wouldn’t stand in their way. What we, on the internet think shouldn’t really matter.


I guess some people really are that dumb :thinking:


Depends on the maturity of the kid… I had my first 22 at 7. I started hunting at age 5. My dad taught me well… and I took safety courses. And yes, I am fine.


As long as he’s being taught responsible gum handling there shouldn’t be an issue. Are you guys rural? Hunting? Self defense in an emergency? Any history of mental illness on your husband? Your 8yr old? Do you not trust your husband to teach him responsibly? There’s many reasons guns should be allowed ( Not looking for an argument so if you are then scroll on ) & as long safety & responsibility are being taught then there shouldn’t be an issue.


I got a BB gun at age 8. I suppose if it’s just for the shooting range and will be kept safely kept up and stored, there’s nothing wrong with a .22 rifle. As long as he’s taught gun safety. With my BB gun, my Dad carefully taught me that it was to be handled as if it was always loaded, whether I thought it was or not. It was to be carried with the business end to the ground or up to the sky. I was never to point it at anything I didn’t intend to shoot and kill because that’s what guns did. And once I shot something, I couldn’t take it back. I learned those lessons before the first BB went in the gun and before the first paper target went up. And I always had a good supply of paper targets. If you teach those lessons and make sure your 8 year old learns them well… it should be ok.

I did :woman_shrugging:t2: I would for my kids as well if interested

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My daughter has been shooting since before she was 9. She loves it! My husband got her a gun as well that’s all hers.
She doesn’t even get to touch it without dad. It’s locked in a gun safe unless it’s going out for practice.
She’s getting into competition shooting. She absolutely loves it!
She knows gun safety and understands it will destroy anything it’s pointed at. We’re raising our children to understand them, to be comfortable around them yet know how to properly use and handle a gun. I will also add I feel like all of my children are mentally stable and capable of handling a gun. No they do not get to play with it. Any time they request to go to the range we take them.
Guns are not the dangerous part!! It’s the person operating them that has the potential to be harmful! Educate them about gun safety. Make sure it’s known they don’t touch without mom or dad and that it’s always locked up when not at the range.


So in reality your husband wants another gun but is going to say it’s for the 8yr old :rofl: I personally don’t like the idea but to each their own


I think it is based on how mature your kid is. Some 8 year Olds will be fine, others not so much. Just make sure they know the rules about only with their father, and have they take some safety classes.


My biggest fear with teaching and training gun responsibilities can and does lie in a families abilities and understanding of first games of interest that have nothing to do with the proper handling of firearms ,the games I’m referring to I restricted in my home I came to call ( KILL MAIM and DESTROY) , because that is all its about not about how to handle care for clean or respect . When a parent feels that a child is of an age of understanding and will prove of an intellectual mind can make that decision . Lots of reading and clubs are available and have been for a multitude of decades there is to much information for me to suggest the ability to share this at home lies within each individual . GOD BLESS AND HAVE A SAFE DAY. B.D.R.

Not yet my sons 11 and I won’t allow it until be takes the training courses we take for safety

Only in the USA, parents would ask such a question and think it’s normal too. Everywhere else it would be considered illegal for a child to own a gun. Cops would be called and social services would show up as well. Yet kinder surprise chocolate eggs are considered illegal here :us: because the toy inside is a choking hazard.:woman_facepalming::joy:


If yall are storing it and it’s more of an age appropriate gun that your husband is in charge of and it’s only used for the range I don’t really see a problem. Echoing others gun safety for gun owners is super important!
I just probably wouldn’t tell people or ever let the child know how to get to it on their own.

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No. There is no reason at all for a child to have a gun


Not at 8 not a handgun, maybe 12/13 for a hunting rifle and after the proper gun safety courses

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I think it depends on the situation. Of course guns and ammo should never be where any child can’t get to it. It should be locked somewhere safe and no access to the keys. People in the south use guns for all sort of sports and hunting, so it’s natural for fathers to buy their sons guns. Someone in a different area may look at that and think its scary, but it’s a part of their cultural norms. My sons always had guns starting at young ages, but I’m from the south and it’s normal. I think it depends on the situation, and if the father is willing to teach gun responsibility and safety prior to purchasing it.

My son turns 5 next year he’s probably getting his first mini four wheeler and a BB gun for his birthday because that’s the type of people we are we teach gun safety young because we like guns too and some of us hunt lol 


Firearms are the leading cause of death in children in the US. That is all.


It depends on the laws for your state. My girls are learning how to shoot and the safety of guns. I think it’s important for my family. I want them to protect themselves when they are older and on their own

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My son 5 got his first gun for Christmas last year guns are a powerful machine that can take life that’s what we teach our kids we are all big hunters so really if he’s being taught proper etiquette and safety let hin have one that can be locked in a safe

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Nope this is why kids shoot up schools.


If ur shooting in ur backyard or private land do u but other wise there are laws idk what state ur in but the states I’ve lived in have laws for this none of the states I’ve live in would allow an 8 yr old into a shooting range. They have to be old enough to take the gun safety course. In the states I’ve lived the youngest my kids were allowed to take the course was 10. As much as I wish this were one of those things that parents choose but it’s not there are laws check ur states DNR. I currently live wisco were minor gun laws are a hot topic.

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As long as he’s taught proper gun safety and it’s properly stored so he can’t have it unless he is supervised. I don’t see a problem with it. You can’t give anyone a gun and teach them nothing about it.


It’s everyone’s choice but our children hunted and shot guns from 5 years old. They all had youth rifles and were taught gun safety.

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Just teach him gun safety and keep it up in safe! We took our 7 year old to the gun range he did great and we’re right there! All he has shot is his 22 that we keep up in the safe and a b b gun!

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I’ve been around guns my whole life from being around in the country we live in Canada we need a gun license they need to be stored unloaded and locked at all times would I allow my eight year old and five year old to have one no but they have both been trained safely with them and they both have shot them… Somebody that lives in the country is going to see differently than somebody who lives in the city

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The more he knows and starts out young the better IMO. Knowledge and safety are everything when it comes to guns. If you have an issue with it maybe, make sure kiddo is enrolled in a course on safety. The people who teach these courses know their stuff!

My 5 year old got her first gun from her grandpa for christmas last year. She doesnt have access to it. My husband keeps everything under lock and key and she and my boys can only have access at the shooting range with us. Its more of a sentimental in our family. All my boys got their first guns young along with my husband.

Why not? My son got one at 5. He doesn’t have free access to it and shoots with dad. Teach him gun safety thoroughly before be shoots anything. My husband got a watermelon and explained what it can do and then shot it and showed him. My son is now almost 8 and we have never had a problem and it’s something to do with dad.