From personal experience he would have to absolutely be mature enough to even touch a gun. Proper safety of gun handling, the dangers etc. He would only be able to use at a controlled gun range. where if a issue happens there is medical help adults to supervise. I don’t like guns but understand that if used correctly are ok like hunting. After having my 9 year old nephew go get his father’s gun and point it at me when I was a teenager. I also have a 14 year old and 12 that have bb guns .they shoot targets at grandparents and only with supervision. It’s all in how he handles a situation and his gun and his actions. Only you and your husband can decide if he is ready. I won’t let my 9 and 7 year old yet.
I see no problem with this as long as dad is always with him when he is shooting. Also, he needs to learn safety prior to getting the gun. My daughter was around 4 when she shot her first gun with my dad’s help, my family hunts and a lot of them live in the country/farm. It is a part of life where we are from.
My son just turned 7. Gun saftey started with the nerf guns, then the air rifle, we plan to get a 22lr rifle in the near future to teach him on. Knowledge increases saftey, decreases curiosity, accidents, mistakes. I don’t see an issue as long as dad keeps it in his possession and locked up when they aren’t at the range. My dad taught me young as well as my husband’s father taught him to hunt young.
All of our kids got their first gun between 7-8. They do great with them and it has definitely taught them more responsibility towards guns and how to/when to handle them. We have no issues whatsoever and honestly it’s better they have the knowledge and know they are accountable for their actions. A lot of accidents happen because children are not taught or allowed to even look at a gun so their curiosity goes wild. It’s not like your husband is wanting to just hand them over a gun and say go play. But it will be theirs to grow with and pass down to their child someday.
Better to teach em young
How about some Lego ? Or a video game ,or a new tablet ??
A gun only in America
We are a shooting family. My kids had guns before 8.
If their father or your husband wants to teach them gun safety or it’s for hunting or a hobby to do together why not my father got me one at 9:00 and took me to the shooting range and taught me a little bit how to hunt so I am very for it
I see nothing wrong with your kid learning hun safety. We take our 3yr old shooting and once he can hold the .22 alone we’ll be getting him one
why are americans like this
Why not?
Teach them young and lock it up I see no issues
Not too young lol it’s not like you’re handing it to him to have in his room or something. Teaching kids responsibility and safety at that age is much better than making them wait til teen years when pride and hormonal stupidity make them a lot more likely to be careless with the excitement of their first gun. Kids younger than 8-10 think they’re being super grown up and big by being safe and doing what they’re supposed to do. Also, Facebook is DEFINITELY not the place to ask this question unless it’s a firearm friendly group. Because there’s always the “guns are the devil!” and “how irresponsible” ignorance
I grew up in a hunting family, and we all had our own gun at a very young age! I think it’s ok
I dont think anyone should tell you what is right and what is wrong, but I would definitely put him in a gun education class.
If he’s going to be responsible then sure. My brother was gifted his first AR for his 10th birthday. My Dad taught all of us gun safety and we weren’t allowed to shoot without him. We had a lot of great times growing up.
This is the last page/place to ask lmao
No. Not too young. Teach your child proper carrying and handling. Keep it locked up and with a trigger lock as well unless its being used. Tell your child they are not to touch it unless you or the childs father is with them. As long as the child seems like they are responsible and listen to direction enough, why not?
As a Canadian this is ridiculous to me…
Yes. An 8 year old can be gifted a gun. It is a very good way to teach responsibility and gun safety.
A child is never to young to learn gun safety. If more did learn it, they wouldn’t feel the need to play with them when they see them
Can’t believe this question was even asked .
I’m pro guns to law-abiding citizens but I haven’t yet met an 8 year old that I think is ready for the responsibility of owning a gun or even having one in their hand.
No unless it is put up until the right age but that’s just how I feel
No presents a bad one most the time just might need to wait to be able to handle it
A firearm is a tool like any other. Teach your children well and how to use all tools properly and safely.
I think 8 is a great age to gift a gun & start teaching safety.
It obviously needs to only be used and stored by dad.
No. I told my ex our son could consider getting a firearm for practice shooting between 10-13years but the idea still terrified. I would say no to 8years
Absolutely not. I’m pro gun but that’s wild. You can teach kids safety but keep them locked up far away from them.
Wow I live in Canada and am glad I do for this exact reason…
I think some people dont understand the post and taking it literally, several things actually belong to parents but is ‘the kids’. If it is actually the parents and for the kids just like a car, for example, there is nothing wrong with it. I dont believe any parent well id hope would not actually give it to their child to hold, carry, use alone. Stored, locked away with the parents things is fine, in the parents possession belonging to the parents and that one in particular is for the child to use, claiming it as my child has or i got my child x y z… as long as they are taught the safety and responsibilities all the ins and outs and not as a toy!
Discuss with your husband what sort of access your son will have to it, how he will go about teaching him safety, look up hunter’s safety classes, and make sure it will be secured with the other guns in the house. BB or twenty two would be the only ones that would make sense to me. I recently looked up about hunting on Pennsylvania, I think 8 year olds could do mentored hunting. And also consider your sons ability to listen, and follow directions and his maturity level.
I think children are too young to understand the difference between things that are toys and things that are as dangerous as guns. They are also too young to really understand death and tragedy. “I’m dead” “Dang it I died” and other ways to throw the word “dead” around are used very very often among young children/on TV/ in video games that they don’t really understand how serious real death is. So when an adult gives them something that looks like the coolest toy on the planet and tells them they have to be careful with it because it can kill somebody, they do not take it as seriously as we do. I just personally don’t think they can grasp the severity of what can happen in the event of an accident with a firearm. And to me, it isn’t worth the risk of losing someone for the rest of your life because your child had to have a gun. There’s a reason there are age restrictions on things. Only in America would there be no age restrictions on using firearms.
Absolutely not. None of my children will have firearms in my home until they are old enough to purchase them themselves.
As long as it’s safely away and you teach the gun safety I don’t see a problem at all. With the way the world is, our children need to know how to protect themselves unfortunately.
As long as your son will not be handling the gun on his own and has someone to properly train him I don’t see a problem. Safety should be priority.
I’m not saying my opinion on them owning their ‘own’ gun or not, but I will say this: Hiding them away from them, excluding them from ever using or touching one strictly because it holds potential to be dangerous won’t benefit them.
Nowadays with people becoming worse, more and more households own a gun of some form. Educating, teaching, and properly engaging your child(ren) with weapon control and respect will save their lives and those around them.
So the decision to actually purchase one their own (especially if there are already guns within the household) is entirely up to you as the parent. In the end however: Teach them respect and safety for the power of the weapon. It’s no toy.
This is just me, but the younger you start teaching them about gun safety and his to properly use one the better. I started my son of with a BB gun when he was 4 (and before anyone says anything he was HEAVILY supervised when he would shoot it) and it seemed like he caught on to the safety part so much quicker. He’s 10 now and he got his first real gun for his birthday. My husband and I got him a 410 shotgun because he wanted something to go deer hunting with his dad. He’s extremely safe with it, knows all the dos and don’ts of guns.
Yes. Gotta start somewhere.
Educate yourself and then form an educated opinion.
Maybe a BB or pellet gun for an 8 year old beginner. I wouldn’t give my child a loaded gun, one innocent accident and someone’s got a bullet in them
l Get paid over $123 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18420 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
Totally depends on the child and how they were raised. Like. Are you a hunting family? Are the parents fluent in gun knowledge and training? Has it been a prominent part of the child’s life? Is the child knowledgeable about guns? Has the child been trained? Does the child have any mental ailments? All things to take into consideration
NO BLOODY WAY!!! No one should be able to own a gun .especially 8 yrs…no wonder so many shootings in USA… We can’t get guns here in Australia,thank god
My daughter got one for her 7th birthday, it was just a BB gun though. She is NOT allowed to use it unless me,her dad Or her papa are with her. Otherwise it says in the gun safe. She has been taught complete gun safety since i carry on the daily.
It also depends on the maturity of the child.
No they should have 8 of them!!!
Nope. Not yet. Too young. Gun ownership requires maturity. Age 12 or 13 with strict parental supervision.
My grandson was taught around the age of 8 how to properly use/store a gun. He takes educational courses every year on gun safety and he has his own gun BUT he is NOT allowed to store/keep it at my home. Even with the proper education and training, accidents CAN happen and that’s not a chance I am willing to take. His gun is stored at his aunt and uncles house in a locked gun cabinet, unloaded, safety on, inside of a locked out building that no one has the keys except for his uncle. The uncle carries the keys with him to the outbuilding and gun cabinet. My grandson is also NOT allowed to have the ammunition nor the gun out by himself. He has to have the presence of a trained, responsible adult with him at all times while any of it is out.
Until you can legally own one, no
Kids should know gun safety as early as possible. BUT that is way too young to “own” a gun. IDK what state you’re in but most have laws about what age and what requirements. (Here in CA, it’s 21 plus gun safety course, background check etc.) Maybe start with an air soft or BB gun?
He should learn gun safety now so he is not a casualty later
My boys were hunting with Dad and uncles that small but got first rifle at 12
My daughter got her first gun when she was 3. It was just a little single shot 22. Now my daughter is about to turn 7 and she’s getting another gun for her birthday if your kids know what there doing and can’t properly handle them I don’t see a problem. We’re a big hunting family and have multiple firearms so proper firearm safety is a HUGE must in my house hold
Yes. Teach them young. It will prevent accidents in the future.
It’s good to get him comfortable with a gun and as long as it’s safe it’s fine. I was very young when I was taught how to handle a gun. It’s best to have them comfortable. Just don’t let him have it without you guys around
Hope your fckn kidding.what kind of parents allow their children around weapons,and one of the most dangerous weapon today.bloody sickos for sure
My 8yo has his own BB Red Ryder gun. It’s perfect to teach them proper safety and handling.
I think if it’s stored safely and only used around y’all and he’s taught properly it should be ok…:
It really makes no difference if you call it their gun or husband’s gun if you’re taking necessary practices to store it when not using. So I see no problem with it being theirs. as long as the child has zero access to it at home… who cares if they claim it as their own under the watchful eye of dad?
Ahh yes give kids access to their own gun when there are multiple school shootings a year you don’t have to have your own gun to go to the shooting range. The only way it’s “safely stored” is completely out of reach of the child and with a lock they absolutely cannot open under any circumstances. Guns are not toys and shouldn’t be being gifted to 8 year olds wtf
Why not ?! you as a parent are in charge of it locking it away
Trigger locks ect
As the parent you could teach them how to clean it properly how to handle it properly do’s and do not’s…. so long as you’re in charge of that fire arm and with them at all times it would give them a sense of pride of ownership teach them how to take care of it properly for later on in life also you can get the gun sized for them (length) so they do not hurt themselves when it comes to actually shooting it 
My 6 and 8 yr old have bb guns. But they have been taught about safety,how to hold the gun, never run with it,hit it on on ground and don’t look down the barrel, and keep finger away from from trigger until they are ready to shoot.They don’t touch unless we are there beside them, the one is back away from the other while he’s practicing with his bb gun. They are NOT allowed to touch or practice unless we are out there with them. Kids these days don’t get taught gun safety enough. Their bb’s are not in reach to them,and they know they aren’t allowed to touch the bb’s. We load the guns for them.
HELL NO MAN what kinda question is this
Only crazy hillbillies would allow kids to ever shoot a weapon!
Why would anyone let a child shoot a weapon or even be around one?? R u all insane? Once they are around them and get angry or irritated at parent or someone one; they kill parents or siblings while they are sleeping!
Ask a democrat that you’ll get your answers
I would get him a BB gun first learn the dos and donts of a weapon. After he learns In time i would.
My kids both got their first bb guns at 4 and their first rifles at 6. They have been taught to understand how dangerous they can be. You could hand them both any gun and they will point it at the ground check the safety and see if it’s loaded. You teach them and the respect of what they are holding. They understand that we only use them when we hunt or if our lives or at risk.
I’m a Farm kid from the 70s. I’m telling ya that we did a lot early and ya just rarely heard of accidents of any kind involving equipment, guns etc.
And I think it’s cuz we were taught the safety from the time we could walk.
Why on earth would an 8 year old need to know how to use a gun and why is he going to the gun range instead of riding his bike, etc.
Should have never asked this to a bunch of random strangers. Best answer is you know your living situation better than anyone. Ask yourself a few questions as in can I keep my child safe if ever anyone tries to break into the house? Will any wild animals break in? For example a bear or mountain lion. Are my children responsible enough to know how to handle a gun? Who knows maybe they will one day be in a survival position will they be able to provide for themselves? Ask these questions to yourself and any other questions and decide what is best for your children, your home and your family.
Absolutely not.
Not nearly old enough to own a firearm of their own.
If it to use at a shooting range and to learn how to use properly and safely and to store properly and safely, than I say yes. As long as he is strong enough to control it.
HELL NO! If it was my son I’d be worried he’d end up like that little boy in the sixth sense with half his face blown off talking about his dad’s gun round the back!
Gun safety should be taught and never allow the child to have their gun without a parent and it needs to be in a gun safe.
Well that’s a loaded question…pun indented. I grew up in a very outdoor family fishing, camping and hunting. I think I had my first semiautomatic .22 by 8. Shot my dads 30.6 left handed got a nasty scar across my cheek from the bolt for years. Like the other gal said you know your situation. I left my son with my best friend and her boys once when they were about 5. He showed my son his father’s LOADED 357.
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My daughters been learning to shoot since she was 3.5 (she’s 6 now) and we’ve been super religious on gun safety with her
She has a little .22 rifle
She even gets praised by the people who run the gun ranges for how well mannered and conscious and responsible she is with them.
Every kid is different and I think it depends more on how well they listen and follow directions/rules even when upset.
Yes get him a gun and teach him gun safety