Should dads pay child support if they have 50/50 custody?

l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $14014 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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They made child support on the parents income. Nobody else’s. So mom lives with her partner who has a nice home & job. Dad lives with his parents. They’re both depending on others. Why would mom’s partners income count but dad’s parents incomes not count. Neither is legally responsible to take in their child/partner or the child. Dad must be making more than mom since he’s ordered to pay child support.


No they shouldn’t,if it is 50/50 no one should pay child support to anyone

Depends on circumstances. If they were together/married and she stayed home while he worked and so now she doesn’t have the income she would have had she not stayed home for him, then yes he should have to pay. In that situation they want the child’s living standard to not change more than it has to. Otherwise no. But her new bf’s income does not matter, they don’t take spouses income into consideration.

50/50 then no one should be paying child support

Who pays for healthcare, babysitter etc . Go to court and find out.

No. Me and my ex share the kids 50/50 and neither one of us pays child support. But of course we vote agreed in court that we didn’t want child support so the judge left it at that. We both agreed that if the other person needs help with kids then to reach out and ask and we will help one another. We have been divorced for 4yrs and so far so good.

50/50 no he shouldn’t. If you want more go get it in life.

No it’s not fair but the system sucks and they care about nothing but their own % of income they bring in.

Last time I heard, joint custody meant neither parent paid support, just the expenses necessary when they had the child, child care, clothing, medical, etc. It might be a good idea to check with your attorney and see if this can be resolved.

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Oftentimes the divorce proceedings that determine child support even if custody is 50/50 will write in the child support clause if the mother’s income is significantly less than the dad’s to make it so the child has the same type of lifestyle at both places because there’s the gender gap in pay where men typically make significantly more than women in the workforce. The mother’s new significant other wasn’t a factor at the time the courts decided to put child support in place so they were using the newly single mother’s income only not her potential new partner who wasn’t in the picture at the time of the hearing.

If everything is 50/50 then if dad is required to pay mum child support it’s only fair that mum pays dad child support to since everything is 50/50 he’s taking care of his child to. At least that’s my opinion

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Kudos to those moms who pay childsupport!!! :clap: I know I do !

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They Go Based Off Income In The Home !! Both Parents Have To Have Somewhat Close Income N No one Pays Or If Dad Makes More He’ll Pay Or Vice Versa

The people I know who have 50/50 custody nobody pays, but everyone I know who has regular joint custody with every other weekend visits, does.

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It doesn’t matter what the mother has with her new partner. , or what do he daddy doesn’t have. The new partners did not make the child. The bio father and mother are responsible. Child support is due no matter what other agreements are in place.


No way not fair. Stop paying it

Is this a new order? The mother’s partner wasn’t factored into the income of the mother. Go back to support court if this order isn’t current/updated to current situation.

He should go to the family court

It’s not just Dad’s. My ex and I had joint 50/50 custody, and I had to pay him support because I made more money than he did.


Different states different laws. Even with 50/50 the parent with more income still pays support. I don’t think it’s fair & they only count the other parents new partners income if they are married.


If it’s 50/50 no one should pay child maintenance x


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Does dad make more than mom? Maybe that’s why. I don’t think they would count moms partners income because it’s not his child. Dad can always get a lawyer and take her back to court. It’s also who pays for everything? Clothes, medical, insurance, extras and anything else. Is that all also split 50/50?


Its not fair. Not right. And I don’t think she can get it.

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The gender doesn’t matter. In this case it sounds like Mom maybe should be paying support to Dad.


Usually If the other parent makes more money they have to

What does her partner have to do with you all’s child?


I did it myself if he helps with the Dr bills I’m good

The only thing I have an issue if true 50/50 does that mean u guys split braces or glasses or any of that. My ex has never paid a dime for my daughters medical I’ve done it all. Image gives me $80 a month bc that helps let me tell u. I look at it as better than $0. My boys dad doesn’t give me a dime and I have his biological daughter on my health insurance and I’ve paid for her glasses for the last well since 2014. I have no issue helping his daughter I’ve raised her since she was two and half the mother isn’t in the picture.


I would think that 50/50 custody just means that you split kids bills down the middle as well. Since the kids are with both parents equally.


I had 50/50 custody. My ex made more money than I and he was ordered to pay child support.

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Only if he never gets the kids stuff they need if he does then no

It all depends on who has a higher income. And the spouses income is irrelevant


Not just dads. My friend has 2 daughters. One lives with her and one lives with him 4hour drive apart and she pays the father child support.


I pay child support and we have 50/50. I make more and have to “make up” what he is lacking in order to care for my boys.

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I don’t know talk to a lawyer and they should be able to tell ya

50/50 with split bills, I definitely don’t think it’s right if y’all are taking care of half of the kid and their bills equally. It shouldn’t matter who makes more

If it’s really 50/50 then no child support should be in place. It’s for the benefit of the child. If you love your kid money shouldn’t be an issue. No reason to cause problems when things are working. If you have issues with getting stuff for your child you should be talking to the other parent to see if you can resolve things without the court being involved. Once things are handled by the court it’s MUCH harder on both ends.


It’s time to go back to court and tell this to the judge show proof of 50/50 and every week you have your child

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It’s a formula of both parents income at the time it’s ordered. It’s a simple formula actually.

If its truely 50 50 neither should pay the other.


Some states that’s how the law is. Others it is not. However, It’s really not the other man’s responsibility. The children are the father’s responsibility.


Should be able to go back to court and have it adjusted

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That doesn’t sound fair at all.

Not had a penny off my ex for our kids in 4 years. We have 50/50 and I would never expect him to pay child support either when he does his duty as a father.


It goes off of your last financial year of what you earnt. They look at it as if you could earn that much, you should be able to continue to do so not go to a job with less hrs and less pay.
And it’s sad that others get treated the same of those that actually do this on purpose to try avoid paying child support or the amount they should be but it happens.

If child actually splits his time between parents I don’t see where either Should pay support.


No one should pay child support in a 50/50 custody case.


Sounds to me like the grandparents are getting screwed and the Dad needs to take his ass to work. But the answer lies with who’s paying for the “stuff.” The lessons, clothes and so on.

If there is big difference income showing on taxes or pays tubs, child support may be ordered by the courts so the child has equal living environment.
The mothers boyfriends income is not taken into consideration as he is not responsible for supporting that child. However it doesn’t sound like that’s the case. Maybe file to have it reviewed, could be an old order.

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It’s not about what you have or where you’re living, it’s about income… and those children are their responsibility not the new partner’s


No that is not fair.
Especially if medical costs school costs etc are shared.

No but you both need to come too an arrangement about school trips clothes gifts est

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There should be no child support in a 50/50 case.

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Not really. But they still have to split stuff. If one parent makes 150k and the other makes 25k then it would be beneficial for the child for the parent who makes less to get help. But if it’s anywhere close to even then no. My kids dad makes 4 times more than me and only does weekends. He makes his monthly 300 payment in ONE 8 HOUR SHIFT but won’t help for shit. It’s whack man, I could have a better job if I didn’t work around school/doctors/COVID bullshit sick days/ Girl Scouts/ect. It’d just be cool if he could get her a pair of shoes or a backpack or a fuckin jacket instead of making me to it because “he pays child support so she can just bring it here” that’s some fuck shit.

My friend does 50/50 and no child support but he pays private school tuition, she does sick days, clothes, and after school stuff. They meet in the middle on almost everything it’s nuts to see a healthy relationship like that

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l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $29074 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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True 50/50 custody, usually neither patent pays.

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The mom’s boyfriend is not legally responsible for paying for her child. His income would not be included in the child support arrangement. Be glad he is providing a safe and happy environment for his girlfriend’s child.

If they aren’t paying half of childcare and half of all metal expenses then yes. Every expenses should be 50/50 with the kids. This rarely happens, but it should be the standard for children’s expenses when parents are split.

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Cry baby man should put his d away and not make kids if he don’t wanna take care of them


If it is 50/50 then no one should be paying the other one support!


No not if with father 50 percent he is contributing and buying child things he needs at his house and if ya need help ask him

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The part everyone misses is that child support is meant to keep the KIDS in a certain lifestyle that they were accustomed to before the divorce, not each parent. Even if the split is 50/50. If one parent makes more then child support will go to the other parent to help maintain the lifestyle. Child support and custody are 2 separate issues, even if time split helps dictate child support.


Nope I have full custody and bio mom don’t haft to pay shit system is completely against the father figure

No there shouldn’t be any child support if that child is shared between both parents equally.
Both parents have to provide what is needed for the child at their home. That’s how it works in our agreement

No one should be paying child support that’s why it’s 50/50 if anything both parents should put money in an account jointly for the child on a weekly basis idk even like $25-$50 or which ever you agree on for when the child becomes of age for college or what ever, that’s just my thought

That’s ridiculous. If custody is 50/50 no one should have to pay anyone child support

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Depends. If the dad makes more than the mom then yes.

Different subject - kind of - when my niece’s kids went to visit their Dad, she sent some of their nicest clothes so he could take them to church or visit his family. Came home with ratty clothes and he kept the nice clothes. This happened half a dozen times until she got smart and started sending the clothes he sent them home with.

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There are a lot of things the judge will factor in when it comes to how much CS is paid. 50/50 custody agreement is kinda misleading. There are 2 kinds of custody. Physical, and legal. My Ex and I have joint legal custody so decisions like school, health care, moving out of town ect… are to made between the 2 of us. I however have primary physical custody. The kids live with me, and because they are teenagers, no visitation schedule was necessary. They are able to see him as they please.
So really the judge will consider Who has the kids what % of the time, how much each parent makes, who is responsible for health insurance, and the living situation for both parents while the child is in their care.
Does either parent receive any government assistance?
I’m pretty sure they can only take a percentage regardless of someone’s income. Perhaps in this situation dad has to pay support because mom pays for health insurance, or the custody situation isn’t 50/50 physical and it’s legal instead.
I know a lot of time the judge will see through someone who is trying to manipulate the situation in their favor. Say, someone who worked steady through the course of the relationship, and now chooses to “work casual” and lives with his parents. I assume the judge has probably seen this scenario time and time again. So I would imagine, even if custody is 50/50 the judge awarded the CS for a reason.

You guys are all terribly wrong lol. Child support has nothing to do with having equal time, it has to do with the child having an equal lifestyle at each home. 50/50 dads will still pay child support if he makes more. 50/50 moms will pay child support if she makes more. Just because one parent is contributing the same amount of time does not mean it’s fair for a kid to live a lavish lifestyle at one home, and struggle at the other home. I’m sure there’s a lot of 50/50 situations where no one pays. Because income is similar or it’s agreed by both nothing will be paid. But here in WA state, whether mom or dad, if you make more you pay. Unless you have them more than 50%.

Yes it’s fair. It’s based on income too. Not just time or custody

It takes 2 to make a baby!

It goes based off income she lives in a brand new house she could get the judge that says she needs to pay child support 50-50 so nobody should pay child support everything should be split in the middle