How is it fair that dad has to pay child support to mum , when everything for the child is 50/50 including care ( one week dads / one week Mums ) ?? Mum lives in brand new house with new partner & partner has. Great job etc. Dad is living with his parents as he works casual and needs help to look after the child , but still on his income as to pay a % to her fir child support ?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should dads pay child support if they have 50/50 custody?
No shouldn’t have to pay
No if childcare is split 50%50 then I don’t think he should pay as he’s doing his part
If it’s 50/50 the only time where CS MIGHT be appropriate is if there is a huge wage gap between the parents but even then it’s iffy
Nope! They share time and expenses
If they share custody 50/50, then all of the child’s financial needs should be split 50/50
Child support is not a career for the mom
I actually think that if a female is willing to bring a child into this world who knows the father doesn’t want to be apart of the father also shouldn’t b put on child support
No no child support in this set up.
I have 50/50 every other week for my two oldest kids and my ex husband doesn’t pay CS. He could have if I had asked for it, but he usually pays for half of any extra curricular activities, half of school supplies and they provide their own clothes/shoes for their house.
Everything is based off income maybe she’s just better with money then he is ??
I guess there’s a whole lot of factors here. Did mom put her own career on hold to be a full time stay at home mom? If so yes as long as she’s pursuing a career. That’s just my opinion. Partners jobs/income are irrelevant.
If she pays for kids health insurance, co-pays and buys the clothes and essentials YES
Nope, he sure shouldn’t
Nope absolutely not.
No child support for 50/50
Too many factors to ask such a loaded question.
Who pays health care costs? Who pays for clothing? Who manages healthcare appointments? Who pays for extracurricular activities?
It’s supposed to be 100% entirely for the child to be taken care of if the mom only makes enough to cover 20% they have the dad cover a certain percentage to be “his” percent for the child’s needs if the child has all needs at both houses I don’t think the dad or mom should have to pay but that’s my opinion the law sees it differently
Nope… we have 50/50 and he pays nothing to Mom
Everything is based off income regardless of 50/50
Depends on the state and the case itself. There’s not enough info here to say yes or no that he should be paying.
My bf had too. Didn’t matter how much he got her. The system is messed up. But it goes off income.
No. Both should share expenses
There’s a lot of factors to be considered. The court decides how child support is give
My ex doesn’t pay for crap. He pays 150 a week for 2 kids. And we have joint legal custody. My kids even pack clothes to go to his house because they don’t have any over there. I pay for all school supplies. Sports. clothes. He doesn’t offer to help with any of it. So I will gladly accept that child support
It’s income based so in some cases the mom has to pay the dad child support because of her income or because he may have more dependents in his home . There’s a lot more to factor in than time.
It’s based upon income of father and mother and how many overnights. It does not matter that mom has a boyfriend and a nice house. And the father lives with his parents. That is their choice they made. The court will help decide based on the guidelines you can’t agree to zero either.
No support should be paid if 50/50
Depends on many factors! Is everything 50/50? Necessities, clothing, insurance ect.
Both parents income is taken into consideration and unless she’s married her partners income doesn’t count. The goal is to provide a similar quality of life at both households for the child.
Yes if he makes more $ than she does
I thoight if theres 50 50 custody he doesnt. At least in PA its that way. Maybe theres no custody on paper through the courts. That may help.
He can ask to not have child support payments because he has her 50%
Depends on courts and where they live and how things were divided in some cases
No child support. We do 50/50 with our children and there is no support but the courts did say if the dad wanted he could ask for child support from me because I make more money. Kinda mind blowing. Luckily he’s doesn’t do that and we just split everything in half. Sometimes I’ll pay more just because I know I make a little more.
New partners job doesn’t matter. Child support is based on placement and income. So even if it’s 50/50 the parent that makes more still pays the other child support
Who’s purchasing the clothing, diapers, paying for health care, etc? Typically, the mother does these things. If not, and if your description is accurate, then dad shouldn’t pay child support.
Note that parents often vie for 50/50 to avoid paying child support. It’s not an ideal arrangement for kids at all.
Every situation is different. But no, I agree. 50/50 neither should have to pay support period.
Find out why the court order his support. Does he have legal custody?
We have 50/50 physical. I pay for their insurance, school expenses etc, dad it’s me child support that covers 50% of those expenses.
The day we went 50/50 was the day I dropped child support. We split all costs in half. We have both had moments of making way more than the other so this was our agreement.
If its 50/50 then no they should NOT have to pay support
It’s based on income. Just because mom lives in a nice place and has a partner with a job doesn’t mean dad gets out of helping with his kid. Lots of moms live just like dad is now and the dads don’t pay child support at all or help in anyway.
Depends on where you live, unfortunately you must follow a chart!
In my state it’s based on income and number of days with the child. So in a 50/50 situation, one parent could still pay support if their income is higher. It’s a worksheet that the entire state uses, so it’s never subjective.
What about the ones it don’t pay and we are stuck raising them and they get Scott free! And still get there visitations
Why is this a question?
No, they shouldn’t, custody should be 50/50 with each parent taking care of their own while supporting the child each in their own way, if a parent doesn’t support their child then yes that is when I think child support should come into play
No why would court agree to that
My son is 50/50 with his dad. I was awarded a stupid small child support order. We don’t follow it. I don’t ask for it because it’s so small it’s seriously stupid - $40/month
However we do for the most part split everything down the middle and at the end of the day our communication is good and if 1 of us needs something, the other helps without question.
It’s not about me or him - it’s about our son and the best life WE can offer him, even separately.
No. I gave my ex 50/50 custody. I said ‘no child support’ as long as he was present and involved in my child’s life. Even when he disappeared for 10 years, I still did things myself.
Nope it should be split cost for everything
50:50 physical is way different than 50:50 financial and people forget that.
mom’s boyfriend/husband isn’t responsible for mom & dad’s child
Actual placement and expenses are two entirely different things. This is why “50/50” doesn’t mean anything. One partner can physically have them 50% of the TIME without actually paying for anything. In our state at least, that’s why there is placement, and then there is child support, if any.
You sound a little salty
I don’t think they should.
Just my opinion but if it’s 50/50 custody I feel like neither parent should have to pay the other. Just do for your child while your child it with you.
Everything is based on the bio parents income only. New partner shouldn’t be factored in. If they each have the child the same amount of time though and split the main things like daycare then I don’t think there should be any child support. Each one can supply what child needs at their house. However 50/50 doesn’t always mean they each have the child 50% of the time and that’s a child support factor. The courts look over things extensively to come up with an amount. If the parent ordered to pay it doesn’t agree with the amount then they can appeal it and prove why it should be lowered. And I say parent because it’s not only dads who pay it.
I dont think thats fair if everything is 50/50…
My ex-husband and myself share our kids 50/50 and neither one of us pays child support. We each get the kids what they need.
How else would the court make money
If its 50/50 no one should be paying child support. That is just wrong
Absolutely not. But the law says otherwise and some people take advantage of that. I never asked for a dime from my kids father. 50/50
Living expenses, no, all other expenses like education, medical bills etc.
They must cover their own household expenses
I get $50 I hate hearing ppl complaining and vi know hard times when medical should be also 50/50 but I have that 50 to put on a 500 dentist bill
It’s based on income and expenses so if he isn’t paying a mortgage or rent that would make a big difference.
Child support is based on the difference between both parents’ income and has nothing to do with the income of their “new” partner.
50/50 shouldn’t be on child support. Each year they should take turns claiming the child.
Child support is for absent parents! I have my 3 kids Monday-Friday. He gets them every weekend. I make 30 thousand less and get nothing. I also didn’t take him for support. He shouldn’t have to live pay check to pay check and not be able to do anything with our children when he has them. I could easily get 800 plus a month for 3 kids. Just my opinion!
If everything is 50/50, then no one should be paying child support.
Get court yo reassess the payment arrangements
Usually one parent will pay child support in a 50/50 agreement only if one parent males substantially more money than the other. My husband and I have 50/50 and our incomes were comparable. So judge ordered no support. But if our income had not been which ever one made more would pay support.
It’s not really about the living situations.
I know in my state, they don’t take housing/auto/personal expenses into account when calculating child support. They take into account who makes how much, who the child is with overnight and how many over nights, child care expenses and insurance expenses. And they do not take any income or assets from a partner or new spouse into account. So if dad is working full time and mom isn’t working at all, even though they split care, financially dad has to provide support.
If dad is paying support and feels like he shouldn’t be, he needs to go to the court and file a modification.
It’s not fair at all. Broken system.
Nope… 50/50 is just that 50/50. They should be spending equal amount of time and money with their children
Everything should be 50/50. Even Child tax Benefit…
Honestly if it’s 50/50 NOONE should be paying support…
50/50 shouldn’t require child support. But the state needs their Title IV-D funds. Family law (child support in particular) is just a business for the state.
I do not believe any parent should pay child support if the custody agreement is 50/50 all across.
The parents should pay and provide for things in their own home.
Well moms partner is not responsible for another man’s child. An if your working casual that’s on you.
In that scenario, no. I share 50/50. However, when he makes much more than I do when it comes to regular pay. I work 60 hours a week and receive no child support. That is our agreement. I do lose time with my children in order to support them which is the only thing I don’t like. When we split up however, I only worked 24 hours a week and I stayed home with my daughter during the week. I was the one living with a parent and I had our kids 90% of the time while he was living with a friend. During that time he did pay $400 a month. So it depends on the situation. But generally, 50/50 should be 50/50
They dont care. Dad will pay regardless 50/50 or not. They look at your income and if mom isnt working they go by minimum wage for her and you pay the difference.
It has to do with the mother’s own income is, not her partner’s. Maybe dad should get a less casual job.
My ex and I share 50/50 and didn’t go through courts for our parenting plan, so no he does not pay child support, because I don’t think he needs to. I do however know people who do pay child support in a 50/50 custody case and it’s because the income was substantially higher than the other parents. That was through the court system.
Go back to court and reasses.
I don’t think it’s fair personally
I personally feel. That if a father is present and provides when the child is with him. And contributes to the large expenses (medical, extracurricular activities, etc.) They shouldn’t then also have to pay child supporrt. But that’s just my opinion and that doesn’t matter in these situations only thing that matters is what is court ordered.
With 50/50 whoever makes more should pay child support, because it’s to make sure the children have similar life styles at both house holds
In Florida is goes by income, regardless. Whoever’s makes more money have to pay the other in support. It is what it is.
50/50 means nothing. It goes by wages. My ex makes 160,000 a year and I make quarter of what he makes. He’s a great dad and we get along well. He pays 800 for a mortgage and I pay 1300 for rent. If I didn’t get child support then we wouldn’t survive. We agreed out of court.
It depends on the courts , your income Vs baby dads income. My sons father & I do week on week off, he pays $473 monthly & 10% in back pay. Before I had our son full time for over two years which is why he has the back pay that has to be paid monthly.
If they are not the parent the children are living with then yes they should still pay what they are court ordered to pay.
Yes If you are financially needing the help. No if you have 50 custody and hes a decent human being to the kids. But mind you remember that child support is to go towards the kids
If it’s 50/50 support than why do you need more?
I will never understand this
No a child shouldn’t be a asset for either parent financial stability. Especially when it’s half and half you should be sharing the child’s needs and co parenting. WTF is wrong with people using children as assets shame on anyone doing it. I have 5 kids single mom I do get a lot of help from my side of the family 0nly I have N0T EVER ask their dad for a dime nor his family I never said no you can’t see the kids or ask him to see them either that’s his choice not to be apart of their life it hurts but I know my kids are not the only ones in this world without a father plus he was a abuse person to me until I left him , it was and I do have hard days I provide for mines they’re all teenagers and my daughter is the only adult but my kids being used to gain from anyone N0 !!!
Thank you
Child support is getting support from absent parent. If it’s 50/50 I don’t think anyone should get child support.
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I don’t agree with child support if there is 50/50. It is not the other parents responsibility to maintain the other household. If they can’t maintain their own household, they either need to figure it out for themselves…cut back on something, get another job, babysit on days that you are available… something. BUT if it is not 50/50, then absolutely child support should be paid and enforced.
That’s just my opinion
In Colorado it’s whoever makes more. Usually based on the income of that person
If it’s 50/50 I don’t believe either parent should be paying child support