Should I allow my 18 year old son to have a sleepover with his girlfriend?

They’re 18 :woman_shrugging:t2: I don’t see the problem

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Have it set at your house.
Maybe let them sleep in the living room?
And be close by. .I know they’re 18. But they’re still in high-school and very much under your roof.
Well your son is anyways.
And maybe sit down with both of them and have a deeply serious talk about being safe. Because you know sex is on the mind.

Nope. Sexually active or not, I wasn’t allowed sleepovers until I was married. Its a respect thing.


Strict parents lead to sneaky kids. My parents didn’t know HALF the stuff I did as a teenager. I hope my kiddos will tell me.


Provide protection and allow him to do so or he’ll sneak around behind your back. Have that open communication so he knows you trust him to be responsible.

Yep definitely or else he will do it behind your back

I say yes, if they are gonna f&@£ they are gonna do it regardless haha let em have a fun sleepover while it’s still a thing for em

I don’t see a problem with it as long as her parents are ok with it and they are having safe sex. My parents wouldn’t let me sleep over with my husband until we were married and we still had sex all the time when we were teenagers so I don’t feel like a sleep over or not would stop anything.

It’s not ideal… BUT… my parents would have never let me sleep over at my bfs house, and I knew that… so instead I lied to them. Maybe it’s better just knowing exactly where they are rather than them going behind your back


They are gonna do it regardless…


Probly going to get alot of hate but my son is 14 and I have allowed his gf to sleep over, I know they are serious about each other and we have talked to my son alot about the pros and cons etc, the door stays open and I figured if I say no, hes going to find another way to spend the night with her, and I would rather it be here where I am to keep an eye and make him feel like he can come to me to be understanding and supportive and open up that trust and communication between us, because either way hes going to find a way and I would much rather he be safe about it all.


They are adults. Wtf.


Phh when I was 18 my father said his house his rules. I would say that’s a no for me


I slept over my boyfriend’s house at 16 (long distance) but in separate rooms and than my parents kept that rule with local boyfriends after. Once I hit college I was on my own but when I visited home, only when I turned 21 did that change and my now husband was allowed in my room.

Absolutely not. Why advocate your son dishonor his body and hers. It is his temple. No sex before marriage. Be a good mom!


they’re 18? they don’t even need your permission. they asked you out of respect.


Adult or not, my house, my rules. They can sleep in separate beds


Think of it like this, is it sex you’re worried about? If it is then whether they sleep over each other’s houses or not they will find a way to do the deed. My dad never allowed boys over even after I turned 18, I ended up losing my virginity to an ex in his car. Point is, they’re adults and sex should be the last thing you worry about. Instead advocate for safe sex with both parties; condoms and birth control. It sucks when out babies grow into adults but it happens mama.


Just saying, I met my now fiancé at 17 and we started having sleepovers around that time. I started college at 17 and everything. Always a good kid. Still am. We now have 3 kids at 24. Birth control and everything. Just keep that in mind :rofl:

Lol don’t let them stay over? Hell just leave and they’ll do it in the back seat of a car or someplace public because y’all said no :joy:

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My 18 year old son has his girlfriend over all the time and he stays the night at her house. I know they have sex but all three of us have talked about them being extremely safe. I trust them, as my son is a responsible young man and she is a responsible young lady. They are both very open with me, which I respect them both for. When I was 16, my boyfriend was allowed to sleep on the couch. I was very open with my parents which I respected them more for.


Hes an adult. Just ask him if he needs help with protective items and have a talk with him and let him make the decision himself. At least they asked right?. Also if dont let them its more likely to be sneaking around, getting hurt, or something worse.


It really depends on you OP. Some people see it as disrespectful. If you feel like you can have a serious convo with your son about what you expect from him. Then try it out. If you really just dont want him to then say no but deff dont be so naive to think if they wanna have sex that they wont. Or havent already.

I let my kids have them after they were 18 if they gonna have sex its gonna happen anywhere and you can agree as well they don’t sleep in same room yet I don’t thatvwith my oldest when she was 18 now shes 26 and with her sisters I got over it

They’re both legal adults.

Think i was out of hs when my mom let my bf sleep ova. We slept in the front room though. My dad would say no

If u don’t let them they will sneak around. At 18 they are adults, they could get married w/o ur permission. I’d just let them have a sleepover


Can they pay their own bills? Are you ready to be a grandma in the short term?


That is how my step son ended up with a pregnant girlfriend in high school. His mom let this happen. I know they are both 18, but when he can afford his own place… is when he is an adult.


Nope. I’m sorry, but when I was 18 and a senior, I was not an adult, I was very much a child still. I was very mature for my age, but even then, I was a child. I think it’s crazy what has been normalized in society these days. I have been trying to decolonize my life and my family, so there’s a lot of things that have been deemed as ‘normal’ that just don’t seem normal to me anymore, and this is one of them. I got pregnant at 18, and I had the hardest time with having a baby that young. We had protection, I was very educated on safe sex, but that didn’t stop me from getting pregnant, and now, as an adult, I wish my mom had stricter rules for me and my siblings.


They are 18 , old enough to consent to sex. It’s more a respect thing if they asked their parents permission. If your close enough to your son , for him to ask you then you need to respect y’all relationship and decide what’s best in this situation. Everyone has opinions


Sleepover is just another word for sex ,i would do it doesn’t mean you can’t no one parents the same it’s what your comfortable with

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It’s all strange to me considering I’ve been married since 3 days after my 18th birthday. I’d say yes because they’re both adults, but emphasis on the safe sex.

My son is 18. I told him when he has a gf and they are serious she can stay over. Until then I’m not supporting the hoe life. You need to do what you feel is right. He’s your child honey. Go with your gut.

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Lol they’re 18. Why treat them like they’re 15?
18 is literally a legal adult.


Honestly, we’ve all been at that age and we know what happens when our parents say no, we find other ways to do it. I say let them have sleep overs and have a comfortable talk to him about things so he doesn’t feel the need to do things behind your back


Listen. My husband and I got married at 17. Before we were legally married we were living at his aunts and not allowed to sleep in the same room. Do you honestly in your heart believe we as hormonal adults in love did not have sex even tho it was forbidden and we weren’t allowed to sleep with each other? He is an adult. He can have sex if he wants.

I would say no. Are they going to sneak and do it anyways…yes. But I’m not going to give permission to sleep at and have sex in my house.


Nope not in my house. I will never condone my children having sex under my roof.


Mmm I don’t agree. Technically he’s an “adult”? That’s according to the gov to buy cigs and go to the military cool. But like mentally & emotionally. Hell he’s just beginning and so is she.

BESIDES the point that’s a whole other convo. I would say talk to her mom and see if that’s okay. I mean it’s your house your rules. That’s great he asked. I get it. I was 18 and had a bf but wasn’t able to spend the night. Sure I could stay til around midnight then go home. They are gonna have sex regardless. So it’s more of a why is this a necessary thing. Maybe talk it out. Not sure honestly. It depends on your feelings about it too. This is a tough one. I would say maybe wait til out of high school? Maybe they can look forward to it as something special? Hmm good luck!!


I’m gonna say hard no. Your roof your rules whether he is 18 or not.


If he goes to her house, you really don’t have a say. But if it’s in your house, you do because it’s your house, your rules.


Nope. Nada. Hell no. They may be 18 but they are still in high school and dependent on me and it’s my house. If they want to be together over night, they can graduate, get jobs and move in together.


I mean they can legally rent their own hotel, join the navy, build a castle in hawaii get married or even leave the country without your permission or consent but it’s up to you what you allow in your home…in all legality they’re adults so if you think it’s not something you want happening in your house then say no…worst they can do is get mad lol


Are they even having sex??? Don’t presume people!!! I always thought I would say a big no for this with my children. To me though you have to move with the times, because if they are having sex…they don’t need a bed they will do it anywhere!! I would rather be open and talk to them both and decide some rules together.


They are 18 you can no later stop them. They are adults now.

Some people would say my house my rules

Some would say 18 is an adult

Some would say he’s still in highschool

My mom never allowed sleepovers. But I don’t see why you couldn’t meet them in the middle let her stay over on the weekend and trust that you’ve raised him to make the proper decisions. Just because they want to sleep over doesn’t always mean they want sex



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Nah. As long as I lived at home as an adult, if I wanted overnight company, I had to get my own place, gave me incentive to work and move out.


Maybe have a conversation with her parents also and see where they stand? Both are 18 just make sure they understand the risks of pregnancy since both are still in high school.


If this is about sex, they’re gonna do it either way if they wanna do it. Should they do it in your home? Probably not. But they more than likely will, or maybe even already have. I’d rather provide a safe space & make sure they’re practicing safe sex rather than have them getting it on in the back seat of the car or some cheap motel. Do you know the gf? Is she a respectful person? Would you allow your son to have a sleep over with his significant other if he was gay? Are you only trying to prevent an unwanted pregnancy? There’s a lot of factors here.


I’m thinking if you want to be a grandma now sure absolutely! Ok now back to a seriousness…NO! Are you nuts? They are 18! Yes they are legally considered adults but they are also seniors still in high school! These two are still relying on parents to support them, no sense in adding a baby into the mix! No a sleepover is a VERY BAD IDEA!

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I say no. Hang out late if ur ok with that, and see each other the next day.

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No. And what if you say yes and the gf/bf parents says no.

my mom told me no so id say i was going to my bestfriends then id just go to his house. :woman_shrugging: eventually she caught on but yea


They’re having sex in other places already. Better at home than in public!


dude what would it really even prevent here? how much longer is he in school? a month or two? then what? he’s 18 and can go where he wants and do what he wants and you can’t say or do anything. he’s a legal adult, you can say yes or no but ultimately he can decide if he wants to listen. this is definitely the worst time to inhibit his freedom.

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I’m sure he’d be more appreciative and communicative with you if you let him. Also, what are the gfs parents thoughts on the matter?
Even if you say no, they can always sneak around behind your back (which is what I did at that age).
Better safe than sorry, I say. Just make sure he knows the consequences of not being careful.


Lmfao they’re adults


My personal opinion is, they are old enough to own a house, get married, have consensual sex even. If it were my house because they are technically adults now, I’d say yes. But it’s your house, only allow what you’re comfortable with.


No but they will still find a way so make sure he has condoms!

They are 18. At least make sure they have access to protection. Better than them sneaking around somewhere and maybe not have protection!

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Well… the fact he asked is a good step. Here’s the thing, if you are worried about sex… know this: if they want to, they already are. Whether there’s a sleepover or not. If they have been together awhile, I’d consider it. Not a new girl regularly. I got married at 17, and prior to that his parents let me sleepover and we shared a bed a couple times then they changed their mind and we slept separate till we got married (not married to him now, mind you). I can guarantee it didn’t change anything besides where we slept lol. Given, he was 20 and only home from military on weekends or leave when he stayed there. But knowing it’s gonna happen if they want to regardless, I’d probably consider it. Better than them sneaking around, getting a seedy hotel room, parking in an unsafe location where they could get caught, or driving home in the middle of the night. Just have a safe sex talk, and discuss with her parents as well. Yall need to all sit down together and discuss, decide, and if yes, lay down ground rules.

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I would say they are in hs its ip to you but tbh if they wanted to do stuff they would either way. Provide condoms just in case but hope the other parents are keeping a close eye on them and voice your concerns. But tbh at this point all you can do is help provide protection and hope for the best. Good luck girlie

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I was always brought up - you live in my house you live by my rules 18+ or not.


The only way they be spending the night at each other’s house is if one was on the couch or the spare guest Room and I supervised … the rules of the house. Just because they gonna do it doesn’t mean you gonna give him a signed permission slip.

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Yes. Theyre 18 and if you taught him about safe sex it shouldnt be an issue.


I think it’s totally up to you and if you think the maturity level is there. If you decide yes make sure they both know about (have) protection. The choice is all yours!


I let my daughter do it and honestly, if you trust them, it will be ok. Only make sure that the door is open and all that. They will abide. Y your rules if you trust him. It proves that they are on the same level and it is a good thing.

Youll have to let him have freewill and grow up sooner than you realize. Relationships are part of life

18 years old? You mean an adult?


I say let them .
You will build a better bond with your son .
Not only this , but he IS 18


No it’s awkward, uncomfortable and disrespectful to my home. When you can afford your own apartment then you can do what you want in it.


Your house. Your rules.


Probably already had sex, but I wouldn’t. My bff did this at 16 and daughter got pregnant

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Unwrap that cotton wool darls let ur boy become a man :heart:

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Okay so personal experience with this. When my mom didn’t allow it ( age of majority in Alberta Canada is 18). So when my mom wouldn’t allow it we just got a hotel once my moms realized what we were doing anyways she allowed it plus I loved I the basement suite and payed a huge amount for rent but I also had a baby at 16 so I think my mom just realized if somethings going to happen she can’t stop it I didn’t get pregnant in her house so it didn’t matter if she let it or not we would find another way

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If you are ready to be a grandma🤣. Yes they can sneak any place to do it but don’t feel pressured to do so because “technically” they are “adults”…they are still in HS!

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Honestly, 18 year olds are not “mentally” adults.


Unless you want grandbabies :woman_shrugging:t2:

I would as long as they are using protection. If they won’t do it in the safety of their homes they’ll go do it else where.

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They are gonna do it regardless :tipping_hand_woman: not saying that you should just be cool with it my my rules with my parents( I was very mature, was working from 15, good head on my shoulders… etc.) Was he could stay but once we went to sleep it was different rooms, they both sat down and spoke to us about what would happen blah blah blah… together since I was 14 and smart enough not to have a baby till I was 24. It all depends on the maturity of the teens and how much they actually understand of the whole concept. EVERYONE OF THESE SITUATIONS ARE GONNA BE SO DIFFERENT. go with your momma instinct if you think they can ACTUALLY be protected or not, well you got smart kids. If they don’t then maybe they need time. Maturity and realization is a big factor in this question.

I was married at 18 :sweat_smile:


I mean, they’re having sex already, they’re adults so like…why not lol

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My mom let me stay the night at my. Ex boyfriends.Whole weekends.We played video games and watched movies. 🤷🏼 I was also hella responsible growing up and what not though.

What nasty comments on here lol… too many of these people grew up thinking 16 & pregnant was cool…

Your House YOUR RULES! My 20 yr old isn’t having sleepovers in my house. This is not a hotel. You want to be adult and live like a grown up PAY YOUR OWN BILLS and do what the fuq you want… Until then Not happening… And let the judgements being… idgaf LOL


My boyfriend and I moved in together at 18 lol…

Just remember if you don’t allow it supervised, they will sneak and lie to do it.


They are having sex. They are safe at your house


Go with with what you think is best. Don’t listen to the pregnancy scare crap. I had HORRIBLY strict parents and was pregnant at 18. Before I moved out of their house. I not only found a way to do what I wanted to do, but I didn’t do any of it in a safe way. The fact that I lived past the age of 18 is a miracle.


As long as they’re safe, and you talk with them about being safe then I don’t see why not. I moved in with my husband when I was 18…

Yes. They’re both 18

If they are gonna do it they are gonna do it anyway you can’t stop it :rofl::woman_shrugging:

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Yes! Why not?? At the end of the day I’d rather my kids were at home so I would allow it!


Your house your rules.
Me and my ex husband stayed at my moms and dads one night before we were married and they asked us not to sleep together. We respected their request.


Your house, your choice. Is it against your moral code? You have a right to choose what you do and do not allow in your home.


They are already doing it so might as well have a serious talk about pregnancy. Also I would take into consideration how long they have been together. If it’s been over a year I would let them snuggle. A few months? I think not.


All I’m saying is don’t be surprised when some of y’all don’t have a relationship with your ADULT children the very moment they have the chance to escape y’all’s controlling mentality and households. Y’all act like an 18 year old can just make it out here in the world when most adults with years of life experience are struggling to get by in these times and miss me with the but I do X,Y & Z so I am the boss bullcrap. That’s called being a parent and it doesn’t end the day of their 18th birthday and you don’t get a trophy for doing the job you signed on for by having a child! Toxic ass mentality isn’t gonna do anything but ruin your relationships with your family. Parents have been having that same toxic mentality for generations yet people still were having teenage sex and becoming teenage parents…it didn’t stop y’all or the ones before y’all and it won’t stop your children. Grow up and have actual conversations with them and remember respect goes both ways. You’re not due it simply because you think you are…show your kid some and see how much more they show you. See how far your relationships grow with mutual respect and trust and communication.


Don’t let society dictate. Trust your own gut and instincts. That’s exactly what they are there for. To guide you and push you in the right direction. If it doesn’t sit right with you, you have your answer.

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Safer to be home with you then somewhere they aren’t safe :woman_shrugging:t3: