Should I Allow My 8-YO Son to Wear Fake Nails?


"My son is 8, will be 9 in a few months; he is always running around the house in my heels, watching YouTube videos of boys doing their makeup, dancing around the house, he’s made some comments about a boy being cute or something, or he couldn’t like that boy because that boy already has a boyfriend.

I have never questioned him because I honestly don’t care, it doesn’t bother me one way or the other on his sexuality, and so many people tell me, ‘oh, he’s just a little boy; its a phase he will outgrow it.’

My question is, he just called me while I was at work to ask me if his grandma (my mom) could buy him some fake nails that he wears around the house but will take them off for school, so his friends don’t make fun of him.

I am torn. Is this something I allow and go with the flow or don’t allow and try to encourage him more towards ‘manly’ things?!? Our society sucks, and I don’t want him to be hurt emotionally or physically by his friends or classmates; I already see the day he is going to bring his boyfriend home, and that’s fine with me; that’s his choice later on. I am just not sure what to do."

RELATED QUESTION: Can a 12 year old for sure know their sexual orientation?


“I would allow him to wear fake nails at home if he wants. I would allow my son to if that’s what he wanted. Just love and support him and let him find his identity in the way he wants to.”

“I wouldn’t let my son or daughter wear fake nails at that age - only because it wrecks the nail - I’m assuming it’s the ones you glue on - why don’t you just let him paint his nails - that way he can try different colours and experiment doing it himself, but without all the difficulties of taking off the glued nail!”

“Would you let your daughter at that age? If no because it’s an age thing, maybe try painting them instead. If you answered yes, then yes you should let him express himself.”

“'d let him explore what he’s comfortable with on his own. If that’s what he wants to do, I’d allow it. This just builds confidence for the future. Support him and he will find all the strength he needs to deal with society’s criticism. Remember, there will always be someone out there who disagrees or doesn’t understand. You are a great mother! You already know what to do and what is best.”

“I say go for it. Let him express himself at home. There’s too many in this world that wouldn’t let him do it anywhere else. Help him grow up learning who he is and what he likes or doesn’t like. Raise him to fix his own crown in a world that will tear you apart no matter what you think or how you feel! Just my opinion.”

“The fact that you’re so accepting, is amazing. Even he notices it since he’s asking you… you’ve built that trust with him that one day if he does come out he’ll have a safe place/person to do so. I just want to say you’re doing a great job.”

“Our society sucks but you don’t have to! Why are you so conflicted on making him happy? Screw everyone else. If he likes girly things he likes girly things, there’s no changing it. Kids are mean, they’ll find something to laugh at regardless.”

“You sound like a wonderful mom. And as he grows up he will be happy that you support him and love him. Press-ons can damage your natural nails. So I say paint them.”

“Gonna be a No for me but you do what you think is best for your child. My personal opinion at that age is that he shouldn’t be allowed to watch makeup tutorials or apply any makeup or wear your heels around the house or be encouraged to wear fake nails. To each their own though.”

“Let him buy the nails, and wear them wherever he wants. You’re right, the world is prob not gonna be great to him, but you can be!”

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I would allow him to wear fake nails at home if he wants. I would allow my son to if that’s what he wanted. Just love and support him and let him find his identity in the way he wants to.


I say go for it. Let him express himself at home. There’s too many in this world that wouldn’t let him do it anywhere else. Help him grow up learning who he is and what he likes or doesn’t like. Raise him to fix his own crown in a world that will tear you apart no matter what you think or how you feel! Just my opinion.


I would let him express himself at home… but school would definitely be a no for me.

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I’d let him explore what he’s comfortable with on his own. If that’s what he wants to do, I’d allow it. This just builds confidence for the future. Support him and he will find all the strength he needs to deal with society’s criticism. Remember, there will always be someone out there who disagrees or doesn’t understand. You are a great mother! You already know what to do and what is best​:heart::heart:.


Stopping him from that may discourage him from expressing himself in other ways. I dont see the harm at home. He is trying to find himself.


If he wants to at home I’d let him. I guess let him just have fun and be himself

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Let him express himself. He will figure out who he wants to be with time


Definitely let him! :heart:

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An 8 year old with fake nails is a no for me


Would you let your daughter at that age? If no because it’s an age thing, maybe try painting them instead. If you answered yes, then yes you should let him express himself.


Let him go for it. If it’s just a phase it won’t matter. But if it’s not you’re letting him be him and be free to be him with you and that’s going to boost his confidence so much as he grows.


Let him express himself. My son likes his nails and toes painted and has since he was a toddler. He is 6 now. He doesn’t find anything weird about it. My 2nd daughter when she was younger wanted to shave her head and dress like a boy. We let her. Now she has grown out of it, she’s very much a tom boy still, but no longer wants to be a boy. Just be supportive and let them express themselves as long as it doesn’t physically hurt them or anyone else :heart:

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9 yr old no matter boy or girl is a no for me


Let him express himself, don’t try to correct him or push him to do “manly things”. If you accepted the fact he will bring home a boyfriend in the future now is your time to start giving him support and love!! He will need all the support and love possible dealing with ugly personalities in this world. Having you behind him supporting him and showing him that it’s okay to love who he wants to love will be so much more beneficial to him in the long run.


Sorry for the language but as this effects someone VERY close to me, I will say this - Fuck society.

As long as he isn’t hurting anyone, let him do what he wants.

If it’s an age thing, that’s one thing. I can understand not wanting a kid to wear fake nails that young. If it’s a gender thing, I’m being blunt but, screw that.

Let him express himself however he wants. If it makes him happy, there is no reason to stop him. Just be sure he is aware that society sucks so people might fuss - but instill that he is doing nothing wrong so those who judge him are wrong. Not him.

You should support him :100:

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I would allow it. If he gets to be happy and excited about something that hurts no one. Why not? Gender roles are so skewed and the world is changing. I’m glad he has things that make him happy and sad that anyone would ever make fun of him for that.


I wouldn’t let my son or daughter wear fake nails at that age - only because it wrecks the nail - I’m assuming it’s the ones you glue on - why don’t you just let him paint his nails - that way he can try different colours and experiment doing it himself, but without all the difficulties of taking off the glued nail !


I’d absolutely let him have the comfort in his home on what he wants to wear. He needs the trust and safety with you!

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Well I think that 8 or 9 is a little young for any kid boy or girl to wear fake nails, I think glue on ones would be harmless for him to wear at home, but fake nails are dangerous that he could get his nail caught and rip off his finger nails… but that would be your choice! It’s ultimately your choice if you think he is old and mature enough to handle having fake nails to wear - whether it’s at home or school :slightly_smiling_face:

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You let that boy do whatever makes HIM happy.


Great job on letting your little man explore who he is!! Why not let him do it at home, you can do it together and have a talk about how there are some evil people in thr world that may not agree but at home he is loved no matter what. There are press on( with stickers) made specifically for kids.


I say go for it, he already said at home because he would be made fun of at school. He needs to be able to figure it out for himself, I let my 6 year old paint his nails. What matters in the end is that they are happy.


Hes just being a boy my son is 5 and loves the color pink and we paint his toenails he chooses pink everytime lol he plays barbies and lol dolls with his 2 sisters I’m sure it’s something they will outgrow and if he doesnt then that’s ok to :blush:

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He feels comfortable at home, as he should. Let him.


I say no more for the fact that nails as a adult get damaged from wearing fake nails. How would it affect a child’s? Make nail bed soft and if dirt gets in there because they aren’t properly put on bacteria can grow and cause many problems

Imo, at 8 they have no idea about sexual identity. I wouldnt let him wear fake nails that young, boy or girl.


I let my 7 and 3 year old daughters wear them around the house they just stick on if I had a son and he wanted to wear them I would let him there is no harm in it


Our society sucks but you don’t have to! Why are you so conflicted on making him happy? Screw everyone else. If he likes girly things he likes girly things, there’s no changing it. Kids are mean, they’ll find something to laugh at regardless.


Hugs to you, momma. It sounds like you are doing a great job raising your son. I let my daughter do it around that age. They always fell off so quick and she got tired of them within a hour or two. I say try it and he may or may not like them but it will let him experience it.

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Just let him be himself and do what he likes. If he grows out of it then so be it and if not thats okay too. I wouldn’t push anything on him. He will figure himself out. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Does he have any men in his life? He may just be around women and not know how a man should act


I say go for it. Society sucks and the only way to change it is by changing our children. By showing them they can be and dress however they want to. Whether he wants to dress in girlier clothes or manly clothes. It shouldn’t make a difference.


Let him be who he wants, let him be happy :smiley:


You can buy pop on nails that have double sided sticky tape so he can pop them on and off as needed.


I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t even allow my daughter to wear fake nails at that age.


Let him express himself. Please, please, please. Teach him to be a good, compassionate human being and forget the whole “manliness” stuff. Let him be him :heart:

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But him and nails continue to support him like this. Your support means the world to him. :heart:


Buy the fake nails that come with little stickers instead of glue. They will come off easier :blush: and well done to you :clap: for letting him be exactly as he is happy to be. That’s all that matters :heart:


The stick on ones but not the glue for the simple fact it damages nails

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Let him be accepted at home, so he does not feel he ever has to hide his self from you. You say you accept him no matter what so that’s a great step.


Let him express himself :heart:

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Let him buy the nails, and wear them wherever he wants. You’re right, the world is prob not gonna be great to him, but you can be!


I would let him have them. He is discovering who he is and harboring this can cause major issues in his adulthood. His sexuality isn’t controllable, its who he is and regardless of the nails, heels, or videos, he will either like men, like women, like both, or like none. Nothing you do or say can control that. But, what you can control is how he views his childhood and how much mental damage you cause by either rejecting or by nurturing his individualism. People say kids can’t know their sexual identity and thats right they can’t but they can have an inkling as to what they may like even as young kids, and chalking it up to “they dont know what they’re talking about” and then rejecting them is damaging to everyone. They’re nails, so just let him have his fun and move on from it!

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Maybe get press on nails which will probably do less damage to his nail bed and his cuticles. Plus, you can buy them done with either a set nail polish or with nail polish and designs.

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Let :clap: him :clap: get :clap: them. As a homosexual person with no supporting parents the one thing I WISH I had were parents who embraced me as I am. Screw those who say he can’t know sexuality at 8. He very much can, is and will continue to feel these things and a safe home is exactly what he needs.


Let him be if he wants to wear them dont discourage him. I say go for it.

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Let the child express himself. The world will have its chance to try and break him. It’s your job to lift him up high enough to withstand that fall when it happens.


You’re an awesome mom! Thank you!!!

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Just let him be. Let him like who he likes. Dress how he wants. Etc.
I have 3 big girls (11, 8 and 5) and a 2 yr old boy - he WANTS his nails painted and hair brushed and to watch princess shows bc thats what his sisters do and he loves them and looks up to them.

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Encourage this!! By all means wrap your love around every piece of his exotic, different, and fabulous behavior! Now is the time to show that you support every bit of who he is. Whether truly a ‘phase’ or who he is let him figure that out for himself!
Teach him not to care what others say, think, feel, or anything. Show him he needs to love who he is for who he is and it doesn’t matter what the world thinks!
Nails, makeup, hair, e.t.c. shouldn’t have a label. It’s human interest.

Support, love, and encourage the hell out of all of it momma! So long as it isn’t dangerous for him, do it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I would just allow him to if he wants to. I would just let him express himself and just go with the flow always let him be whoever he wants to be🧡

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Let him be him mom it’s okay, don’t just say oh only at home either. Self expression all the time is the way to go, let him know if people don’t like him who gives a hoot because for every one person who doesn’t like him there are a dozen more who will love him the way he is. But the nails shoot watch the you tube with him, make sure he moisturizes daily and for heavens sakes keep the salon dates up with him. Much love to you

You are already doing a good job. Just let him be him!

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Would you let your almost 9 yo daughter wear fake nails? You don’t have to be against the idea just the age. It’s like asking how old are you ok with your kid shaving their legs?


You let him be him. :heart::heart: you’re doing awesome

No reason not to let him wear fake nails. It’s not hurting anyone and if it makes him happy then so be it.

Love this :two_hearts: the more himself he can be the more comfortable he will be when facing society! I’d support it 100% and maybe start having more conversations age appropriate, might make it more natural for him to tell you later on :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Let him have them … little sweetheart… let him be who he wants to be and love him for it :heart:

My best friend of 15 years is gay. His parents tried to push him into “manly” things and it didn’t work. It never will. He is who he is and there is no changing that. It has caused a major relationship issues between him and his parents because they’re unsupportive, even now.

Go with the flow. Trust me, he will thank you later. And who knows, it might really be a phase. And it might not… But either way, he will remember your love and support over everything. Let him wear them to school and teach him that if his friends don’t support him, then they’re not really his friends at all. :kissing_heart::revolving_hearts:

I have 7 kids 4 boys and 3 girls I also have pictures of all four of my boys in dresses from when they were playing dress up with their sister they all have painted their nails my 17 yr old son let’s his girlfriend paint his nails. My daughter played with tonka trucks bailed hay with their brothers ran threw the mud have gone mudding it’s all a path to self discovery .

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The question is, would you let your 8/9 year old daughter put them on? If yes, then yes, let him do it. If no, then you think he’s too young and tell him that.

However, do not encourage him to do more “manly” things. Things are only “manly” because humans have associated them as manly. Yes, he may change his mind later and this may be just a phase, but what if it isn’t? What if this is how he is and he just loves more traditionally feminine things? He will always remember how you responded. So he will remember you encouraging manly things. He will know that you didn’t just accept him for what he liked. So again, treat him how you would if you had an 8/9 year old girl.


I’d get the sticker play nails with the tape not the ones with the glue for his age


Love this… I would let him

let him express himself.he should be free at home to be who he is.He will need you to be supportive which i sounds that you are.i think your handling your sons wishes amazingly.might be a good idea to look for some iinformation that is available that could give you more understanding and advice that could help you,if you want it,and if this is more than a phase.

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So I agree to let him be him. However, in my opinion. I wouldn’t let my daughter wear fake nails at 8. I think the first time i let her have fake nails she was 12. I think that your judgment should be based on age appropriate activities not gender appropriate. If you would allow your daughter at 8 to wear fake nails then let him. If you would not let your daughter at 8 wear fake nails then no. If you choose not to explain to him why so he understands.

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My son plays with makeup, does his nails, does face masks with me

Nothing wrong with it at all

Hmm I think he may be a little young still. That’s just my opinion though. I wouldn’t allow my daughter to wear them at that age either

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Yes. Let him express himself any way he wants to.

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My 9 year old wanted his nails painted so that’s what we did :woman_shrugging: He loved it! It was that cheap little girly nail polish, but it made him happy. I dare anyone to judge me for making my child happy! I’ll tell you where to shove it. Two older men told him that he might get picked on because that’s seen as a girly thing. I said let him be. He’s only a kid once. They said they aren’t telling him not to do it, just giving him a heads up about what might happen. I was shocked they didn’t bash him.

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For me it’s not about gender, its age. I wouldn’t let my 8/9 yr old daughter wear fake nails so I wouldn’t let my son either if he asked and was the same age.


I say no bc he’s too young. I wouldn’t let my daughter wear them at that age. I did let her paint them though.

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Please let him get those nails!!! :heart: :peace_symbol: :rainbow: :nail_care:t3:

If you’re supportive which it sounds like you very much are I just want to say thank you even though I am not a part of the LBGT community. If he has said he will take them off for school so his friends don’t make fun of him it sounds like he’s already aware how some of the world views different people… You have a very smart little man & I would be encouraging him to do anything & everything he desires of that sort whilst also explaining how different things are taken different ways by different people but that that is their problem not his.


What about those slip on fake nails!!! Lemme find a picture (fake nails might be too harsh on his nails this young)

Let your kid be himself. Get those nails. They have sticker nails for little kids to play with that u get for halloween/ dressup

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If you dont wanna be harsh on his nails let him paint them. He can choose from so many different colors and easy to come off!

Screw what others think ,that’s what’s wrong with this world too many people base life off of what others think of them. We all need to stop living for others views and start living for our own in life. Let him be him and screw what anyone THINKS or says as long as he is supported by you and loved it dont matter. Its 2020 ! Do you kid and be happy !

Tell him yes for home and when he is in junior high he can decide if he wants to wear them to school or not. (The nails with the sticker glue not the ones you have to actually glue on ) :slightly_smiling_face:

I wouldnt let my hypothetical daughter wear nails (paint yes apply fake nails no) I feel like that’s more of a teen thing in my opinion but you’re his mom you know what’s best for your own

Let him be true to himself. Encourage him to Express himself. He will respect you for it. Fake nails are fine if they can be taken off for school. One day when hes older he may want to be more openly about it… just support him in every way.


I paint my sons nails when they ask. If they’re the stick on nails, why not? He might just think they look really cool and might have nothing to do with anything. Either way, I’d get him the nails.

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I think 8 or 9 is too young for fake nails, regardless of sex. Teach him how to paint his nails, do a proper manicure and paint designs with a brush … and rhinestones if he so chooses.


Let him be who he is.


Let him be HIM! Do not force gender roles. It will only cause emotional trauma

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I think it is 100% fine. Plenty of little girls are allowed to wear fake nails around the house and take them off for school until they are a more appropriate age to wear them all of the time. Why should it be any different for a boy who wants to wear them. If he outgrows it later then he does and if he doesn’t that is fine too. Let him express himself the way he wants now. We all express ourselves differently as we get older no matter our sexuality.

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I would let him do anything I would let my daughter do. Take the gender equation out of it and think of it that way.
If it was me in this situation, I probably wouldn’t let my daughter do this quite yet, so I wouldn’t let my son either.

Unsure what is happening to these innocent children .boys are boys.and girls are girls .not to be ignorant thats how I feel


Society totally freeks me out


Let him be who he wants


I would personally would let him! Just like you said I’m not sure if I would let him take them to school or anything because other kids can be cruel but he’s old enough to know if that’s something he wants and feels comfortable and around the house. I think you’re an incredible mother for being so excepting because that’s exactly what he needs!! So I say go for it mama!!

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Just speaking from experience with fake nails. They need to be trimmed down wayyyyy to much for a9 y/o (I have a child the same age). I have found “sticker” nails that work really well. It’s like color street but cheaper and easy for kids

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my stepson was 8 and always wanted me to paint his toenails when i was doing mine and he loved it! he actually ended up coming to me telling me his momma and brothers were calling him terrible names because of it! i told him to do what makes him happy as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone! they are young, just trying to figure out life and what they like! i say go for it! let him be his self🤍

Yes definitely push the toxic masculinity.:unamused::roll_eyes:

don’t stiffle him let him be him


Let him! If he wants a different option paint his nails!

Let him be who he wants to be. Love him and let him shine

Let him be who he is. Pushing "masculinity " can be damaging. Can the world be mean, absolutely, but at home children need to know that they are safe to be themselves.


Aww :heart: he sound amazing!!! I would tell him he can wear the fake nails once he gets a little older but let him buy some pop off ones as a surprise for a good job in school or something for a day or 2.