Should I Allow My 8-YO Son to Wear Fake Nails?

The world is hash, so home can’t be. I would go with the “it’s too young in general, regardless of boy or girl” for now. (Because I genuinely think it is. Lol) Kids can know by now. You probably already did deep down inside too. Just let him be him, and home be his sanctuary.

Let him do it. He only wants to wear them at home :woman_shrugging:t4:. I paint my son’s nails whenever he asks me to.

Let him be him mama :heart: those who judge are those you don’t need in your life.

Unpopular oppinion here, I’m old school and I do not dress my son up in dresses nor do I paint his nails ect. I do teach him how to cook and clean and stuff because I think that’s important however I’m raising a future man not a woman :woman_shrugging: I guess it’s hard for me to say for sure though because I also have a son that does not ask me for these things so I’m not sure how I would feel if he were blatantly asking me for it. I will love and support my son no matter what he chooses to be later in life but I think parents nowadays are too quick to jump on the my son is gay/trans wagon.


I would definitely just get the kid pop on nails if he going to be taking them on and off. The nail glue in the adult one sometimes really stick in there and hurt when they come off.
Nail stickers are fun too! :heart:

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I don’t really see the harm. I feel like little boys don’t go through this kind of “phase” but that could totally be my ignorance talking. My daughter is 4 and if she wants fake nails I get her fake nails. But just the little pop off ones

I wouldn’t but I wouldn’t let my daughter at 8 either. :woman_shrugging:

I rather have a happy gay/trans/etc, than A DEAD one cause he is not happy with themselves!!!


I only let me daughter wear the fake nails that don’t do damage to her nail beds, so I think that would be good for your son. I wouldn’t do anything like harsh glue or acrylic cause it could damage his nail beds. I also love doing the gel paint cause it lasts so much longer, and doesn’t cause nail damage.

Let him do it my son who is 12 wanted to paint his nails I finally gave in & let him he decided on his own he didn’t like it after all

My son is 12 and we do nails and makeup together. He has suggested from age 3 that he is a girl. He wears mascara to school and that’s it. His friends at school accept him and the one’s that don’t… can eat shit! He is amazing, loving, and I am proud of the person he is. :heart:

Let him be him. Dollar tree sells them for specifically for kids. My son is 14 and pansexual. He is comfortable in his own skin because he is surrounded by support and unwavering love. We are Christian. He was raised Christian. But he was also raised that we love him and support him. He is a well adjusted kid because of that.

Kids are going to get bullied no matter what. What’s most important is that you build a strong and loving support system for him at home. If all this is already happening and you are confident that this is truly the little person he is, love and support him and teach him to be confident and love exactly who he is. Keep an open door policy for conversation so that if things do happen outside of the home, he knows he can turn to you and that you always have his back! Words can hurt but you can help him learn to ingore the words and live to be his happy authentic self without worrying about what others think! No matter who he ends up being, he should love himself and live for him and not in fear of what others may think of him! That lesson will start at home. You gotta this mama! :heart:

He is 8. Let him be 8. Let him play.

Children don’t just get to be children anymore. They are labeled. I don’t think that’s cool.

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If it were me personally I would ask myself, if it were my 8yo daughter would I let her wear fKe nails. If you eould be ok with it cool, if not thats cool too. Don’t try to steer him in any direction just let him be who he is.

As Mom, you are supposed to be his safe place. You should be honored that he trusts you enough to open up to you about his feelings. Let him express himself however he chooses. Support his choices no matter what; If he “outgrows” them, okay—but if he doesn’t, he will always remember how you handled incidents like this. Set the stage now for him to know that you will always love and support him no matter what, and regardless of which path his life takes, he will flourish because he knows that his mama has his back and no matter what.

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Let him be who he wants to be. Buy him fake nails, paint his nails, let him play with makeup. If he turns out to be homosexual or bisexual let him (: so happy you are accepting.

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Didn’t even read past the question mark.

YES shouldn’t even be a question

Why wouldn’t you? Let him live

I’d allow mh son for sure.

Let him be HIM! I personally wouldn’t allow the pop on nails just because I wouldn’t even want my daughter putting them on because of safety but that’s your call as his momma! Don’t make it seem any less than normal! My brother is 18 and straight as can be and still paints his nails :woman_shrugging:t3:

Let him be himself and teach him to be strong.

It shouldn’t matter at all what his gender is, just be warned that fake nails can be harsh on kids real finger nails! Adults too but worse for kiddos.

I buy my daughter, 4yrs, the sticky back press on kids nails. My 2yr son likes to wear them too whenever she’ll share. Encourage your kids in expressing themselves now and. you’ll have better relationships when they’re older.

Well this is a toss :woman_shrugging: idk my 7yr old went to school with Color Street nail polish on lol and no1 said anything to him about it or made fun of him

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the worlds is already gonna be against him. he doesn’t need his momma against him.
Let your kid be himself. home and public. you’ll have to sit down and have a talk with him about what to expect. and let him decide how he wants to go about it. but it is 1000000000000x more important for him to know his mama is on his team

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If you go with fake nails be careful, they could damage his actual nails depending how they are done. Just be safe and have fun. Be aware some MAY bully him for it (people bully everyone for every little thing) just stay aware and supportive. Good luck mama!

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Let him. Home should be his safe place. The one place he can be himself without scrutiny. Just let him be him :blush:


I’d let him do what makes him happy. Just love him through it. My oldest son came out at 14. He recently told us that he wants to pursue being a drag queen. If he wants to do it and makes him happy, and isn’t hurting anyone I say do it. But one thing my son has said is that he is glad we let him come to us, rather than us outing him. We knew from a very young age he was gay. We knew before he did. We just never brought it up until he came to us. Good luck mom.


Parent of 30yrs Bio,Foster adoptive, Kids need to be kids, and HOME should be the SAFEST place a Kid can be a Kid, As a Mom of 2 boys, Both my boys tried on mommy’s shoes, and insisted mommy paint thier lips too! My Boys are grown with families of their own now, Both having BEAUTIFUL wives, Sis it truly is being a kid, My youngest daughter LOVED tonka trucks and playing in the dirt, I didn’t jump on the my kid is Gay/Transgender train, Neither did Gordon Ramsay’s dad, or Max Factors Dad, I think you’re boy being intrested in Makeup, hair, Fashion is AWESOME, and an artistic child should be NURTURED the same as The Academically gifted child. You are already have a wonderful connection with ur son, He was perfectly comfortable asking momma if he could have some press on nails for Playing at HOME, Girl let your Baby play with some press on nails!

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I would let him! I dont give a damn what other people say but i’d warn them about bullies and close minded people.
Someone is always going to judge or say something regardless of what you do. So i remind them to just be themselves.

The fact that you’re so accepting, is amazing. Even he notices it since he’s asking you… you’ve built that trust with him that one day if he does come out he’ll have a safe place/person to do so. I just want to say you’re doing a great job. :heart:


Go for it. However, get the ones made for little girls with the temporary glue tabs that soak off in warm water. Definitely don’t go straight to hardcore nail glue - that’s gonna kill his nails!

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Let him! He needs to know you support him and love him. Home is his safe place and let him know that will always be true


Dollar Tree if you have it has awsome glue on nails for little hands, they are only a dollar so I dont mind throwing them when they are stuck everywhere lol

Manly be dammed. I wouldnt allow my 9 year old girl to put on fake nails either. This shouldn’t be a gender question, but an age appropriate question as well.

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Let him be, he’s not afraid to be himself in front of you and that alone should make you proud. Good momma​:blush::innocent::innocent::innocent:


Let him do it,he may be just trying out and testing​:person_shrugging:once he knows he’s supported at home wotever way da situation turns out makes no difference maybe it’s just a phase and again maybe not​:person_shrugging:who cares let him do wot he’s happy wit​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:as a mama I have :100: respect 4 u but just let him try it out,alot of puberty is 2 wit confusion n all sorts,best of luck no matter wot he’s ur baby,best wishes​:kissing_heart::heart:


I would say no. But not for reasons you think. Just because he is too young for that. Unless it’s those little kid ones that you put with a sticker.


I would get him the kid ones lol something that isn’t super on there just in case he catches it on something and if file them short.

I totally get it though! We all just want to protect our kids from hurt, but you can’t :woman_shrugging: Kids are going to be mean, but most won’t be. There’s a whole new accepting generation of parents raising kids now so I wouldn’t worry too much.

Maybe the stick on ones anything else he’s too young for and piggy paint bc it will peel off easy and doesn’t stain

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There are some cute press-on kids nail sets on Etsy! Much safer for his nails at this age, because the regular glue can do damage.
It really warms my heart that you don’t shut him down and let him explore himself. As a kid, I was always more drawn to what people label as ‘boy things’, including clothing, toys and activities. I was punished for it, and that reaction from my parents hurt me in the long run. Your support, and allowing him to enjoy what he likes will help him to flourish, whatever path he chooses in life :heart:

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If he wants to, do it and do it with him/for him.

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You sound like a wonderful mom. And as he grows up he will be happy that you support him and love him. Press ons can damage your natural nails. So I say paint them.


My boy wanted monster truck nails, only one kid said anything and every girl in the class went after him because my son is friends with all the girls and one has called dibs on marrying him. :rofl: They’re kids let them have fun they can worry about sexuality later. (Much much later, it all happens too quick anymore and they don’t get to be kids very long)

If it’s the sticker kind I say do it… if its glue then no.

Of course you should. They’re fun and after a while he’ll either hate them or love them

Id allow it. Allow him to explore who he is

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Why not!?


You are doing a fantastic job, your child wanted something and came to you openly and honestly about it.

Your child did a fantastic job for coming to you!!

Whatever your choice, keep that communication open!!!

Hats off!! :heartpulse:


Hmm have you talked to his father about his views??
Perhaps redirect his interests like letting him do your makeup and nails and dress you up. He could be a future fashion/beauty guru
Support his interest with redirection and cultivation. He is still a child after all so it’s up to you to cultivate him as his mother and mentor.


I wouldn’t allow it at 8 or 9.


Fake nails arent allowed at school for any gender so do it. My son did same and he loves movie makeup and is amazimg at it he also is big into sports

Get that boy some nails!!

Fake nails ruin your nails

I would let my son if that’s what he wants and will make him happy then let him be who he wants to be. Get him some cheap press ons

Try impress press on nails. No glue just a sticker they’re amazing I use them all the time. Have fun and enjoy your time together.

Get the kiss press on nails. That way they won’t hurt his nails when he takes them off. Also, he can do different ones each week or so when he wants to change.

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I’d say yes. He knows he can’t/won’t wear them at school. Dollar tree has some kids stick on nails. They are elsa/other fun patterns but he can paint them whatever color he wants.

I would let him… hell don’t be a prude like some of these Karen’s saying boys shouldn’t wear em

I would suggest a press on nails may not be good for his age. I’m just thinking about damage that he might do to his nail bed. The sticker ones might be a better option. But either way let him be who he is!

Home is where he should feel comfortable. (Which it sounds like u are doing an amazing job doing) so I would let him. :heart:

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Make it an age thing. Too young for fake nails. Revisit in few years.

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I wouldnt until he’s at least 12 or 13. But maybe a nontoxic nail polish or stickers.

Your son sounds just like my son as a little man. I painted his nails went with the flow. He is a grown gay male and perfect to me. Follow your heart :heart:


I’d let him do pre-glued nails so they’re easy to take off. It sucks that he knows his friends will make fun of him

Let him do him. Society will judge us on everything. Keep being the safe place for him! :heart:

If you keep him from it then he view you as unaccepting, or he does it and faces the world with the possibility of being teased.
One easy way to avoid this tough decision would be to set a rule of no cosmetics until 12.
When I was little my parents felt I was too young for it and told me to wait. I hated it I had two older sisters who did makeup and wanted to bad. Having that rule didn’t make me feel unaccepted I just seen as a rule. It may be what your lo needs for now.

I say no just because it could ruin his nails

No. I wouldn’t let my 8 or 9 year old wear fake nails. I don’t care if a boy or girl. Just my opinion, we should encourage natural beauty for as long as possible.


Do what your mama bear instincts tell you to do. Being comfortable and confident with oneself truly comes from early age…if he’s told “No” he may do it behind your back. It’s already inspiring that he can come to your with what he truly likes

he is 8 not 13 id get him the kid ones :person_shrugging: let him wear them its prolly only a phase anyways besides he will realise how much a pain in the butt it is to do things lol as far as a boyfriend he might not think what you are assuming he might be thinken he is a boy and his friend either way let him be himself

Let him they only kids once.

of course let him by all means hes exploring

My 3 year old son wanted to be a green witch for Halloween and we absolutely let him. Our babies need to know that we love them no matter who they are

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Let him be him. Get him a few packs of the glue on nails and let him go crazy. At the end of the day, everything he’s going through now will prepare him for the future. If he’s told/taught being himself is wrong now, it will shape him into a resentful adult


Our society does suck. You are right… but if this were me, I’d rather allow my child to be who they are. Do you want your child to be made fun of or face hard times based on sexual orientation? No. But I really don’t want my child to feel like their own mother doesn’t accept who they are. I would build him up enough that he didn’t give a damn about what his peers felt or said.
That being said… I wouldn’t do acrylics or anything major this young, but press ons or something why not?!

Depends on level of maturity in the other activity they do, are they likely to rip them off? Like me and my kiddo hard no, even as a adult :joy::joy: I can’t. Now my niece friends kids? Waaay more responsible

Let him. But buy the press ons so they dont hurt him to take them off every day.


I would definitely allow him to do it at home but remind him they aren’t for school because no one can wear fake nails to school. Not because he is a boy or will be bullied.

Yes. When u dont allow him to be who he wants could bring him into a depression. I knew about that age my brother was gay. He didn’t wear heals, etc. But he the masculine gay.

I wouldn’t let my daughter. If he takes care of them maybe.

Let the child wear nails!
Hell, take him out to pick a color and paint his nails if he wants

I wouldn’t let my daughter.


Who is he hurting if he wants to wear fake nails at home let him

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They’re just nails, let him have them. Regardless of you pushing masculinity on him or not, he’s going to be who he is…the only difference is either he is going to feel comfortable being himself around you, or he is going to feel like he isn’t accepted and hide it from you. :person_shrugging:


I have 3 grand sons and I would tell him look at the other little boy s just dont do that find something else


Embrace him and let him know you are his safe place. If that’s the worst thing he’s wanting then humor him.

I wouldn’t let my 8 year old daughter wear fake nails let alone my son.


I let my boys do all that! Let him get it out of his system! To not let him will only make him more curious! When I came home with my daughter he was 2! He had a baby doll and would breastfeed it! He has turned out to be a great husband and dad to his 2 girls! He also wore his cousins dancing review outfits and tap shoes! We have pictures and take them out a laugh! It usually is just a faze!

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Let him wear them! My son is 6 and loves to paint his nails and has worn fake ones. It makes him happy and doesn’t hurt anyone. It is just fun dress up. It doesn’t mean anything.

Let him experiment and find who he wants to be… pushing him one way or another will make him resentful. Let him find himself and support him.

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Whatever age your little girl can have em, he can have em at the same age…?


Your momma go with your gut momma what others think or say is not there decision all in all it’s your decision your momma but I will say this there’s nothing wrong with letting him express hisself if he wants fake nails and you think it’s ok I say go for it rather it’s a faze or not your allowing him to express hisself at home cause it’s important and your his safe haven and it’s important for him to see and know it’s ok for him to be hisself no matter what but definitely wouldn’t at school boy are girl to wear nails that young to school not good idea I have a 12 year daughter I let her wear fake nails at home but not to school cause she’s to young for that

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I definitely think it’s okay! It’s his way of expressing himself, maybe let him wear them around the house first and then go from there! You seem like a really supportive mom and that alone is amazing so good job mama!

8-9 is too young for fake nails at school regardless of sex


Yep. let the boy get nails :slight_smile:
Don’t try and steer him away from things that make him happy, it its phase he will grow out of it and if it isn’t he’ll know mum will support him no matter what

Let him be him! If he is homosexual (and doesn’t know it, he is 8/9, after all), he will not be afraid to come out later. If he isn’t, he may respect women a little more. Just saying. :woman_shrugging:


Sounds like your a very open minded mama… kudos to you :heart: I would let him, maybe y’all could do it together! Even a spa day together,let him experience getting mani & pedi. It would be a great bonding experience.

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Sorry but I wouldn’t allow my son to wear nails or wear make up ect


Nah i wouldn’t let him wear fake nails but what about that nail polish that is really uber easy to just pick off it’s kind of like coloured pva glue.
I wouldn’t let my daughter wear fake nails at that age either. It just hurts their nail beds

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