Should I Allow My 8-YO Son to Wear Fake Nails?

My son is the same way and I want him to gain confidence and really learn who he is now while he is a kid and still in my house so that I can build him up and encourage him. Once he’s a teen and adult learning to be comfortable and confident in himself can be so much harder. The only thing you should question about the nails is if he will be careful enough not to scratch himself up otherwise let him be whoever he already is and keep having his back like you have been.

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He should be free to be himself in his own home and if you’re okay with taking them off in time for school then I don’t see an issue


Just be careful with those fake nails, they’re usually applied with super glue and hard as hell to get off. But maybe they have the “stick on” ones for kids?
I have 2 boys, 3 and 6 and they express themselves however their little hearts desire. We have bought baby dolls and “girl” toys. Turns out my kids are just more into superheroes and fortnite. Regardless, you shouldn’t force something on a child. Let them be who they are and let them find out what they like, be it nails for boys or trucks for girls.

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Gonna be a No for me but you do what you think is best for your child. My personal opinion at that age is that he shouldn’t be allowed to watch make up tutorials or apply any make up or wear your heels around the house or be encouraged to wear fake nails. To each their own though.


If it was any of my sons I would let him 1 million percent!!! I’d even do them for him​:heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: your son is very lucky to have a mum like you who let’s him be who he is as you can see by these comments not all parents are the same it’s sad really. Let your boy feel confident and know he can be his true self with your support​:heart:xxx

I wouldn’t let my daughter do it at that age so I’m gonna say no. That’s too grown for that age. At 13/14? Go for it

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It’s your child do what you want… My youngest daughter likes Dinosaurs and boy stuff she also loves Barbies and nail polish. Kids are versatile.

It depends if they are just stuck on with them sticky tabs if so yes, otherwise no my daughters 12 and I won’t let her have proper false nails as it ruins the natural nail. My little lad likes messing in make up and having his nails painted its just copying me, I dont care he’s having fun.


I suggest investing in the sets of 100 of the sticky tabs from Sally’s Beauty Supply for about $8 and then let him pick a few different sets of the decorative press-on nails for kids (adult sizes will be very uncomfortable for smaller nail sizes and could cause pressure sores on his cuticles) and then he can wear them at home and take them off before going to school and this will allow him to express himself.

You could also invest in a large kit of the blank nails that hencan paint himself, because he could grow up to become a nail artist with an amazing skill and if nothing else, it does help develop strong hand to eye coordination as well too, so there’s that as well.

And there’s also the part where you said he’s interested in the videos of the young men who apply makeup on YouTube, correct? I imagine that a weekend at-home-spa-day with mommy would be great fun for doing nails, hair, and makeup and just having fun learning how to do different things. After all, the actor who plays Hawkeye in Marvel’s The Avengers, is also a skilled professional makeup artist. :wink:

The fact that you are very open minded and supportive of your son’s interests, regardless of society’s ‘gender roles’ is fantastic and that means that you and he get to have the freedom of being able to sort od redefine them to a degree. So go for it. You’ve got this momma! :sunglasses::+1:


Bless you for just loving him for who he is. So many parents don’t. I would allow him ro wear them at home but not at school to protect him from ridicule. It’s so acceptable today and normal, it’s not a choice, he was born who he is. Good luck abs lots of love to you both :pray::heartbeat:


Umm all this is a big hell no.


I wouldn’t. But then I wouldn’t let my daughter either. Not that young.

Maybe at like…15-16. Like my mom did me. Makeup, boys, and nails
. (None of which I cared about at that age lol)


8? He’s too young for nails IMO, maybe try asking him to express himself by experimenting with painting them first instead, at least until he is older.

I dont think it’s a good idea just because of the damage it can cause the nail. Maybe just stick to nail polish and press on designs

You go with his flow. Hell be happy

I teach my kids to embrace their own beauty. They don’t need to be fake to be beautiful. They already are! I also teach them to explore their interests & be who they want to be. My son has pissed off neighbors by wearing dresses. I mean adults fuming mad, threading a child because he won’t fall into their stereotypes. It’s not about sexuality at this age. It’s about exploring his interests. He probably doesn’t want the nails to be feminine. He probably likes how they look. I doubt he understands how dating works at 8. He most likely sees someone as a special friend & the attention he gets when he says he wants a boyfriend. I think you’re reading too much into a child playing. It doesn’t make him gay. It just means he enjoys things that society has deemed feminine. With all that said I’m not sure about nails. I don’t think either gender needs fake nails. They should embrace their own beauty. However it’s just play, exploration. Neither choice is wrong. Just teach him to be him, not what others decide he should be.

It would be a no for me but thats just because my 12 year old isnt allowed to wear fake nails very often. I wouldn’t let a 8/9 year old wear the. Regardless of gender.

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Don’t be his first Bullie an let him have the nails , except him for who he is , as long as you are :100: in his corner the ,outside world won’t be as scary


Is he hurting himself or anyone else? No? Then why not?


Once he realises he can’t pick his nose or wipe his bum he probably won’t want them again :joy: my brother dressed as a witch every Halloween we bond over these memories x


Let it be a learning experience for the both of you, ask questions of why he enjoys it but always respond with something positive. If it’s a phase then you showed interest, if it’s who he becomes the he at least knows you’ll already be there ready to accept the person he’s become and he won’t be so hesitant to discuss things and will welcome him with open arms regardless.


Let him wear the nails! It makes him happy and he isn’t hurting anyone. Encourage him to be this way in front of his friends and family. Teach him that people who truly love him, like you, will love him the way he is! “Those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.”


From a health and safety point of view no, after virtually pulling a nail off from my nail bed after catching a fake nail… The pain is excruciating and can cause permanent nail loss.


You might be getting him into an expensive habit! This world will beat our children down enough as is, as parents its our job to build them up so that no matter what comes their way they will stand tall! Don’t be another person in the world trying to conform him. Your mothers heart will truly know what’s best for you and yours. As it seems your doing great job already! Go with your gut mama!:heart:

Let him get the nails, he said he wouldn’t wear them out of the house (which i would say should apply to any 8/9 year old regardless of gender). Let him choose the things that make him happy in life. I would say no professionally done acrylic or similar permanent nails until teens, just for safety reasons for their finger nail beds.

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Let him wear them. If it makes him happy, let him do it. There will be so many people who will make him feel bad about it. Just let him enjoy it.

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Let him be himself momma. I know its a hard decision to make but as parents we should encourage our children to be comfortable with who they are. I love my children for who they are and will encourage them and accept them every step of the way. It’s a damn shame that we still have to be afraid of being different :confused:

My 4 year old (girl) wanted the fake nails from the store so bad that I finally bought them for her. I’m not one to buy toys/ things just because she says she wants it. She literally kept them on for less then 2 minutes. Let him have the nails, wear the dress, play with the dolls. The world is cruel and you’re his safe place. Even if it is just a phase, maybe this will in some way teach him that it’s ok to be who you are, and some woman in the future might appreciate it. If he ends up being into guys, then he’ll know you won’t judge him for it.


Leave him have them looks like he’s enjoying himself and it’s making him happy and that is all that counts :slightly_smiling_face:

Let him he himself. My brother so badly wanted to do things that my family considered “girly” or called him other mean names…it resulted in him being very insecure and took him until he was 16/17 to fully express himself. I can’t tell you how many tears I wiped away for him. Let him be himself. He will thank you later. Trust me. Whether it’s a phase or not, just let him do what makes him happy and do whatever makes him feel like himself at the time.

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Boy or girl, they are too young for nails. We are not starting this right now. You are just too young


I would definitely get the stick on kind no clue or anything acrylic so he doesn’t have an accident and tear his real nails off.

I frequently have the conversation with my kiddos about this and here is how I go about it (if it helps). I tell them all (5) “If you are into something you own it! There will be people who make fun of you, who laugh or put you down but that don’t matter! If you truly love something you show it! This goes for everything in life! If you love it enough you will love it no matter what people say and the more you stand up for it, the more you can be yourself and teach the world around you the happier you will be and the people that are true to you and for you will be the ones who stay.” This conversation started at a toddler age and will continue for as long as I can speak! You love it? You own it!


Do they still make those slide on plastic toy nails??? Be so much easier than gluing or sticking them on and poof off in a jiff if y’all have to leave

My 11 yr old doesn’t have any desire to think about being attracted to people. He’s to focused on being kid. I think the attention should be placed on having fun and worrying that shit so early. It’s not good to be that sexual at such a young age.

Well if you’d let your daughter, I’d say go for it. Its who he is, into make up, nails…I’d let my son if he expressed such interest.

yeah he’s just a kid he watches u so what do u expect

If it makes him happy let him :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

I would let him get them. :woman_shrugging:t3: If anyone has a problem with it, then either educate them or send them on their way. Let him be who he is. :heart:

Buy them. No matter what, he should always know he has your FULL support. Feed his happiness. Happy at home will encourage him to stand brave elsewhere. He is who he is. He will either do it now or 5 years from now. Either way, just support him regardless.


No child regardless of gender should be wearing nails at 8/9/10 or even 11 yrs old…
Its too young for the glues


Let him feel comfortable at home. He already understands that at this time it is not an activity that he can share with his school mates. Let him be expressive as he wants. Encourage him
And allow him to put fake nails on if thats what he wants. The most important thing that you as a parent need to do is to always support his choices and be his safe place. My heart goes out to him for understanding in some part his nature.

support him , its a miracle he feels so comfortable to be that open with you at that age, if you support him he will have less fear of the outside world, and far more confidence, support all the way​:heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:


As some one who is currently attending school for social working, we are reviewing this topic. As a parent who support the child. First off, I’m proud of you. Secondly, let him do whatever he chooses to do. (Obviously, dont encourage drug use etc) there are classes available to help your son navigate the real world. I encourage you to look into them. The real world is hard on anyone, dont let that deture him from being him!

Wtf are you letting him watch Mom…Dad if is one

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I have 3 girls and they are 2, 7, &11. They STILL arent allowed those nails. They can paint their nails all they want but not the fake kind. I say no. And not no bc he is a boy. Its a no bc he is too young for that.


Heres your answer… LET HIM. The world will be cruel either way :woman_shrugging:t2: yes it’s your job as mama to shield your babies from that cruelty, but it’s also your job as mama to encourage those babies to love themselves as they are :black_heart:


I say let him. He’s comfortable being himself around you. If he is gay he is going to come out eventually, make it a positive thing for him. They have press on nails for kids, I see no harm wearing them at home, it’s his safe place for him!

Wrap your arms around him and let him know you love him no matter what Mama! BE HIS BIGGEST CHEERLEADER! Been where you’re at. :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:


He’s too young for the nails. Would be the same for a girl.


I would let him. My oldest liked to paint his nails and wear makeup at that age

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I would let him have the nails. It sucks that in our society he has to feel like he cant be himself in public, but I think the most important thing is that he knows you love him unconditionally.

Honestly I would let him pick out nail polish though. For me its just so much less of a hassle and you can get more out of the bottles. But if hes dead set on the other nails I dont think its hurting anyone

Due to his age I wouldn’t. If he was a girl my answer would still be the same. Having said that I wouldn’t encourage him to participate in manly things but I would put my foot down on this. Secondly, they aren’t easy to come off so he can’t just take them on and off for school.


They have press on nails that are not long. He could outgrow it but you won’t know til he is grown. Just support him. My brothers wore my mom’s and my shoes and clothes. Now they are in their 20s with kids.

Rather he “will be gay” or straight all things should still be age appropriate. Ask yourself this if it was my daughter at this age would I allow her to wear fake nails. If the answer is no it should still be no for him as well. He can paint his natural nails if it is important to him.


No fake nails to young for boy or girl no salon or boy makeup unless he’s going to be movie star Have a man talk with him about this stuff

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Let him wear them at home.

What does his father think. Is he still in the picture or are you his only role model. If so see if you can find someone from Big Brothers to have contact regularly and engage him in some activities. Just give him an alternative role model to choose between.


I commented earlier but I want to add some things. 1… I understand your fear of him having a hard time. I hope things are changing and he is able to be himself and face less discrimination
2. I think it is important for you to start being as inclusive as you can. Make sure he sees “himself” in media and books.

8 year olds shouldn’t be wearing fake nails - doesn’t matter if he is a boy or if he was a girl.


yes let him be, thats nothing bad

Let him explore doesn’t mean because he playing in shoes or nails is wrong he has fun doing it

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Would you allow your eight or nine year old daughter to wear fake nails. That’s a positive no


Absolutely buy it if it will make him happy! His self esteem probably rides on ALL that you’ve allowed him to do. Buy the damn nails! :heart:

I have a 5 year ild that wears kiddy glue on nails for fun. I see many people saying “age appropriate” let the kid be a kid. Its just for fun.


At the end of the day you are the parent, not him. Also if you are a single parent I would encourage him to start playing with more boy things. It’s a fine line a lot of people tend to be crossing these days

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I say go ahead. It’s just to wear around the house so I don’t see why not.


He’s still learning about himself, my now 19 year old son used to wear my nail varnish, perfume and granny hats from the charity shop, he also had a pink buggy and doll x

I think 8 is a little too young for fake nails. Regardless of the gender. I have a daughter. I let her paint hers, but as for fake ones not for awhile. It’s your child though. You do what you feel is right :heart:


Zachariah Vazquez what do we tell her son??

Get some stick on ones and let him crack on !


If that’s what he wants. Be the supportive mom that he needs.


I think it’s totally fine to let him wear them! Let him feel good about himself! I let my 8 year old daughter play with fake nails at home so I think age-wise it’s appropriate. You sound like you’re already doing a great job of letting him blossom into himself!


Go for it! Kiss at target are great :blush:

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around the house, sure, but some of the fake nails can damage real nails so i would be careful with the kind of glue

I agree, irregardless of gender that’s too young.

My daughter is almost 11 and I don’t allow that… their only little for such a brief time.
Let him express himself, age appropriately…

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I would for sure let him wear them


Go with the flow he will see that he is loved and love you for this later on in life knowing that you do a few things like this but just be careful what type of nails you get theres a couple which have a rubbery glue already on it which would be perfect :heart: I’m glad you’re supportive

Uhm no??? He will probably poke his nose and cause bloody nose. His butt. Eyes. Distraction. Lets be honest kids arent the most mature with stuff like that. He could poke you. Ow. No.


I say go for it. What’s the harm?

Although pushing things that you consider “manly” may cause harm. Sounds like he’s pretty comfortable about who he is. So let him play with fake nails.


My son when he was 2-3 years old loves to dress like in dresses and things I let him do it at home he did grow out of it but you really can’t change who they are inside! Let him be what he wants I was always worried that my boy wouldn’t trust me if I said things or didn’t let him be they way he was! Then also I found out things about my daughter and I had a very hard time excepting it and I wasn’t that nice about it but I was just in shock I can’t change who she is or how she feels so I asked her to forgive me and I came to terms with it!

Get stick on ones instead of glue on!

Dude only the peel and stick ones…

If he’s asking you that’s a great sign. He trusts you! I wouldn’t let any kids wear nails at that age, so maybe come up with an alternative. Maybe painting nails on the weekend?


I wouldn’t do it. Those things fall off and are all over the house. Plus with germs and such…bleck

Try nail polish first. Even tough guys wear nail polish!


They sell small sized stick on at Dollar Tree. Super cute. Life is short. Embrace and love and let them be happy, mama.


Oh hell yea follow his lead my son is like this at times he’s nearly 10 loves to dress up thinks jerffery Star is awesome is attracted to sparkles glitter and all things girly but also love his camo and boy things he likes having his nails painted also I have sat with him a few times and just spoke to him about how sometimes kids can be nasty with other kids are different and you have to be ok with being your self and let people say whatever and brush it off as long as you be the best version of you and love yourself that’s all that matters if he’s happy to just wear them at home and knows that friends won’t “accept” it at school that’s ok too


I’d be careful cause of the damage it could cause to his actual nails but other then that I don’t see a problem

Gender aside, a bit young for fake nails. Stick on ones for play, sure. Avoid glue. My son (now 11) still has his own bottles of nail polish and wears it when he fancies. He’s always worn black, gray, white, blue or green. Thats just what he picked for colors because that’s what he likes.


I mean… he seems like he knows who he is and he’s comfortable saying those things to you. So you have obviously done a great job allowing him that trust and love! So great job mama. I think that u could always mention it as like a casual question… “you don’t like this? Or what about something like this?” If it’s no then don’t push it anymore. I can hear him now in 20 years saying how great his mother was and how she never judged or pushed and allowed him to explore who is was. We can shape and mold and guide but we don’t get to decide who our children are. I learn and grow from my children every single day!


Let him wear them if he wants :woman_shrugging:t3: they’re only little once!

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I’d get some stick on nails at first. Maybe even press on’s

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As far as nails go… my daughter will be 12 soon and I have told her no to fake nails (the glue ones) but I have purchased her the stick on ones. If your son wants to wear stick on ones at home, let him…

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Be careful with fake nails man I just about ripped one off the other day and my entire nail wouldve come off with it. Take him for a gel mani - tons of colors to pick from - but save the fake nails for when he’s a bit older and less likely to damage his real nails.

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Let him wear them Support him in all his ideas and dreams. If people or other make fun of him he will know he was always accepted by his mother. Yes, I agree with everyone else, no glue. Start with the press on to start. Maybe a multiple pack so he can practice putting them.

As a mother of a transgender child, please allow your son to do so if you would allow him to do if he was your daughter.


Absolutely not. Those things are a waste of money. Paint em!


Whats the problem here? Your kid you decide.

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I swear this generation creates simps. Stop letting these dang kids run y’all wtf


Could even get him some nail stickers to wear at home. They are cheap enough to wear and dispose of daily.