I wouldn’t push him into manly things, It could definitely impact him negatively. I would buy him the cheap ones with stickers. He sounds like he knows who he is, and is comfortable in his skin. I would let him be who he wants, and not push him.
Press on nails instead of glue. It eats away at your nails and could destroy his.
I say let him buy the stick/press on ones for sure! My son is 10 and has LOVED his fingers and nails painted since he was little. Pre-covid we would get pedicures together
He has worn polish to school and church. He said only 1 person said something about it at school
It doesnt matter that hes a boy, but what matters is his age. If theyre nails that have to be glued on or that weird dip ones at a salon I’d say no so you dont risk hurting him when they get ripped off(trust me it’ll happen). If its just pressed on ones I dont see the harm as long as they arent left on too long and he knows he still needs to wash under them too. As far as people saying its just a phase I highly doubt that, at minimum maybe he’ll just discover drag in the future and like that however it doesnt matter either way
If you had/have a daughter this age, would you let her?
If the answer is yes then you should let him and if the answer is no then you shouldn’t.
Paint them or buy stick on nails.
If he wants nails awesome, if not awesome. Just make sure to use the stick on ones because the glue can really need up their nail bed. Let him be him, and show him it’s alright to like whatever even if other people don’t agree with him.
I say just get him the nails and let him be who he is.
Maybe suggest to him to try nail polish since it’s less permanent
If they’re the press ons definitely go for it! Don’t let him ruin his nails with the glue.
His future self will be grateful you let him be authentically himself as he grew up.
Why not. Let him be him.
Encourage him not to. He is a kid. Kids want everything. However, it’s up to you. Your the mom, your the one that cares for him & makes the decisions. As for me, I never even painted my sons nails when asked for it when he was younger. He didn’t know. It’s no big deal to say no too.
Id paint his nails and buy him press ons nails have no gender😊
Provide the love and security at home, it’s more than what he will sometimes get in the world. Having a safe place to fall means more than anything else. And he’ll remember and thank you for it. Sounds like he’s so comfortable and safe and secure at home. He’s working out the nuances already in life. Yes for me
Mama, you let him get those nails. You encourage him to do anything that makes him happy. You love him(as I’m sure you do), you be his safe place. You teach him how there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with his choices and you educate him how not everyone would think the same. He sounds like a fabulous and amazing little boy.
Why are people laughing at this ? I say let him wear them let him be himself.
I think It is too young for a girl or a boy it ruins their nails
If he was to absolutely! Let him find his own way and encourage him to be who he wants to be. Definitely go with press on and not glue just for the simple fact that hes young. My daughter uses press ons and shes almost 7.
Stick on nails or paint his
I would start with painting them. The glue might be too strong for his nails and could cause breakage when you take them off
Let me be one to say this fuck what society says or thinks!
I don’t see why not lol if they’re those press on ones kids usually wear, those don’t stay on long anyways, I would say no to like getting them professionally done though (gel or acrylic)
Allow him to be himself, in whatever way he wants to be. Nurture his expression & show him you’re proud & comfortable in his self expression. In a world of so much conformity & hate against those that are different, let him be comfortable in being himself-so no, I don’t think he’s too young for fake nails etc, I think its beautiful he wants to be himself…
I don’t think fake nails at that age would be ok just because he could hurt himself or someone else since he’s not used to it. But if his nails are long enough they have the nail sticker things at Walmart you could let him try!
As long as he’s not hurting anyone, why not
I think the ‘stick ons’ or wraps like jamberry and color street are really fun. Go for it!
To not weaken his nails I wouldn’t do fake nails but I would do the sticker pattern polishes or regular polish. I would let my son if I knew it wouldn’t weaken his nails but I’d always let him wear polish or the nail stickers if he would want to do that.
Get him the kids fake nails. Let him be himself!!!
I would say no, only because I wouldn’t want to damage his nails. The sanding down really weakens things- this is why I keep doing fills. Maybe painting only?
Absolutely. Let him enjoy them. Nails are fun for anyone who wants to try them. Kids like to experience all sorts of things they see us do, on tv etc.
yes! maybe not press one because they can damage the nail and harm him, but there are super cute patterns that are just basically stickers that he can press on and put a layer of clean nail polish on it, and can be taken off super easily, or even just fun colored nail polish!
Absolutely let him have some. He should be supported if he wants to wear them to school too. Having a parent tell you its ok to be “different” and to be yourself will mean the world to his self confidence.
Nail stickers!!! Who cares if he’s a boy! How do they know anyway My daughter is seriously into “boy” things. We let her (within safety parameters). Kids will be kids.
I wouldn’t only because fake nails(more the glue) ruins the nail bed. I’d allow him to do nail polish instead and let him pick the colors
My son is about to be 8 and he likes to dress up with his sisters and I allow him and he will let his sister paint his nails I see no problem letting them express themselves.
Roechelle Cathers outta there with this shit
I wouldn’t allow it but To me it’s encouraging something I somthing I wouldn’t choose for my son not cuz is Wrong he can be Whomever he wants to be but this kinga behavior makes For one Hella Hard Life id wait n let it be his choice when he’s older Kids Theses days will beat Hurt or even Kill your child over shit like that
I think him knowing you love and accept him for who he is… is more important than honoring “society norms”
Maybe get him some nail polish until he’s able to go and get them professionally done (unless you or your mom know how) your acceptance is the most important! Society will eventually adjust
It’s fine let him be him as long as it don’t turn sexual with female or male. He might change later down the road and then again he might not. It’s really to young to tell. Try letting him be a child and find his self.
I think they have toxic ingredients in the glue. Better to grow your nails and rock some fun nail polish…oooh and one of those fun nail pens for designs!
I didn’t allow my kids fake nails until they were teens. It ruins nails.
The ones with the little sticky pads yes the ones with glue no because you could damage his nails. Or maybe nail polish to paint them
Its sad society makes some people believe there is only one way and God forbid if you dare to be differnt. Regardless your children should be loved unconditionally . To some of you moms here keep saying no or just think its funny I’ll pray that your child isn’t as closed minded as you. Momma let him rock them ! Thank you for being so open with your son!
No id go for nail varnish and stickers instead try and out off the fake nails for as long as possible they are no good for nail health.
Let him!! Honestly I would let me 8-9 yr old GIRL where fake nails of makeup to school just because it’s too young imo, but if he wants to wear them to play or try out, who cares. Let him be himself.
I would say nail polish instead. The glue would be harsh on the nails. Let him be who he is. Let him grow up not having to be ashamed of how he feels or what he looks like. Screw society. If they don’t like it too bad. My sister lived a hedrosexual lifestyle for many years knowing she was attracted to girls as young as 5. She even got married and had a child because that was what she was suppose to do. She finally came out and is happier and people that know her love her just as much.
Just stopping in to say how I love all the positive comments
Also, I agree. Use nail polish instead. They make some that you can peel off instead of having to use nail polish remover.
Please let him express himself at home where he feels safe. I think he sounds very grown up saying he will take them off for school… All because he knows it would cause conflict and bullying bless him.
Sounds like he feels super safe around you mama to express himself exactly how he wants to great job & great kid you have xo
allow it at home. You don’t ha e to encourage him one way or another to be anything other than who he is right now. He may grow out of it, he may grow up liking men but grow out of wearing women’s stuff, he may grow to be trans. At this point he’s just experimenting and trying to find his place and figure out who he is. don’t push him one way or another just be as supportive as possible
I would actually seek some professional advice Just why he is young.Its not daying you dont cate 1 way or the other Its what he cares about.Goodluck xx
Yes! My two and and 6 year old girls wear the fake kids nails! We get them for like a dollar! So cheap and they have very cute designs! They stick on so they come right off!!!
If they’re going to be press on ones. Absolutely.
But I wouldn’t allow someone so young to have nail glue or acrylic. It can damage their nail as they’re still developing xx
Society will always be cruel, that’s up to him how to get past it. But if he has to get past his own mom, that’s worse,and on you. So base your decision on age, because any other way itll seem to him like YOURE not accepting him
Let him be who he is
He obviously feels comfortable at home which is lovely and you should be so proud you have raised a strong aware little boy
Let him have his nails x
You probably mean press on like from dollar tree and if he wants to wear them at home let him. I let my granddaughter wear play makeup at home but not in public or if she dresses up for something. Maybe he wants to be like you and there is nothing wrong with mommy being a role model. We let our daughters wear jeans and cowboy boots. Just let him know he is a beautiful person at all times and that you love him always.
Let him be him and show him you love him and support him.
I sat YES! He feels safe enough at home to be himself. He needs and wants that. You want him to feel loved wanted and accepted for who he is and how he feels. I would say definitely at home. He sounds like he knows he will be made fun of at school for it and he wants to be himself at home! Let him, I’m sure he is already going through enough emotions as is.
First do not listen to people who say its a phase it 99 percent is not if not the full 100. Just keep being a great mom.
Allow him. My god you seem like a cool ass mom! I honestly respect you just letting your boy be himself and so comfortable. That’s such a lovely thing. Don’t see that normally!!!
I don’t know - I mean when I was his age, the glue really hurt my nails and stuff. Maybe nail polish and the fancy stickers so it doesn’t tear up his nails?
The only suggestion I have would be to make sure the nails are made for kids and easily removable so that they don’t damage his nails. Otherwise, follow your own instincts, because it sounds like you are doing great with him.
I’d let him wear them if he wants xxx
If he was a girl would you allow her to wear fake nails at that age? Go by that. I think I wouldn’t allow my daughter until she was a little older but that’s just me.
My 5 yo boy loves when I paint his nails. He’s loves watching me do my makeup and helps sometimes. I paint his nails all the time on the weekends but he asks to remove it before school so he doesn’t get made fun of. It breaks my heart he doesn’t feel like he can be himself at school but like you said society sucks!
Thankful I don’t have boys…All of this would be a hard no for me. If I did have a son that was into this fem boy stuff I would let him practice on things but not himself.
Put fake nails on him and give him an ax to go cut wood I don’t know how to help you on this I have 4 girls and 2 boys they like my nails cause I get designs on them they’ve never had an interest in anything girly I’ve taught my boys not to be sexiest as in men have roles once they leave my home but it seems as tho he needs a role model if he wants to paint them then teach him what colors stand for I have a guy friend that paints his nails black to support him grandma for her death or suicide pink for breast cancer
No. But I wouldn’t let my daughter either. Too young in my home. You can be supportive, while still having boundaries
He is who he is
It could be a phase, it might not be. Him getting take nails that he has already said he would take off before school is not going to hurt anyone
Let him be him.
You already seems amazing with everything else he loves so I don’t understand why this one you are worrying about.
Press on… yes. Anything else will ruin his nails
Let him be himself. To thy own self be true.
Fake nails ruin your nail beds no do not let him have them
He is to young dont let him watch that stuff dont let him do nails high heals or make up. Your the parent… Stop it. When he is 18 he can decide
If it’s the stick tape glue why not
I use to paint my cousins nails for Halloween when we were kids
Yes, as long as they are press on nails and you don’t get them done professionally
It’s simple, let him be him. The hard part is, everyone else has an opinion.
Allow him to be whomever he wants to be. It doesn’t matter what other people think as long as he’s happy.
I would allow my child to be whoever they want to be no matter who likes it or who don’t. It’s so important to allow them to be comfortable in their own skin and it seems to me that you are already doing a fantastic job of that!
I would encourage him the more he feels comfortable around him self and his loved one the more he will be in peace with him self
Teach him so what of what others think of him likeing girly stuff
People these days shouldn’t judge someone’s choice of what they like
Id say buy them if ur ok with it my daughter is ten and since she was like 7 she would say she liked girls i didnt pay none to it because she was young now she 10 still saying the same things im ok with it i love her no matter what i love the fact u let him be himself and he can show it society wants what they call normal and what not but oh well we all different let him rock the nails and teach him to never care what others think
I’d let him off if he’s just at home
What about nail polish until he’s a bit older? Fake nails can damage your nails. That is my only reason I’d say wait a bit. I let my boys paint their nails if they want to.
Go for it.
They’re for home and I think you’re a great mum.
I would let him. His happiness is whats important.
Press-on nails will be awesome he could have all kinds of fun with them so many different colors and designs. He’s 8 he’s a kid he’s having fun.
you should just show him it’s ok with you, I think he already knows his friends don’t approve. Then he will learn unconditional
My son loved nail polish, we just let him paint his toes, he did it from around 6-8 stopped this past year at nine. I honestly thought he may end up being gay, but I don’t care either way. I just want my kids to feel loved and accepted no matter what. This year he got his first crush, it’s a girl and he talks about her mom stop. I’m personally say home is fine, but not out in public. Just because kids can be jerks and may remember that forever, and what if he turns out to not like girly stuff as a teenager and kids still make fun of him.
Let him be himself. In a world of robots let him be the unique person he is
Just let kids be kids, if he wants to wear fake nails let him. There is far too much pressure that people put on young children to “stay within their genders”
I would allow what I would think was acceptable for my girl to do at that age so for me its a no for the fake nails as kids are kids but doesn’t faze me boy or girl as long as their happy more of the age thing for me but thats me hun do what you feel best beauty xxx
I would say yes. It could be a faze it could be real. If he can’t figure it out for himself society will do it
For him. Hugs. They’re just nails.
My 8 year old daughter gets her nails done(painted) at the nail salon. At home she gets press on. Let him express himself. He’ll be fine…all that matters is he’s safe and happy
I’d let him wear them. The more open you are with him, the more open he’ll be with you.
Who cares? Nails 4 boys trucks 4 girls…I dislike parents who encourage kids to b 1 way or another but its nails not like hes asking 4 a book job
I dont allow my 9 year old daughter to wear fake nails, but to each their own.
All you can do is love and support his decisions whatever they may be. Let him gay the nails. No harm
I think fake nails at 8 is too young reguardless of gender.
My almost 14 yo daughter came out a year ago and said she started realizing it when she was that age. Being the mother of a child who is trans the worst thing you can do is suppress who they really are. It sounds like you’re doing the right thing so far (per my daughter’s therapist). I would go for it if it’s the stick on ones. I personally use the Kiss glue ons for 7 years now and they can be brutal to take off unless you’ve had them on for a week or so. I’m actually impressed with his maturity and awareness. Good job momma!
I would definitely let him!
Get him allllll the colors!!!