Should I allow my kids to continue sleeping in my room?

I heard a lot about what you love, but it doesn’t mention what your kids love. YOU love them being in your room. It’s how YOU feel close to them. YOU love waking up with them.

Examine your motivation here. Do you keep them in your room because you can’t let go? Or because you feel that’s still best for THEM? Because they really should get used to sleeping in their own rooms, and in their own beds. Unless it’s a circumstance like thunderstorms or nightmares when THEY are coming to you for comfort.

Especially bringing a boyfriend to their home and sharing the same room all together

Sorry, but I agree with your ex. These children are old enough to be in their own beds. How do you and your boyfriend have sex? I would hope you don’t do it with the children in the room.

YOUR house,YOUR rules !!
It will work it self when it’s time. They have had enough upheaval.

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They need to have their own rooms


Your kids your rules. You know what is good for them.

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Me being a widow, I enjoy co sleeping with my 8 and 7 yr old. ON OCCASION. One weekend, my daughter and I have a sleepover in my room, and the next weekend, my son and I have one. For one night. That’s it. It is wonderful to sleep next to someone. But I enjoy my alone time too. And I think you would also. There is something amazing about putting the kids to bed, and sitting in bed with the hubs, and reading a book, or watching t.v, or just doing whatever. Without worrying about a third party. You DESERVE them sleeping in their own beds. But it doesnt have to be every night. :slight_smile:

I think kid’s should have the same routine at mom & dad’s house so their not confused. Both of my children slept with me but once they turned a year old they started sleeping in their own rooms. Not saying it would happen but children sleeping in the same bed/room as the parent & the parents boyfriend/girlfriend can cause extremely bad situations. You may think you know the other person but anything can happen!

The 6 yr old girl should have her room free of men.


No single mother should have a boyfriend staying overnight. Period. MUCH LESS SLEEPING TOGETHER!

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Yes honey they need their own beds

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They should be sleeping in their own beds and your boyfriend shouldn’t be sleeping there at all! That’s an invitation for child molestation!


You do you and what is best for your family.

Wow, poor girl! I’m sure your sorry you asked now lol so many nice and helpful comments!

Sleep in own room too old now!!

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I dont think it even matters. As long as nothing inappropriate is going on. Dont be getting it on with them in the bed. Wear pajamas.


Sleep in their own beds!!!

They should b n their own rooms n bed period

They are your kids and they can sleep where ever you want them to as long as they are safe and healthy. The judgemental people on this post are rude as hell. You are their mom and you do what is best for them and you.


Put them in their rooms.

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Sounds like you all need some counseling

  1. What you do in your home is your business not his. He has his own rules for his home.
  2. You and your boyfriend need your privacy.
  3. The kids are at the age to be sleeping by themselves. If you dont handle it now it will get 10 times harder as they get older.

We are one of the few cultures that not only does no sleep in a family bed but also kicks our kids out just because the turn 18. As long as there is no sexual relations with them in the room I don’t see a problem.


The problem is not your kids it’s that you are sleeping with your boyfriend and your kids witness it

Let them stay in with you! They feel safe there. My doctor even told me cosleeping is great. They’ll transition to their own room when they are ready!

Meghan McGillis you were by yourself, this lady has a boyfriend sleeping on the same bed as her son.

Put the boyfriend in his own room & get a trundle bed for the kids

It’s time for them to have their own beds.

Kids need their own space

They need their own beds and bedrooms period. This is sick!

Humans are the only mammals that do not sleep with their young. Instead they put them in a cage in an empty room all alone. What us wrong with this? Sleep with your young. Just no Hanky Panky when they are in there. That is literally no kidding a form of child abuse.

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You do you! What he wants done he can do in his own home…

I’d have them sleep in their own rooms. Especially since you have a new boyfriend in the house. Doesn’t seem appropriate to have the kids in the same room . But they’re old enough to be in their own rooms anyway

Kids should not sleep with parents at all

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I think you should respect their father in this. I wouldn’t let my child sleep with a boyfriend. When do you and your boyfriend have time for sexual activity even.

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This is kinda disturbing post as it brings back memories. Get the kids out of the room and in their own bed.

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That is for you and your boyfriend to decide not him

Kids belong in their own rooms.


Sleeping with a boyfriend totally inappropriate

They need to be on a routine and out of your bedroom. Its probably confusing to them as well that their dad isn’t sleeping with mommy.

Good grief you need to get those kids out of your bed. Especially since it’s a boyfriend. Your daughter is way past the age. I agree with your ex husband.

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I have always felt kids should sleep in their own beds. But even more so if there’s someone other than their dad sleeping in yours. Just my opinion.

In their own rooms. Part of growing up and realize its ok to be apart from Mom. Building ones self is important and having their own room and safe is important. Separation anxiety for some kids is real and the longer you wait the harder it is. My kids in their own room at 2 to 3 months old. Never a problem!


If you have to ask…you already know the answer…js


So you and your husband are SEPERATED not Divorced and you’re already sleeping with your boyfriend?? SMH. You should be ashamed for even letting your boyfriend sleep with you in front of your children!! You are setting a very bad example for your children! Where are your morals? Your husband should sue you for full custody of your children!!

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You have to do what works best for you, but even more so for the kids. If they are happy as is and don’t want their own room, then in this time of so much stress and chaos, let them have that security. You’ll deal with moving them when they’re ready. Just make sure it’s them that want to stay, not just you.

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It’s just kind of inappropriate to let another man sleep in bed with your child.

Once in while doesn’t hurt. I’ve had 4 kids and they have all slept in my bed at some time or another. Your the Parent. Remember that!!!

If you have to ask this question I think you know what the answer is.

I’d give anything to have my kids in my arms again. Sleeping peacefully and lovingly safe in my arms. They are only little once and you never know what tomorrow may bring. Don’t pay any mind to what anyone else thinks. Not even dad. You do what makes you and those babies happy.


I believe in consistency!

Put them in their own room

I’d agree with his dad. Parent co-sleeping…ok. Either sleep with your son or sleep with your boyfriend. And if you’re separated, I’m assuming you’re married, kid is 2, have a boyfriend. How long have you been dating him? Have you even been seeing him long enough to be introduced to your kids? No judging…just questions. You sure this is going to be long term?


Their own rooms I agree with your husband

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Where are they when you’re having sex? In the same room with you and your boyfriend? That’s a big no no

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You are using your kids to fill a void. Get them out and make sure you have apqce for just you

No they’ll be 17 wanting to sleep with u

Sleep in own rooms now. Too many boyfriends end up molesting the kids. Not to mention how disrespectful it is to your kids’ father. And you shouldn’t be in the same bed with your boyfriend either unless you’re married. Said with love. :hugs:

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Shouldn’t even be a question :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:

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So I’m guessing you and your boyfriend arnt having sex?

Post like this make a lot of people want to call social services.

Ok, 1st of all why do you have a "boyfriend " spending the night and sleeping in same room with your children why still married to your husband? That’s a no for me. You need to get your life together. Number one child molestation or abuse comes from a adult not related to child. Now if there was not a man sleeping in your bed, then its okay for your children to sleep with you.

Omg who makes these questions up

Family bed becomes hard with step parents involved

Kids need closeness and love

Grow up sound like you dont like nights with your man! Lol

You have got to be kidding me! There is absolutely nothing in your situation that condones your boyfriend sleeping in the same bed as you and your children. I have no problem if you were by yourself and your kids sleeping in your bed but you cannot in any realm of thought think what you are doing is ok. I can tell you the vast majority of separated parents would be furious to find out what is going on. Good thing your ex is not vindictive (or he is just in denial or avoiding confrontation) I would drag you into court in a heartbeat and have my kids removed from your home with absolute aggression as soon as possible. You control this situation and should remedy it immediately. No sympathy for such ignorance and blatant disrespect.


What is wrong with everyone acting like its some kind of mortal sin to comfort and cuddle your children at night? This kind of mentality is why kids are growing is disassociated, disconnected, and can’t maintain adult relationships when they grow up. They were taught at a young age that no one is coming to help you when you are scared, anxious, or lonely. This inevitably causes deeply imbedded trust issues. I’m not saying let them sleep with you every single night but once in awhile doesn’t hurt. Comfort them, bond with them, love on them, teach them that they can come to you for comfort when needed, cherish them. Who cares if bf is in the bed? As long as you trust him and you’re there too. My husband is not my daughter’s bio father but he’s the only father she’s known since she was 2. They always cuddled. The more love the better. Jeez people. It takes a village. There is such a thing as step-parents in case you all have forgotten. I cuddled with my dad at that as and he wasn’t my bio dad but he was the only dad I knew. I understand some of you have a fear on men who are not the biological father loving on your children because some of your personal experiences have tainted your view of men and you’ve seen a lot of horror stories on the news and stuff but not every man is a pervert or a pedophile. Stop denying your children love because of those fears. Just be careful but not irrational.

Kids need to learn to self soothe and to sleep in their own beds. Everyone, kids included, needs privacy. In your situation, your home should have the same rules as your ex. It’s not fair to your ex to make him the heavy.

I came here to read the comments…and im shock how many people’s first thought is the boyfriend may do something sexual to the children… What has this world come to. My god not everyone wants to touch children. Now my whole thought on this is, i would start moving the children in their own room a couple times a week. And slowing letting them sleep on their own…my reason is for selfish reasons and some might get upset but I would prefer some alone time with the boyfriend. Also I take time in my bedroom to relax and unwind and breath from the day. Just fyi I did cosleep with my daughter till she was 1.5yr. She is very independent today.

You’re being selfish, and child welfare authorities would be concerned by this behavior. Stop it now.

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My two children have their own bedroom
AND I have mine lol

I think you’re going down a very slippery slope I think it’s important for a child’s development to have their own space their own room and I do not believe they should sleep in a room with your boyfriend and quite frankly your ex-husband could go to court and get custody of those children if he really wanted to press the issue I think you should do the same thing as your ex-husband each child should have their room and their own bed and their own space and give them independence gives them confidence and it’s much healthier for them because both houses are doing the same thing


My ex and I have in our separation agreement that neither of us can have overnight guests of the opposite sex. No boyfriends/girlfriends. He honored this when he was dating his now wife, and I’ve honored it with my boyfriend of 10 years (not interested in marrying again, my kids come first and marriage is too hard for me to do both right now). Is this hard? Yes. But for us it is right.

As for sleeping with you, my kids never slept in my bed at that age. Ironically my youngest daughter who is now 12 sometimes sleeps in my bed if she is having a hard time sleeping. It used to bother me, but her emotions have been all over the place the past few years, and if that helps her feel more comfortable, I’m patient with it.

As far as whether you and your ex are on the same page, I think that’s a delicate balance. I have a trusting relationship with my ex, and because of that, my attitude has always been, what happens at daddy’s stays at daddy’s. We are going to be different on some things and that’s ok. I defer to him on the “big” issues, because I trust his judgement. I think out of respect for your ex you should work toward getting the kids in their own rooms, and just do sleeping with mommy on special occasions. If they are sleeping in their own beds at their dad’s then they can do it with you.


I co-slept with my parents until I was about 6 years old; I knew when I wanted to sleep in my own bed, and I was ready and comfortable to do it. I don’t think it’s harmful at all to let kids decide when and where they feel comfortable in their own beds. In fact, it probably helped me be more independent, because I practiced the ability to decide for myself what kinds of emotional regulators I needed at what time.

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I know I wouldnt have my daughter or son sleeping in bed with me and some new boyfriend…its bad enough that child molestation already involves the ppl your kids trust the most so you worry about close family memebers right? Like dads and uncles and all that, but then you bring a man who is not biological family into the bedroom to sleep beside your kids…its to weird for me.


Iam odd ball person. Baby need be in their own beds n your nursing burp babies return to their beds. All children need be in own beds everyone will sleep. Try keep a regular bed time and maybe read a story with after they in bed. Nothing wrong check on them through the night. Adults need their wind down time to and private time with partner. Sorry i never slept with my children maybe once awhile when they are sick…

I feel like it’s not good for their emotional development but whatever. It’s kinda weird. There isn’t any reason for them to not sleep in their own rooms

Not sure why people think children should sleep in their own bed. I don’t see any issue with your children co sleeping until they are ready to sleep in their own rooms. Trust me that day will come. Then the day will come when they don’t even want you in their rooms. The truth is if your child feels safe why would you take that away? Just like a blanket and a pacifier. Those things are what brings children comfort so why does everyone want to take them away? I raised 5 children Some co slept (never as an infant) from around 1 until they were done some never wanted to co sleep. The 2 that didn’t co sleep kept their blankies and pacifiers a lot longer but they are all 5 very productive members of society I guess I just decided that kids don’t get to make very many decisions so I always allowed them to make the ones they could

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Would you be okay with them sleeping in your ex husbands bed with his new girlfriend? my opinion I think it’s Not okay because I know “where the magic happens” you and your new boyfriend obviously have sex and if the magic strikes and both the kids are in your bed, where are you going to perform the act? But I know lots of people share the family bed and that’s totally fine Untill the family is broken up and you find a boyfriend/girlfriend, then its inappropriate. I know this post will probibly piss alot of people off but this is my own opinion and this person is asking for opinions and may even agree with it…or not. Hold the attacks please.

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First of all if your not married no sleeping with s boyfriend. Bad example.
This time should be to
Help your children adjust and not feel like they are the reason your divorced.


Your six years old really should already be sleeping regularly in her own room as is. Them learning to sleep separately and on their own through the night is important to building a healthy sleep rhythm of their own. Perhaps you can find other ways to build on your close bond rather than co sleeping. I dont think its harmful or anything, to a fault, but learning to have those separate boundaries are important. You could end up being one of those random cases where your children actively begin resisting sleeping alone.

edit< There are also lots of personal reasons why you shouldnt co sleep after a certain age but do what’s best for your family.

Everyone situation and parenting styles are different. If your kids(6yr old daughter and 2 year old son)have their own room(share room)and bed, then maybe it’s time to get them sleeping in their owns rooms. I don’t know how much time your kids maybe spending with their dad 50/50, 30/70, 20/80, but working together co-parenting is helping each other what is best for your kids. When it comes time for potty training and you put in extra work to make sure your son is trained and when he goes to his dad’s house and your ex don’t follow take the advice you been doing on potty training, you are going to continue to just repeat that process,that same thing as bed training.I know how much we want our kids next to us, after so long they need routine and sleeping in their own beds is rewarding for them,it’s part of their own independence. Maybe start off with naps in their beds. The older they get the harder it will be. I don’t know if your 6 yr old daughter has even slept in her own room. It sounds like she always slept with you and now in the same room but her own bed. It nice now when your kids are little, but what happens when they are 8, 10 and still sleeping with you? Kids sleeping with parents after so long can put damper on the relationship. Maybe that is what your ex is trying to prevent having 8, 10 year sleeping with mom still, or maybe he doesn’t like the fact that his son is sleeping in the same bed as mom and boyfriend and daughter just in arms reach from mom and boyfriend. Instead of starting arguement about how he feels about the situation, he asking and looking for different solution to ease his mind. This goes both ways for both parents, just be careful who you have your kids around. We may do everything right in our powers to make sure who we have around our kids are right. You mentioned your bf and son best friends cool, watch out. My friend is going through terrible situation right now with her daughter (just turned 14) and husband ( not her daughter father) long story short… she dated her husband for about 3 years and now been married 2 years. She has 2 daughters but her oldest daughter father had been absent from her life for 3 years(military). Daughter and step-dad best friends. She confined in, she dress like him and she even wanted to change her last name. Step-dad been there never stepped boundaries. My friend always talks to her girls they have great communication and she always ask do you like him, if not I will leave and it will be just us girls. She even asked the question are you sure on her wedding day. The daughter was all for it and happy. After 3 years of not seeing dad and now back in the picture ( she is now teenager and problems) she went to her dad’s for the holidays Thanksgiving (2nd time seeing him this year, after 3 years) during those 3 years she had her own opinion about her dad. Well her daughter is still with the father, because now there are allegations of the husband touching her one time when she was 11 years. My friend is so heartbroken. Now these allegations is ruining her family. To be honest they can’t find any truth of the matter. I believe along with others that her husband no way touch her. He has just been there for her, and the story was told it happen when my friend was home just that one time. Her youngest daughter has been questioned multiple times in different ways and she thinks her sister is lying. It turns out the daughter wants to live with dad now. My friend is taking every precaution to protect her kids, and thank God her husband is the man he is, and left his home until this is settled, because he says he understands always put your kids first, even though he didn’t do it. Not every man is like that, most would had made it harder because they wouldn’t leave the home. Here my friend was finally happy thought her kids were too and in blink of eye things changed. Your ex could get upset one day, and make allegations on your bf and manipulate your daughter/son into thinking she/he was touched. Just be careful of the situation. You might think you are doing what is best.

I would be okay with it , but you have a man in your bed and he’s not there dad . Don’t set yourself up for child abuse .

Your kids, your decision, but I understand their dad having an issue with them sharing the bed with your boyfriend. Personally, both of my kids were in their own rooms from the day they came home from the hospital. They also both slept all night from day one, and are well adjusted adults 34 and 38 now.

Please teach ur kids to sleep in there own beds and rooms if available. Believe me one day u will regret it especially when ur daughter grows up. What u do ur kids will remember it and do the same thing. Sorry but I agree with the Dad.

O boy I am so very sorry for most of the comments or responses that you have got. I think they should have there own bed and room, 6 is the age where you need to separate boys and girls in my opinion, otherwise sisters sharing is ok for a while. But remember they will grow and be more confident with there own space. My opinion only.

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Your kids need to be in their own room! Period!!

They need to be in their own rooms

They do need to be in their own bed.

This isn’t about you… This is about what is best for your kids… They need to be in their own rooms

I feel like you and your other half should always have your own space and kids shouldn’t be involved in that, a nightmare is one thing to let them sleep with you. But they need independence

Your children should be able to have their own room and bed

You’re children need to be in their own rooms. And so does your “boyfriend”.

There’s no way in hell I would let a boyfriend sleep with my babies, kick him out!

I like bed sharing but it doesn’t seem appropriate with a boyfriend.

Check it out legally…your x maybe able to use it in court against you

Are these really questions from readers or made up question?

Need to be in their own rooms

Put the boyfriend out… Keep the kiddos!!!

They need to be in thier own room