Should I allow my kids to continue sleeping in my room?

Do it for as long as you feel comfy what harm is it my oldest boy did up to 11 hes no longer here n im glad i have those memories …when its all you have left trust me you will be glad…my daughter did it and my youngest boy whos now 13 and still jumps in the odd time…

I can’t imagine having a boyfriend in the room with your children sleeping in there. I really don’t understand how he would deal with it. Those children should be in their own beds. I cannot see how this is healthy for any of you. I think your ex is correct. Put the children in their own beds or move boyfriend out. One or the other. Good luck. They will only fight it so long. They will be fine. You may be doing more harm than good right now. Think about it!

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I can understand how after a divorce this would help them in what must seem a very confusing world … but I don’t think many boyfriends would be comfortable with this… maybe it’s time to get them in their own rooms and maybe you sleep in theirs occasionally xxxx

I just have a question. Where and when are you having sex? Not meaning to pry but if your children are in the same room with you as you have sex that’s inappropriate and you need to get them in their own rooms.

They need their own bed and own bedroom. Especially since you sleep with your boyfriend. !! In my book, that’s just wrong! Kids are to old for that!

Sorry!! But your husband should have stayed home with his family so he could keep the rules going. He left,none of his business.

I would talk to my kids about it. I love not sharing my bed with kids but every parent is different. My boyfriends daughter co slept with her grandma and her her husband (husband is no blood relation to the girl) and she’s just fine. The 6 year old may need her own room but I’d say that’s about it unless she doesn’t wonna leave the room

How would you feel if they slept in the same bed with your ex and his girlfriend??? They need their own beds.

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They should be in there own room l Understand your husbands point plus there sleeping in a room with someone that’s not their father

Children should be sleeping in their own rooms in their own beds. It’s part of the life learning experience. The Dad is correct in his suggestion about this. The boyfriend should also be sleeping in his own bed at his own house. That is not an example children should be seeing.

My daughter sleeps in her dad’s bed most of the time when she’s there and in her bed in her own room when she’s here. It hasn’t been an issue going back and forth in over a year.

My 3.5 year old daughter’s bed is in my room. She has her bed and I have mine. I am single and have been since she was a baby of 3 months though. But It is comforting for her to have me tight right there when she wakes up or has a bad dream .

Your family your choice, j have a grown child that I wish I did a different way .

I agree they need to sleep in their own rooms in their own beds. It’s the best thing for everybody.

At their ages they should be sleeping in their own rooms/beds for years now.


In their own room . He is your boyfriend not their father. You and your boyfriend should adult privacy. All close eyes are sleep!

Sleep in their on beds in their own rooms and never in bed with someone not their parent

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They need to be in there own room.are you going to feel the same way about them sleeping with him and his girlfriend ? Not good and questionable if problems ever arise.

My daughter just started sleeping in her own room. She has abandonment issues and just got comfortable sleeping in her room.

They should be sleeping in their own rooms… if they get up then put them back… it might be a process to keep them there, but it should work

I think they should sleep in their own beds. Put a lock on the bedroom door teach your children to knock. It will only take a few times for the children to sleep in their own beds.

Children should always sleep in their own room.

your boyfriend is not their father. He has no business co sleeping with your kids.

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If you don’t put them in their own rooms, you are going have problems in the future. I know someone who did this & the child has severe separation anxiety. The parents are living a nightmare every day.

I don’t think children should co sleep with parents or anyone else I as a parent would like my private time

Well your daughter is 6 or about to be 6. I’d start working with her about sleeping in her own room. Soon, she’ll want to be alone and have privacy. Also having your own space can be good and she can play however she wants. As for your two year old, I am not sure on that. Maybe do it 3 times a week. How does your boyfriend feel about your kids sleeping in the room? Maybe your husband is worried because he doesnt know the boyfriend

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No. You shouldn’t. Even if I agreed with co-sleeping, you shouldn’t allow it now, IMO. The children’s father has a say so as well, and if push ever came to shove, I reckon the powers that be would be on his side.

My kids went from a crib to a toddler bed at about 2 years old and I never let them sleep with me in my room overnight. If they were sick I would sleep with them in their room

My kids have always slept in their own beds in their own rooms. This is my and my husbands space.

I agree. They need to sleep in their own beds. For their own sake

Your house, your rules. For me personally my kids sleep in Their own rooms. Do what works for you and your kids.

How long have you been with your boyfriend? How long were you together before he moved in? The problem isn’t them sleeping with you it’s with a man you probably haven’t known long enough to do that with. I met my SO when my youngest were one, three and four. We casually dated so they never really met him. My 8 and ten year old met him but knew he was my friend. He moved away to be closer to his son so situations changed we decided to move in together but at no point have any of my kids slept in bed with him and I. And believe me my youngest was very much a co sleeper when we got together. She’s 9 now. That’s always been a thing to me. I trust him more than their own Dad but I don’t believe a child should sleep with you that he didn’t help birth.

You do what you feel is best and he will do the same. That’s how it goes when you co parent

I could write a novel about how wrong this is…stop being selfish!!! I agree with their dad!!!

After my divorce my kids slept in there own rooms. They knew where I was if they needed me.

Would you want your kids sleeping in bed with their dad and his girlfriend? If the answer is no, you should do the same.

Another point of view…how many boyfriends do you plan to allow your children to co-sleep with? If it were me and my ex was doing this, I’d be livid! It’s time for the children to sleep in their own beds, no exceptions.

My opinion: Sleeping with you alone seems fine but why is your boyfriend sleeping with your babies? In my view boyfriends are strangers until they decide to not be…as a single Mom I will never stay with a man in my house. Your ex is really polite because I can’t imagine his nightmares about his daughter co sleeping with you and another men…I mean you trust him and I am sure he is a wonderful chap just not enough to expose your children like that to him…my opinion as a single Mom

Do what you want to. They are only little for a short time. We co-slept with both ours until about 2nd grade. Then still cuddled until they fell asleep for at least a year.
The best memories ever! :two_hearts:
However, it is a boyfriend and not their father. I don’t think you’ve known him long from your story. If you’re going to co-sleep you should sleep next to boyfriend and little guy should sleep next to you.

The only thing that is wrong is them not really getting their independence lol… gotta ween em out and then once the attachment is over u couldnt pay em to sleep with ya again
Just begin to make the transition to break the cycle and let it happen naturally after that need at least 4 months for this

I believe after they turn 6 months they should go from their bed in ur room to their bed in their room …adult bedrooms are for adults

I don’t think that is a good idea to let them sleep in the same room

Kids should be in there own bed and room

I have to agree with the X.
No. (1) U R A Mother 1 st. Responsibility lies in that fact…
Either get a Ring and a License or the male counterpart gets his own house. Children need Role Models.!!!
If U live by yourself the kids can sleep in your Room.:white_check_mark:

I would work on transitioning them into their own beds in their own room.

They should be in their own rooms, are you going to sleep with them when they are married?

You decide what happens in your house, He has no say over it.

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How would you feel if he was in a bed with his girlfriend and your kids?

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have there own room set up with there own items that they like and maybe have the 2 yr old take a nap in there and maybe even play in the room with them it will take time to be on there own but one day at a time slow and steady

Mine slept with me for a while after my divorce they are fine it helps them adjust leave them be

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Dad is right so wrong what you are doing in my opinion

I don’t have to read all this to say. Kids need to be in their own room. Especially if there is a boyfriend there. Really?

I wouldn’t want my children to co-sleep with an ex-husband and his “girlfriend”…

They need to sleep in their own rooms…

I think you need to get your boyfriend out of the bed and out of the house. Your hopeless if you even need to ask this question.

Ask your children to sleep in their own beds. Your boyftiend is not their father. Your husband is right

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Sleept with my parents till I was 2 after their divorce I sleept with Mom till I was 4 then she got with my stepdad & i was moved into a crib by their bed at some point I sleept with my sister a few weeks( not sure how old i was) then back into my crib in their room until I was 9 or 10 (we moved to another state) my crib was in their bedroom there too for my 12th birthday they got me a twin bed & placed it in a corner of a small room in the center of the house (almost my own room only half the size of other rooms) I’m now old & have kids & grandkids of my own No it won’t hurt your children to sleep with you or in the same room as you… let them decided when they are ready to sleep alone or in time when you’re ready to assist them

As long as no sex is going 6 is not too old to sleep in the same room ,if you were camping in one tent no one would link an eye .

Definitely their own beds, sorry I just don’t trust anyone like that myself…I was also divorce at once, had a baby and a bf; I was always effy, about other people around her. I have always put my daughter before any man, bf or not… Sorry…

Children’s services says they need to sleep in their own rooms. Especially if you have a boyfriend sleeping over or living there.

Very dangerous, what are you thinking. I can’t tell you what you want to hear. I can only tell you the truth.


Oh it’ll definitely be harder on you than the kids…but as parents we gotta teach them.I think your ex has a valid concern,I’ve always been against co sleeping…but its ultimately up to you Mom,we know you love them.

Our kids were in their own rooms from 6 months old.

Sleeping with mom OCCASIONALLY is fine, but they are better off in their own space, IMHO.

Sleep in their own bed, they need to grow up without being hovered.

It’s time for them to be in their own :sleeping_bed:

:100: agree. It’s weird. They should be in their own room and bed.

Your kids should not be in the same bed as you and your boyfriend

Your daughter should definitely not be in the room with a boyfriend of yours!

Do what you are most comfortable doing. At my house my kids sleep in their own room. At their dad’s they sleep with him, it doesn’t bother either of us and the kids know what the rules at my house are and what the rules at dads house are.

Since they sleep just fine in their own rooms at Dad’s, sleeping in your room seems to be your choice not theirs.

I wouldn’t, it’s good for them to have their own rooms. Unless you and your boyfriend are doing nothing at night they are seeing everything you do.

How long has this been going on and how long will you continue? I would set a time limit.

I got 4 kids and a husband kids ranging from 9-3 I can’t get them to sleep anywhere but my bed floor room anywhere they some how make it to my room EVERY NIGHT :unamused::laughing::laughing:

I don’t believe I would allow my daughter to be sleeping with me and a boyfriend, just me but sleeping with you is not a bad thing your mom


Get the children sleeping in their own bedrooms.

There is nothing wrong with that. My Dr. said it was a security issue. Didn’t take long for them to adjust to the seperation, it will all work out for them.

I’ve never been a fan of co-sleeping but to each their own.

My daughter was 1 year old when she started Sleeping in her own room.

I share a room with my son. Twin beds. He is now wanting his own space and started sleeping in his own room.

With parents than with boyfriends is so different. What example are you setting for 2 innocent children?

Kid s in there own room and there own bed

I’m torn, your children sleeping with you is a normal and healthy thing, especially while young and going thru a family situation like a separation/divorce.
They need the stability that you are providing by allowing that. They should continue with this until you all feel comfortable with. Them being in their own rooms at night…
However, I have to agree with those who voice concern with the boyfriend being added to this picture, no matter how great of a guy he is! Until he makes the commitment to become a permanent part of their lives, I.E. he is your husband, he doesnt belong in that bed while they are still needing that from you.
I speak of the phsycological needs of your children. Until your children feel secure enough to sleep on their own, your focus needs to be on that.
I am not saying the boyfriend needs to go, your feelings and needs matter too. He just needs to sleep somewhere else.
I have been a single mom with 2 young kids who slept with me. I dated, but never brought men home until they were sleeping on their own. Even then, my now husband and I didnt spend a night together with kids there until we had decided to move into together and get married. Now married 9 years strong.

Let them sleep whenever they want. My 6 and 3 year old sleep with me at times or with my ex or with grandma 🤷🏼‍♀ when my boyfriend comes home if they still want to sleep with is that is fine with us. Right now currently my 3 year old is passed out on my couch with my best friend who is also sleeping.

How would you feel if your ex was co sleeping with your children in bed with his girlfriend?

How could anyone “be polite “? You know this is wrong wrong wrong.

Set up their own rooms then let them decide.

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I think you are a little bit weird sleeping with you and your boyfriend? No Mom you are wrong they need their own beds in their own room.

Yeah, sleeping with you and a boyfriend isn’t ok. I think another thing is that YOU want them sleeping with you…it’s not your kids even pushing the issue. I agree with their dad, they need to be in their own rooms and definitely not in the same bed as a boyfriend.


They should sleep in their own bed. What if they woke up and you are having relations with your friend?

The problem is not the children sleeping w there mother, it’s the Boyfriend in the bed with your children. He can sleep on the couch or floor…IJS :astonished::clap:

Do what feels right for u. Screw everyone else


Would you be ok with your kids co sleeping with their dad and his girlfriend???

Why would you share the bed with a boyfriend and your kids???

Co-sleep? That’s a new one. I hope they aren’t watching and hearing you have sex. Especially with a man who is not your husband.

Nothing wrong with her in there with yall as long as she isn’t in there when you have private time. Ours slept with us til like 9 yes old. They turned out just fine.

Your kids need to be in there own rooms

Your BOYFRIEND shouldn’t be sleeping in your room with YOUR kids!


Question is, was there cosleeping when Dad was at home?