Honestly, if he thinks or even has questions about whether the baby is his, it’s none of his business. I’d even hold off from telling him the baby has been born. Not to be vindictive or petty, but honestly, you don’t need that stress. Having a baby is stressful enough…
It’s your choice my dear do not stress yourself most specially during this kind of operation it might contribute to your blood pressure going up and it will put your life in danger.
No. No. If you guys are not on the same page anymore. No. He do not have the right to such a privilege. If you allow it , not wise in your part. In fact , get counseling from a divorce attorney . Know your rights and your options . Do not be intimidated . Men can do that if you do not stop them at the door. I am. Man.
Why would he want to see a child born that isn’t his and that he doesn’t want. Keep him and his bad energy away from the delivery room.
Not at delivery - no but afterwards - yes
I’d say no one you don’t
Want to be stressed when you go into the theature
Honey just focus on your baby
Hello no . That day is about you and your baby’s happiness. I wouldn’t even invite him tbh.
No you can do it yourself… if he doesn’t believe the baby is his why would he want to be in the room anyway… goodluck in which ever you decide…
Dear One
You and your baby are your priority. Be kind to you and take away as much stress away from yourself as you can. This man has not earned any rights to be a part of your labor and birth. Toxic says it all. Protect yourself. Praying for a safe delivery and healthy baby.
Nope don’t let him in the room you dont need stress during delivery baby can feel your stress and add to problems for you both.And why let someone in there that says the baby isn’t theirs hell no girl worry about you and the health of your baby and forget the looser.
If he wants to be there than yes… baby is only born once and if he chooses to miss it that’s on him.
I don’t care for any one to be there to each his own my first born dad did not even come to see me until over two months an when he did come he stayed in the car I was in the porch with baby in my arm dads are born not made,
Yes I have. he decided to make up an excuse that his sister was having a wedding in Hawaii and there’s no way he could be there for the birth. Then at the last minute he decided he was going to try to be there if I insisted.it was so distorted and convoluted I decided that no one was going to be there except my friend and my friend who’s a birthing coach.
No. You dont have to allow anyone in the room when you give birth. That’s your personal, intimate experience to be shared only with those who you feel will support and love you while you do one of the hardest things you will ever do. Dont let anyone shame you into it either!!!
My immediate reaction to reading this post is “f*ck it, no.” The question I think that’s important is whether or not you intend on letting him be involved in the child’s life. I feel that when you answer that question, you’ll have the answer for whether or not you should let him in the delivery room.
Considering everything you’ve said though, I don’t think he would even want to be there.
If you think he will stress you out don’t bother.
During birth you need your body to release oxytocin, the feel good chemical to help the Labour along. If he isn’t supportive or causes you to feel stress you body could release adrenalin instead which could increase the cortisol levels in you and the baby. As well as slow labour down.
Medically you may have reason not to allow him in the delivery suite. And I would even say for the first few vital bonding days.
Because again any stress while trying to breast feed will release the cortisol into the milk causing baby to stress and possibly not feed so well. He can come visit once you are home and settled. He can always request DNA from the umbilical cord for testing if he wishes! Until it is proven he is the father he has no legal rights. If in the UK, he won’t even be allowed on the birth certificate unless he is present at registration and is in no doubt the child is his. All rights belong to the mother until the birth is registered or she is deemed to be unfit and the child is taken into care.
You definitely don’t need added stress during delivery…
If he wants to see baby after than of course…if he is a jackass kick him out
He will find out soon enough,DONT let the stressinator into the room
No drop his ass get the dna test charge him for child support
Let him in to bond with this child, this is this baby’s father try putting his vile words aside things may turn out right for both of you if they don’t you can honestly say to your child in the future, I had him in the delivery room to greet you.