Should I ask for the full amount in child support?

You don’t need to go to court or pay any money on your own. Just do a recalculation through the office every career services and they will take all your guises information and set a new amount. It does take about six months to process though and it has to have been more than three years from a divorce decree or change and I think a 10 or 15% increase or decrease in the amount paid

I have a little different view of child support. I am the child of divorce, my bio father never paid child support or saw me. When my mom remarried a great man he adopted me. He is my dad and was such a wonderful father! I met bio dad a few years ago and as an adult I’m greatful I didn’t have to deal with him all my life. I was a baby at divorce and 5 when adopted. Each situation is different, look at what is best for your daughter.

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Yes, and this is coming from a man. He helped make those kids and should do his part to raise them.

If you don’t need the money, put it aside for her college. I normally don’t believe in child support BUT when one parent does pretty much the bare minimum, they should be contributing in some way. My ex and I coparent. And if one of us can’t afford something they need we work it out. Like adults

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Well if you make good money and him the same since the child support money is for the daughter anyways why not you two come to some agreement out of court on putting it into an trust account for her as for the nutjob counselor fire him he’s just trying to cause more problems for you which =more money for him

Go for the full amount, you never know when your washer is going to go out or when your car will need new brakes, those are things your child needs too. If you dont use all the money, set it aside, buy her a car later, whatever. Expenses come up, dont count on your kindness to be reciprocated later! He will turn his shoulder and tell you NOPE! The numbers are calculated by a specific process for a reason. Trust it.

I am discussing this with one of my sons friends. She has 3 kids and gets zero support. She needs it, but doesn’t want to put him in a bind. Support is for the children. Put it in a savings account for a car, college or help them buying a house. I also think when they become older, they may resent you for it.

Yes!! Take the money and put it into an account for your daughter when she turns 16 to buy a car or for college. It’s for her.

As far as his child…if he doesnt want to see her that might be for the best…however. he needs to contribute his fair share. Even if you currently dont need it. What would happen if tomorrow your job got cut? Or your insurance got raised to a higher level…he needs to pay now or later you will have to struggle to pay and he goes on living scot free of responsibility.
If you dont need the money right now…put it aside and if you never need it …use it for her college fund.
Quit letting him be a deadbeat!

Yes. You did not make that child alone.

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Yessss!! Make him be responsible!

Start a college fund for her

Full amount end of…

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Your counselor is right

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Beyond fair . You have let off to easy all this time.

Get your child support

Go for the full amount

Half y’all are some lazy ass money grubbing scum. On another note this dude is a fucking deadbeat. If he makes no effort to see his kid have parental rights terminated.

Listen to your counselor

I agree with the counselor

Duh it’s for your child.

He needs to pay it!!

Heck no make him pay

Your daughter deserves the full amount take the difference and put it in a college fund, you do not know what the future holds!! Make hay while the sun shines per my mother!

Get the full amount!

Make that man pay :call_me_hand:t5:

First, I admire you for being the bigger person and not wanting to cause a financial burden. Hubby and I were a bit rocky for a bit and I always said I wouldn’t take him for support so long as he contributed to things as he would if we were still together.
However, it seems like from your post that he isn’t doing that- he’s not contributing more than absolutely required nor is he using his visitation.
I like others suggestions of putting the money in a fund for later…maybe college or a trip she’d like to take as an adult.

Men always say there broke and don’t want to pay support. Get smart.

I would recommend getting the full amount from him, even if you don’t need his assistance. I would put that money away in a savings for your daughter and maybe give it to her on her 18th or 21st for a deposit on her own car or towards furthering her studies. Your therapist is right, the money is not for you but your daughter. You letting him get away with way to much.

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You sound like my mom. As the daughter of someone who was once in this situation, I would recommend you go for the full amount and set up an account for your daughter to access when she is older. I love my mom for the kindness she always has had, but that would have helped me a lot when I went to college. Just my 2 cents😊

Secure it in savings for her. you support her by yourself anyway.

Ummmm…yes. he isnt doing anything else. Open a college fund.

It’s not about you or him, it’s about your daughter and you are doing her a disservice by not securing that money for her. Get child support and put it an account for her that matures when she is grown.

Go after him, he helped create that child!

Take every penny you possibly can! Do it for the simple fact that he sounds like a DBD. It would be one thing if he was actively involved with his daughter and her care. Since he’s not, he can provide half of her support financially.

Hell yes. What is wrong with you. He helped make her he can sure help support her
Open a college account for her.

Yes. He should be contributing to his daughter’s raising. If you don’t need the money, put it into an account for your daughter and give it to her when she’s older for college, first car, ECT. You didn’t make this child on your own.

Get the full amount. Save for college or her wedding if you want. She is not nor should you (or her) ever feel like she is a financial burden.

Yes make him pay more

Of course! Why do we as women feel we should take on more burden than men? Go back to court, ask for full child support, 100% medical & half of child support, sports of clubs she attends. He should be helping enrich her life. Also ask the judge to order it be taken out of his checks & taxes. That way he doesn’t get a choice not to pay (unless he quits his job).

I hate child support I would never ask for it if I was in that position I would donmy best with out it I rather do things myself

Yes it is fine to have him pay, at the end of the day your daughter belongs to him too. He should pay half of the durden of bring up your daughter, I think your councilor is right telling you to do that your daughter deserves the money for her future and schooling. Good luck keep fighting.

I think it is important to the daughter to know that her father is paying support for her, she at least will know he has done this & it will CERTAINLY help later on in her life.

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Definitely, and as ahe gets older things get more expensive also you can set up a college fund for her if she decided that is what she wants or a vocational career. I never demanded anything and our girls could have used it as they got older. But whatever you decide is okay . You and your daughter need to be happy in your lives. Good luck and have a blessed life we all deserve happiness.

Absolutely! If nothing else put in an account for her for college. He helped create her he can do his part. Especially if he isn’t a participant in her life. And 12 hours a month does not make him a Father.


My ex husband isn’t really a “working” type of person. However, he does cook, clean, etc at my home for the kiddos we have while I am at work. While I pay for the appts that they need, he is the one that takes them to those appts. So when we divorced, I didn’t ask for child support because he did all this. He still does to this day and we have been divorced for over a decade. We have four kids with the oldest being 17 and the youngest being 13. If your ex was doing something like that or taking her for the weekends or whatever, I could see where you are coming from about leaving the child support alone. But it sounds like he doesn’t have much interaction with her. He needs to remember it takes two to have a child and that the responsibility needs to be on both sides. If he’s not going to spend time with her and be a man to offer you some kind of support above what the court ordered, then maybe it’s time that you reevaluate the situation.

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Why do you want it? If he does agree and demands co-parenting are you good with that? His motivation is obviously indifference, what is yours? Is this your idea or the ideas of people around you that see an advantage is having a dispute that can profit them in a court or legal battle? Ask all the questions, but be certain you are asking the right ones.

Let him give the amount that tha court deems just. You aren’t harming your ex husband by making him take responsibility for his child. You didn’t make that child by yourself and your not being selfish for asking for what your child deserves and is entitled to receive. Think of the child and don’t focus so much on the adult.

They take incomes n combine them then come up with percentage each parent is responsible for He will pay his percentage of support in addition to his percentage of the medical and daycare

So… how long are you willing to be a doormat? If you won’t fight for yourself, fight for your daughter. He is her parent, just as finically responsible as you are. Stop letting him run all over you, put your big girl panties on, and demand what is fair. Show your daughter how to be strong. If you won’t advocate for yourself, nobody else will.

Yes. I was in similar situation. I would suggest talking to him first and perhaps you can come to an amicable agreement. And, if not, take him back to court to have child support reevaluated. I would also suggest having him pay 1/2 of medical bills. That would only be fair, as if you were together he would help pay. Good luck.

Why would u not get your child money for her well being.he not worry about u.when kids are in the picture u have to be their voice.

Is your daughter not worth it is he not her father he has responsibilities with her and her needs maybe if he pays he will see her more you never know

If you really don’t need the money get the full child support and star a college fund for her.

yes, it is fair. That is why the system figures out who pays what…Why would you give up for your daughter??? Go for full amount and back child support if he hasnt paid…

YES! time to stop being the nice gy. he DOES NOT have the expenses you do as far as raising your child. DId you know that close to 100% of divorced Dads thier income and credit levels go UP while ours as caregivers and mothers goes DOWN ?

Absolutely he needs to be held accountable to pay for his child. Save it for her and at 18 she can do something with her $$

He’s the father. He should pay. Simple.

IT SEEMS TO ME,he has never had any ??responsibility for you or child! ???

If nothing else force him to pay the proper amount and put it into a college fund.

I’m not trying to be rude- but read what you posted. You answered your own question.

Why oh why do you women have a hard time asking the man that helped bring this child into the world to help them thrive .

Nail his ass to the door until you get full support. My ex tried the trick that if he isn’t working he doesn’t have to pay. Didn’t work. It was much fun hearing from the case worker laughing and say we finally got him!!!

He should pay the full amount that he is required to! Stop being a chump!

I was dumb and settled for just about nothing so my ex could have a decent one, I was the one hurting in the long run. GO AFTER HIOM.

Yes he need to pay his equal share. Point blank

If you pay that much ill watch your kid

Do you really need to even ask this question? Jeesh.

Anything you can do to cause harm to your ex is OK. Remember, men aren’t human beings, they’re animals with no redeeming qualities. Stomp on them, just like an old, used oranges, and squeeze every drop of humility out of him. Remember, you’re perfect and you can’t be bothered with other people who aren’t so miraculously gifted.

He’s as much responsible for her financially…you have been way to generous with him…that’s his daughter and she deserves his financial support…it should never be all put off on one parent…it took both of you to make her!!

There’s some great suggestions from people on here as for what to do with the money that will benefit your daughters future!!