Should I ask my daughters father to help cover tuition?

As a person who went through private school you only need to keep her there until she can properly read, write, and do basic math. Also I would ask him! The worst he can say is “no”.

It’s his daughter too. Child support is for the child’s support not for her schooling.

Ask a lawyer. School tuition is different than child support.

Pre-K absolutely!! K-12, finances need to be discussed between both parents. Personally, I would rather see you both invest that money into college fund.

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Definitely ask. If he refuses ask the court order him to pay at least half.

You can always ask. If you tell him a good early education can make a difference later on he may want to donate. If not you know you tried.

Yes, ask but know private and location are your choice. You may be surprised! Or have him cover the extras like sports/activities…

It depends on what your child support order says. But you should certainly ask

I would use the child support for it. That’s what child support is for.

Never hurts to ask! I would think he wants the best for his girl’(s). Depending on what your relationship with him is now? Is it Kind, Understanding? I think He would be all for it!

It’s ok, the court might have to get involved again. Call your lawyer for better advice on how to proceed.

I would ask since it benefits the child. It is a new situation and was not needed when the children support was first set. It will not hurt to ask.

Listen it never hurts to ask. Have him go to the school with you so he feels more involved in the decision. It s worth a shot and if he says no at least you tried.

If public schools are in your area and you yourself decide to send her to a private school then it’s your choice and your responsibility. He’s paying support and so many women aren’t as lucky as you are as they have a deadbeat ex who doesn’t do that.

it is his kid too does he want the best for his child yes of course ask and if he says no shame

If you are on good terms, ask him, what can it hurt? The worst he can say is no.

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Well, personally speaking…if he is ACTUALLY paying child support, court ordered or not, then it would depend on the relationship you have with him, and the relationship he has either his daughter AND his financial state. If you have a good report, you could ask, no harm in doing so… but don’t be upset if he doesn’t, because, after all, that’s what the child support is supposed to be for… to support the child for any needs rhey have. :woman_shrugging:
Wish I could be more helpful.

Depends on if school or daycare expenses are in the childsuppprt schedule. If they aren’t it has to be reevaluated.

Speak to your ex first. Sit down and make choices about the child’s best interests together. Your ex and yourself should be able to co-parent and both come to some kind of agreement. You shouldn’t pick a school based on convenience and if you choose a private school and make that choice alone than you should be the one to pay it alone. If your ex wanted to put your child in dance classes and you didn’t, you wouldn’t want to pay for part of that would you?
Also make sure he can afford to spend the extra outside of his regular payments as well. You don’t want him to say yes and then put a financial stain on him and him maybe harbour some upset feelings about it either.

Ine was an ass if I asked for help with a sport or Dr his opinion was that’s what he pays child support i was lucky my parents helped so my kids didn’t miss out on anything but he paid for anything that the mew wife’s kids wanted thank goodness g or grandma and poppy

Of course he should contribute. It’s best, though, if you make this decision together.

It won’t hurt to ask him - he might surprise you by saying that he will contribute to tuition. If he refuses, so be it. Also, have you spoken with the school’s admin to see if they have scholarship $$ available? Some scholarships at private schools are based on financial need, not always for good grades. Worth a try. Good luck to you, and I hope you’re able to get assistance for tuition somewhere.

Also for preschool, there might be state funded assistance you could qualify for, some private schools are set up to accept state assistance since some private preschools do not offer scholarships

100% yes ask him first if he declines you can always go back to court.

My daughter has tuition covered in her parenting agreement. It’s 50/50. I suppose you could always ask but he could say no. :woman_shrugging:

I would check out if your state offers any vouchers for private school education. If not then ask him by all means.

He should be in mutual agreement of the school prior to enrollment or you should accept responsibility

You can ask just don’t expect anything, would prob have to have court corders changed to include tuition

My decree says 50/50 for any additional school, daycare, or medical expenses.

Check to see if there are scholarships available. My granddaughter goes to a private school and they offer them there. Good luck.

You can always ask the school to see if they have “scholarships” available.

Nope you are making that choice without his in put on his daughters education, if he is paying what the court ordered already you should find another school like a pubic school .

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Yes but don’t expect too much from him most won’t pay more than they have to

I would definetly expect financial assistance in addition to child support…doesnt hurt to ask

Well if your not wasting his payment for her then if that is the only option you should have enough money, but on the other hand if there is a public school she could go to but you have a problem with bussing her to get there then well ?? But ask him for his input it won’t hurt to see where he stands.

He is already paying child support and you are the one picking a private school. You can ask but he doesn’t have to agree when there are other schools you could send the chilld.

Yes. That’s how it will be for my daughter. As he will pay for half of her schooling

He pays child support based on his income. If you choose to do things with your child that cost $$. He already sends you money , ask but don’t be upset if he says no.

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Depends what your court papers say. Some say that you have to agree on stuff like what school the kids go to, and if you agree, you split the costs.

Ask him, the worst case is he says no, you realize he’s paying and you have no intention of squeezing him for more but it’s his daughter too.

Sorry I don’t believe he should have to pay for schooling because it’s convenient for you to send her there. Unless he agrees with it.

In my opinion use the support you already recieve to help pay for the school YOU want her to attend. Not sure what your parenting plan is but typically education is a 50/50 agreement.

You can ask ,but if he doesn’t want to I would not make a fight out of it. The child does not need her parents fighting!

Ask but don’t expect. See how you can volunteer at school to help with tuition.

My kids dad paid $50 a month. Her gymnastics is $113 a month. I asked if he could pay half and he flat out refused. Went to court and they reevaluated his support to $75 a month and said gymnastics is not necessary so he didnt have to help with that. 4 day a month dad if he takes both his weekends

If he doesn’t agree with private school because of the cost, he shouldn’t be made to pay

Is “Child Care” included in your court order?? Then if it is. Yes…

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The child support should go towards the tuition.

I’m a single mother and my daughter is going to a private school right now. Ask the school for scholarships usually they have them. And then what ever is left. Then ask him. Because private school education is a lot better than a public school. And the court will you see that you trying to do what’s best for child by giving her a better education. And that would seem necessary, since most public schools suck!

Ask him. The worst that can happen is that he’ll say no. If he won’t, ask the school if there are any options helpful to you. Again, the answer might be no, but if you don’t ask, nobody can say, “Yes!”

You can ask him but 99 per cent he’s going to say no but, hey try you’ll never know. You know him better than us.

You could ask him, then if he refuses maybe take him back to court for an increase in child support to keep her in a safe school.

You can ask don’t be upset if he says no he pays his part with child support

Yes you might have to go back to court but he can be made to pay half!

How about raising them up teaching to save for tuition rather than storing their treasures with money?

I thought that’s what child support was. Money for raising the kid. You get that already.

Can he afford it? Easily, that is. Has he remarried? Does he have other children? Student loans? Are you relatively friendly? Not so much for your sake, but for the sake of your daughter. As she grows up, it will be more and more important to present a united front, so make sure you work together, agree on main values and goals, and support each other, for her sake. Kids play parents against each other to get what they want, so be smart.

Yes he should help even tho he’s paying child support. Child support is not always enough…

It can’t hurt to ask. I suggest you approach it just like you did here.

I think if it is your idea and choice, you should take care of it. You can ask him if he can help out, but I dont think you can get mad if he doesnt…

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Use your child tax credit to help offset the cost… plus the child support…

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That depends. Is he paying bare minimum and its a fight everytime? Hell yes. Is he a great dad? Plenty of support? Then no

How much is he giving you in child support? Are you putting that much money into your child? You would already have to pay rent and utilities if you didn’t have a kid.

No!you shouldn’t ask if your getting child support you are the one that should pay for her schooling

He is already supporting the kid. Use the support money for the child like it is intended.l

Can he afford it? Is he paying insurance for the child.

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He’s paying child support he doesn’t have to pay for tuition. Can’t hurt to ask, but be prepared for a No, answer.

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I’d ask him to pay at least half, also, a lot,of states offer tuition scholarships to private or non public schools along with open enrollment out of your district.

It’s really hard for for a child who has been in private schools for a number of years to go into public. Big difference.

If this is for your convenience then you should pay for it yourself. You get child support and if he doesn’t agree with the necessity of her going to a private school then you probably won’t get him to help. I do not think child support is for extras such as private school unless it was in the child support agreement. You may need to find a daycare that transports children to and from school in your school district that is convenient for you… This is why daycares have vans. I don’t think a judge will grant more child support in this case because it is for your convenience and not a necessity. One question, how did your child get to daycare up til now while you worked? I don’t know all of the specifics but that is what I had to do when I had children in school and I worked full time. Just a suggestion.

Of course it is ok to ask him. But if he says he can’t , accept it, at least you are getting child support.

Yes but that should have been a part of the divorce degree

It’s his daughter also!

Depends on how much he pays in C/S.already. some dads pay out the gazoo …

I guess it’s up to the individual but I would (and did).

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Depends how much child support your getting, you can ask. It’s all up to him. It’s your choice to put child in private school instead of public school.

U already know the answer to that!! Now men be like that ,Dead beets unless ur both n agreements of wanting the best for ur child ! Its not about u & him

The judge ordered my brother to pay child support and half of catholic school tuition until he graduated. Just saying

Use the child support to cover tuition

My daughter dad pays child support and paid half of preschool on top.

It cannot hurt to ask. Stress that it is best for the child as he may not be too concerned for your convenience. If he refuses then check your options to volunteer at the school for a discount or scholarship. As a last resort you can petition the court to include tuition in an amended order for child support, but they will have to consider other factors such as if he has other children or May wed into a family with children or other obligations. If they agree with you he will have no choice but he can always fight it .

My son lived with his dad. When it was time for college, I paid half. Anything for my boy, right?

Should come out if the child support as that is what it is intended for in raising their child

Is it in the court ordered support papers then he should pay half of all expences. If not you need to go get a revision of costs on medical, school expence and extra things like sports or dance and field trips

Put yourself in his shoes first … think about how you would feel if you were paying him the child support & he ask for more money from you

Do u need after school care? Is it included in your divorce paperwork

Hell no. He pays child support. Use that. The child doesn’t have to go to a private school.

Private school is a choice-not a given-!

I think it’s good to ask him! Any father or mother should want to help in their child’s education!

Is there anything in the paper work

Child support should cover what the child needs, ie schools, clothing, etc.

Private schools can be very expensive over time. Maybe if you asked him to your the school with you it might help. Who takes her for taxes? That money could be applied to the tuition? Work together for the child’s sake. He may not be able to help. Do you know his financial situation? There’s a lot of expenses as a child grows this is a good time to also ask his input?

I pd for 7 yrs of Christian schooling without asking for a dime from anyone

If he doesn’t agree you can have child support recalculated to include the cost of tuition.


That’s why the child support shod go for

It’s his kid same as urs it wouldn’t hurt him to help you

After child support is done she won’t have anything to do with him!

It doesn’t hurt to ask nicely he can only say yes or no.

You will most
Likely have to take him back to court and ask for part of it but they don’t have to grant it

Isn’t that what child support helps with?