Should I ask my ex to help with daycare?

I’ve recently put my 2 children in daycare. My kids dad has them every other Thursday and Friday and he will be sending them to daycare as well while he’s at work. My question is should he pay for those 2 days, or is it not even worth fighting over? He hasn’t offered to pay and it won’t be a lot of help but it would be some help. I just didn’t know if it would be worth fighting over.


He should be paying half of the total bill, period.


Does he pay child support ?

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Yes. Hes also using daycare so he should be paying half.


Yes. That is part of it. And cs dont always cover cost of their needs plus daycare so yes he should help.


Why shouldnt he be helping you pay for that? He did make them as well.


He should be paying half!


Even if he does pay child support the right thing to do is pay half for all the major expenses

For sure it’s his days!

He needs to pay for the days he takes them while he is at work.

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U can ask but unless it’s court ordered he doesn’t have to. Good luck :two_hearts:

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He wants days he pays for his days
In my opinion
But don’t listen to me I only get 32 dollars a month once every 6 months so wtf knows!
He plays the system


That’s something you’d have to weigh the pros and cons with depending on your compare ting relationship with him. Personally I think if this is an issue you should’ve talked to him before enrolling them into daycare, involving him in the process, finding a place he can afford etc.


You have kids together equal share

He should pay for half of every day!

He needs to pay for his days

I would ask him to pay for his days. I wouldn’t pay for days that they are with them and he is taking them to daycare. That is his responsibility. Just like it’s yours on your days

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Talk to him and see if he is willing it doesn’t hurt to ask but don’t be relying on it

Um yes. Thats his time… He should be doing half the cost of the whole week really

Wouldn’t hurt to try. If not, then I guess oh well 🤷

He should be paying half.

He should help it’s 50 50 sweetie their his kids to as well talk about it to him good luck

He should pay for the days they’re with him.

Normally they include things like that in child support agreements. Did you look at your agreement? Mine is 69/31 with him paying the 69 percent in addition to child support, but I’m home with my kids so I don’t use it.

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I wouldn’t fight if you think that’s what would happen.

I think he should pay for his days… however I can’t really say anything. I only get £50 a month for 2 kids & if eldest wants school dinners & he’s at his dads that day I have to pay for them & he doesn’t even help pay towards school uniforms either… I did end up asking him to help me pay for school trips… sometimes it’s not worth the hassle & I can’t be arsed to fight about it anymore… all you can do is just ask him if he can pay his days if not then see if you can claim anything back for child care costs or see if the company you work for has a childcare scheme

Should have been court ordered to pay half of daycare

50/50 among parents whether they’re together or not. Takes 2 to make a baby, so it takes 2 to care and provide for a baby

Make him pay half there his kids too

If you had a court ordered custody agreement and child care was brought up, he’d be ordered to pay half of every daycare bill whether it’s his day or yours :woman_shrugging:

I think he should have to pay for his days, just like you do? But is he willing? Is he able? If it isnt too much of a hardship for you, i would just say its not a battle you need to go to war for. Know what i mean? Save your battles for things that are really worth fighting for. You might need to save up all that energy for when your kids get into their teens! Lol. Persue it, but don’t get crazy over it! :joy: and good luck!!

In a perfect world he would pay half and you pay half. Can’t hurt to ask him to pay for daycare his 2 days.

He should deff be paying this his days

In our child care subsidy world (my job) we would never cover the mom for the days that dad has custody of the children … he is 100% responsible for them while they are in his custody … and if that means he needs child care to work than he needs to pay it!

Yes he should if he cant take care of them on his days. He pays for those days.

He should pay half as he’s sending them also

He pays for the days he has them you pay for the days you have them

Depending on what state your in the courts can require him to pay a portion of day care. My state requires the father to split 50/50 for daycare if you ask…it can either go in the total for the amount of child support or he can pay the day care directly depending on your state and what the judge orders.

The child care centre can charge him direct for his days. He will pay then based on what he earns and child percent of care etc.

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He should pay for the days he sends the kids there and you should pay for the days you send the kids there so its more fair. Or maybe talk to him reguarding splitting some of the costs as it can get quite pricey

he should pay for their days not you his in their care don’t cop that one mumma you pay for everything else tell him you can not afford it

Pay the days you use it.

Legally he is responsible for half.

He gets them every other thursday and Friday. So maybe just the 4 days of the month he uses the day care he pays for, but definitely not half of every bill. If roles were reversed, would you pay half of a bill for a service you didnt use that week?

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YES!!! He helped make those babies… He NEEDS TO PAY OUT THE NOSE!!!

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He should pay the whole thing if he only has them 2 days a week

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I would think you could have him pay half especially if you don’t get child support, it sounds like you have them more then him so I’d definitely say about having him pay at the bare min those two days if not the whole thing.

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Deoends on the your kids have to go a certain amount of hours etc?on his days childcare should be his responsibility but to avoid my children being yanked on those days and possibly being somewhere i didnt want them to be id probably suck it up and pay.

Depends. Do you think it’ll be a fight? And is that fight worth whatever those two days cost. I’m assuming since you’re asking and mentioned twice if it’s worth fighting over the answer is prob no but yes he should pay


He pays for his days

Yes he should pay but all depends on you budget ??

What is your custody agreement and child support determination? Generally child support is based on how many overnights each person has thus, in his day/overnight he is responsible for their care including child care.

Discuss reasonably. Don’t expect a fight. He should pay for days he has custody.

When my kids were in daycare we paid by the week and when we seperated we took turns paying each week

You could at least ask him to split the bill with you since he is using it as well


Daycare is expensive, he is their father, he should pay for some of it

They are his kids too so yes he should pay for them

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He should pay for half. They are 50% his.


Depends on what state your in… like Illinois for example it’s the norm for the court to order the dad to pay childcare based in the incomes of both parties. So it definitely can be worth it and it’s something you can file without an attorney but it really depends on your state legislation

Does he already pay child support?

Lol id make him pay his days lmao. Like you watch em or find your own care simple. And fair your paying 3

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He should help pay his share

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Depends on your agreement, I had tje choice to split the cost based on income, chose to do child care and extra activities 5050.

Depends pn your agreement and how much if any child support he pays.

Yes, he should pay for those days. If you had to go to court, most judges would say the same. If he is offering to pay for anything, take him up on it while you can. Most baby daddies don’t help out much or for long.


If you pay for your days then of course he should pay for his!

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He is responsible for their care during his time with them. If he needs to put them in daycare so he can work he should pay for it. If he was going out on a date would uou pay for his babysitter?

He should pay for his days and you should talk to the daycare about splitting up your account, the days you take them and the days he takes them.

If its his two days yes he’s responsible. But if he pays enough in child suport you maybe liable. At at lrast ask him

If he’s paying maintenance he shouldn’t have to because he’s already giving you money for that.

Sit down with him and discuss how you two will mutually cover financial expenses. If it’s that important to you, contact a lawyer and time out what rights you have as a parent

When my sons dad and I weren’t together we would split daycare half and half regardless of who has him what days

Family court. Child support !

50/50 they are 50/50 his kids! Only right!

He shouldn’t fight with you about it. HE is sending them to daycare on HIS days so he can work, he needs to pay up…especially if he doesn’t pay child support

Ask if he would help with the cost. He may surprise you.

Kids in daycare……the cost of daycare is supposed to be split 50/50. It’s for the kids. What does your CO or agreement say???

Pay half, that would seem fair.

They are his children. He should pay half the daycare cost.

Doesn’t hurt to ask hopefully he’ll be decent about it

That might depend . is he the type of dad that is vested in his kids ? Does he pay child support ? Does he pick the kids up when he is supposed to ? Does he show up for birthdays and holidaus ?if so then it would seem on the petty side unless you are finding it a hardship then perhaps he might pay for his 2 days worth . if he is a caring dad then i would not squawk about a few $ for daycare .

The real question I think is this… the two days he has them… is the childcare because he needs it for work? Would you need childcare these two days regardless??? Does he see you struggling while he’s comfortable? Sad thing about divorce there’s no win

If you can avoid fighting over anything, especially money, that’s the best for all concerned. Trust me.

Don’t fight just nicely mention it to him?? Ask if there is anyway he could give the daycare X amount of money xspesh with the holidays coming and see what he says. U Don’t know if u don’t ask… sometimes men dont think of these things til us women bring it up. If he says no then yea id say it’s probably not worth the fight I’m sure u would be entitled to it legally but I’d rather just deal with it if (you’re able) to save the headache but def I would at least mention it


ha…have them bill him for his days and to bill u your days…

This shouldn’t even be a question. Assuming he’s already paying child support, that’s what it’s for. If not, then YES he should be helping.

If they’re going to be in daycare HIS DAYS, then he shld pay for those days.


Your child support agreement should factor in the parenting schedule.

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If he gives you child support that is,suppose to go toward it


If those are his days with the children then it’s his responsibility to pay that would be like you supplying dinner for his house because he gives you child support. Smh :woman_facepalming:. Some of you people have obviously never been here. Does he pay child support?? What a dumb question…that child support only goes so far and daycare could wipe that out.

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If he pays child support that usually takes into consideration the daycare/school expenses


They are his kids to. He should help. You could probably use the help.

Depending on parenting plan it can be 50/50 however each state is different based on the income of each parent.

I would say communicate with him. If he didn’t use the childcare you use, he would be paying. If he pays child support, he is doing his part, maybe he would be ok to contribute. If it’s not going to help too much, ask, but don’t make a big deal out of it.

Also, props to the men who pay child support, but reality is, it is a drop in the bucket of what a child takes to raise. So many incalculable things that are taken for granted as everyday life adds up and fast. The best outcome would be to try to communicate in a respectful manner, and try to work together. This is hardly ever the reality, but it should be a goal anyways. Good luck!

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Depends is he paying child support?

I would say he should be paying half. By law he would have too


Seriously some woman don’t know what child support is really about.

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Choose your battles. But in this case I would ASK him if he would be willing to help out.

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You can ask him to help, but be prepared for him to ask for the same help when he has the kids.


Should be split 50-50 the whole bill