Should I ask my sister to pay for essentials when she stays with us?

My sister I will name her Emily stay with me and my family Sunday evening till Friday because of work I was thinking of asking her for some money she eat our food and use our water

Is it wrong of me to ask her for some money???


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I ask my sister to pay for essentials when she stays with us?

I wouldn’t ask my guest to help pay unless we went out to dinner.


Unless you’re seriously struggling, no I wouldn’t. Its one person, she won’t eat up and use that much water.


Yes it is wrong!! It’s your sister!! That’s ridiculous


She is family. I think thats ridiculous to ask!


Did you offer to let her stay or did she ask. If you offered no you shouldn’t ask her for anything.

My brothers give me money to stay with us. It’s normal


Did you invite her OR did she ask to stay? If you invited her then no but if she asked to stay there then I’d ask her to help buy food.

Bills gotta get paid

Sunday thru Friday and you’re thinking of charging your sister for water and food ? Wow. Smh. That’s all.


Deborah Williams you’ll be paying for my water bill next time you visit.

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Unless your SISTER staying with you and using your water and eating your food would put you and your family at a great loss then its seem awfully silly to ask for these things for her to stay of few days

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Unless it’s an every week thing, then no.
People usually don’t charge family for staying with them for a week though.


In my family we dont charge our family members money to stay with us… We just ask that they clean up after themselves and help with things around the house if help is needed.


Could ask her to help with some of the food. She’s just one person, but 5 days a week is a lot.

Not even a whole week and you want to charge her… You’re absolutely ridiculous.

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Are you help her out as a sister, or a landlord


If she is there nightly, yes…she can help with the cost of meals. She’d be feeding herself at home…same thing.

I personally wouldn’t ask for money for my sister to stay a few days

Is this weekly or just one time thing

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I’d mention to her that times around and you need her to chip in either buy her own groceries and throw you 20 or so for water and electric or figure out a base amount for it all. How much can 1 person eat? If you make meals and all eat together then tell her u would like $100 a month to help cover the extra costs. When she leaves on Friday where does she go? Does she have her own place??

No, especially with her working she’s probably not even there that much. But you could ask her to help with the chores.

Yes wrong!

Water unless she puts you over your normal water bill then nope., you should be paying a bass rate for c amount of gallons.

She’s basically living there I feel she should chip in
If she’s there 5 days a week, week after week.
If she’s just there for a week no

How old is she? Is she living with you to save up for a place?

Depends how long she’s there for ,and sister or not everyone needs to pay their own way ,maybe your sister might offer

She should offer or just help . in my opinion…if I would have to stay for work 5 days definitely would be helping out for sure.called common courtesy.I think…good.luck.-:blush:

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No way I’d do that to family.


If it’s for work, does it happen every week? Or only once in a blue moon?

If it’s every once in a while, no I wouldn’t ask. If it’s every week, I’d ask her to chip in.

For a week? No I wouldn’t ask… longer than that, probably.

Shoot! Put a Tip jar everywhere! Things are Costly!

It’s your Sister, for a short stay. It’s absurd to ask unless you’re in a financial bind and cannot afford it. I would never ask that of any family member, unless I had to.


If it’s for that short of a time no I wouldn’t ask her. If she was staying more long term like weeks months or more long term then it wouldn’t hurt to ask. I’ve did this with my family before if they stayed long term as in months or longer then yes I did ask them for money to help and to help with the chores

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No. Look she can’t fund your life but if she’s eating 1/6 of a 60 dollar meal…she can put in 5. Don’t make for her but if she partakes and or reg eats or is in your house yeah you can ask.

Well she is spending more time at your house then hers so yes she need to contribute if she’s eating there.


You could always just ask her, if she’d be willing to get stuff for a meal or two while she is there… I know when I go to my moms, I usually bring at least breakfast food and one dinner with me and that’s usually only for a weekend. There is nothing wrong, with asking her to help out with a meal or two, but not to charge her! Also, she may use 2.00 worth of water in that short of time :woman_facepalming:

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I personally would never do my sister that way. That’s just me though.


That’s why I won’t let people stay with me.

I wouldn’t but that’s how I am with family. I don’t know your relationship. And how old is your sister? It doesn’t seem like she’s gonna be there long if she was maybe a different story

No its not wrong she is practically living there and you can’t live any where for free…it sounds like she is only gone from your home for 1 day out the week sooo…yeah she can contribute or go lay where she pay.

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It’s not wrong of you unless you don’t really need it I wouldn’t ask her for much if she’s young

A one time thing? Absolutely do not ask her for money for the water bill…MAYBE for some food but come on.

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Yea. Very. Family is family. You wouldn’t charge your kids. I hope at least. But to each its own I work differently

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Is this every week or a one time thing? Bc that makes a huge different. If it’s a one time thing then no. If it’s every week we’ll then she’s basically living there and I’d have her pay something small per week.


You are seriously pathetic :unamused:.


My take on this is this is every week sun-fri so I’m that case yes! She lives there and goes home on weekends she could definitely pitch in

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So wrong…family sticks together. My siblings can walk in anytime, everyday, any day, breakfast, lunch, dinner…shower, shit, eat, sleep…whatever. What’s mine is theirs. I do the same for them. We all got each other’s backs.

When I stay at my mums I always put in for food by choice. Just seems the right thing to do

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Oh wow!! I can not even imagine that thought crossing my mind!! How would you feel if tje shoe was on the other foot?

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My grandson stays with me most of the week,he gives me $50 a week for staying there,but. didn’t ask,he told me he would give me this much

It’s a week not a month :joy::joy:


What! For that short of a stay! No.

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That’s so rude in my book. When my family comes to stay with me I would NEVER ask them to do that and I know they wouldn’t ever expect that of me either. You don’t do family that way!

Yes you are wrong…and sound mean


Absolutely do not ask for compensation! She’s family and it’s temporary. I’m sure she will offer to buy you dinner or reciprocate your generosity in some way.


If you cant provide supplies for the house guest, you should have said NO to begin with! My only issue is that since we are family? Clean up your mess!! DASSIT! I got you on food and accommodations just stay out of my things a d dont make a mess!


She is essentially a tenant. Charge her rent too

Well if she’s staying there because of work your helping her out so yes she should help then

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Uhh no you shouldn’t ask her for money. That’s your sister and it’s only for a couple days. If you’re that tight on money and supplies I suggest telling her not to stay.


Yes it is wrong if you invited her to stay an now you want money that’s just not right

um what? I am not very close with my sister but I can’t imagine charging her for staying a few days. If it was a few weeks then maybe.

Nope it’s your sister

For 5 days? Basically there in the morning and night since she will be doing work during the day. This just seems crazy to me. Her company probably would have paid for a hotel but she wanted to spend time with family. It’s not like she is moving in for months.

You don’t charge family for staying with you. You’re not running an Airbnb. Lol

MAYBE, If you have money issues… ask for help with food if it’s more than one person.

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Wtf? No, I’d let my sister stay for free that’s my blood family…

Im glad im not the only one who thinks you shouldn’t ask. She’s family for ffs. Families are suppose to take care of each other.

Depends on circumstances

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Nope not wrong to ask. I pay my way when I stay with both of my sister’s

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Ya sista need Contributions toward her stay.

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In my country, we don’t ask money for food or other bills if family member is only staying short term. Besides, she’s the only one who will stay, not an entire family.

Maybe just ask her to bring some stuff to contribute like dinner and tp

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I hope this is a joke.



No how cheap are you


If this is every week absolutely she should pitch in. If only 1 week, absolutely not she’s family


Is it Sunday thru Friday of every week?


Damn…I wait & wait for my sister to come & you have that gift! No you shouldn’t ask her for money. But from her end, it would be nice if she didn’t show up empty handed. But please don’t ask her for money… really?

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I am happy you’re not my sister :joy::joy::joy:


She is there 5 days a week?? Absolutely… that is LIVING THERE. I don’t think I would charge her rent or water. But she sure would be buying some groceries!


No def not if it’s only for a few days.

Y’all do realize Sunday to Friday EVERY week is not a “couple days”. The only day she’s not there is Saturday. So yes I would have her at least help with groceries.


I mean, it sounds like her sister maybe is commuting for work and works on those days in the OPs area? I need more details. If that’s the case, it’s essentially becoming her residence throughout the week. I may be misunderstanding, but sounds like she should provide her own food and essentials for the most part :woman_shrugging:t3: She’s not supposed to be raising her sister.

Never in a million years :flushed:

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This sounds to me like it’s a recurring thing. If that’s the case yeah she should be feeding herself or pitching in grocery money or taking it upon herself to buy and cook dinner a couple times a week.

I always give my sister 50$ and help her with other stuff, and shout her lunch :green_salad: she never asks me but it makes me feel better :kissing_cat: when I do this .

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I guess not , but seems to me this should have been discussed when you said she could stay. I’m guessing she’s saving money to get her own place eventually . Or saving money not having to go back and forth traveling…

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Not rent and utilities. Now, if you need bread or milk or something for dinner, there’s no shame in asking her to help with that, or for her to pick it up at the store or whatever.

I wouldn’t ask for money, maybe just ask her to buy some food every now and then. Essentials, like milk and bread.

Yes, she should contribute without you having to ask.

She’s stays during the week every week or just once? If it’s long term, yes. I would give her a bathroom to stock and ask her to help with food


Well, sisters with common sense DONT show up empty handed🤷🏻‍♀️

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Absolutely not!! She is your guest

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She is your sister would she not do the same for you? I wish my sister was alive she would be welcome in my home…
But if it’s an ongoing thing then definitely ask its not a hotel…


That’s insane lol I can understand you asking her to help with stuff if she’s living with you for a few weeks or months but literally a few days? Lol she’s your sister…just help her and enjoy her company


Ummm no she’s your guest. If you can’t accommodate family then don’t invite any guests over


Is this a consistent thing or a one time thing? One time thing then no, consistent thing then yes.


You shouldn’t have to ask. She should offer to help out. There are many ways she can.


Sounds like she’s moving in, and just taking Saturday to herself, so he’ll yeah!

UNLESS it’s a one time thing.

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