Is this only a one time thing because if it is then no don’t ask but if it’s all the time thing then yes she should be paying Something
Yes. Don’t have guests over if you can’t be hospitable. No body comes to my house and leaves hungry.
Ummm… I’d find it quite rude unless she ate a lot in your kitchen. N if you’re gunna ask her for utilities then you need to ask anyone that goes to the bathroom there…
Now if she’s there every month for atleast 3 days then I’d ask her to pay something towards groceries
Definitely not wrong at all. Essentially she lives with you, has a job and therefore should contribute to the household
Is she doing this on a regular?
For a week? If it was long term yeah. Be gracious.
Ok from Sunday evening till Friday . So she’s only going home Friday night till Sunday evening . Then Hell yes !! You charge her . Shit isn’t for free wtf ??
If her presence is putting a financial strain on you, absolutely.
Financial situations are very different for people. If you don’t have the money to provide food for her I don’t see an issue with asking for help with groceries. Not everyone can afford to feed others for a week. She wouldn’t be using that much water in a week though so I wouldn’t ask for help with that.
If you are struggling to make ends neet,she should help.
If a once or twice then no. If it’s every week that she’s staying because of work then yes.
If you can’t afford to feed her and you’re family, then yes. Other wise no. Such a weird thing to do. Lol
I would never. But knowing my sister she would contribute on her own. Instead of asking money you can ask fir service such as help you with house chores, cooking etc etc.
I think it depends on a couple things personally. Is this constantly ? Are you going through a tough time financially is putting a burden on your budget? Also its your sister is buying 1 or 2 extra pork chops a night for her to much😩. I think charging someone for water is a little excessive how much can she use in those days lol
Lord if I asked my sister to do this every time I stay at her house or she at mine i wouldn’t have a sister anymore. She’s your sister!
Does she have her own room , do you do her washing , is she a guest or is she a lodger
Not. At at all she there 5 days a week. You need her to help chip in for the food & water bill. I think $75. Is fair what do you think for room & bored. That’s only if it’s all the time.
If you think that’s to much make it less.
Guess it depends on your relationship
For a short time no I wouldn’t. Family helps family. Long term yes cause after months that stuff really adds up and resentment can build
Uh yes if she has some income coming in. If she doesn’t tell her to get some to help out. Life ain’t cheap!
I would just ask her to go to the grocery and bring her own food, snacks and drinks. I would not ask her for money.
No. Its just a week.
If you couldn’t afford her staying there you should have told her no that she couldn’t stay. Other than that I don’t think it is ok to charge a guest unless it’s a permanent thing and even then make them aware before the fact.
Charge her air b n b with a 50 -75% discount.
If you really need the help and it’s that big of a financial burden I don’t think it’s wrong to ask for help.
Lmao my sister never left my house when she was growing up lol but she also never went without and I never expected her money. If she’s having a hard enough time with work and having to stay with you then I don’t think it’s right to make her pay. If that’s the case she might as well stay at a hotel. But I guess I’m just not that type of family member. We do for each other when they can’t do for themselves. They are always welcome and wanted and won’t ever go without in my family.
It depends on your relationship. Would she ask you? Will it hurt your budget ?
everyone gotta pay rent!
For one you should have never even had to ask to start with. Secondly, although she may be your sister, she’s also an extra person that needs to contribute. That’s still an extra mouth that you’re feeding, using your electricity and water and it’s only right and fair that she pays her part. She wouldn’t be able to go to a hotel and stay for free so it’s not any different for you.
5 nights, visiting, my sister would offer something, a dinner, a pie, if she stayed here. I wouldn’t ask if it was family, if it is a hardship then maybe. But no I would not.
Really depends on many factors tbh x
First if all, you sound uneducated. Second of all, you are greedy. I wouldn’t want to associate myself with you at all. Wow just wow.
I would never charge my sister even if we weren’t on good terms or didn’t have a good relationship especially because it’s only a week
She’s a guest in your house… why would she pay you money…
It’s not wrong. You shouldn’t even have to ask. She should offer or just buy.
Are you serious ? She only stayed a couple days . What happened to family helping family ?!?! Geez
I would not charge my family. Or any guest. Sounds greedy to me.
It’s definitely wrong of you to ask her for money when she’s only staying a few days. I would be offended if my sister asked me for money for the water I will use etc. You sound greedy.
That prob should’ve been a conversation that you had with your sister when she told you that she was coming…
Depends what kind of situation both are in. Things cost money, and nothing is free. I wouldn’t ask my sister if she truly needed help, and I’d expect the same in return if I needed it. Sometimes people need a kind gesture to get back on their feet. Water cost me $30 a month so I can’t imagine it would be worth even asking for less than a week.
I wouldn’t. However I think she should reciprocate somehow… either with helping around the home or contributing on her own. But it should come from her. I wouldn’t ask.
Is this like a weekly thing where she basically lives there? Or did she have to travel for work one random time and it happens to be near you so she’s crashing there? If she’s basically living there full time because of how often this happens, maybe, but if this is like a once every 6 months type of thing then absolutely not. Enjoy being around your sibling and be grateful she feels close enough to you to stay with you. I would never charge someone if it were an occasional thing. Frequently, then maybe.
If it’s going to be a regular thing and if it’s putting you out, I would ask if she can pitch in for groceries. If it’s not putting you out at all, then I wouldn’t.
I’d hate to be your sister … lol I would never ask one of my siblings to pay rent or bills if they’re staying here for a week . I would also offer though to help or cook or something if it was me staying .
Sunday to Friday is 5 days a week, so she should offer something to contribute, family or not
Is this a weekly thing or a one time event?
If weekly you need to sit and revisit the arrangement.
I personally would not either way but I realize everyone isn’t me, thank God
Tell her to stay at a hotel same thing. What a cheapskate
If she is staying with you on a regular basis and is saving her money on food rent etc she should in fact offer you something .
Wow I’d never charge my brother for staying for a few days. He had to have surgery a few years ago and stayed with me 3 nights and I never asked him for anything. What has happened to family helping family. Now if it was a few weeks or months then yes by all means say hey can you go get some groceries
I live with mother father inlaw. They took me in when my birth parents abandoned me. My husband pays the rent for the 3 of us(him,me, daughter). I always offer to buy things for the house and gas money etc.
If I let a family member stay at my house for a week or two I never expect them to throw me money for anything!! First of all that’s tacky and just wrong in my opinion. You help family out when you can. And if you can’t afford it and are struggling with finances than you just be straight up and tell them no. I would never say it’s okay for a family member to stay for a few days and then hit them with a hotel bill! That’s just helluh tacky and I wouldn’t want it done to me. I think your being a little bit stingy but that’s just me. I mean if ol girl is eating the pantry and taking a bath with a whole bottle of oils then yea have a conversation with her about how she needs to either pitch in or scale down her usage of your stuff. But if she’s on hard times and you’re trying too reach in her pockets while she’s getting back on her feet you’re being ridiculous! I guess I am just a incredibly generous person though. I buy everything in bulk as far as food and drinks and anyone who comes over or stays at my house is welcome to anything as long as there not staying forever. Think about if the situation was reversed how would you feel!!!???
Does she stay with you every week? If so, she should chip in without you even having to ask.
One time thing or weekly??? Not enough info
If she is staying with you every week then she should definitely be contributing, if its a one off than no
Is this a one week trip or an every week extended arrangement?
For a one week trip, I wouldn’t ask my sister for money. If I stayed with my sister I would offer to help with groceries though.
For an extended arrangement, you could reasonably ask for a mutually agreed upon grocery budget you both contribute to or a weekly stipend for expenses. It’s understandable that you may not be able to afford to feed and house them every week.
Guess it honestly depends on how often she’s staying?! If it’s just randomly here and there I mean I’d never charge my family but if it’s like on a weekly basis then I feel like she could pitch in for a meal at the least while she’s there. But the water is kinda petty.
Glad you’re not my sister!!!
Only if you would want the same treatment if you stayed with her.
If she eats a lot then ask to chip in for food but not for water.
Do you charge your pets for drinking your water, too?
If you mean your sister actually LIVES with you during the week while she’s working, then absolutely sit down and talk about her contributing to the household. If she was visiting only for the one time, then as a guest, I would say no. Come up with a plan that’s agreeable to all and stick with it.
Not wrong at all if she does it consistently
Number one…it’s your sister! Number two you may need her help one day and Number 3….see number 1 and 2
Absolutely not. Thats rude. Shes your sister! I would never ask any of my siblings to pay to stay less then a week with me! It would be different if it was a full time living situation but 5 days?! Absolutely not. I’m not trying to be rude but thats how my family is. We’d Absolutely never ask that of any of our family members
yes, she’s your Sister
If she does that every week then yea you should charge her money. If it’s just once then no
Well with price of everythi g going up .she maybe running low on money if she stays with each week it is only fair gives you some help.what she gives her sister it is taking away from her family.i know it has happen to me and believe my bills like gas water air or the bill double even no i dont think it is wrong to ask to help if she says no then tell her she will to find other arrangements.
What kinda sister ar u seriously.
I mean she is ur sister when my siblings stayed with me I never charged them anything at all. Now I jus moved in with them. And they don’t ask me for anything. We are family that’s what we do. Yes I do help them because I feel like it’s right. But it’s because I can help. Plus they caught covid. They have a baby and I’ve been taking care of her. It’s a big help
You shouldn’t have to ask… But, no its not wrong at all.
Well it would cost her more to pay for a hotel or a place than help out with the cost of living. Why is you being a sibling changing the fact your footing the bill if it’s short term than don’t ask but if it’s for the long run than yes. Just like if you rented out a room you’d get money to help. She isn’t your child. She’s your sibling
Why not ,why should you keep her , tell she needs to start paying her way as you can’t afford to keep on keeping her. It’s the decent thing to do anyway if not she w have to find her own accommodation tell her.
If she don’t like it well she will have to find other options
Yes if she’s there and work but no if it’s just visiting
Bills aren’t free and neither is taking care of some one. she should be helping you.
Wtf??? Is this a joke??? I feel like you’re trolling??
I honestly think it depends on both of your financial situations. If it doesn’t strain your budget to have her there I wouldn’t worry about it. And if she struggling financially I wouldn’t have her pay either.
I’d ask her to pay the difference in water bill. And any extra food… it’s just one person so she can’t possibly use that much …
I wouldn’t ask i mean if she was living with you yes but she’s only there for a couple days
If she were staying longer then maybe but when we travelled home and stayed with family we never offered money but bought milk and bread and whatever we saw that was needed. Nobody had to ask!!
Dose she has the money to pay maybe ask her to bring something to eat for the family sometimes
Nope I would never, because it’s only a week and she is my sister.
Before some of you decide to trash this woman, just understand that not everyone has the same financial flexibility. If the sister is staying there FIVE days a week then yeah she should probably offer some financial help.
I’m confused - is this every week or this one week?
Yes , if we stay with family we always put in some money
She’s staying with you while you work, 5 days a week, and YOU want to charge HER? Bish she should be charging you!
No, but she should offer.
You shouldn’t have to ask… whenever I stay with family or friends whether 1 day or 10 I still take food supplies with me which includes both food and alcohol depending on who I’m staying with
So she lives with you?uh… its called rent!
Everyone sitting here saying thats your sister… what kind of sister are you… 1st off we weren’t giving enough information I don’t think to properly answer… second of all any family member who sits there and stays with someone for that long and doesn’t offer anything in return? Well I’d be asking what kind of sister is she then? This goes both ways. Does she do this on a regular basis? Is it a one time thing? If it’s just a one time thing let her know that your happy to help out but also let her know if it becomes a regular thing she will need to do a little something to help out when she is there …shit even if it’s cleaning or cooking or watching the kids maybe…
I hate it when people are so vague that we have to try and guess stuff …be more specific if your going to ask for help or advice…geez…
Does she live with you or just visiting ? If she doesn’t have a home of her own and lives with you she should pay something.
Age? Saving for? So you desperately need it?
My sister stayed with me for several months and no we did not have her pay. She was a starving student. When I visit in the area, she gives up her bed for me. Create that special relationship during that time.
I guess not if you need the help.
So you house is closer to her work that’s why she stays at your house if that’s the case yes she should help out somehow.
Just ask them to pay for some food
I wouldn’t ask. If it will be too much on you, maybe have them reschedule their visit
If it’s every week then yes she should contribute, if it was a one off then I’d just let it go. Your post doesn’t really clarify
Because of her work? Does she have her own place that she stays at Saturdays? I know I wouldn’t ask my sister to pay. I would expect her to pay for her own toiletries and if she wanted a certain food or drink she buy it.
Just by looking at some of these comments, I can tell the ones who feel like they’re owed something. Whew Chile, the sense of entitlement in this world.
Tbh if you need the money for her to be there then maybe she shouldn’t go. I could never ask my younger sibling for money for coming to my house and being with me and my family. My house is his house
Staying with you for you to work or for her work?
I’m confused.
If she’s staying with you for her job, then she should help out and contribute to the bills/ food. She’s basically living there.
If she’s there to help you, while you work, then no. She’s already helping you.