Is she 14 or 34??? If she’s grown she pays for her own food and toiletries. Why is this so hard?
That short of a time span, I wouldn’t. But I guess if you need it then yeah.
Of course she should pay her way
No ask her she would have to pay for it if she was on her on right…ask her I would it’s hard these days
Yes she should she should already know to do it. Some people and there free ride mindset wtf
Just for 1 week?
I wish people would.proofread their posts before they post them…
No! But u should have mentioned money before she came!
If she’s there that many days every week she should be offering to pay…if not then yes you should
Depends how old she is and if it’s regular.
For a week? Your sister? You really need to ask?
Is this one week or every week? Need more details.
For a week? No. This is something that should have been discussed with her previously before her stay. I doubt your water/utility bill will go up THAT much for that short of a time frame.
Need more information before I comment
I stayed with my sister for 3 months. She didn’t ask me for anything. However, I did buy most of my own food.
Nope wouldn’t ask my sister to pay if she offers sure.
So many questions…is this an adult? Is this every week or once? Is she there for her work or yours? Does she contribute to the household?
Your sister? A week? Seriously?! Shame on you!
I wouldn’t ask my blood to pay at all. I would ask them ( if they eat more then I buy ) to maybe buy their extra food. But I wouldn’t expect them to give me money unless they offered.
No way. That’s your sister. Cmon.
For 5 days? Charge your own sister? Does nobody help people out anymore?? Especially your own family?? Wow, that wouldn’t even cross my mind!
No. My sister spends months with us & we’d never charge her for anything
If she is an adult earning money and boarding with you each well then yes you and her need to have a discussion about her contributing. If she hasn’t supported you in the same way at another time etc and it is not you repaying that then yes she should contribute.
ask her to contribute to the groceries by giving you money or going to buy her own at the store . or just charge her a weekly rate of say 100 dollars for food and utility usage
Ask her to pick up dinner a couple of nites.
I feel like it depends…age…?saving for…? If she’s still living at home with your parents and trying to get out on her own …no I wouldn’t shes starting out and could use the sisterly support…I also say if she does have her own place and is trying to move closer to said Jon then also no…again sisterly support while she’s trying to get in a better position…but If she lives at her own place and isn’t making arrangements to move closer to work then maybe…id also take into consideration if she’s a student…and weather you actually need the help…ive had ny siblings live with me 7 months at a time and never asked for a penny…but they have also done it for me when I was in a bad place…family should look out for each other…thats what family is supposed to be…
I would never. Not for a week.
If it’s for a week no. If it’s a weekly thing then yes I mean she would practically be living with you
Yes it’s wrong. That stuff is your responsibility not hers
Oh dear…too bad she wiuldnt just offer to chip in!
…for a week? r u serious?
Absolutely not…she is a guest for 1 week.
I personally wouldn’t ask her for money or to buy anything for that short period of time. Maybe asks HER TO MAKE A MEAL ONE NIGHT if you are that worried about it.
Hell yes it’s wrong to ask, she’s family !!! How much water and food could one person use in a week that you would even think of asking !!
If it’s for the weekend… I wouldn’t but if this is a permanent arrangement then i would say ask her to help out once in awhile
If this is a routine thing then maybe but otherwise suck it up
So she basically lives with you and your family???
Not cool. If your inviting someone into your house for a visit that’s on you to live is a different story
Yep I sure would. I don’t have extra money to hand out to anyone, when my mum stays with me she helps pay for food. Idk why people are getting so worked up about this. Some people don’t have extra money to just throw around to people? Lmao.
If you don’t have money to cover it just say something.
Otherwise I wouldn’t.
Wtf. That’s your family. If your hurting for money that bad get a better job
She was a guest for a week. Not a moocher living on your couch. So no, she doesn’t owe you anything.
If its every week she should offer , give her a chance to do so . If she doesn’t then say hey it’s your turn to do dinner or ?
If it were a month, sure. Not a week. Cmon.
I’d even be asking for rent. She’s there as much as living there!
I mean I wouldn’t, but if you’re that tight on cash you should have just said she couldn’t stay.
If it’s a temporary thing I would say no, but if it’s a permanent situation probably ask. But if it’s a permanent thing she should of offered anyway
If it’s only for a week no, I wouldn’t ask her for money.
If I’m a guest in other peoples home, including my family, I usually offer them money! Like I flew in from CA to visit my parents in NY for two weeks and my husband and I gave my parents $100 towards food and stuff we used! She refused to take it so we put it in her purse while she was sleeping before we left.
But I would never ask unless it’s an extended period of time like a few months. And even then it depends on the situation! Like if they’re having money issues I’d just let them have/eat whatever cause it’s my family and they need help!
She’s there for a week and you need money?!
Is this every week? Or just a one time thing
I never charge family. Shower is not that much extra. Food I don’t think adds up to much unless she eats 24/7. How stingy can someone be if they count food and water for their own family?
I wouldn’t ask my sister and my sister wouldn’t ask me. When I went through my divorce, my sister even sent diapers and wipes for my baby without me even asking. She never asked for a dime. My sister and I go on vacation, we buy groceries, neither of us ask for each other to pay half. Ny mom comes for weeks at a time, I have fun taking her around town, buying her stuff, again wouldn’t dream of ever asking for a penny.
That’s your sister I mean come on I wouldn’t ever ask my sisters for a dime if they needed a place to stay
Are you for real??
Wow??I never heard of this before in my life,charging family to come visit a few days???
she might as well get a hotel.
Does she stay every week, or is this a one time thing?
I’ve never asked my sisters to pay for a dime and they’ve never asked me either, we take care of eachother…
Not wrong at all. She should actually be offering.
I wouldn’t ask her to buy anything that I already buy unless there’s anything in particular she wants.Then she can feel free and grab it.I definitely wouldn’t ask for money for water.…She’s only staying a week right?
I wouldn’t charge my family , but we were also raised if we were staying any where even just for an afternoon to take our own food and help with cleaning etc
I wouldn’t because it’s my sister but I know she’d buy food etc
Never would I ask if they were just visiting.
You shouldn’t have to ask, she should just chip in, but if she doesn’t I would mention it to her. She’s family, she should understand.
The fuck. For one she should offer. Two it’s okay to help someone out for a week. Damn.
No it’s not. Definitely ask.
If she’s pretty much living with you she should at least help pay for food and her essentials.
If she was bought up properly, she would offer & you shouldn’t have to ask.
Are you serious when u have no family u wouldn’t be thinking like that
I would think it would be nice if she offered, if you can afford to have her there than I would not ask her for money. I am in the same situation right now only I am the one who is staying at my daughter’s 5 days a week while I work 3 hrs from home, she would never ask for money from me or even expect it but I do give her a check for “parent support” once a week voluntarily. I might add that almost a month ago I was pet sitting for her and fell down her stairs and broke my ankle!! I can not drive for at least 3 more weeks and she has graciously altered her work schedule to drive me 25 mins each way to and from my job each day!
I personally would not ask my sister to do so.
Omg I would never charge my parents or sisters or close family. If she’s staying for a long time she may offer offer money.
If it’s sunday to friday weekly…she definitely should be paying…if only one time then no…
Dont know why people think its ok to stay somewhere and not give anything to help out you shouldn’t have to ask, you would think people would use their own brains and just give it… but unfortunately there are people like that (I know afew) who take take and never give
those people are call BLUDGERS
Wow you are greedy if you want to charge your own sister for food and water because she stayed there for five days .why stop there you might as well add electric ,cable too ,
Um, she’s there 5 days a week, she lives there & needs to contribute to at least food & utilities that she uses.
It’s less than a week. Jeez. You ppl are greedy. Maybe ask her to bring her own food but not ask for money…
Unless you mean all the time. Then she’s basically living there and should definitely be paying.
How often does this happen?
No I wouldn’t if it’s only for a week
Lol…whoa! I would never! My sister could stay with me for a month and as broke as I could be I wouldn’t expect her to pay me … If she lived with me…yes… But for a visit? Absolutely not !
It depends on your situation. If I was barely feeding my own family. Yes absolutely. If I could afford it. No never. She is your sister.
this may have been mentioned because there are so many comments but I think it depends on the situation and also what was talked about or agreed-upon before your sister started staying there. that is not to say that things could not change but I think that would just involve having a conversation with her. My son and I moved out of the home we were renting in November and did not close on our house until the end of December so we did not move in until the first week of January after the holidays and we stayed with my brother I was fully prepared to give him rent we had discussed this and we also paid for our own food and helped with dishes vacuuming cleaning the bathrooms etc. as well as just picking up after ourselves and making sure our room stayed clean. we laid everything out before the agreement to let us stay there even happened just so that way there would not be any hurt feelings or surprises on either end as to not hurt our relationship.
in the end we followed up on all of our agreements and he decided that he did not want to take our money so we could put it toward our new house
Wait is it a weekly thing or just a visit.
Just visiting no you can’t ask. But if it’s a weekly thing then yeah thats a roommate 5 nights there.
Do you pay when you stay somewhere else?
I think if this is a regular thing then yes absolutely redirect her to provide for herself foodwise or at least buy the groceries for some meals, but otherwise if it’s a one time thing then absolutely not. I personally have my mom here all the time when I go out of town to keep my son and dog sit. I always give her $ for food and leave a few extra bucks for her but family coming to stay one time then no I certainly don’t ask them for anything.
Me and my 4 kids use to stay with my single mother of 2 sister…for a whole month in the summer… I would buy laundry soap ,toilet paper and paper towels and stock her up really well with that kind of stuff… but now I wish I would have gave her money too… but she never asked for anything…and always made us feel welcome… and I know she was struggling… I am wondering do you need the money???
I’d never ask my sister to pay for anything if she came to stay with us for a week or however long! Family is family, she wouldn’t ask me to pay for anything if it was the other way around.
She’s staying 5 outta 7 Days.
Showers 5 x
Meals 10 x (2 meals at least a day)
Cable ( if ya have it)
Definitely ask her to contribute…
one weekend you can’t charge but if it continues talk upfront
If my sister was staying with me for a week, I wouldn’t ask for anything. Because if I stayed with her, she wouldn’t expect anything. But that’s just me and my family🤷🏼♀️
She should be offering something. Money, groceries, dinners something. I was always told you don’t stay at someone’s house for more than 3 days and not contribute anything to their household
If you can afford to feed her then I wouldn’t ask, but if you can’t afford it and she doesn’t offer or just goes out and buys food then I would hit her up.
Wow. This is your sister! She is only staying one week. I wouldn’t ask for anything unless she is breaking your bank.
She stays there because work, so that means it’s a weekly. Yes ask, she should be paying room and board for 5 days a week, necessities, and her own food. Room and board is roof, utilities.
Is it a one off kind of thing? If it’s an arrangement to continue then yes if you can’t afford to help her. Don’t get greedy.
Not for a couple of days ! She is family!
Not unless you’re in need of it than explain that to her.
If she was staying for a month or more, maybe.
I’ve never asked for money from company that comes from out of town to stay with me. If you can’t afford to feed her then maybe ask her to help out with food?
I just re-read the post. If she is staying there every week for work then she should definitely be pitching in on the living expenses.
Did she cook or clean at least