I don’t know how I feel about it, or if I myself want to be a part of it. I’m fine with our son going to church with my husband/husbands family & things like that, but I have always stayed behind out of personal preference even before our son was born, has anyone else been in this boat? How did you go about it?
I guess that’s up to you. Even if baptized he will grow up and believe his own beliefs. My mom was baptized when little and she never goes to church, prays, or anything of the sort. I would do research on it, I would say just my personal opinion… it wouldn’t be a bad thing. I don’t know a lot about it but it’s always good to have a little faith when it comes to your kids you know.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I baptize my son even if I'm not religious?
yes do it for the dad and family
I did and I’m okay with it if it’s that important especially if it’s one of the parents.
Why not its not going to hurt and defiantly go its memories. Your son can choose when he is older if he wants to be part of the church or not and if your fine with him attending then I think its a mute point.
I did it cause it was important to his dad and his family and I don’t regret it at all
My mother waited until I was old enough to decide myself. What if I chose another religion that would consider me tainted for it?
Firstly no if you don’t practice any form of faith why waste time and money and secondly baptism of a baby douse not save them you are only saved by faith in Christ as it said in the bible “Ephesians 2:8-9” so it is better not to as that douse not prove that they will be saved in the end.
Do it for the father of the child. He has the right to say what happens to his child. I am in that same exact position and my son was christened because his father wanted to do it. I didn’t and still don’t care if it was done or not. If the child is old like a toddler do not baptise him!! Let him grow into a teen and decide if he wants to do it for himself. Other from a christening noone and I mean noone can make me force religion on my child. The child can grow and decide not to believe in God so it a depends on his choice. Let him grow to have a choice!
I don’t understand why people baptize babies if they’re incapable of sin I feel it should be their choice as they grow older but that’s just my opinion everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If it means a lot to dad it’s something to take into consideration and you to decide together .
If you have no opinion about it one way or the other then honor your husband’s desire to baptize the baby.
Honestly I would wait until your child is older so he can decide if he wants to apart of that religion.
Every religion is different but I know it keeps their soul safe from evil. But that is a choice only you and hubby can make.
If you don’t really care one way or the other… and it’s not a religion you’re against… Do it for your husband and his side of the family, just make sure they know that if the child decides they don’t want to go in the future … You’re not going to force them. That’s what I did.
As long as you’re not dead set against it, I would allow my husband to have our child baptized. You two are married and it’s a partnership and he has as much right and say so as you. Is this something you guys discussed before having children?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I baptize my son even if I'm not religious?
Wait until the child is old enough an have him decide, he can still go to church even if he’s not baptized an when he’s older talk to him about it.
I am Lutheran. You take an oath before God thst you will raise this child as a Christian. It saves them when they are young until when and if they reject Christ. My daughter in law was raised in another Protestant church that does not do infant Baptism. I left it to the parents, my son and his wife although I would have loved to see it done. You should not be pushed into it. Lutherans do not teach that it is necessary for salvation but we can be assured of it if they are baptized. But it does nothing for a person who is old enough to make up his own mind. Talk to a minister , you and your husband and make this decision
I’m far from religious . No one dictated to me when my children were born . I waited until they were old enough to make their own decisions . I also didn’t allow them to attend church with family members until they were 6-7 years old .
Simple wait until your son is old enough to make his own decision on if he wants to be baptised or not.
My husband and his side of the family are Catholic I on the other hand dont believe in god and my side of the family is a mix of religious beliefs my moms Wiccan my grandma is Catholic and some believe all religion connect but I let my kids go to church with my mother n law and if they have any questions about church or god I try to answer them as if I was a believer (my kids are only 5, 4 and 2) I figure when they are old enough ill explain to them my belief and what other religions are out there and how they work and let them decide for themselves what they want to do my husband agrees with me though I wont force religion on my kids but I wont deny it to them either
It’s a baptism… not a drowning
Have him dedicated for now…Your son should be the one to decide if he believes in Baptism…The bible says believe and be baptised…He is too young to beleive …Only time will tell…
You should have him baptized. It is respectful to your husband & his family. Especially if personally you don’t care one way or the other. How active he is in church should be his decision when he’s older.
Infant baptism is more of a way to declare to God that you intend to raise your son knowing him and then later on down the line your son may choose to believe what you have taught him is true and declare this belief through personal baptism.
you baptize that baby!! he is a child of god!!
Big bunch of mental health issues to come in the future. Fuxk it. Don’t do it.
Literally went through this about a year ago. The difference being my son’s age and my own upbringing. My kid just turned 11. My dad’s side of the family were quiet Christians. My dad and stepmom weren’t very religious when we were growing up. My husband’s mom jumped from religion to religion. She’s a very loud Christian now. She decided that she wanted to have both of her grandkids ‘saved.’ My sil is Wiccan, but went along with it cause that’s her mom. I told my mil that it was kid’s choice. Then she sat and tried to convince kid that he needed to be baptized. I straight up told her that kid doesn’t attend church, he doesn’t know much about God or Jesus. We decided he would attend church with her if he wanted to. He agreed to go and learn. However, she never actually took him to church. So… here we are. A whole year later. Kid isn’t baptized, MIL hardly makes an effort. it is what it is.
Shouldn’t be a big deal in that case honestly.
Yes. If you don’t care one way or the other then why not. To you its just water.
If been save born again if he won’t to.b
The whole concept of baptising babies doesn’t correlate with the bible. John baptised adults to God. Baptisms are supposed to resemble your commitment to God and having your sins washed away. A baby cannot understand or commit to that. Baptism is meaningless unless the person being baptised fully understands what it means.
Yes Have him baptized ::: Go to church with hubby and son ::: Enjoy what God provides . U can get saved and baptized also .
I don’t see the harm. He will decide what he believes in his own time despite what decision is made now. I spent alot of time at church between all my grandparents although neither of my parents did. I remember being baptized. I am not religious in the least. I just believe in doing the right things and that I know very little in the grand scheme of things. It won’t hurt him and it will not effect how he views religion while also making the family happy
God gave you a beautiful son ,I’d Baptize him
I haven’t baptized my son, he is 6, because I’m waiting until he is old enough to decide. My dad has asked me when I’m going to batize my son and I ask him, “in what religion?” My parents and fam are catholic, my son’s dad is christian, and I’m not religious… my son talks to me about god so he learning and I have no problem with that… soooo… in other words, I think you should do what YOU think is best. Good luck!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I baptize my son even if I'm not religious?
If it’s important to them and not important to you then why not let them do it. And your husband has a say on how he’s brought up religiously. For the actual baptism they might want you to be involved. I guess talk to your husband about it and see what he would like you to do.
I personally think you should wait and let them choose if they wanna be baptized when they’re older. Talk to your husband about this.
If it’s something that you’re indifferent to, but it means something to your husband and his family, have the baby baptized. Come to an agreement with your husband that he can be baptized as a baby, but as he gets older, the decision to attend/not attend church will be left up to your son as well as what he chooses to believe.
It’s meaningless, really.
Have your son baptized. It mean something to your husband and saves the child from the sin he was born with. Later on he can be baptized again if he wishes and understands about God. You can’t loose by being on Gods safe side
If it’s important to them, let them do it. Its not in any way harmful.
Children are not born with sin so they dont need to be baptized , so if you let your husband do that its for nothing, it’s only matters when they are older and how they want to live thier life with God or the world
Not unless you wish to enrol in a catholic school, i wasnt baptised till i was 5 but was my dads last wish before he passed away
I had this argument with both my mother & both in-laws. It was a shit show lol, one side being Catholic & the other Roman Catholic, & little old atheist me just saying it should be my child’s choice.
1 of my 5 children is now a member of the Baptist church, & we as a family all support her in her choice
Lutherans and Catholics baptize babies right after they are born … I’m Lutheran and my family are catholic … I think other religions are ok to wait until the child is old enough to know what he’s Doing
Umm why wouldn’t you discuss this before having the baby??? I always tell my kids not to marry outside of our religion.
I encourage you to find a church that teaches the Bible. Go as a couple and learn what the Bible is about and then make your decision about what you feel is right to teach your child. Being saved is accepting Jesus as Lord and savior of your life which you can’t do until you know what the Bible teaches and decide if you believe it. I believe it is the most important decision of your life. God created all of us for a relationship with him so that some day we can be with him for eternity in heaven. There is nothing like knowing God and his peace when you put him in the center of your life. Don’t accept just any church it needs to be one that teaches Gods word only.
I’m no religious and I don’t go to church, but I was semi raised in church. We baptized our son solely because it’s what my mom wanted. I didn’t care either way but it seemed important to her and it was literally 2 hours of my time and I was ok with that. I didn’t fight her on it and she got to do something special to her with her only grandson.
I would like to point out that it opens up opportunities for when the child is older - assistance and stuff like that. Personally as I did with circumcision, I am waiting for my son to make his own decision on baptism.
Im not religious at all either, but my ex husband is. We had our kids baptized as it was more important to him than it was important to me that they werent. Does that make sense?
Also, behind all of the religious stuff the core values and morals of religion I think are good for kids. It’s when they older that those values/morals get twisted and cherry picked to suit their needs.
I personally feel like that’s a desicion the individual should make. It’s not harmful in any way but it can be more meaningful to your son if he is the one who decides to do it himself. I knowoads of people who were baptized as adults.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I baptize my son even if I'm not religious?
Baptize him, and if you not religious expose him to religion so at least give him the opportunity when he is older to decide on his own which path he wishes to pursue. Just because you are not religious does not mean at a later stage he won’t be. He may ask to to go to Sunday school or youth with a friend at a later stage in his life.
Many non religious people have baptisms just as non religious people have weddings. It seems to be more of a celebration of the child’s birth for many families. As a non religious person you could participate in the baptism and then retreat to your previous practice of leaving religion to your in laws.
Dedicate the baby, expose him to the church and allow him to learn about the teachings and decide later for himself.
Both my kids were baptized, and my oldest was confirmed in the catholic church… while I’m not religious, i did it to satisfy my grandparents back when my youngest was born , in 23 yrs old and theybwere very devout catholics… they have since passed on but I did baptize my youngest as a tribute/tradition for thier memory. And I will try and send him to ccd as well… I think these are personal choices and if you want or your husband wants him baptized it will not hurt him , its some oil and water on his head ans a piece of paper frommthe church. It will bring comfort to your husband and mother in law in thier belief that your son will go to.heaven. if you don’t want to be part of it just make sure your husband understands why. Mine went along with it but i could tell it was just for me lol I don’t think he’s been to church since he was in 8th grade for his confirmation
Me and my ex did the hole thing in church because it’s familytradition, not because we believe in anything. It was a very special and sweet day❤
When my seven-year-old was born I had the same question so I asked a priest and they recommended that I wait until they’re able to make their own decision since I am not religious
Baptize him now. My mother gave me the choice instead of baptizing me when I was born, even though she was religious. I was baptized - full immersion - as a teen so I could be my sister’s witness for her wedding. I would have much preferred to have been baptized as a baby. It would have been a much simpler ceremony. If he wants to change religions or not be religious, he will still be able to do that when he is older.
I dont go to church but i teach my son about heaven and god doesnt hurt for them to no someones looking after them and if its impottant to the father i would get him baptised its his son to
Your choice: religion does not make a person better than anyone else if anything it narrows their understand of other peoples beliefs and views.
The Parents that raise them to understand and except colour,faith,sexual orientation etc will be a far better person than someone who is brought up to believe in one god and all that goes with that religion that is right and just.
It will not hurt him to be baptized…Better to have him baptized and not need it then not to have him baptized and in the end it is needed…
Went with them to church to see what it’s all about
If it’s what daddy wants and your of no opinion yes his son should be baptized… He was and he wants the same for his little boy.
I’m not religious but all 6 of my kids have bin baptised .
All children should at least be exposed to all options in life so they can make informed choices as they get older
I refused when my ex asked to baptize our daughter. It’s a personal choice for the child to make. I wouldn’t be the one taking that choice away from my child.
Blessed, maybe, sure, but baptism? Wait til he’s old enough to choose for himself
Kids are confirmed dedicated to God once they grow up are able to understand what they are doing then you baptize him/ her.
Kelly Harm-Bolton another reason not to join.
original sin really just for being born one reason why I denounced my Roman Catholic religion from a early age.
Wait until he’s of age to make his own choice imo
The two of you should look in to getting some counseling. I think weather you child is baptized is going to be the least of your problems.
I am all for religious freedom, my daughter knows what I believe in and how I feel but I don’t push things on her. I want her to make her own decision when she is older 🤷🏼♀
Baptism as a baby does not save him. It is saying that he will be raised with the love and knowledge of God. If his father is going to teach him about God and wants him baptized, why not. Also religion isn’t a belief, it’s a personal relationship.
Have him blessed instead
If its important to your husband and it doesnt really matter to you, I would just let him. Im catholic and my boyfriend is an atheist, neither of us push our beliefs on each other and we are both happy our daughter will be exposed to both. It wont hurt anyone and im sure it would make your husband happy, just as long as you are comfortable with it.
Good for your husband. The church gives a good upright teaching for a child to follow with a good influence your child will grow in confidence and if you went with him how much more will you all gain. Try it and see what God can do for you too.
NEVER EVER let your mother in law dictate how you raise your child especially with something as huge as this! If you do it once she will forever think it is her choice to make. Do your own research on what it means to be baptized so you can form an opinion and talk to your husband about what it means to him WITHOUT the MIL’s input. Then decide what you and your husband want to do. If the only response you get from your husband is that his mom wants it to be done then I would not be doing it.
I will not hurt him but it will make him A good man if you bring him up in a church
𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒈𝒍𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒖𝒔𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔.
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𝑰 𝒅𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝒈𝒐 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒉𝒖𝒓𝒄𝒉.𝑰 𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑮𝒐𝒅 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆!!!
I am strongly against organized religion, so my opinion would be wait until he’s old enough to make the decision for himself. Forcing a child into a religion not okay.
Babies are dedicated unto the Lord. Your son will have an opportunity later in life to decide whether he wants to give his life to Christ. Having him dedicated also means that you are entrusting God with his precious little soul. I think it’s the right thing to do. God bless you and your family❤️
I’m not religious but it meant a lot to my mom to have my son baptized….won’t hurt the little guy and it will make ur MIL happy
He’s a parent too. So yes let him do what he likes.
My kids were baptized solely for my grandma. I knew how important it was for her. My husband and I didnt care either way. My kids can choose when they are old enough.
Depending on what sect of Christianity they practice, being baptized is just the first step. In order to be “saved” they have to be old enough to take the vow. For catholics, there’s no such thing as being “saved”. Our actions are judged everyday and theres no “I can relax because I know I’m going to heaven” moment. If you do it, its for the in laws, not the baby.
Children are sin free and already saved!!! The innocent!!!
Do what you want and what makes you happy. It’s your son not theirs!
It won’t hurt anybody lol the child as it grows will
Decide for itself anyways it’s mean a lot for the dad and mil rn and it’ll be a good memory of people and family coming together overall. I say just allow it. And support his future decisions if the child decides to not be religious
My mom wanted to have my kids baptized cause everyone in my family was. Kind of a guess tradition. I waited til my kids were a lil older to get it done but I did it for my family. My kids do go to church every Sunday faithfully but we choose to go to baptist church. I did it for my family and their beliefs. I feel like it really can’t hurt.
I think u need to realize that it is not just YOUR son it is also HIS son… I think women forget that now a days
How old is he?
You shouldn’t get baptized until you’re old enough to understand what it means.
Im atheist and I was going to have my kids baptized because my husband believes in that. I wasn’t against it by any means… but my husband said he didn’t really care so we ended up just not doing anything.
I’m in the same situation. I was brought up in a Catholic household and always envisioned my kids following the sacraments. My kids are now 6 and 3. Neither is baptized. My husband wants to let them make the decision when they get older. But… my son is in private school and next year his class would be up for first communion. I think they have to do them in order and I don’t know how to explain our difference in opinion to the church. I also don’t want my son to feel excluded from experiencing this milestone with his classmates= bonding.
Keep staying out of it and let him baptize his son.
We decided that when they are old enough to.make their decision for themselves
Being Saved and Baptized needs to be something your son understands. It can’t be done for him he needs to know what’s going on an want it to happen as well but if he is ready absolutely let him
I say if your not religious like that then it would be better for him to just got to church and decide for himself… but either way , it’s up to you as his mother.