I would wait until he can decide for himself. As a baby, he isn’t aware of what baptism means.
This is a decision between you and your husband nobody elseThis is a decision between you and your husband nobody else
No, let your child make their own decision. When they understand what the are dedicating their live to.
If you are not religious and you dont plan to raise him religious then dont participate in any of these events. Religion can sometimes allow predators to hide behind a veil of righteousness that makes peculiar behavior outside of church stand out. I bring this up because children should be more closely protected inside religious settings. Also religion itself is predatory toward youth because of how childrens brains are still forming their personality its basically allowing huge ideas to shape some would say brainwash children because they are not old enough to feel differently about religious ideas often the info about said religion is stated as factual when in reality its interpretation of the bible or whatever the religion is based on.
Depends on;what section of Christianity they practice;being baptized is just the first step. In order;to become "saved"they’ve got to make that decision as young adults. Rome’s Catholic(s); there’s no such thing as being saved&going to heaven. I myself;was christened as a baby that’s just the start. You’re going;through Christianity going to church on regular basis;. Reading bible&having;"a personal relationship"with GOD&as a young adult during your teenage years. You’re introduced;to rest of church as a new adult member. But you’re;praying&confessing your sins. I’m a;believer there’s a. Heaven&hell.
If I could of I would of did my kids. Nothing wrong with it. Support your husband. I was baptized as a baby. Doesn’t hurt anyone.
Coming from an Irish catholic family I was baptised. I asked my husband if we could get our daughter baptised even though we aren’t present in the church. He didn’t have a problem with it and was happy to participate on the day. Also I went to a catholic school for high school and being baptised certainly helped.
God have you a beautiful son. Chose you to be his mother. Maybe you should try to get to know him. Maybe go to church I promise you want burn if you walk in the doors. Holy water want be thrown Lmao. But since you weren’t introduced as a child. Maybe now would be a great time. To introduce yourself and tell him thanks and let him know how much you appreciate your son. I’m no holy roller by no means. I don’t walk in a church every Sunday. But I know god. And the man has been good to me. I can’t deny that. Saved me many times. Gave me beautiful children. Your son when old enough can make his choice about baptism.
Maybe try going a few times talk with the preacher. And really get to know and understand god. Than maybe you will feel confident in a baptism. Good luck
Coming from a Jew who’s father is Protestant and I married a Muslim who is now a Unitarian Universalist. God is god and is everywhere regardless of religion. What has always been a staple in my life is my family’s traditions. Get him baptized. There is zero reason not to. It is part of his family’s traditions. Here is the thing that I would talk to your MIL about. That you are doing this for the family and how the child wants to believe in god you will support regardless if it is through the church or something else. Religion as a social construct is very important it teaches many things. Choice though is most important, so if you’re really against it then don’t do it. If you don’t care do it for the family.
I’m not religious either but apparently your husband is. You say it dosent matter to you. Well it matters to him. This is his child also and this is important to him.
I too was in your shoes, my husband was raised Christian and I was raised catholic (you baptize babies if your catholic to prevent them from going to purgatory- the in between Heaven and hell) I was baptized catholic. But now I’m Christian. As a Christian we are all born with sin bc of Adam, but we as people have to decide when or if we accept Jesus into our heart and lives hence the wording “being born again” it’s all up to the parents and how you choose to guide your child on their spiritual journey. If you don’t mind then let your husband take the lead on this one. I would personally be there incase down the road religion does become important to you personally.
Since you have no feelings on it and obviously it’s important to your husband then I don’t see where the problem is, There’s no reason to make this an issue between the two of you.
i chose to wait until my daughter is old enough to decide herself. if she chooses to be religious i will happily support her. i don’t believe in forcing my child to believe or not believe just because of my beliefs.
When my son was born I knew how much it would mean to our families to have him baptized so I did it. It was a beautiful day with family and lots of pictures to remember the day. It also brought our families closer together. Now it is his choice how religious or not he wants to be as he gets older.
If you don’t have any feelings on it and it’s very important to your husband and his family I would do it. I wish that I had when my children were smaller. At my church they call it “dedicating your baby into the church” where I live it just means that your husband would teach your child the ways of God and the other members of the church are there for support. It’s a beautiful ceremony and the preacher just sprinkles a little anointing oil on the baby’s forehead. I wasn’t raised in a very religious home either but my husband and I are doing our best to raise our children in a Christian home
let him decide for himself when he is older. kids should not be baptized again their will anyway. keep your husbands family out of any decision making regardless…
As long as he wants to
It’s like this keeo the peace and have him baptized later in life once he’s of age he can believe what he wants to believe in its a free world.
https://youtu.be/wIerrc6DFP8 watch this and make up your own mind as he breaks doen the bible we have to be mind for of who we are truly praying too, coz all its notbwhat it seems in the bible x much love and light xx
Not been in the situation. If you don’t have an opinion then just let them do it.
I’m in a pretty similar boat. My fiancé/baby’s father said he wants our child baptized (although at this point he doesn’t attend church either) if you have no strong opinions about it then I’d say just let your husband have this. I wouldn’t know the first thing about preparing for it so let him handle the arrangements too. My only advice is to make sure you and your husband bring the child up with whatever you BOTH believe in and allow them to make their own choices as they get older. Don’t force religion.
I was in the same situation with my son and his father, it was really important to him because I’m his mind if you’re not baptized you’re going to hell. But we were able to have a compromising conversation that he could be baptized, go to church etc but not going to pressure him one way or another as he gets older and let it be up to him if he wants to continue or not.
I was raised catholic, baptized n all. However, I have not practiced religion in my adult life. It doesn’t bother me that I’ve been baptized. The baptismal certificate actually helped me fix an error on my birth certificate. I don’t see the harm in it, if it’s important to them.
If it’s important to your husband do so. Strangers, yes me, have no part in a decision between you and your husband.
As his mother, if you decide to get him baptized. I hope you change your mind of not being a part of it. But I agree with Jake Andrew. I feel as though you need to get saved, then be washed in the blood as they call it, or coming up as a new creature in Christ… But I know that’s not everyone’s opinion
Are they Catholic? I’ve heard of christenings but typically you don’t baptize a baby or young child. Baptisms are the individual saying “I have decided to follow Christ” and it’s completely meaningless if it isn’t the individual deciding to do it. You aren’t going to hell if you haven’t been baptized, and you aren’t going to heaven just because you have.
I personally only baptized my first two I’m catholic then I became baptist my youngest two got dedicated to the church no baptism when I converted back to catholic my younger two wanted to get baptized so I did it’s just a ritual if you don’t care either way then do it and I personally have been baptized twice once as a child catholic and then again as a adult christian I don’t know about y’all but I’m covering all my bases LoL
ABSOLUTELY NOT! A dedication ceremony is sufficient. Dedicating your child to God. I was brought up in the church and I waited until my children were old enough to make the choice for themselves. Until they knew and excepted the lord for themselves
your child cannot have a church wedding without being christened
Yes im not religious but I got my son baptized there’s no problem with it and you get to have a party afterwards as well
get a blessing its not any religion to please your husband and keep your child safe.
If you are ok with him going to church then it should be fine for him to be baptized
Through friends with different belief/religion, they just try to compromise and respect each other. They still baptized their children but in the end when they children can decide on their own, they allow their children to choose and practice what they want.
If you are not religious. No leave it for him. And if he wants too. let him and teach him to research the church it self as each has its own focus and vide. But sometimes small sacrifices that keep the piece is important. Besides it won’t hurt him.
It sure isn’t going to Hurt !!! Everyone and everything can be a savior in TODAY’S times !!! God bless you and your family’s
Maybe wait until your son is old enough to decide for himself if he wants to be or not if your undisisive.
Neither me or my husband are religious but my son is being baptized cause my mother is and we know it will just ease her mind
If u don’t have a religious preference then I don’t see any problem w it. This is why back in the day ppl did not marry outside their religion. It’s not a religion that forces u to become a member of either. Some like Catholic they should convert if u marry a Catholic. Their not asking u to convert they r asking to have the child saved and there’s nothing wrong w that. It’s not going to hurt anything .
the whole thing about being baptized is making a commitment to excepting Jesus and God into your life.
So my humble opinion, if your son isnt old enough to make that choice, id wait til he is and then decide if you want to be apart of that memory for him, when/if he chooses to be baptized.
If you don’t have an opinion then I’d let them do it. It seems like it’s important to them. If you were very against it that would be one thing but I would find it a little unfair to say no to something they value highly when your stance is just ‘I don’t have an opinion’.
I believe it should be the child’s choice. They can get baptized when they are older. My parents forced religion on me and I hated that.
I have my own religious beliefs which are nothing to do with formal religion but my children are christened.
You can always compromise and find a humanist church if it makes you more comfortable about it.
Its important to Dad and his family and wont harm baby…count it as a blessing
Depends how badly you want your inlaws influence over your own family and children. Let them influence 1 decision leaves the door open for all decisions.
I wouldn’t personally because I’m not at all religious. My parents had all their kids baptized and neither are overly religious… it was just expected by grandparents so it was done. Pointless really… I don’t need some fake man in the sky to tell me any beautiful baby is better now without sin. How in earth can a baby have sin?! They can’t.
I think if your not opposed to having your son go church or be baptised then go for it. Its not going to cause any harm. If you feel it is important to the child’s dad and family and you don’t have an issue with it then let it go ahead, you have the choice of being part of it or staying behind like you have previously.
A baby baptism is not the baby save in a way since that’s a personal choice
It’s more like a welcoming into the church family, and prayers and blessing
No harm done if your husbands wants it done for his kids
If the father is set on that why fight them? If he goes to church with them without you I would allow it. It’s not like it’s a health,or mental situation.
It’s not going to cause harm if he does. My sons were as babies and they are choosing to do it again as adults. We are not over the top religious. We are Christians. But we aren’t in church every Sunday. I think it would be okay if father wants it done. Humor him. He had a say too.
I didn’t baptize my son (most of our families wanted me to) but no one pressured or judged me. They just minded their business.
I was in the same boat - all 4 of my kids are now baptised my thought was their father and family are religious and I’m not so like you I didn’t have an opinion so I thought why not. At the end of the day I raise my kids regardless of religion we respect religion but we don’t change our life for it.
I am not religious but I have a relationship with Christ. We do baby dedication (they are commitments to raise our children in a Christ like home). Baptism is an outward expression of an inward decision. As a baby they can’t make that decision/commitment however many faiths still practice baby baptism. I would say if it’s important to your spouse, then allow him/her to do that. Congratulations on your son.
I was forced to be religious as a child and I personally think it’s all bull and brainwashing but I have always told my daughter that I will take her or arrange for her to go with a friend if she ever expresses interest in going to church. It should be the child’s decision when they are a little older
Baptism is a promise from the parent and those in the child’s life that they will raise them in the religion/church. Until you guys have settled an answer on the topic of raising the kids and religion I wouldn’t do a baptism.
My husband’s family is very religious but I am not, they wanted to have our 1st dedicated to their church.
So we did. I mean it was just a nice time & get together to me and it doesn’t hurt the child in any way.
It also introduces them to different beliefs.
I do believe in teaching my children many different beliefs & letting them decide what they believe later in life when they’re older.
I was raised catholic but don’t really follow man made religions. My mother is Italian and felt very strongly that babies should be baptized to save them from evil etc. To be honest baptizing my daughter didn’t really matter to me but I did it to make my Mom happy and make her feel peaceful that all her grandchildren were ok, it was also a way for my daughter to get her Godparents.
My Mom does understand that she will only be baptized, I will not force the first communion or anything on her. If my daughter decides she wants those things then she can have them.
That sounds like a baby dedication… which is more of the commitment that the parents make to bring the child up to know Jesus. This is something that you need to openly discuss with your husband. If he doesn’t plan to do that, the ceremony is kinda pointless. However if it means something to him, then you should expect that he will want to be involved in the church with the baby. And, eventually the child is going to want his Mom to be involved there too. It can be tough but for a Christian, the word of God tells us that there will be issues if you’re unequally yoked. As a Christian, I highly encourage you to join your family and see what it’s all about. I hope that they attend a church that preaches the unadulterated word and that you find Christ too. Jesus loves you so much! He died on the cross for your sins, conquered hell, rose from the grave three days later, and spent 40 days spreading the good news before returning to His throne! He would have done it all again even if you were the only one to be saved from it (that’s how much he adores you!) Please keep in mind that the church is like a hospital for sinners. We mess up, but the word convicts us, Jesus makes us new, and the word assured us of how loved we really are. I spent years staying far from the church because people
In the church hurt me… but eventually, I came back to Christ. Christ didn’t hurt me, other sinners in need of Jesus hurt me. I think it would be wonderful to have your son become a part of the church and even better if you both do! You are both so loved and welcome!
I think if it’s important to your so and you don’t really care one way or another, what’s the harm in just letting them do it? I personally am very anti religion so I’d never allow it, but if you’re not, I’d let them.
Then YOU shouldn’t do it for religious reasons. But if it would make your husband happy then why not. Even the thought of someone greater possibility looking over my child would make me happy about it. Either way you aren’t losing anything from doing it.
Flip side of that over here. I am a baptized Roman Catholic, though I did choose not to go through with confirmation at 12. I always just assumed my kids would be baptized at birth as well. But this ended up being a huge point of dissention between me and their father. He does not follow my beliefs. We compromised, my kids are not baptized in my church, but they do attend Catholic school, and baptism will be their choice when they are old enough to make it.
Inlaws don’t belong in this conversation. This is between you and their father.
I was raised in a catholic household, a very catholic household. Due to that, I’m no longer religious in any way but do respect other’s views. With that being said though, I did not baptize my children and don’t plan on it. I personally would rather teach my children about all religions so that they can decide for themselves which direction of faith they’d like to go. Let him go to church, respect that if that’s what your husband wants to do. But if you don’t want to baptize him or go yourself, don’t.
I did iam not babtize my husband is my whole family is except me my kids all are i went to the classes my kids godparents are baptize so my kids are
Baptism has nothing to do with eternal security. . . .
I am mostly the same way as you, but as it was important to my husband and his family, I am allowing my children to be baptized at his mother’s church (since we don’t have one that we attend). If you don’t have strong feelings about it one way or another, and they do, let them have this one. It won’t hurt anything, and who knows, it may help. There’s no real negative to saying yes and allowing it, ya know?
Being baptized doesn’t save you. Having a personal relationship with Jesus and asking for forgiveness dies. I think what they are wanting to do is a baby dedication? A small ceremony dedicating the baby back to God and promising to raise it and nurture it in a godly way.
Can’t hurt. YOU don’t lose either way. What if you are wrong and there is a God. Nothing lost if you are right.
I’m in same boat. My husbands all about it and since I didn’t grow up either way I don’t mind it at all if it makes him happy. My mother grew up very strict catholic and didn’t want us growing up that way so she left it up to us and that’s why I’m open to anything.
You’re married now. Go to church with him. It will strengthen your marriage and your soul too.
Growing up with divorced parents birth father religious my mom not she waited till we were old enough to decide if we wanted to get baptized or not
I’m not religious at all. I grew up with parents who believed went to church a little bit but have made my own decisions about what I believe as an adult. For me, idc if my kids want to believe. When my daughters grandma wants to take my daughter to church I’m all for it. If it makes her happy that’s fine with me. If they wanted to take her to get baptized I’d be fine with it too I was baptized as a kid. It’s not going to hurt anything & I want my kids to be able to decide for themselves so I don’t tell them I don’t believe
I would do it. I don’t have the same religion beliefs as my husband but church is important to him so I go.
My mom let us choose, I ended up getting baptized on my own terms when I was 11/12 and it was the most amazing feeling. I’m going to let my kids choose as well
It cannot harm the baby and might be a positive thing, so you should go with it.
It can’t hurt I’m the same way I had religion pushed down my throat as a child and I still don’t believe
I’m not very religious, I was raised with some religion and baptized as a child but my boyfriend and his mother wanted my son to be baptized Catholic and because they’re active in the church and they’re going to make sure he is as well I allowed it. It’s a decision that you guys should talk about and if it bothers you then don’t do it. They can make a decision later in life if they want to be baptized.
If your husband wants him baptized, I’d say have him Baptized, Make sure you attend the service, you don’t have to participate but be there for your husband and son, being baptized is not going to hurt your son and when he’s old enough he can still decide he doesn’t want to attend church
My ex and I had the same issue. When we split, he somehow forgot that I had a say in my childs life, and had him baptized when I wasnt around. I was HEATED, but ten years later, I couldn’t care less. It didnt have any kind of effect on my child one way or the other.
In not religious at all and my grandmother keeps begging me to get my kids baptised and I refuse. I’m not going to do that just cause someone wants me to. They are your kids. So it is YOUR say
In our family we dedicate babies. Basically saying we as parents will raise them to believe in God. Then when the child is old enough to make their own decision they are baptized if they so choose.
Yeah if I were you just do it. Its not going to hurt anything any one. I feel if you do not you and that side the family going to have some long term issues. Im not religious but I was baptized and confirmed lithren. By my family. Some water on the head or whatnot by a pastor at kids young age won’t hurt them and once they grow up they can decide whatever they want about all that mess. Is baptizing a child who not old enough to know anything about religion going to hurt them . nahh. My ex husband was Italian catholic family. It was huge deal for them I was not going to cause a issue between us all over baptism. Its not like it’s a mark on them fir life that will physically emotional effect them forever they grow have free will
Doesn’t cause any harm to the baby, so if you’re comfortable with the idea then definitely go for it.
Its cattle rancher mentality, trying to be the first to get a “brand” on your calf, if you dont believe it just join a rival religion and insist your child go with your brand and you’ll start a range war
Of course, people need a healthy spirit (regardless of religion). Let them feed his spirit.
If you don’t even know the meaning behind it and have a purpose for doing it then why do it? The baby isn’t even old enough to know anything about the Bible or baptism. I would have a reason for doing it. You shouldn’t just do things because of pressure from others.
Baptism doesn’t equal salvation, one has to make the conscious decision to follow Jesus, which a baby can’t do. In some faiths, such as Catholics, they believe in baptizing a baby because they believe a baby is born sinful because we live in a fallen world. I personally don’t agree with this and believe that baptism should be a decision that is made when a person is old enough to fully understand what it means. I mean, it’s not gonna hurt the baby to have some water splashed on its forehead (even though baptism is technically the FULL submersion of the body to a watery grave)
Why not do it even if you don’t believe it’s not like it can hurt your child to be baptized.
You and your husband have an equal say in how you raise your children. It means a lot to HIM, you really don’t care either way, and your child will not care or remember. If it makes him happy and doesn’t cause any harm then let them do it. I’m 100% not religious but my husbands parents are. I don’t believe in churches but it means a lot to them so I let them take my kids to church when my kids want to go.
What’s the harm in doing it? It’s not hurting your son and it’ll make your husband happy
In a free democratic society your children have a right to choose their own religion when they are old enough. They should be allowed to see what other religions are about. Of you choose you take away their freedom
Please consider your husband’s feelings. If he feels it is important to him then I would agree. I would be present for the ceremony but you don’t have to participate other than being there to support your husband and child. My dad was protestant and my mother was catholic and we mutually respected each other. Most religions teach commonly held beliefs that are important for all people to consider fundamentals of their lives. No matter your formal religion people shouldn’t kill others or steal and committed crimes and all should be respectful of their families, friends and others in the community. So no matter the formal religion we all want our children to be decent kind human beings. It is supportive of your marriage and life together as a family to look for what you have in common and what qualities you love about your spouse and want to inspire in your children. Best of luck to you and your family.
If you don’t mind (which you don’t seem too) I’d let your husband have it done. I love how level headed you are about it. We are not very religious (my kids know about the bible and God and Jesus but we don’t actively attend a church) and I wouldn’t wanna miss the ceremony, but if your husband doesn’t mind you missing then don’t go. I’m sure there will be plenty of pictures.
Baptizing your baby is beautiful ceremony. You are dedicating him to God . In this crazy world, with all the horrible things, we all need God’s divine protection over our lives , but especially our babies!!
Baptizing does not equal salvation. I would go to church as a family for a while and learn.
Let him get baptized for his mother in law. He will make his own decisions about religion when he grows up. She jas probably dreamt of this day for a long time. Make her heart happy.
It’s a beautiful ceremony
It’s a promise to raise your child to be a good person and commit them to God.
I am so disheartened by all the people on here who had and still have no religious upbringing😔. Get your baby baptized and have him/her grow up going to church with dad and his family🙏🏻. You may decide some day that you’d like a relationship with God, also!
Dedicate the baby to the Lord. When child is older let him make his own decision if he wants to be baptized.
Our church teaches that you are only " saved" when the individual makes a personal choice and accepts Christ. Then they choose to be baptized. New parents usually have baby dedications. I would do it. It will make your husband and in laws happy,
I was raised very religious, I’m now spiritual but I can say as a preachers kid that some of my fondest memories were at church. I didn’t have options but I gave my children options and they are also spiritual not religious. Allow him to be baptized and you should participate because it’s a family moment. Baby baptismal is not only about religion it’s also a way to tie families together. You don’t want to miss out on that very special moment regardless of religious beliefs.
Think of it as a baby dedication party and enjoy the togetherness holding your little one and thinking of the tremendous blessing of his birth.
My understanding is that dedication of a baby is thanking God for the gift of this precious life and making a promise to do your best as parents to bring that child up in the teachings of the christian faith. If something happens to a child up until the age of reason (which is around 12), they have a place in heaven. After that, it is a personal decision to reject or accept to follow Christ as Saviour and Lord and make the choice to be baptised.
Being christened, baptised or dedicated as a baby does not guarantee you a place in heaven as an adult.
My husband was raised Catholic & I was not. Our daughters are Catholics and when I attend church I go with my family.
You cant save anyone, only an individual can make the choice to accept Christ. Baptism is an act of faith following what Jesus did when He ask John to baptize Him.