My second pregnancy was harder then the first. I lost weight in my first trimester, smell of food made me sick, and they thought I was having twins, second trimester he was lying on my bladder and had to have a catheter. He weighed 9-7oz, 22 inches at birth. Everyone is different.
Same thing happened to me and when i went for my check up i told the dr that i felt completely norm like i wasnt even preg anymore… Found out i miscarried
This happened with my 2nd pregnancy and with my first I was so sick. I like to say I gave my best friend (the toilet) a hug every day multiple times a day until I gave birth. And my 2nd pregnancy was 10000% different. Barely ever sick, threw up only like 5 times.
During my first pregnancy I was sick for the first trimester and it just stopped one day and with my second pregnancy I was sick the entire thing non stop…puking daily. Just depends on the pregnancy honestly…they are all different.
I only had morning sickness with my third child like that. It was soooo bad. I couldn’t stand the smell of food, cleaning products, and I had lost so much weight that they had to put me on nausea medicine just so I could eat. Then second trimester hit and bam, I was craving fish, chocolate donuts, and milk. I think the only other time I got sick was my second child and that’s because I deviated from her chicken thing and tried to eat stew. She didn’t like that. Nah, you’re good. Congratulations!
If your ever concerned you can call the nurses of your doctor. Mine were always a great help. If I were you I wouldn’t be scared. I was sick my first trimester then it got much better.
When I was pregnant with both my boys I never had “morning sickness” each pregnancy
Yes enjoy your good days! The smell of dirty laundry set me off lol…then all the cutest fashions come out while you are pregnant…so you get depressed too! If you check out well with your obgyn…your good to go…mine was 11lbs 9 oz…now 38…good luck and just relax
With my first pregnancy I was literally sick one time and that was it. With my second pregnancy I was sick the entire nine months. Every pregnancy is different. If your doctor isn’t worried about it, I wouldn’t be either.
Oh yes , my first 4 months were awful! Ended up in the hospital two times with dehydration . So sick I couldn’t raise my head of my pillow!
My second trimester was the easiest of the three. My dislike of certain foods and acid reflux came back in the third trimester
I was only sick once or twice with my first pregnancy. Usually on the days I had a Dr’s appointment. Nerves probably. I wasn’t sick at all with my other 2 pregnancies!
It’s probably nothing to worry about. I fortunately only had morning sickness for like a week but my whole first trimester I couldn’t stand the smell of certain foods and then one day it just completed stopped and I could eat the foods that made me wanna barf and I was feeling great, wearing jeans, singing in the car again. Second trimester is usually the best and you just started feeling better a little earlier.
My morning sickness actually started the day after I got pregnant. One continued to twelve weeks. I woke up and wondered what was different. I had one that went through nine and half months (yes I’m that old) another one was so relaxed I didn’t even realize I was in labor. Every one has different reactions. Just like vaccines!! Lol.
Many things are “Normal” during pregnancy. I had , not just Morning sickness, but “All day sickness” for eight months. This was Normal too. Had perfectly healthy babies.
2nd trimester is supposed to be your honeymoon period. Morning sickness stops. You’re not as tired. The 1st and the 3rd are usually the worst for most people. Enjoy it while it lasts
You’re fine. My morning sickness was in the second trimester, as is with most woman. Fortunately, yours stopped a week earlier than mine. My daughter is thirty one now. .
I’m 79 years old. I was 26 years old when I was pregnant with our son. I was never sick one day nor was I sick with our daughter. I feel sorry for you who were sick.
It was like a switch for me I was sick as a dog from week 4 to week 12 and then just like that I felt great. This happened for all 3 pregnancies
Yep. It’s like a switch. What a good switch. I had morning sickness so bad for the first trimester.
Same happen to me SO SICK first 9wks Then no more sickness, but had only heartburn rest of term. Good Luck
Same thing happened with me. I found out I miscarried that same week.
My Mother claimed she was never sick while pregnant. I guess it’s a good thing; she worked up until the day I was born
I threw up 3 times a day for 9 months… be thankful the vomiting stopped!
My morning sickness stopped at 6 months then in 7th month I got indigestion whenever I ate or drank even water
Yea my morning sickness stopped around 16 weeks then came back just recently about 25 weeks. It’s normal, hopefully it stays gone!
It’s a pretty normal occurrence but you should at least go check for a great beat with an ultra sound. I think a heartbeat is still to early to detect. I could be wrong it’s been a very long time since I’ve been expecting
That was me with my first pregnancy. It stopped just like that on the first day of my second trimester. My other 2 pregnancies, not so lucky.
Normal morning sickness is usually in the 2nd month of pregnancy. Some have it longer and some have all day long. I had five children and my “morning” sickness lasted til the 2nd trimester and I had it all day long. As soon as it ended I got heartburn for the rest of my pregnancies. That was the worst.
Your HCG levels climb really high usually until the 10-12 week mark and then start to drop back down. It happened to me too and my DR said when they start to drop most people start feeling better. Not in all cases of course but in mine it did.
No. I wouldn’t worry about it but if you are concerned maybe call your obgyn. Best wishes on a easy pregnancy and healthy baby.
Mine stopped around 10 weeks, but would pop randomly once in a while for another 3 weeks.
Enjoy the Second trimester. Best you are going to feel for a while lol
I had two pregnancies. No morning sickness until beginning of 3rd mo. Then, w each one got really nauseous for about 2 days n that was it!! Weird, but very lucky…! Never heard of that,!
I had this in the 1st trimester, but at night then it went away!
Mine went away same time. I had lost baby…no heartbeat. Had an ultrasound to confirm. Then HCG levels every 48 hours to see what levels were doing. I miscarried 6 days later on my own
I had 5 pregnancies, never had morning sickness, braxton hicks etc. Had 6 hr labors. Only thing I had was extreme tiredness everyday about 4 pm. But I dont get nautious with the flu. I only post to say that it is so variable for each woman and science doesnt know why.
with my first pregnancy for about the second to my fourth month I had problems with this then after that I was fine. So sure it is normal.
I was so very sick the first 3 months, then all of a sudden starting month 4 I was totally fine.
It’s normal i had morning sickness from 5 weeks and it went away at 12 weeks.
Symptoms can come and go
It did happen to me, and the outcome was that I had lost my pregnancy. I pray this is not the case for you.
Yes years ago when pregnant with my daughter, I had nausea for several months then 1 day everything was back to normal.
I stayed sick all the way through my pregnancies. I could only eat certain things.
I was every day when I was pregnant with my son, except the day he was born. I was sick the first two weeks with my daughter and then not until the morning she was born.
That totally happened to me at week 12, I woke up and said holy crap, I’m hungry,!,
Yes I was so sick for the first 4 months with my 3rd son to the point I would be throwing up blood then one day it just was gone. He was born at 9 lbs 5 oz and a big happy healthy almost 7 yr old now
That’s the way pregnancy works. As long as you feel good you’re all set.
No, on two of my children mind stopped after 3 months. The last one I was sick the whole time.
Yes I had for 4 months. . all of sudden one morning it was gone
I bet all is ok. I had hyperemesis graviderum for 2 of my 3 pregnancies. I barfed from the second I got a + til their births!!! I would bring it up to your OB next appointment but barring any warning signs be thankful to the pregnancy gods who showed you some mercy! Lol Congratulations and wishing you a smooth uncomplicated barf free pregnancy!!!
It does not last forever but certain smells may make u nauseous
Morning sickness stops just as fast as it starts and doesn’t always happen all pregnancy, or even at all. I’m sure everything is alright.
No that’s normal with morning sickness I did the same thing with my daughter
Aa rhe placenta starts taking on more of rhe workload oftentimes the morning sickness decreases or goes away. I wouldn’t worry!
Perfectly normal. Be glad you’re over that part of it.
I only was sick 8 weeks then it just went away.
I was sick every day for the first six months… almost threw a party when it stopped!!!
That’s how it was for me with my first. Only the morning sickness lasted the first 4 months. Another two children and nit a day of morning sickness with either of them.
when i was pregnant i never had morning sickness had three period while pregnant never knew until i was four months i wnt into deliverroom at 1.00pm had my son at 2.15pm
I threw my guts up until I got the positive pregnancy test at Dr’s office and it stopped!
I lost 2 babies this way. Everything was fine with morning sickness and then nothing. Next visit I found out they had passed away. 12wks and 13wks
Never was sick. Queasy about 10:00 ate Good to go ! Healthy baby 43 yrs ago
33 years and I still can’t stand the smell of chili. The first months raisin bran and grape juice.
There’s a reason they call the 2nd trimester the golden trimester.
It me every day wuth my daughter at 4. Different firveveryone. I know some whi nevervexperienced it
Wife had 3. Couldn’t stand smell of eggs for 3 months each time. Then indigestion until delivery
Yeah ,it’s good . Mine stopped at about 11 weeks, but came back the last 6 weeks. It wasn’t as bad tho.
I’d mention it to your OBGYN but not be overly concerned. Mine stopped like that with this pregnancy. But when I had my first born, I was sick until I was almost due. And a friend of mine was still getting sick after delivery
My first son I was sick for the first 3 months. My second son I was fine till the last two months then I was throwing up all the time. I started loosing weight. I ended up going in hospital 2 weeks early. Every pregnancy is different.
I was nauseous my whole first trimester. I ate soup, drank tea, juice, water, and Gatorade
Completely normal…my sickness stopped after the 1st trimester…
Be happy, It works usually in stages. 1st stage usually tired, morning sickness for some. Then 2nd stage usually better. And last stage , energy and nesting. Cleaning and getting ready and anxiousness. And after Birth “no sleep” lol
Love it. Enjoy it now because it might come back.
My 1st one had no sickness @ all, my 2nd every eve around 6 pm.
Mine went away at week 10 over night.
I had 3 pregnancies and never had morning sickness. It’s nothing to worry about.
End of 3rd month with both pregnancies all symptoms went away.
You are normal. Every pregnancy has similarities and differences.
1st. Daughter at 4 weeks, got sick at 4:00 in the afternoon like clockwork. Lasted about 2 weeks.
Second daughter, nothing at all.
Usually morning sickness stops around 4 months
That happened to me with my last pregnancy…most of my Second trimester i was like that then like a week or 2 before my third trimester i felt like a whole new person lol
I’m 21 weeks and my morning sickness hasn’t stopped
With my last child I had morning sickness the whole time. Morning, afternoon and evening. Once I threw up it was gone.
I went through three pregnancies and was ALWAYS grateful when the morning sickness went away.
Guess what…my husband had the upset stomach when I first got pg every time…lol
I’ve had five and never had it at all! Why?
Mine hit me in the evening from 6 to about 9, lasted 3 months.
I only had Morning sickness my last month of pregnancy. Everyone is different.
Most ladies go through this , it is normal.
Omg no that’s actually normal, consider yourself lucky lol I had it for 6 months… and I know people that have had it their whole pregnancy
Only 1 day at about 4 months with all my 3. So glad.
Usually it stops when you are further along.
Great enjoy it. Your body has adjusted to the hormones
I have one son. I never had morning sickness but had some friends that were so sick. Bless y’all’s hearts!!
Yes, disappeared like magic at 12wks., X4
Morning sickness doesn’t last forever. I wouldn’t worry about feeling better,that’s a good thing.
O yes I remember those days . Never gained weight till after 6 months pregnant.
I hope it happens for me I’ve been so sick since 4 weeks pregnant.
Yep just love it and keep on making that baby😜
Yes normal now just enjoy your pregnancy
have you had your doctor check you and the baby just to be safe