Should I be concerned that my toddler is a late talker?

I wouldn’t be worried…50 words sounds a bit much for a 2 year old …if she still doesn’t speak by 2, I’m sure a speech therapist can help her…I have 4 kids, my first 3 spoke before 2, my lil guy is too young he’s only 7 months…best of luck to you

My daughter had a few words. She turned 2 in June and it’s like the day she turned 2 her words just came. In less then 2 months she’s now talking like 5 word sentences and very clear. My doctor said 20 words but even if there just words that only I understand they counted.

My son was a late talker… his adenoids and tonsils where enlarged making it uncomfortable for him to talk… had them removed and was talking in small sentences with a couple weeks…

Every kid is different, but ask your pedi about early intervention, has done wonders for my late talker

Nope! My daughter was the same way! I was worried because she was 2 and barely saying a handful of words i kept asking her pediatrician and even tried signing her up for speech classes and then like over night she started talking. She just turned 3 in June and doesn’t stop talking now lol

My daughter would talk a storm of jumbled up something. She had to take speech and reading until 2nd grade but she outgrew it. Her pediatrician suggested sign language to help with us understanding basic commands and things. Like “more” “hungry” " milk" things like that. Basic stuff. It helped immensely.

Einstein didnt speak till the age of 5.give it some time.

I would bring it up at her 2yr appointment. A lot of non-autistic conditions can cause the delay in speech, (issues with hearing is a big one) another aspect is we have been wearing masks for over year and sounds have been muffled and kids learn alot by reading lips which was also taken away with masks…

Over worried I felt the same way about my granddaughter she’ll talk when she’s ready then you gone be like she want stop talking😂 She’s taking in every word you say then one day boom

My friends daughter was the same. All of a sudden at about 2 and a half, the words just came and she hasnt been quiet since. Just relax.

Mine is 3 and doesn’t speak the importance of things like others around her her age do so I’m in your same boat.

Nothing to be worried about!! My daughter (now 10) was like that! She is considered speech delayed and has made a lot of progress now! She goes to speech therapy but not as much now and is in life skills ( or special ed) cause we found that she’s a little delayed in a couple of areas as well.

My daughter turns 2 in September, and she doesn’t say all that much either, but her pediatrician said she’s right on track. She talks in her own little language. Do you remember the wild thornberrys? She kinda talks like Donny lol

My boy has hearing problems. His brain doesn’t understand words. Auditory Processing Disorder. He babbled because that’s what it sounded like to him. Js

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Consult the pediatric doctor. Let the doctor know your concerns. If the baby is really delayed, baby can start seeing Speech therapy. Sending you love! Hope all goes well

Let her be about 3 she will then you will want her to shut up i raised my grandaughter that’s what she done

my son start saying words at 3years almost 4years my daughter is 2years and not saying.much word

my son did the same thing, then one day, he just started talking. he’s 3 now and talks nonstop.

Don’t even worry about it. My daughter will be two in October and she’s almost the same way only mama and daddy and some babbles. She is super well coordinated and smart (ahead of her age I think) because she knows how to drink out of a bottle by herself and then she screws the cap back on when she’s done and then sets it down neatly!! We got to remember that they are still only barely toddlers. As long as they’re up-to-date on everything else n seems fine then I wouldn’t worry. I believe mom knows best but it’s always not a bad idea to mention it to the pediatrician if you want! She also does the looking right into your eyes while she talks her own language too. It must be normal!

Everyone is different. Are you in the US? You should have them evaluated ASAP by a speech pathologist as the can help you along. In most parts of the states you can get evaluated within 1 month. And it should either be free or you dr appointment fee. They can figure out one of the multiple reasons why. Early intervention is free and quick in CT.

You can get these book toy things from amazon first 100 words etc you could try that

This is something you should discuss with your physician.

Einstein did not talk until he was three

My daughter (now 3) is considered speech delayed. At her 2 year we’ll child visit, he asked if she was saying around 50 words, which I responded with “more like 5…10 that I can understand but no one else can”. He really wasn’t concerned. Fast forward - now she’s talking at a 2.5 year level (so still delayed) but in our area we have speech services and she absolutely qualified and will be starting in the fall. They’re free! Check into it in your area. Either your pediatrician or school district should have info. Don’t be too concerned - she’ll talk when she’s ready <3

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My son was the same I wouldn’t worry at all. Also try recording her voice and her “language” you will usually find that she is actually saying words… just her way

My daughter didn’t talk at all until she was a month past 2 years. Then it was incredible. She began out of nowhere and spoke REALLY well and it’s been nonstop since. Don’t be scared. Your little is still young and has plenty of time. I wouldn’t consider that a delay. They develop in their own time…

All kids are different
My daughter had hearing problems and needed tubes in her ears and then took her for speech therapy it was no time she was talking now she’s grown and don’t shut up =)

Get her tested. Could be speech delay, could be hearing issues. U never know. She also can just be doing things in her own time.

If you are concerned look into starting speech therapy now. Laura Clery is dealing with this currently with her son Alfie and talks about it regularly!

They should be speaking alot more then that

All babies develope at different rates.
Theres no need to worry mamma… they change so quick…before you know it, you wont be able to shut her up :wink:

Honestly it’s okay. My daughters cousin didn’t actually talk until she was 5 years old. Every child is different and doesn’t mean concer either.

I have 4 kids and they’re all different .
My oldest son took the longest to talk maybe 3ish?

But my daughter who barely turned 2 talks alot and clearly then my 3 yr old boy now…

No don’t worry, my eldest didn’t say much at all until he was 6 and even then it was hard to understand him… he’s almost 15 now, and he’s very intelligent and he does very well in school… every kid is different! :relaxed:

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mine is the same. doctor isn’t worried long as she understands

Do not worry, just enjoy

my son 2 in september he doesn’t talk at all just babbles or kids are different

I was worried about my son too that he wasn’t going to be talking properly but when he hit 2, he was talking away with no problem, she may just be taking her time, I would be too concerned just yet.

My eldest didn’t start forming sentences until he was nearly 3 and he’s almost 6 now and never shuts up :joy: my 2 and a half year old has spoke in babble for ages and then almost over night he’s started to form sentences. I really wouldn’t worry just yet if I was you. All kids are so different. My now 4 year old was talking way before he was 2 so they are all different xx

Mine was a very late talker and then had a bad stutter. She did speech for a few years in elementary school, but going into HS now and doesn’t have any struggles (besides the typical teenage girl stuff but even that is minimal). In fact, she has almost 100 averages in all her classes over the years and has some awesome friends.

I remember having the exact same worry with my little boy, he would only say mamma or dadda and nothing else for ages but then it soon all came! He’s 3 and a half now and you can have a full blown conversation with him and there’s pretty much nothing he doesn’t/can’t say. They’re all different and can’t compare to others. I’d give it a bit more time then if she doesn’t start to say more, ask for a referral to speech and language therapy x

Every kid is different! Be patient and keep talking to them, they’ll get it!

My advice for you… watch the Baby Race episode of Bluey (which your child will love but you’ll love it more) … basically, other children will hit milestones before yours, but no matter what, you’re doing an amazing job, it’ll happen soon!


Better to check with an expert than to leave them struggling for extra time my oldest wasn’t talking at all at almost 2 got him into speech for a delay now at 8 you wouldn’t know he had any issues my second I had checked at 18 months because same thing no talking and he has been diagnosed with apraxia which is a moter planning speech disorder which he will deal with his whole life but because he has been seeing a slp since a young age he has built strategies to help get his thoughts understood even when his words fail him he is 5.5 now

I’m in the same boat, my son is 18 months and not talking yet. Only babbling away, saying random sounds and a lot of mama and Dada. But I read that if they understand simple words and requests then it really isn’t a problem. A lot of mamas also let me know to just be patient and continue talking to them, reading books, singing songs, etc. They will talk soon enough :hugs:

I know a lot of people are against technology for babies but my daughter is 2 in August had a tablet about 6 months and in those 6 months she’s come on so much. She speaks in sentences, knows her numbers up to 10 and know her animals etc she’s learned so much from it

There is so much pressure for us to make sure our children hit these milestones. Don’t worry too much, keep an eye on her progress, encourage her by talking and getting her to watch your mouth and how to pronounce words . If you’re still concerned in a few months then talk to someone

My son is two and a half and his speech was really delayed, about two months ago he started talking and now we can’t get him to stop! Try not to worry about it, children develop at different ages and in their own time, I’m sure she will be talking non stop soon xx

Be patient. She’ll talk when she wants to.

I didn’t start talking until I was 4. I did okay kinda

Try having her watch educational videos about colours and numbers and she will get my comfortable with talking my daughter is almost 3 and never shuts up :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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My son just turned 2 on July 6th, he was only saying about 5 words, it’s been 3 weeks since his birthday and he’s already saying 15-20 words. I’d just say work with her as much as possible and it will come in due time. I know kids who didn’t start talking fully until almost 4. They all grow at their own age

My son regressed before 1 in talking, he was having alot of ear infections. He ended up with tubes in his ears. By 2 still not talking. He is not meeting with rainbows on speech therapy. We are hoping this works.

Take her for speech assessment with a speech pathologist and then you know 100%, many times ASD in girls is diagnosed later & every ASD child/person presents with their own quirks & struggles, for some it’s eye contact, sensory with food, others it might not be… Speech delay isn’t always alongside a diagnosis, have the speech assessment and go from there.


My son is 2.5 and he just started talking. I don’t think he wanted to talk before now. Dr said super normal specially with an older sister who talked enough for 5 people


Nope! My boy didn’t talk until he was 3; I was terrified something was wrong! He was fine. He doesn’t shut up now xxx


My doctor told me 2 words by age 2 and then 3 word sentences by age 3 is the new guideline. My daughter was a babbler and refused to say mommy. Said about 10 other words but no mommy. She was 2 in November. She is now 2 years and 8 months, just last night she said “hug mommy. I Love you my mommy.” All in 1 sentence. It took her a solid 6 months of us attempting mom or mommy or mama then she did it and won’t stop HAHAHAHHA. Just relax and they’ll learn. If babe isn’t communicating at all (like showing her wants and desires) then that’s concern. She’ll talk when ready.


I was worried about my kiddo. She seemed to only have a few words that she used for over a year. Then by 3 she was talking in complete sentences.
The only thing we did was encourage her to use words and not just give in to the grunts or babbles. We would pretend we didn’t know what she wanted until she at least tried to say it.


My son could say a couple words but nothing that was absolutely understandable other than mom or the names of other family members. One day he just all of a sudden started speaking in full sentences. He’s 3 1/2 now and says words like “hilarious” instead of funny and he’ll tell you his favorite dinsosaur is an “ankylosaurus”. They pick up more than they let on. If she’s doing fine in everything else I wouldn’t worry about it.


Yes my daughter did the same, speech therapist said everyone was doing everything for her, so when she wanted something she had to say the word before she got it…it worked!


My daughter is almost 2 and she doesn’t know 50 words, but she will repeat words that I ask her to say, they sound like gibberish still, but her doctor says it’s fine

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My son was a late talker but he was busy, busy, busy!! Dont worry mom, before too long you will wish she wasn’t so sassy! LOL


Always better to talk to your pead about your worries and get her assessed. Most children but 2 should have more then 2 words. Could be she’s just a listener ATM and will start talking soon or she may need some extra help, which I would start earlier then later.

They had me take our two year old to a speech therapist and the therapist looked at me and said “he can talk he just doesn’t want to” he can communicate every want verbally now and ever tells me stories


I expressed my concern about a speech delay to my sons kinder teacher and his gp (no full sentences and half words at 3)
They referred us to a speech pathologist but required me get a hearing and eye check first.
We went to the audiologist expecting nothing, turns out he had moderate hearing loss.
He had grommets put in two weeks ago, and is already talking in full sentences and has better pronunciation.
ALWAYS voice your concerns. Even if it turns out to be nothing, at least you will feel better knowing you voiced them.


My son didn’t talk much before about 3, a few words here and there. He would answer questions only with yes or no, until he started preschool and started talking with other kids. But otherwise he was on track and doing age appropriate things. He’s 35 now, and never shuts up.


My grandchild didn’t talk and still…at six has a hard time communicating. She is not autistic…she has Klefstra syndrom…a genetic problem. She is smart…she has social and communication problems.


My daughter was delayed to… Around the age of 6 she found her voice and she hasn’t stopped. She reminds me of Vanessa’s friend on the Cosby show… The one who talked with no periods in the sentences… Help. Me. She’s 16 now


My granddaughter was behind in words at 2 speech therapist said bring her back at 3 she is now talking up a storm and only is having issues with vowels…dont stress it all will come !! Btw she never did see the therapist more than a check in

There might be a problem with her ears. Have you checked for reoccurring ear infections or hearing impairment?

There is a very large spectrum when it comes to autism. She could be somewhere on there.

Don’t worry too much :heart: there are so many therapies out there now to help with whatever might be going on (if anything is).

My son said nothing but ’ Adi’ everything and every one was Adi. Then one one day aged 30 months. He said very clearly O Sh**t when he dropped something. Within a week or so he was sleaking full sentence of for or more words. His tongue just caught up with his brain


My great granddaughter was 2 in April. She is being seen by early intervention. Better to check it out.

I’m kind of sad at all the comments about how mothers panicked thinking their child had that horrible dreaded disability Autism. Sincerely, a mother of 4, 2 being autistic… sad world we live in.


It’s a difficult time being a parent for the first time. My grandmother put my mind at ease by telling me how I had no hair till I was 3 (I have so much hair now) and how she didn’t walk till she was 16 months (she walked til she was 96). Hope it eases your mind to know milestones differ. You sound like a loving concerned mum and that’s important :blush:


My 2nd daughter talked late. But then she had a sister 3 yrs older than her & just didn’t have the need to talk. Sister understood her & did everything for her. She progressed fine & had no problem. Became a school teacher. Don’t worry !!!


Have her ears checked, my daughter now 48 has cognitive hearing loss that is why they don’t talk until about 3 or more, it took years to find the reason.


My daughter was a late talker. She constantly had ear infections but once we got tubes in her ears she started talking away. Her ears always had fluid in them so she couldn’t hear very well.

Not saying she is but autism traits show differently in females vs males qouldnt hurt to have her evaluated or talk to ur pediatrician they might reccomend speech therapy or something

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Yes have you had her ears/hearing checked? My grandson was the same way and had him tested and he couldn’t hear and needed tubes put in! Now he is talking a lot more and will be 3 in September :smiley:

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My daughter will be 2 in September. She says maybe 5 words & those sightings are rare. She communicates so well in every other way… tells us all sorts of things in her own language. Other people are worried but I feel like when she actually starts, she won’t shut her trap. Sometimes, they simply don’t want to yet lol

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My granddaughter going through the same thing with our Great grandson , he is 19 months and only can say 2 words. She had him evaluated and he will have speech therapy.

Do you read to her and spend time playing and talking to her ? Does she have older sibs ? Do they talk for her ? She needs to learn to use her words. She will come along,but do check with her Dr to be sure there is no hearing or health problem.

This is accurate. My. Little will be 3 in November and I worried about the same thing. She sees a speech therapist at her school and she also has a big sister that’s 5 that talks enough for anyone in a room. I say just keep an eye on it and don’t rule anything out just yet. all my kids had different milestones at different ages :blush:

My friend’s didn’t really talk until 3, and then he started just speaking in sentences with some very difficult words. Children’s development ranges really vary. I would continue talking to her, read to her, point out things to her, and I imagine she will do likewise. Obviously, she hears.

All kids develop their abilities to talk, walk, etc in their own time. Let her be… she will come around. My daughter she also didn’t speak much when she was about 2 years old. She didn’t use words she mainly used was pointing with her finger when she wanted things and showing what she wanted… now she’s 4 and doesn’t stop talking :joy: now we (me and my husband) have to tell her to lower down and to calm down when she is excited or talks so much it makes us laugh. My little one is such a little joker she makes everyone laugh :grin: also my daughter knows 2 languages portuguese and English and GP use to say its normal for baby’s full speech come later on.

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My oldest son was a late talker. Was only saying single words when other children his age were talking in sentences. By age three he was talking in sentences too. The subject came up when he was older and his comment was he didn’t have anything to say until he had it all figured out. His IQ is genius level and had done very well for himself.
I would have his hearing checked for a starter, and not all children fit the so called time line for developmental accomplishments.

I was told by my daughters pediatrician this:

If you are reading a book and say “where’s the ball?” can she point to the picture of the ball? If you say bring me the cup (or any other item) does she bring you the correct item?
If the answers are yes, then she is being a sponge and soaking it all in and one day she’s gonna wake up and surprise you with her language skills.

She went from only being able to say “cup” and “ball” to walking up one day and saying “mama can I wear my purple shoes?”

All kids learn to talk at their own pace and all kids develop at different times. I totally understand the panic but I’m sure it will all work out in the end.

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One of my nieces is 5 and she didn’t start talking much until she was about 3 or so but her daycare had a speech therapy program and helped her with it but she didn’t talk except mom dad milk juice Lola (her cat) and she’d say my name maybe once in a blue moon to know you can plain as day understand her and she talks a lot

My daughter only says about 10 words. As soon as she turned 2 I called early intervention & she recently started her speech therapy classes 2 weeks ago, they told me she will talk she just needs a push. Every child develops at different times, her brother didn’t speak until he was 3 so I knew she might speak late as well. Don’t worry eventually she will start talking and won’t stop… lol definitely talk to your doctor about early intervention.

My son didn’t start talking until he was almost 3 and now he doesn’t stop and has an extensive vocabulary. When he started talking he started talking in full sentences. I think he always knew how just never really needed to. His older sister always spoke for him lol

I was literally just making my daughter an appointment to try to get speech therapy or something because I was concerned as well my little one will be 2 at the end of September and does the same thing

My grandson will be 3 in august. He just started to put two words together a couple days ago. He still doesn’t talk fully like he should. He was born two months premature. I believe that’s why he is behind. Where they premature? Could be why.

My son didn’t talk till he was nearly 3. His brother, who was a year older, talked for him :joy: However, he made up his own sign language! Then, suddenly, out of nowhere, he was saying things like, “well, it’s kind of complicated” , I’m testing you…" :joy: and then we wished he would revert back to sign language, LOL. He is out of college now, was always an honor student, super athletic, and a very popular, rowdy boy. He and his wife are about to bless me with my first grand baby. So I wouldn’t worry about a thing, she’s probably just waiting until she’s ready. Then look out!!

She will be fine. Most of the time they talk when they are ready. I have a 2 year old grandson. He talks a little, but does not know 50 words.

My 2 year only say mama and baba. And she speaks her own language, which no one understand, her doctor said wait 1 year after that will go for speech therapy.

My son just turned 3 and he is also not talking. At all. We’re doing speech therapy but like you, no other signs point to anything like autism, etc. We’ve taken the tests given by the therapist and also his pediatrician and they also come back that he’s fine, except he has a speech delay. We’ve done a hearing test as well and it came back fine. Apparently he just doesn’t want to talk yet. It’s stressful…I get it. I have two nephews and one is only a few weeks YOUNGER than my son and he holds conversations and just talks up a storm! I still go through spouts of worrying but I try to trust the professionals. Everyone says one day he’ll start and just won’t stop. :blue_heart::joy:

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My son was a week away of turning 4 before he started talking and he just took off once he started. He was in speech therapy and I believe it helped alot there were things he still struggled to say and he is now 8 and he talks my head off lol. My other kid was 1 and could talk in sentences. They are all different but she will talk.

My son will be 5 in October and still can’t talk properly. All these doctors guidelines are absolutely ridiculous your daughter will talk when she is ready not a minute sooner not a minute later every child is different. I wouldnt worry too much about it