Should I be concerned that my toddler is a late talker?

My niece spoke when she crossed 2 and a half years ago. We were worried too. But when she started talking she became unstoppable. And also very intelligent Some kids start it slow. Don’t worry.

My 2.5 year old talks some, probably not 50 words or at least words we understand but communicates just fine. Her pediatrician said “if she can get her point across without talking then why would she?” Lol. I just make sure to say the word or correct word to her.

My daughter was the same way… couple of words. She was 2 & by time she was 3 she was talking but not long sentences. But I use to be so concerned, I even catch myself being overly worried whether or not she is where she needs to be. But children are on their own pace… My children’s pediatrician said as long as they understand when you speak to them then they are on track. When they are 4-5 & not talking then speech therapy would need to be introduced. She was 3/4yrs old when she saw her first speech therapist thru our school system & she understands very well, it’s pronunciation for her…

Sometimes speech therapy is a good option whether there is a speech delay/impediment/whatever or not, in my opinion, of course :woman_shrugging:t4:

My girls didn’t talk untill 3 and even then not totally clear. Within the year talking singing and the whole bit! My 5 year old grandaughter still struggles with being clear. Turns out she had a tendon holding her tongue down. Also turns out she has above average intelligence. Her 3 year old sister was talking and counting by 2. I have 9 grandchildren. They are all different. Its an individual thing. They all end up pretty much the same level at the end of childhood. So unless your Dr. Gives you reason to be concerned…dont be. She will progress at het own pace and every pace is normal.

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My daughter never spoke for ages was her own way of telling us, its our special bond,i just gave her a lot of one on one bath time was sing along time with nursery rhymes to boost confidence.lots of praising and encouraging. I had her tongue checked for tongue tie.and we had eye sight checked she had a turn in her eye. So on went eye patches fromhospital lots of trips and appoints she know 14 and a cheeky whitty little madam still ow in confidence, but getting there.enjoy the journey and bonding.

Bring it up with her doctor, and get her hearing checked, but keep in mind every child progresses differently and sometimes its perfectly normal for a child to lag behind in an area

Does she understand you? Will she mimic you? Can you get her to say what she wants at meal’s and with toys? She should be able to use more language, but it develops naturally as there is a reason for it. Make sure and read stories together daily, get her to both point out things and attempt to say things she sees in the pictures. Sing songs together. Talk to her all about what she is doing and what is going on. Encourage her and it would not hurt to ask the pediatrician. There is a range, and you want to be sure that she is understanding the language directed at her and around her.

I did. My baby didn’t talk until after 2 but she understood & could do puzzles. Just verbally she couldn’t express herself. By 2/12 she was fine

My daughter is almost 3. I haven’t had her tested for autism, but she is in a ton of therapy… they believe shes on the spectrum. She doesn’t talk at all…her therapist don’t seem to concerned though. So idk.

My son makes eye contact and they still suspected autism at 3. I definitely wouldn’t have picked it up until much later if he hadn’t started speech therapy at 2.

My daughter has also been in speech therapy since she was a toddler and at 5 still has severe language delays.

Early intervention is valuable and even if they end up not having ongoing speech issues, speech therapy is still a resource I think is worth using any time there are doubts.

My daughter didnt talk until she was 3 . Once she stared she hasn’t stopped ! She just turned 45.

My grandson didn’t talk for the longest time because he had 2 older sisters that gave him everything he pointed at. They told his mom to make him at least try to ask for what he wanted, but she was too lazy. Took him forever to talk, like when going to school. So sad.

With my son it was b4 he was 2 and I noticed other signs as well not just with speach, eating, behaviour ect my other half was in denial and I went on ahead and went to my health visitor when he was 2 and 10mths I started him in speech therapy we’re currently on the long road to get him diagnosed with autism he’s 3 and 2mths now and has coming on so well, I’m not saying your child has this but you should speak to your health visitor or doctor if you’re concerned

Definitely have her checked out by her doctor could be a hearing problem. In the meantime talk directly to her and ask her to repeat it. Make sure you are giving her names for everything and talking to her.

My advice is talk to your doctor and get set up for a speech evaluation. My son was a late talker and he has Autism. Having a child with Autism is not a bad thing. You can also have the child tested for Autism just to make sure he or she does or doesn’t have it. I wish you the best of luck.

I was in the same boat. My son was not using a lot words (baba, mama, dada- uncontrolled so it was mamamamamama dadadadada. Etc). It wasn’t until he was 2 years, 7 months that he started full blown talking. I was ready to take him to a speech therapist, get him tested for everything, but then BOOM

At 2 my daughter went into speech therapy and she doesnt stop talking ever after a year of it

I would have her evaluated by your local children’s immediate unit. They can set you up with any help that she needs.

My daughter talked jibber jabber for the longest, and she did so with passion and gusto…I too thought for awhile will it get better? She’s 5 and a half now and Talk’s, a lot! Don’t worry Mama the time will come and you’ll be surprised.

My son didn’t really talk until he was 3. I contribute it to he was never in daycare nor around many children his age. Covid didn’t help at all. He talks up a storm now with no issues. He starts preschool this year and I’m excited for him :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: my sister didn’t talk till she was 3 and when she did she spoke in complete sentences. Every child is different.

When my daughter was about 2 she would not talk because her older sister talked for her. When we got that stopped she started talking. She turned 57 today and is still talking alot.

As long as she is otherwise healthy, who cares??!! Believe me, when she starts you will wish that she would take a breath and be quiet for 30 seconds!

One of my sons didn’t talk or walk until he was almost 2. Then he talked in full sentences and just got up and walked across the room one day.
I have a Granddaughter who is a little over 2 and has bi- lingual parents. Shes not talking yet. One day when I waved and said bye bye she waved and said Bye. Her Dad was so excited

My son spoke 4 words at 18 months. He was diagnosed with a speech delay. We got him into Early Intervention. Best thing we could’ve done. He started speech and when he turned 4 he was able to go into Pre-K early. He is 6 and is still in speech, although he can carry on full conversations. He still qualifies from speech in school.
If I was you, I wouldn’t hesitate looking into getting your daughter into early intervention as soon as you can. There is nothing to worry about, remember children develop at their own rates.

I had one and one of the main reasons he didn’t talk is because we just got what he wanted with his pointing. Try to say the word to her and tell her she needs to tell you what she wants my sons first work beside mama dada and baba was onion lol

30 years ago i spent $800 to have my three year old evaluated because he didn’t talk. At all. On the way home he slapped me on the arm and said There’s McDonalds. Those were his first words. He had two older sisters, his grammie and his mom to wait on him. He never needed to talk

Have her hearing checked. My nephew was 4 and still babbling. I insisted to my brother about possible hearing issues. I was right, just 6 months he was speaking like normal 4 yr old should.

My son is going on 2 as well and only says 2 words. Ball and Dad and only when he really wants to. He’s super smart and talks alot through body language. I think there fine.

  1. Autism is different in boys than it is in girls. 2. Being a little behind is perfectly ok. 3. If your worried get her hearing checked.

I didn’t talk at all until I was four years old & then I started talking in complete sentences. I had three older brothers so my parents thought that I didn’t talk because I didn’t have to. Also I started kindergarten at the age of four & my brothers weren’t there to talk for me. All kids are different.

My daughter didn’t talk till she was 4. We were so worried- hearing tests etc. She’s now 20. Finishing her bachelors degree and applying to vet school. Gifted scientist and super cool adult. Check out Einstein syndrome. He was 5 when started talking!

Does she have a pacifier? My oldest daughter had one & didn’t really start talking until we took it off her at 2.5yrs. Also I think the 50 words they’re supposed to know is about 10 actual words & 40 of their own words.

My son was the same way by age 2. Except he had a list of 30 words he could say but he didn’t say consistently. Only Mommy and Daddy were consistent. Excellent eye contact, very affectionate, wary of strangers, all good signs. He was placed in speech therapy. He’ll be 4 this weekend and is still in therapy. Even completed 6 months of occupational therapy but was discharged this summer because he met his goals very quickly. I have been worried sick over his development since he was 1. He just didn’t seem to meet milestones at the same pace as my 3 older kids. He’s been to a neurologist, had various tests done, including a spelling of his and our DNA. We’ve never been given definitive answers and no one will say explicitly yes or no over him being autistic. As of right now, he’s just developmentally delayed in speech. And he’s making progress. 3-4 word sentences, throws in some pronouns, but just not exactly where he should be. He stims and parrots, but I’ve been told it’s due to his inability to fully express himself through speech. It’s rough and worrisome. The first thing to do is discuss any concerns with a pediatrician and request early-intervention therapy.

You’re good gurrl . Some kids don’t “talk” til they are 4 sometimes not til after that. (Well they are talking we just don’t get it):wink: Unless you feel other developmental things amiss, don’t fret. It does suck there is no blue book. Always a good reminder that they learn and do all the things differently and on their own time. Keep on keeping on mama :heart:

Hi I had the same problem but when they start is a non stop talking and they’ll be very intelligent just be patient

I have a niece that didn’t talk until she was 5 she couldn’t even say mom or dad until 4

My granddaughter didn’t talk very much at 2 and now she will be 9 in August and talks all the time. She went to speech in school.

  1. You’re the best person to see this behavior 2. If she’s where she should be except talking okay not a problem 3. She’s a person in a kids body let her develop at her pace 4. Trust the doctors to a point where you realize they’re not living it so grain of salt choose your battles. Just my opinion here.

Please don’t panic, my son was also a late talker (his older brother talked for him), but once he started talking…he never shut up! So. Give it time.

I was a late talker, and Dad said after I learned, I never shut up! Don’t worry, IMO she’ll be fine.

My son didn’t talk until way after 3and a half I put him in early intervention program with speech therapy and withen a month he was talking up a storm

Get her in speech therapy if you’re concerned. We did it just as an added benefit for our son when he was two. And he wasn’t “behind”, just slightly was in my eyes

If she is babbing she is trying. She is fine always try to get her to repeat what you say like eat, bite; cup. When she points for something tell her the name a few times. She’ll start to pick it up.

When my youngest of 3 would only say our names and yes and no at 2, it was recommended I have him start speech therapy. I waited, thinking he’d catch up, but as soon as we started, it almost unlocked his speech. I’d say do it now, as the child will get frustrated and act out if they can’t comunicate.

My daughter didn’t say many words at 2 either but now she doesn’t ever stop talking (she’s 3 now).

My daughter is the same she turned 2 in june I think it’s just a case of whether or not she is ready I try not to stress about it personally

My son was a little older than 2 when he started talking. He’s now 7 and talks about everything, things a “normal” 7yr old wouldn’t be talking about. He’s very observant and is actually accelerated in math. You shouldn’t worry but discussing with a doctor could help you.

There are some children who do not talk much till about three…others won’t quit talking once the start…amazing…Einstein did not speak hardly at all…till once he said to the teacher…that was the first thing that she said that was worth responding to…Now if you feel your child my lean toward autism…you might have her checked…age 2 is early …but usually they hone in one one item to play with to the exclusion of all others…will not make eye contant…does not like noise…any noise…loud TV…or music…ignore the play of other children…etc…could be signals that your child may be…but might not be also…

That’s how my oldest was she literally did not talk at all just jibber jabber a few months after her second birthday she started talking in complete sentences and she just never stopped talking

Our son was a slow talker. Only a few words at two. Our daughter was talking several words at eleven months. Our son is the talker as an adult. Give it time.

My son was the same way . He had to have tubes put in his ears and that helped

An ASD Mumma here (diagnosed by 2.5) and my son spoke many words by 2 and met every milestone early so not a sign of autism in my eyes. It is however a sign of hearing problems so might be worth a check.

Have her ears checked my son needed tubes to drain fluid and he talked like he was underwater but now he is a Fireman so nothing dangerous

I was told my daughter should have been talking more and that I had to practice with her. So I used to sit her on my lap and do the eyes, ears, nose, mouth routine. After doing that for a while I couldn’t shut her up. You could try a book with pictures etc

My 3 yr old will make eye contact, no problem. She is autistic. Have her evaluated by the pediatrician who will then refer you to a specialist. Don’t put it off. The sooner you get the ball rling the better the outcome.

My son turned 2 in may, his speech is delayed.
He can only say dad, no, what’s that, what’s this and please.
Health visitors and nursery have said not to worry as of yet, the more he’s around children at nursery the more his speech should develop. Xx

My daughter is 2 not talking maybe a word here or there in speech therapy. She’s getting tested in December for autism.

I say, “no”. My middle child was a late talker and today he was valedictorian with an MBA. His older brother interpreted his gibberish :blush:

I am not trying to come across as an insensitive a** but maybe she just doesn’t have anything to say!?! It seems that you are caring for all of her needs well enough. Do you hold a certain object, say its name, hold it by her and say, Does (her name) want the(item)? And then ask her to say the word. lt may work

My granddaughter turned two in May and is the same. Just is starting to talk. Told my son I’m sure she’ll make up for it later!

My daughter two and she talks some. She goes to speech and ot weekly. She will be having her 3rd hearing test next month.

My son was 6 weeks premature and didn’t sit up till 10 months. He didn’t walk until 18 months. His vocabulary was limited until he was 2 and a half.

My middle son barely talked at all until he started going to school. Now he won’t STOP talking! Lol wouldn’t hurt to mention to your doctor though.

My grandson was a late talker but once he started it was in sentences he’s never had any problems

My son is 2 although he knows a number of words from go away, stop, daddy, mommy, sister(her name too), thank you, sorry, can sing twinkle twinkle and baby shark and count to 5. However this all came within the last 2 months besides mommy and daddy furthermore he can hardly annunciate words and prefers to babble most times.

She will talk when she has something to day. Just keep.talking to her and read to her.

Ask your child to complete simple commands, like get your toy, take a drink of milk etc…you will see if she can hear you, and understand the words, if she can comply. If she cannot comply a hearing exam is in order. Also, have dr check if she is tongue tied, where the frenulim meets gumline on lower jaw. Hope this gives you a good starting point.

Perhaps she isn’t hearing well…Watch her reactions when you are speaking tp her

My daughter didnt talj until she was just over 2, after that i couldnt keep her quiet, my boys didnt talk until 3, and again couldnt keep them quiet, dont worry about, every child is different, when shes starts she wont stop and you will be wishing for those quiet moments, we are not all born the same

No. My little one is 2.5yo wasn’t talking at 2 then all of a sudden… expects me to interpret fifty million questions a day :joy: if you are worried, get them assessed just to ease your worry… then enjoy the quiet and start summoning your answers as to why the clouds are there, why that rock is black, why can’t I wear shorts in the middle of winter, why can’t I eat soup with a fork… and if you say I don’t know… God forbid they will want to know why you don’t know :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

My little one didn’t really start talking until 2.5yrs and now at almost 4 she does not shut up and can talk better than a lot of kids older than her.

SLP here- speech delays are not always a sign of autism, but a speech/language evaluation is still a good idea. She may be just fine, or she may have a receptive or expressive language disorder. An SLP can recommend treatment, or even just give you ideas for how to work with her at home. You can contact your county’s early intervention program for a free evaluation, or your pediatrician can guide you to a place for outpatient evaluation if you have insurance that will cover it.

My son talked late, he doesn’t have autism, he’s now an engineer. The 2 year thing is an average, there are those who talk earlier and those who talk later, it’s too soon to be concerned about this.

Read books together …Dr Seuss books are excellent for getting them to make the sounds of a word… I used this for deaf children

She could have a speech delay, you can ask her pediatrician for a referral to early intervention and they can get you the resources you need and go from there.

My daughter is almost 3 and just started talking about 6 months ago. Every child is different, but if you feel worried about the subject bring it up with the child’s pediatrician only they can fully answer those questions and get them resolved

Try changing what’s on your tv. Play child level language like dr Seuss books. My child was just talking to fast for anyone to understand.

My son couldn’t be properly understand til around 6 and was discharged from speech therapy at 7… he now doesn’t shut up! Don’t worry they do things in their own time xx

My son started speech therapy when he was 2 for same issue. He did it for a year and by the time he turned 3 he spoke and knew sign language. Today he is 16 and has no issues and does excellent in school.

No. My college roommate said she didn’t talk really at all until she was 5. She got her Masters and works for USDA.

I had a child who was a late talker. Like in pre school all she could or would say was ( after you had told her you did not undetstand) and I quote " ah shut for get it". I took she to eye doctor because I though she had lazy eye. We learned she had Dwayne’s syndrome and her problem with speech was part of the problem. Her had many years of speech therapy. I am not saying it is any thing speech delay with her. But do get checked it out I would not have know there was another problem. With extra help she graduated from high school and is a mother and has a job. When I was told she would never be able to read or pass school with the exception she can’t spell. Just like her mom. She is main streamed and is just like the rest if us. But there is more of a chance there is no problem but she is Wirth making sure. She is a winnet.

My son didn’t say anything until age 3 and now won’t stop talking. He never had a word phase. He just started in sentences.

Every kid learns at a different time. That is just a guide line to help. My daughter just woke up one day and started talking around 2.5.

My little lad is 3 and still can’t say many words , nothing wrong with late bloomers :heart:

I was a late talker. I didn’t say much until I was almost 4. And even then, it was only a few words. It wasn’t until 1st or 2nd grade that I really started talking, and people couldn’t shut me up.

My youngest brother didn’t start talking till 4. He went from not talking to talking in sentences. He’s so smart too. He’s now 20

My son didn’t talk until he was 3 And now he doesn’t shut up!!
Some kids are just slower than we think they should be.
Ask you Dr. Just to see what’s going is going on.

She could have apraxia. I would consult her pediatrician and get a speech referral.

I wouldn’t worry! I hardly said a word until I was about 3/4 and then I haven’t stopped talking since

Every child develops at their own pace. My son is almost 2 and is way more verbal than my almost 4 years old daughter. Both of my children are multilingual though, and in general, children that are multilingual don’t always start speaking in their base language for a few years. I did not start speaking fully until I was about 4 myself, so it really all depends on the child and what that child’s brain decides to work on first for development.

My son had speech therapy at about 2 and a half. He is perfectly fine now!

Never heard of the 50 word deal…. If the 2 year old has siblings don’t worry…. The 2 yr old is soaking it all in also allowing them to do the talking for them … happens all the time… my 2nd child would only say MaMa when he was sick or hurt n that was up till he was 3 1/2 … crazy part was he would say words to his siblings but not to adults :tipping_hand_woman::woman_facepalming:I eased dropped on him playing friends with his sister n the kid was a chatter box … he was very reserved around adults and @ home which drove me nuts … never a conversation :woman_facepalming:… he ended up a very good student,popular,innocent playful jokester with his football buddies :woman_facepalming: so you just never know … remember everyone blooms at different times be patient… stop putting a calendar :calendar: on him n enjoy the time you have because you’ll turn around n he’s grown :tipping_hand_woman:just saying :heart:

Is she an only child? Some kids observe more than they communicate and if there are no other siblings to battle for attention, they don’t find a need to converse much as their needs are met by the parents, before they have a need to ask. And if there are no siblings to play with, there is no need for conversation. If she is the youngest, she may be letting her siblings talk for her. My granddaughter didn’t speak because her older sister would ask her if she wanted something and then list off choices. When she hit on the right answer, my granddaughter would just nod or smile. If she is functioning well everywhere else, let her converse on her own. My daughter started telling my granddaughter to let her know when she wanted something and her siblings stopped speaking for her. She suddenly opened up when she got frustrated asked for what she wanted, and didn’t have a problem with her speech. She is still the quiet, shy one and speaks when she has something “important” to say. She is the watcher in the family and could probably make a good police officer, doctor or investigator.

At 2 my son would say some things, he went to “preschool” which is just the 3-4 year old class at his daycare and now he doest stop talking.

Might need checked out by a ear specialist. Sometimes there’s problems in their ears that stop them learning to speak. I know a few people who needed gromits put in and once done they caught up quick.

My son was the same way wouldn’t talk until kindergarten he also showed no other signs they had him tested for autism anyway they said he had aspergers … could be that he does but he talks and functions like any child his age now so we aren’t worried but we do watch for any new signs that he might start having as he ages

one Dr said kids do one thing at the time walk or other things kid do so give it a litle time

no concerns. children are individuals. pediatrician will assess at routine visits.

My oldest daughter was a late talker, but when she started, she started in sentences, and is now an MD.

My son didn’t start talking until 2.5 and he hasn’t stopped since🤣