Should I be upset my husband went to the gym after work without tell me?

So but I think u need to back off n grow up a lil wow he went to the gym n wasn’t home till 6 seriously an HR later lol…


You want me time, but he isn’t allowed to have any. Jeez.

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Honestly balancing work and life with a new baby is really hard! Cut him some slack but also communicate that you would like the opportunity to do that as well.

My husband leaves at 645. Gets home at 6ish, 7 if he grabs a drink with a buddy or hows to the gym. He often goes to the gym after work because eating right and working out are a big deal in our family. I too am a SAHM. But that’s a choice I made. We both deserve time with our son, who requires LOTS of care because he was born needing a few surgeries (so I fully understand feeling overwhelmed). But we also both deserve time away, and going to work isnt a break for him. I love that he takes care of himself and enjoys time away from us, and in turn he watches him some evenings and some weekend days for me to hang out with friends or go to the gym myself. In what way is it fair to him to always give you alone time in the evening if you cant do the same for him.

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I wouldn’t be angry about this. If he was home before 7 I wouldn’t really be worried even, I’d assume he got caught at work. I don’t know. It’s good to express your feelings to him that you’d rather he let you know in those cases, but it might feel more raw to you right now because your child is so young and you are at home with him all day. I understand that you also want the comfort and companionship of your husband. But maybe he just didn’t think of it, I’m not sure this is a malicious action from him. Talk to him about it. And maybe on the weekends you can help facilitate daddy/baby time. When the weather was better, my husband took our baby to the zoo every Saturday morning so that I could get a break. Maybe he can start a tradition with his child too that would give you some rest.

But I wouldn’t begrudge him wanting to go to the gym. If it’s true that you wouldn’t have wanted him to go do something that is pretty basic self-care, then I understand his point.

Communicate. He wasnt much later then usual. Let him know why you are upset. Come up with a plan so you both make out in the end.