Should I buy my sons father a Father's Day gift?-

My ex lets our daughter get me something every year for almost every holiday but Mother’s Day I’m spoiled. And it’s the same on my end for him. My daughter is allowed to get her daddy whatever she wants for holidays and Father’s Day. Some years she makes stuff other years she buys. We even buy stuff on Mother’s Day for her step mom. But that’s us. It’s teaching my kiddo that even though me and dad still fight every now and then or me and step mom fight every now and then I’ll
Still help her get them stuff and be there to support for my baby girl! And she’s 10


I would let my kid make him something if they asked to

Of course. Teach your son to be a caring child!

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Let your son buy his DAD a card, or :gift: gift. Not your dad

My sons dad and I both just let our son do something or choose something. Never extravagant but for us we usually text each other on the holidays, happy mothers/Father’s Day or birthdays. Depends on your guys relationship though. Mind you, we aren’t close what so ever we just have a lot of history and his parents raised me so we just try to be kind. ask your son what he would like to do! I think it’s nice for the child also.

Have ur son make him something or pick out a gift from him not u

You should. That’s still your kids Dad. If I wasn’t with my kids Dad, I’d still take them and let them get him something regardless if he got me anything from them or not.

You should worry about your current husband then forget your ex

Bring your child to get him something. Give him or her the responsibility of picking. Would also mean more

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Me and my ex always make sure our daughter has a gift for the other parent on holidays (I’m remarried and he’s not) but that doesn’t matter we just want our daughter to see we have a great co parent relationship and that she will never have to feel weird about any situation… like why did we buy for her step dad and not her real dad. It’s for her … not us


She always is given the option but she never chooses to make it get him anything. She ends up making and getting my husband something. I think the option should be given out of respect for the child and their feelings.

Yes. Give to your son to give to him

I would! Take your son shopping and have him pick out something for his Dad.

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Have your son draw or make him something. His response to Mother’s Day is lazy af though.
Don’t forget step dad too :heart:

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I took my step daughter to buy her mom a gift for Mother’s Day. I didn’t have to but it’s the thought and made them both happy. Id say yes, do it. Set that example for ur son :slightly_smiling_face: it’ll put a smile on their faces


Have your son make something or give him budget. It should come from the child not from u.


Is he a good dad ? Does he see the kid? If yes I’d take my kid to get him something

Being married to someone else has no meaning with this. If the dad is a good dad. Then yeah id have my kid get THEIR DAD something for fathers day. Of course the step dad too. But new husband doesnt over ride the kids other parent if both bio parents are active in the kids life.

l get paid over $177 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18953 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

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I don’t buy my ex husband anything. I buy my BF who I’ve been with for 2 yrs bonus dad gifts from my son. My ex is just a DNA donor. :person_tipping_hand::roll_eyes:

Something meaningful to his children, from your sons

My son, husband and I always buy for him for Father’s day, and vise versa for mother’s day. Personally, I enjoy helping my son with that, and I feel it’s important to encourage to keep that tradition going, BECAUSE that’s his dad. You do share a child together, and whether you’re together or not, you have something a lot of couples wish they could have. Embrace it.

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My kids are teens now but when they were little I did help out. He has a GF who could do it but she doesn’t unless my kids ask for a ride to where they want to get the gift. I usually order for them from Amazon and they give me the money now that they’re 15 and 17. He takes my daughter to pick me a plant for Mother’s Day. This year he took her to get me a gift card to my nail place. He pays. We’re good now though. We had a few rocky years where we didn’t do it at all for each other. I leave it up to my kids and then just support what they need but mine are older. Have him make a card or some other art project.

I would take my kids and let them pick something out for him ad he should do he same


Can’t believe you still care

Yes. Get him a nice card.

Your kid can give him something but you shouldn’t

Take the kid to get him something for sure

Your son will be happy giving his dad something for Father’s Day. That’s the important part. If you need to facilitate that, then yes.


My son’s dad has never helped my son get me a mother’s dad gift! (my mother has always helped my son get me something) with that said I’m not going to punish my child for his father being inconsiderate and never getting me anything. Two wrongs don’t make a right. so I every year help my son get his dad something for father’s day because regardless that’s his daddy and he loves him. He wants to give his daddy something just like all other kids do for their dad’s. It make him happy and excited getting to pick something out for his daddy and I’m not taking that from my child out of spite or pettiness.

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Nope and if he whines about it tell him it’s not your responsibility anymore

I’d bring your child to pick out something for help them make something for their dad.


Make it from your son. No big deal.

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I begrudge it BUT if my son wants to get his father a card then I do it for my son so my question is firstly how old is your child and if they are old enough to understand, so they want to make daddy a card?

If my son wants to buy his dad some thing then we buy it I let my son pick it out

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Depending on his age, 3+, I think it would be great to bring your son to the store and ask if he would like to get anything for his dad. You’re giving your son the opportunity to buy something special for his dad. Put a price limit of $10 or $20. It’s not about the gift, but who and why a gift is given/from.

Show him co-parenting exists. That even though you’re no longer with this dad, you care about their relationship together and care that he is loved by both parents.

Good luck!

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You’re ex is wrong you’re still the mother of his children he should honor that and celebrate you on mother’s day. Be the bigger person. Celebrate your children’s father on father’s day. Set an example for you’re kids.

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Yes but have your kid pick it out and it is ONLY from him


Yes. You are modeling good behavior for YOUR child.


It’s your child’s father so if he’s involved with your child then why not regardless


Have your son get him something


What’s the deal with all these what to do for Father’s Day letters :rofl:

You have answered your own question…:-1::england:

It would be a nice gesture but have it be from your son.

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Have your kids make him something.

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Well, how about letting your son give his dad a Father’s Day gift? To his father.

Let your child if they want to, otherwise, no.

If your son is still young… Yes… Even if he doesn’t do it for you… That is on him… But the best person for your Vợ Chồng Son

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Yes. Doesn’t matter what he does.

My sons r 28 n 33…their Dad n i divorced in 2001…until our sons were men we bought for each other. Now its a text or card.

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I always let my kids buy their dad something when they were little because it made them feel good to buy their dad something.

Buy it and have your son give it to him. Be the bigger person. Its your sons fathers day present to give his father.

Give him a gift from your son

Take your son with you and get him a card (from his son), a small gift if son wants to give him something. That’s all.

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Why would you get him something? Leave it be💁‍♂️

Help your kid make a card.

I always get my daughters dad something she is 13 and her dad and I have been divorced since she was 2


He seems petty but I’d be the bigger person and just get him something small from your son. It’s too bad he has that attitude.

It’s a gift from your son so yes buy him gift

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Your son should give his father a father’s day gift.

To me, what he did or didn’t do for you, on Mothers Day, is irrelevant.
You absolutely should get him a gift, from your son, to his father.
Simply because it’s the right thing to do.
The right thing for him to do would be to get you a gift, from your son, for Mother’s Day.
He didn’t, but that shouldn’t change what you do, because you doing the right thing shouldn’t be affected by someone else’s actions.


Dont buy him shit then

I would it’s not about the dad . But about you showing your child the way it should be .


Did I miss the age of the son?

Honestly yes. I get my oldest’s father something every year. I’m in a relationship and I still get him something and even if he was in a relationship I’d still get him something. We don’t have the easiest relationship BUT he’s my child’s father and I am appreciative of him because without him I wouldn’t have my child. He didn’t get me anything for Mother’s Day but honestly it didn’t really bother me. I help my child make him something and then allow him to pick something for his father at the store. Then I throw in something I also know he’d like. Just because you’re not in a romantic relationship anymore doesn’t mean you have to stop being kind.


Um definitely not. Like you said you are married now and it’s not your responsibility. Let your son pick out something and he can give it to him. Not you.

Buy a gift…your raising your child to be a respectful human being…support it…and forget about the fact he never got you anything for mother’s day.