I would talk to your child’s father honestly and privately before involving CPS.
My daughter was overdosed on her meds cpsdidnt even call me back they are doing nothing even though she almost died
No mind your business.!
And make sure YOUR kid(s) no not to wander or go outside alone EVER.
I would also get in touch with one of their neighbors and make sure your kid(s) is aware of neighbor and can go there for assistance or help if needed.
My point is, don’t blow this up from jump:100:
It sounds like they have a lot of children and for that their house should be a pig sty. Unless the have bugs and the floors are so bad you wouldn’t want to take your shoes off i think it sounds normal. I certainly hope no one calls cps on me because our house gets messy after my 8 in-home daycare kiddos leave. If it’s bad enough you wouldn’t want to take your shoes off or there’s bugs then i certainly wouldn’t understand why you’d leave your child there.
offer help with the cleanliness and offer to buy them a baby proof doorknob or high up latch. I’d offer help first
Why the heck is everyone so quick to call cps??!! Yes let’s get little kids who can’t communicate well into the system for god knows what to happen to them
Talk to bd and girlfriend about it!! Let them know you’re concerned for not only your daughter but all their kids safety! Don’t be condescending about it. Idk if that’s possible tho u seem not the best given cps is ur first go to
Yet you let your child go over there??
None of us can honestly answer this one without knowing the situation ourselves, cause its a very hard call. If you feel as though any of these things could result in injury or death for your child, or the other children liie the 4 yr old, then follow ur instincts. If you’re doing it cause you feel in ur heart it’s the best thing for them babies, there is a reason.
Cps is a pain, and should never be used for spite, but there are times when children really do need their help. If nothing else maybe it will inspire them to do better by them poor babies. If there isn’t a reason for them to interfere, they’ll only investigate and leave, but if those babies are in danger, you may be saving them. Follow ur mommy instincts.
Talk to them before u do it I have had someone do it to me for no reason at all mutiple times and once they come in it’s hard to get rid of them going through it again for no reason again
Definitely judgy in here considering this is SUPPOSED TO BE SUPPORT FOR MAMA’S!! DAMN SMH
Cps would probably not only take your ex’s kids but yours as well because you bought/left them there with him knowing this…be very careful around that
For the child being outside alone? Jesus Christ no. My 3 and 1.5yo are outside alone all the time. We live on pretty big property out in the country though. They go in and out as they please.
Cps is so over used. Call only if you believe the children are in actual danger. If you are worried about the child I’d mention something personally and not have strangers come to the house and cause a bunch of drama that isn’t needed. If cps needs to be called then that means things are bad enough to where your child shouldn’t even be sent there.
If the kid gets hit by a car than everyone to blame.
So why is your child allowed to go over to a pig sty?
Have you first offered to help them clean the house? And what’s wrong about children playing outside?
No I would talk to your ex first and if things don’t change then call CPS
Why not be an adult & talk to them? It’s so wrong to just call CPS on someone w/o at least trying to talk to them first! May be some mental illness(depression) is involved but your 1st thought is let me call CPS!? Disgusting!!
Personally I would try to communicate first. If not then make the call.
Why are women so bitter after a break up, every thing is CPS. Some on where really need to get over themselves
You seriously do not want CPS involved in your life if at all possible to avoid it.
No what go around will come back and get you and you won’t know what happened …
Honestly as a child from the system …. Make cps a last resort. Children’s lives are completely stripped from them in the system….
Maybe talk to him and offer some help. You don’t want to get CPS involved, they may take ALL the kids.
Maybe he is depressed. Definitely reach out to him and express your concerns.
Call the police! Reason is there is more documentation. CPS usually blows it off.
I would call COS if the child is in danger. Danger from environmental reasons, physical, emotional, sexual, or verbal abuse. If any needs are being neglected I would call.
Lack of supervision isn’t something tangible that can be proved. Sadly it’s not enough to get anyone’s attention to elicit action
No. Wow. Why don’t you try talking to him first. You must not be that concerned if you send your young daughter over there all the time. Also I’m assuming they live in a rural or country area based on the other details you gave
and a 4 year old child can play outside in their own yard while the parents are inside with proper timely tending to. Just because you see a kid alone outside doesn’t mean they are not being watched. If the child is in his yard leave these ppl alone. I just don’t trust that the inside of the house is really that bad if you’re still allowing g your child to go over there. Maybe its nit as clean as you’d keep a house but they also have a shot ton more young children than you have in your house. No definitely don’t call cps. Cps is for children. That are in danger or living in dangerous or dirty conditions. Just because someone lives less clean than you do doesn’t mean its dangerous or too dirty. You said pig sty not filthy disgusting dangerous mess. There’s a difference. All the little kids they have probably make the house a pig sty 2 hours after its been cleaned and scrubed. You can’t possibly imagine the mess 4 kids make compared to one kid unless you have that many. I clean my house every single day besides one day on the weekend and by Monday night before dinner you’d think I never clean my house. But I assure you all I ever do all day is clean. Maybe your catching them on their off day. Thats more than possible since your daughter is there amaybe they focus more on the kids than cleaning up after them the entire time she’s over.
If you feel it’s such an unsafe and unsanitary environment then why do you leave your child there? If you call
CPS they will want to know that.
No offer to help figure things out
Calling cps is a bitch move unless a child is on real physical danger
Have you bothered to offer to help? Or tried talking to them about it?
I think a conversation is in order, not a call.
Mind your own business
You’ll be involving your child in all of that if you do it. They’ll want to come to your house etc.
Mine the business that pays you if your not going to address the issue with them your petty Betty
Mind your own business
Yes yes yes call asap
Those kids might not be in a perfect situation now, but if cps takes them, they could go somewhere they are beat, raped, starved or neglected. Offer help or talk to him about it first. You never know if someone is trying their hardest and things still slip away on them.
If it was that bad why you leaving ypur kid there
Pray to God. Ask for a sign. You will know what the sign is, then make your decision.
As a mandated reporter we don’t ask ourselves “what if we are wrong” we ask ourselves “what if we are right?”
We are not trained experts to judge if neglect is happening, that’s why we report to the experts so they can go and investigate. If no neglect is happening, no harm is done, if there IS neglect then you’ve helped a child
No! Talk to them or even offer to help. Sheesh
Why not talk to him and see why this is happening and see if you can help? Rather then calling cps
Are they being abused or neglected?
ASK first please , kids don’t always go to safe places once they are taken .
It’s not your exes kids though lol and No talk first and find out what’s going on first. Parents these days smh would’ve hated the 80’s and 90’s where this is normal.
I would mind my own dang business
What’s up with all these postings lately about calling CPS… if you’re that bored, maybe just suck up wearing the mask and go back to work.
Before calling cps just have a conversation with her dad. Make it about your concern for your child.
My question is, if it’s horrible and nasty like you say, why do you leave your kid there??
In the mamas defense, that is her daughters dad. I’m sure she wants to see him. I feel maybe she doesn’t want to cause problems and maybe she wasn’t sure if it was that big of a deal. She is looking for advice, not to be questioned why she is leaving her there. We don’t know the whole story. We shouldn’t judge anyone who is looking for advice. Just saying love to all💕
Mind your own business. Is your daughter cared for and being treated like she should be. It’s not your house so unless she’s in danger but out
In my experience, cyf has caused more harm than help
That aside, if it’s so bad why do you still allow your children there? Along with that, if you call on them make sure you’re spotless because they’ll come to your house next.
Maybe talk to the adults first.
Ps. Her child is her business just saying not looking to argue
You can always do a well check
All of those saying yes call have obviously never been a foster kid. Its the fucking worst. Maybe help instead of throwing kids into an unsafe situation like cps. Some advice from a former foster kid who had someone like you tried to “help”
Talk to them first. Offer to help clean up if y’all are on decent terms. Sometimes things just get overwhelming and a helping hand goes further than punishment.
“Why do u leave ur kid there?!” When you have a court order, you have ZERO choice… that’s why
Let CPS investigate. If they find nothings wrong then they’ve got nothing to worry about. If they do, you did the kids a favour. Just please be willing to take those children in if they’re taken away
No, they will never get rid of cps, what if there’s nothing wrong?
Stop being bitter, be a friend and ask if they need help with cleaning, shopping, babysitting, even just a talk. Or you can but out, if your so worried why you still letting your kid go round? There’s no way you saw the house just once and only just found out
It depends. Look inside yourself for your true motives. Are you calling because you are genuinely worried about the children in that house? Or are you being nosy and just pissy because your ex is an asshole and so now you think you should call? I am NOT accusing you of anything before anyone wants to jump down my throat.
Look at your motives and make the decision. Also if you report anonymously CPS can then come to YOUR home for a welfare check on your home. Just keep that in mind too
If a child is in danger then yes, but if it’s just a bitter ex thing, don’t use CPS as a bully mechanism. People are so quick to call in for bitterness vs actually child endangerment.
Someone seems bitter. This is why y’all should be careful who you have kids with. They’ll do anything to be spiteful.
You’re not concerned as much as your angry and trying to punish your ex.
If it’s so dirty and neglectful. Your just as bad for continuing to drop your kid off there. Court order or not, continuing to bring a child to a dirty home is also neglectful by the mothers behalf. There’s no way you only walked in once and “just found out”.
But now if you don’t do anything and Something Happens you’re going to feel guilty about it for the rest of your life .have somebody do a well check and cross your fingers they get a good worker.And be ready to help with the kids so they don’t go into foster care
You can not be that concerned
You send your daughter there.
If it was such a neglectful abusive environment then your daughter would also be at risk as well as included in that report… since she goes there too
As a social worker, I highly suggest you call. The home can be cleaned up but the 4 year old shouldn’t be wondering around by himself.
There is alot I could say on this really, but if the kids are happy, fed, have what they need, and not in danger, leave them alone. I have 4 kids and it’s alot of work trying to keep up.
YES, DEFINITELY!!! You definitely need to call CPS, because that is totally NOT good at all!!!
I would not want my kid there
I think you need to stop and think, what is your motivation? What are you hoping for the outcome? What concerns you the most? Are the children safe? If your honest to goodness concerned for the children’s welfare and only hope CPS will help them to see the place isn’t healthy the way it is and assist them to become better parents and provide a safer and healthier home, then the answer is yes, if you are hoping for punishment then your motives are off, but no matter the motives if the kids are in serious health issues or danger then the answer is yes, call
Bbb be n we j see b try i j
And you send your daughter there? Should we call DCF on you to for now knowingly allowing your daughter to be in that environment?
Maybe verbally let them know their son is out side alone on more the one occasion maybe suggest a baby gate, cps won’t do anything if the house Is just dirty unless there’s human or animal feces laying around in the house
Well if it’s that bad you’re putting your daughter in danger!!
Sounds like to me you just want to start trouble!
I’m trying to figure out how everyone else is assuming they are a bitter ex… Also twisting it around to make them look like a bad person for allowing the child to go over there. Does anyone know what state they are in? In some cases in different states, you can not refuse visitation if its a court agreement. If you are concerned then yes, having a 4 year old just wandering alone outside, in the world we live in now days, alone, definitely call.
Your no better letting your daughter go there if its so nasty to the point you want to call on them. Also if the 4 year old is alone outside is your daughter also? Why don’t you talk to them instead of being a nasty person. These kids lifes could be turned upside down because of you!
Discuss it with him and let him know the kids can get sick that way
Quit sending your child… the four year old wondering by itself. And you have no idea what can happen to your child either.
I love everyone in this thread. I just would never call dss on anyone that I have a relationship with . I know some folks with filthy homes but they are good people who mean well . Now unless there is abuse or sexual molestation im going to protect the child then of course ! But I dont want that karma . And I love how most of these women have brought up that uts good enough for you to send your kid there
If you talk to them about it and they don’t seem to care that it’s for the kids health or safety then yeah, I’d call. That way if they’re struggling and need help you can offer it but if they just genuinely don’t care that this isn’t healthy or safe then call
I might, but Idon’t think I would be very happy about having my daughter staying there.
Would you be able to live with yourself if something tragic happened to that baby? Because the reality is that something most definitely could. If nothing else do it for that reason alone.
For the previous comments telling you not to; they don’t remove kids unless it’s unavoidable and nothing you’ve mentioned says that that would be the outcome. If anything it might be a wake up call they need before something awful happens.
Mind your friggin business unless you have proof!
I have experience with someone calling CPS on me and being investigated for something that was absolutely not true and I would never wish it on anyone.
I’m just curious as to why people open themselves up to this…it’s Facebook…you might get a few who agree with whatever it is you believe but most times it’s people against you. You clearly made your decision so do you.
I’ll be on the phone so fast. Yeah no nobody wants a visit from CPS but in this case. They need a visit.
I think you should be concerned about your own child’s welfare not his brothers cousins girlfriends brothers kid … for real tho
No I would never call CPS on anyone CPS never helps they hinder I would never wish that on anybody if you don’t fit there narrative they lie brainwash your kiddos and medicate them into submission one lie can ruin lives
I would never call cps on anyone
But what i would do is talk to the ex and tell him he needs to get.it together at his house or you wont allow your daughter over there either.
Not everyone lives the same. Unless the children are in immediate danger you dont call CPS.
I’d immediately file with the courts to stop my daughter from going over there. Let the courts investigate it.
If a person even thinks a child is in danger, they SHOULD call! DFCS can decide if it is safe or not. So, you’re off the hook. Children are worth protecting. Plus, they can decide if your kid is safe too, because you apparently aren’t worried. If the place is unsafe, it’s unsafe!
Have you talked to your ex reguarding your concerns
If my 4 year old were alone outside, there would be a problem.
Cps is a joke and probably won’t do shit. Sadly.
I feel like most people (not me, so don’t come for me) let their 4 year olds run about. We have 4 year olds that run all over our neighborhood. It’s old enough to know to watch the road and whatnot (yes I know bad things can happen that’s why I wouldn’t I’m just saying) I don’t think CPS would have a single care for that. As for the house, I would offer to help clean, I’d say something along the lines of “I know you got a lot of people, a lot on your plate, I would feel more comfortable with our daughter having a clean place to be when she’s with you, do you mind if I help clean the house up?” I wouldn’t cps, especially on your ex, It’s the adult children that seem to be the issue.
No. It may look bad & I’m sure it is but in reality being ripped from your family, forced to live with strangers is going to be far more damaging to those kids than living a dirty house. Stop trying to punish your ex & his son then claiming concern for children. If you’re truly concerned for the kids you wouldn’t be trying to hurt them.
If it’s that bad then I would file a parenting time change with the courts. Take pictures with you & tell the judge you’re concerned for your DAUGHTER’S safety there. If someone does call CPS & they learn your child goes there they will investigate you for failure to protect.
Nope I would just mind my buisness because if tables were turned you wouldnt like it if someone called CPS on you for something.